Cruz Campaign Under Fire for Sending Iowans Controversial Letter


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Cruz Campaign Under Fire for Sending Iowans Controversial Letter

Ted Cruz's campaign is under fire for a mailer it sent out in Iowa that is designed to look like an official government document.
The mailers tell the recipients they have a "voting violation" for failing to caucus in previous elections, and grades them on an A to F basis, Politico reports. The paper has the words "official public record at the top," and also includes actual names of the recipients neighbors.

Republican Secretary of State Paul Pate slammed the campaign, saying the mailer "misrepresents the role of my office, and worse, misrepresents Iowa election law.”
“There is no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting,” he continued in a statement. “Any insinuation or statement to the contrary is wrong and I believe it is not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa caucuses.”
Cruz Campaign Under Fire for Sending Iowans Controversial Letter
Stupid move.

I don't particularly like it. but it wouldn't stop me from voting him. I want to hear his explanation for it or did someone else send them out?
Is what Cruz did an example of reverse racism?
No, he was coercing people to go to the caucuses by dishonestly implying it was the election committee posting that information. I actually think he could get into real trouble with that. He put "Official" at the top of the notice.
I don't particularly like it. but it wouldn't stop me from voting him. I want to hear his explanation for it or did someone else send them out?
The Latest: Cruz defends 'voting violation' mailer
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is defending a campaign mailer that Iowa's secretary of state says misrepresents election law.
The mailer bills itself as a "voting violation" notice and tells the recipient it's been sent due to "low expected voter turnout in your area." It then grades the recipient's voting history and that of several neighbors, citing public records.
Cruz told reporters in Sioux City, Iowa, on Saturday that the mailing is "routine."
He says he won't apologize for "using every tool we can" to encourage Iowa residents to vote.
Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate says in a statement that there's "no such thing" as an election violation related to voting frequency and that insinuating otherwise is "not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses."

Cruz Campaign Under Fire for Sending Iowans Controversial Lette
Is what Cruz did an example of reverse racism?
No, he was coercing people to go to the caucuses by dishonestly implying it was the election committee posting that information. I actually think he could get into real trouble with that. He put "Official" at the top of the notice.
He wasn't Coercing people. But I don't know why he approved of this.
I don't particularly like it. but it wouldn't stop me from voting him. I want to hear his explanation for it or did someone else send them out?
The Latest: Cruz defends 'voting violation' mailer
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is defending a campaign mailer that Iowa's secretary of state says misrepresents election law.
The mailer bills itself as a "voting violation" notice and tells the recipient it's been sent due to "low expected voter turnout in your area." It then grades the recipient's voting history and that of several neighbors, citing public records.
Cruz told reporters in Sioux City, Iowa, on Saturday that the mailing is "routine."
He says he won't apologize for "using every tool we can" to encourage Iowa residents to vote.
Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate says in a statement that there's "no such thing" as an election violation related to voting frequency and that insinuating otherwise is "not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses."

Cruz Campaign Under Fire for Sending Iowans Controversial Lette

It's not something new. It's been done before so I don't know why everyone has their panties all bunched up. only Time will tell I guess
Is what Cruz did an example of reverse racism?
No, he was coercing people to go to the caucuses by dishonestly implying it was the election committee posting that information. I actually think he could get into real trouble with that. He put "Official" at the top of the notice.

But that's what some white candidates do in minority neighborhoods. But this time it's the opposite :lmao:
I don't particularly like it. but it wouldn't stop me from voting him. I want to hear his explanation for it or did someone else send them out?
The Latest: Cruz defends 'voting violation' mailer
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is defending a campaign mailer that Iowa's secretary of state says misrepresents election law.
The mailer bills itself as a "voting violation" notice and tells the recipient it's been sent due to "low expected voter turnout in your area." It then grades the recipient's voting history and that of several neighbors, citing public records.
Cruz told reporters in Sioux City, Iowa, on Saturday that the mailing is "routine."
He says he won't apologize for "using every tool we can" to encourage Iowa residents to vote.
Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate says in a statement that there's "no such thing" as an election violation related to voting frequency and that insinuating otherwise is "not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses."

