Cruz Booed Off Stage At Christian Event

So how many wingnuts on here actually think this guy is gonna be President?

Change the subject? Why in the world would a elected US Representative be booed off the stage when he spoke about the strong US alliance with Israel in front of an audience that supports Israel? The only logical conclusion is that dirty tricks hate groups infiltrated the audience.

Or maybe it's because they're also Arabs and as such aren't too fond of Israel, be they Christian, Muslim or Pastafarian. But hey, you can let your tin-foil be your guide.

And my question still stands. :)

Arabs? The IDC claims that the name is based on a letter about persecution of Jews. The mission statement claims that the IDC is committed to defending Jews from persecution in the Mid East. Why in the world would anti Jewish Arabs want to join such an organization or attend a meeting? Maybe they were invited.

AINA interviewed several conference attendees after the event and most said that they were there to discuss the plight of the Christians in Iraq, not the Israel-Hamas conflict, and they resented the senator's attempt to "hijack" the summit.

American Christian wingnuts don't speak for all Christians. They don't seem to grasp that.


In Defense of Christians President Toufic Baaklini issued the following statement in response to a disruption at the Inaugural Summit Gala Dinner:

As Cardinal Rai so eloquently put it to the attendees of the In Defense of Christians' inaugural Summit gala dinner: 'At every wedding, there are a few wedding crashers.' In this case, a few politically motivated opportunists chose to divide a room that for more than 48 hours sought unity in opposing the shared threat of genocide, faced not only by our Christian brothers and sisters, but our Jewish brothers and sisters and people of other all other faiths and all people of good will.

Tonight's injection of politics when the focus should have been on unity and faith, momentarily played into the hands of a few who do not adhere to IDC's principles. They were made no longer welcome.

When we set out to form In Defense of Christians, many in the foreign policy and faith-based communities said such an effort was impossible. That it would be too difficult to bring such a diverse group of Christian sects, religious and human rights organizations together to draw attention not only to the plight of the deteriorating situation facing our Christians brothers and sisters, but also to the plight of all people of faith, in the Middle East who are suffering.

For more than 48 hours, our initial IDC conference was successfully bridging divides of faith, language, geography and politics. It has not been easy, and not without challenges. Tonight's events make clearer than ever, that the In Defense of Christians is desperately needed in a world that remains divided to the point where even the most fundamental value of life and human dignity are cast aside.

Senator Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At In Defense of Christians Summit

Note that while IDC backs up the claim that it was a few disruptors, they also take a swipe at the asshole Senator from Texas for bringing up the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Wedding crashers? Is it alleged that Cruz wasn't invited or does Toufic Baakilini not understand western concepts like wedding crashers? Was Cruz invited and intentionally disrespected because he is a republican and reminded the IDC of their commitment to Jews? Didn't they review his scripted speech? Nothing else makes any sense unless you consider that it was a setup.

Another possibility is the event planners not understanding their own audience.

Or how about the possibility Cruz KNEW he'd be going into a Lion's Den but felt he needed to extend to these folks the hand of friendship.

He knew he was going to have a mixed audience. Part hostile and part welcoming.

He was maybe trying to make a statement to those folks as well as folks in the M.E. and he also probably wanted to utter that killer line!

It is killer!

And it will kill in the campaign!

"If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews then I will not stand with you!"
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So how many wingnuts on here actually think this guy is gonna be President?

What a nightmare that would be. He's so damn simple minded and so inexperienced at just about everything. And, he travels with other simpletons ...


Cruz is a Princeton- and Harvard-educated legal scholar, graduating magna cum laude with a Juris Doctorate. He was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics at Harvard, a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the winner of the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship, a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, and clerked at both the Appeals level and at the Supreme Court level for the Chief Justice. He's successfully argued before the Supreme Court as the Solicitor General of Texas and has handily embarrassed several Democrats in debate in the Senate chamber.

The man is brilliant. Get real.
Ted Cruz Gets Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Event

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was booed off the stage at an event hosted by a Christian organization in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday night.

