Cruz Campaign Under Fire for Sending Iowans Controversial Letter

Ummmm ... I believe "dago" is generally used as a slang reference to Italians ... at least it used to be.
i like cruz less and less every day

he appears to be nothing more then another

washington player
i like cruz less and less every day

he appears to be nothing more then another

washington player

I agree. I don't even like the way he speaks. Every time he opens his mouth, I expect to hear "Friend, Romans and countrymen" or something like that. He's too phony for me. It's like he thinks he's an actor in a movie or something.
I tried searching for when these mailers have been used before. And on Yahoo search all they have, is five pages about Ted Cruz. that is real unbiased eh?

That happens to me a lot too...if you are using Google...try using "search tools" at the end of the task bar that starts with "all...images...videos..." and set a custom range of dates that starts (or ends, however you want to look at it) before this blew up.

I think google is biased. Many times I go to Bing and get better results for things concerning politics.
Is what Cruz did an example of reverse racism?
No, he was coercing people to go to the caucuses by dishonestly implying it was the election committee posting that information. I actually think he could get into real trouble with that. He put "Official" at the top of the notice.
He wasn't Coercing people. But I don't know why he approved of this.

This is really an unforced error by Cruz. I have had nothing but good things to say about Ted this entire election cycle...but this is a dirty trick and really ticks me off.

I suspect it will tick off a bunch of Iowa Caucus goers as well.

It's reflective of his performance in the last debate. He's trying way too hard now.
i like cruz less and less every day

he appears to be nothing more then another

washington player

I agree. I don't even like the way he speaks. Every time he opens his mouth, I expect to hear "Friend, Romans and countrymen" or something like that. He's too phony for me. It's like he thinks he's an actor in a movie or something.

he has made the same deal with McConnell that he complains that rubio made

recently it has become known that the attorney for Mcconoll

has set up a super pac for Cruz
I tried searching for when these mailers have been used before. And on Yahoo search all they have, is five pages about Ted Cruz. that is real unbiased eh?

That happens to me a lot too...if you are using Google...try using "search tools" at the end of the task bar that starts with "all...images...videos..." and set a custom range of dates that starts (or ends, however you want to look at it) before this blew up.

thank you dear. I'll check it out
Is what Cruz did an example of reverse racism?
No, he was coercing people to go to the caucuses by dishonestly implying it was the election committee posting that information. I actually think he could get into real trouble with that. He put "Official" at the top of the notice.
He wasn't Coercing people. But I don't know why he approved of this.

This is really an unforced error by Cruz. I have had nothing but good things to say about Ted this entire election cycle...but this is a dirty trick and really ticks me off.

I suspect it will tick off a bunch of Iowa Caucus goers as well.
I think its going to back fire and those folks will not go Hillary OR Bernie. They will go Trump.

It could hurt him a little, but I don't think a mailer is going to change a lot of peoples minds, just because of who the Democrats have running and they aren't going to take that chance those (the corrupted old hag and the career politician Socialist/Communist admirer) will get in again.
I tried searching for when these mailers have been used before. And on Yahoo search all they have, is five pages about Ted Cruz. that is real unbiased eh?

That happens to me a lot too...if you are using Google...try using "search tools" at the end of the task bar that starts with "all...images...videos..." and set a custom range of dates that starts (or ends, however you want to look at it) before this blew up.

I think google is biased. Many times I go to Bing and get better results for things concerning politics.

yep, google is very biased. Yahoo has went that way too it seems. I like Bing, I'll have to remember to use them.
I tried searching for when these mailers have been used before. And on Yahoo search all they have, is five pages about Ted Cruz. that is real unbiased eh?

That happens to me a lot too...if you are using Google...try using "search tools" at the end of the task bar that starts with "all...images...videos..." and set a custom range of dates that starts (or ends, however you want to look at it) before this blew up.

I think google is biased. Many times I go to Bing and get better results for things concerning politics.

yep, google is very biased. Yahoo has went that way too it seems. I like Bing, I'll have to remember to use them.

Especially for videos. Goggle is in bed with Youtube so it's kind of limited that way unless you go to specific video sites and then search. That's a pain in the neck. I would just rather an engine finds me all the videos for the search criteria I type in.
The best way to get people out to vote is personal contact, a real person knocking on your door. However, that's extremely manpower-intensive and often not realistic. The second best way is ... shaming. Going negative has better results than going positive. And that can be done by mail, cheaply. However, you've got to do it smartly. Cruz didn't. You need give a little nudge, not a smack in the face.

And if you couldn't find any previous stories of it, you weren't using the right search terms. This article talks about both liberal (MoveOn) and conservative groups using the tactic in 2012, and getting slammed for it.

Shaming voters to vote: How groups use peer pressure

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