Cruz Campaign Under Fire for Sending Iowans Controversial Lette

It's not something new. It's been done before so I don't know why everyone has their panties all bunched up. only Time will tell I guess
My impression is that he has put the voting records of the people's neighbors and the person he's sending it to. I personally would be pissed if my neighbors received notices with my voting record. It's none of their business.
I tried searching for when these mailers have been used before. And on Yahoo search all they have, is five pages about Ted Cruz. that is real unbiased eh?
I tried searching for when these mailers have been used before. And on Yahoo search all they have, is five pages about Ted Cruz. that is real unbiased eh?
Were they all negative? I usually don't think of Yahoo as being left or right.
I tried searching for when these mailers have been used before. And on Yahoo search all they have, is five pages about Ted Cruz. that is real unbiased eh?
Were they all negative? I usually don't think of Yahoo as being left or right.
I don't particularly like it. but it wouldn't stop me from voting him. I want to hear his explanation for it or did someone else send them out?
The Latest: Cruz defends 'voting violation' mailer
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is defending a campaign mailer that Iowa's secretary of state says misrepresents election law.
The mailer bills itself as a "voting violation" notice and tells the recipient it's been sent due to "low expected voter turnout in your area." It then grades the recipient's voting history and that of several neighbors, citing public records.
Cruz told reporters in Sioux City, Iowa, on Saturday that the mailing is "routine."
He says he won't apologize for "using every tool we can" to encourage Iowa residents to vote.
Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate says in a statement that there's "no such thing" as an election violation related to voting frequency and that insinuating otherwise is "not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses."

Cruz Campaign Under Fire for Sending Iowans Controversial Lette

It's not something new. It's been done before so I don't know why everyone has their panties all bunched up. only Time will tell I guess
My impression is that he has put the voting records of the people's neighbors and the person he's sending it to. I personally would be pissed if my neighbors received notices with my voting record. It's none of their business.

I don't like it. I don't why he would approve of that. I'm still deciding between two of them. I like the fact Cruz is so knowledgeable on our Constitution. But he's not like Trump that's for sure.
Making public records THAT public is not smart. Remember when that New York paper published the public records of gun owners?
Legal or not it was NOT smart.
Is what Cruz did an example of reverse racism?
No, he was coercing people to go to the caucuses by dishonestly implying it was the election committee posting that information. I actually think he could get into real trouble with that. He put "Official" at the top of the notice.
He wasn't Coercing people. But I don't know why he approved of this.

This is really an unforced error by Cruz. I have had nothing but good things to say about Ted this entire election cycle...but this is a dirty trick and really ticks me off.

I suspect it will tick off a bunch of Iowa Caucus goers as well.
I tried searching for when these mailers have been used before. And on Yahoo search all they have, is five pages about Ted Cruz. that is real unbiased eh?

That happens to me a lot too...if you are using Google...try using "search tools" at the end of the task bar that starts with "all...images...videos..." and set a custom range of dates that starts (or ends, however you want to look at it) before this blew up.
Is what Cruz did an example of reverse racism?
No, he was coercing people to go to the caucuses by dishonestly implying it was the election committee posting that information. I actually think he could get into real trouble with that. He put "Official" at the top of the notice.
He wasn't Coercing people. But I don't know why he approved of this.

This is really an unforced error by Cruz. I have had nothing but good things to say about Ted this entire election cycle...but this is a dirty trick and really ticks me off.

I suspect it will tick off a bunch of Iowa Caucus goers as well.
I think its going to back fire and those folks will not go Hillary OR Bernie. They will go Trump.
We should be so lucky. Then some ambitious young officer might do us a favor and shoot the Dago bastard!

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