The conservative firebrand delivered the keynote address at an event hosted by In Defense of Christians, an organization that raises awareness of persecuted Christian and minority communities in the Middle East. But the audience turned hostile when Cruz said, "Christians have no greater ally than Israel."

"I will say this: I'm saddened to see that some here, not everyone, are so consumed with hate," he said, as more members in attendance began to boo. "I will say this: If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you. Thank you, and God bless you," he said, before walking off the stage.

According to The Daily Caller, IDC Executive Director Andrew Doran then came on the stage and said, "For the love of God, we're here to talk about Christians and we're here to be united."
Way to misread your audience.

Way to get suckered by the title of the OP and not to watch the video!

Cruz wasn't booed off that stage. He stood his ground and confronted the anti-Semites in that audience as many applauded him, telling the others flat-out that if they did not deplore the persecution of Jews and support Israel, he did not support them.
Did the dirty tricks democrats stack the audience for the IDC event in Washington just to try to embarrass a republican? The IDC took it's name from a letter describing the persecution of the Jews in Germany. The IDC manifest claims that they also represent Jews who are persecuted in the Mid East. Why the hell would they boo a republican who affirms our alliance with the Jewish people unless the IDC was infiltrated by democrat party affiliated hate groups?

more than likely
if it had been done to Obama we'd be seeing heads exploding all over the board
this has already been POSTED
Republicans just don't have the stomach or the support for dirty tricks the way the democrats do it.

Yeah, that's got to be it.

Is there no end to the lies you RW fools are willing to gobble up in order to avoid just facing FACTS?

As noted above, Cruz the radical RW jackass, misjudged his audience and paid the price for it. If he had been at an anti-American rally, he would have been embraced as a hero.

Bull! Cruz confronted. He doesn't pander. The bigoted idiots who booed are the losers, you obtuse, morally bankrupt loser.
So how many wingnuts on here actually think this guy is gonna be President?

What a nightmare that would be. He's so damn simple minded and so inexperienced at just about everything. And, he travels with other simpletons ...


Cruz is a Princeton- and Harvard-educated legal scholar, graduating magna cum laude with a Juris Doctorate. He was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics at Harvard, a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the winner of the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship, a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, and clerked at both the Appeals level and at the Supreme Court level for the Chief Justice. He's successfully argued before the Supreme Court as the Solicitor General of Texas and has handily embarrassed several Democrats in debate in the Senate chamber.

The man is brilliant. Get real.
if bullshiting the stupid and paranoid is brilliant, then you're right.
"f you will not stand with Israel and the Jews then I will not stand with you"....Ted Cruz. Now that's a politician with balls. Rare in this political climate. Kudos to Senator Cruz.
Yeah....apparently we are subservient to the state of Israel.
how , why do you say subservient Bodeca ?? Sounds to me that Ted is just cutting off support to the booers in the event that he spoke at and is just saying that he supports Israel .
how , why do you say subservient Bodeca ?? Sounds to me that Ted is just cutting off support to the booers in the event that he spoke at and is just saying that he supports Israel .
cruz will say anything to get elected....if you can't smell the sickness of this man you need to see a doctor.
Teds a good guy Daws , probably the best of current politicians of any party in my opinion but you haven't answered the question that I asked . As far as Ted having a Sickness , I guess that that's your opinion .
Teds a good guy Daws , probably the best of current politicians of any party in my opinion but you haven't answered the question that I asked . As far as Ted having a Sickness , I guess that that's your opinion .
ted cruz is a fraud... ted does not have a sickness he is sickness itself..
So how many wingnuts on here actually think this guy is gonna be President?

What a nightmare that would be. He's so damn simple minded and so inexperienced at just about everything. And, he travels with other simpletons ...


Cruz is a Princeton- and Harvard-educated legal scholar, graduating magna cum laude with a Juris Doctorate. He was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics at Harvard, a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the winner of the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship, a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, and clerked at both the Appeals level and at the Supreme Court level for the Chief Justice. He's successfully argued before the Supreme Court as the Solicitor General of Texas and has handily embarrassed several Democrats in debate in the Senate chamber.

The man is brilliant. Get real.
if bullshiting the stupid and paranoid is brilliant, then you're right.

You're an imbecile.

imbecile - Dictionary Definition :
imbecile - Dictionary Definition
If your best friend calls you an imbecile, he's implying that you're stupid, and he's probably pretty angry with you. An imbecile is an extremely stupid person.
Surprisingly Bill Maher has a few words about Christians and Islam.... Isn't he supposed to be one of the liberals smartest pundits....Billy ZERO said so in another thread!

So how many wingnuts on here actually think this guy is gonna be President?

What a nightmare that would be. He's so damn simple minded and so inexperienced at just about everything. And, he travels with other simpletons ...


Cruz is a Princeton- and Harvard-educated legal scholar, graduating magna cum laude with a Juris Doctorate. He was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics at Harvard, a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the winner of the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship, a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, and clerked at both the Appeals level and at the Supreme Court level for the Chief Justice. He's successfully argued before the Supreme Court as the Solicitor General of Texas and has handily embarrassed several Democrats in debate in the Senate chamber.

The man is brilliant. Get real.
if bullshiting the stupid and paranoid is brilliant, then you're right.

Examples of his alleged duplicity?
another opinion ehh Daws ??
statement of fact.
on c span thursday he made false and erroneous statements about a bill concerning campaign spending.
he said it was a democratic move to destroy 1st amendment rights.the statement were so wacky that another senator said " I feel like I'm in an alternate universe".
Last edited:
So how many wingnuts on here actually think this guy is gonna be President?

What a nightmare that would be. He's so damn simple minded and so inexperienced at just about everything. And, he travels with other simpletons ...


Cruz is a Princeton- and Harvard-educated legal scholar, graduating magna cum laude with a Juris Doctorate. He was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics at Harvard, a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the winner of the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship, a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, and clerked at both the Appeals level and at the Supreme Court level for the Chief Justice. He's successfully argued before the Supreme Court as the Solicitor General of Texas and has handily embarrassed several Democrats in debate in the Senate chamber.

The man is brilliant. Get real.
if bullshiting the stupid and paranoid is brilliant, then you're right.

You're an imbecile.

imbecile - Dictionary Definition :
imbecile - Dictionary Definition
If your best friend calls you an imbecile, he's implying that you're stupid, and he's probably pretty angry with you. An imbecile is an extremely stupid person.
thanks, that puts me a million rungs up the evolutionary ladder from where you are.
Surprisingly Bill Maher has a few words about Christians and Islam.... Isn't he supposed to be one of the liberals smartest pundits....Billy ZERO said so in another thread!

So how many wingnuts on here actually think this guy is gonna be President?

What a nightmare that would be. He's so damn simple minded and so inexperienced at just about everything. And, he travels with other simpletons ...


Cruz is a Princeton- and Harvard-educated legal scholar, graduating magna cum laude with a Juris Doctorate. He was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics at Harvard, a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the winner of the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship, a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, and clerked at both the Appeals level and at the Supreme Court level for the Chief Justice. He's successfully argued before the Supreme Court as the Solicitor General of Texas and has handily embarrassed several Democrats in debate in the Senate chamber.

The man is brilliant. Get real.
if bullshiting the stupid and paranoid is brilliant, then you're right.

Examples of his alleged duplicity?
A typical leftist setup. Gather a bunch of Arabs together, call it a "Christian Event", and have them boo the GOP candidate they fear the most in an attempt to make it look like Christians don't support him. Obviously designed for the consumption of the easily fooled.
A typical leftist setup. Gather a bunch of Arabs together, call it a "Christian Event", and have them boo the GOP candidate they fear the most in an attempt to make it look like Christians don't support him. Obviously designed for the consumption of the easily fooled.
that's one way to look at it . false as it is...

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