Cruz Introduces Legislation to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a 'Terrorist' Group


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Ted Cruz Introduces Bill To Designate Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Organization

The Muslim Brotherhood has already been labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. Egypt is considering imposing a death sentence on Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former president who was ousted in military coup in July 2013. (Morsi called Israelis pigs, called for their deaths, and allowed violence against Christians in Egyp once he became President.)

DESPITE these allies having labeled the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, President Obama and Valerie Jarrett, who will NEVER allow this legislation pass, have affected the infiltration of this group into both the U.S. Government and military.

Link: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Infiltration Of The American Government

The Muslim Brotherhood is an international political and financial terrorist movement whose goal is to establish a global Islamic State (Caliphate). It has:
  • And continues to exert tremendous influence over the American government’s foreign and domestic policies under President Barack Hussein Obama,

  • Effectively controlled American foreign policy, orchestrating and funding violence throughout the Middle East and across North Africa,

  • And continues to operate through various “civic,” “non-profit” “religious organizations” that are front groups for terrorism and significantly fund “operational costs” to advance Islamic ideology in American institutions like Georgetown University and the Brookings Institution.
LINK: Sharia Advisors – Barack Obama's Muslim Appointees in High Security Positions -

Arif Alikhan – Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

- SNOPES.COM CONFIRMS: Obama Appoints 2 Devout Muslims to Homeland Security Posts ; Obama and Janet Nappy Appoint Devout Muslim to Homeland Security Post; Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development…Kareem Shora, who was born in Damascus, Syria was appointed by DHS Secretary Napolitano on Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC)

Mohammed Elibiary – Homeland Security Adviser
  • Islamic cleric

  • Admirer of the late Ayatollah Khomeini

  • Has advised numerous law-enforcement organizations on homeland security-related matters

  • Was named to President Obama’s Homeland Security Advisory Council in 2010
  • Misused classified documents (sOUNDS LIKE Hillary) in an effort to promote the notion that “Islamophobia” was widespread (Broke the Law)

Rashad Hussain – Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)

In October 2000, Hussain spoke at a conference sponsored by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists and Georgetown University’s Prince Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding. Titled “Islam, Pluralism, and Democracy,” this gathering featured appearances by numerous leaders of the global Muslim Brotherhood, including such notables as Louay Safi, Jamal Barzinji, Hisham Al-Talib, and Abdul Hamid Abu Sulayman.

- In June 2002, Hussain participated in a Congressional Staffers panel at the American Muslim Council‘s (AMC) 11th annual convention. At that time, AMC was headed by the Muslim Brotherhood leader Abdurahman Alamoudi, who would later be convicted and incarcerated on terrorism charges.

- In August 2010, Hussain took part in an interfaith “bridge-building” trip organized by the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Suhail Khan. Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism pointed out that “two of the Islamic leaders attending the trip … had made anti-Semitic, radical Islamic statements or [had] justified terrorist attacks” on previous occasions.

Salam al-Marayati – Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is its current executive director

  • Founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council

  • Accused Israelis of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks

  • Hamas and Hezbollah sympathizer

    - Salam Al-Marayati is the founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), a Los Angeles-based Islamic advocacy group that defends Muslim extremist violence. MPAC has condemned the anti-terrorism measures of both the U.S. and Israel and has called for a repeal of the Patriot Act.

    Imam Mohamed Magid – Obama’s Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America

    In response to pressure from Magid and his fellow lobbyists, DHS carefully erased from its “Countering Violent Extremism” curriculum any suggestion that Muslim terrorism drew its inspiration from the laws and doctrines of Islam. In 2012, the FBI purged some 700 documents and 300 presentations from its training materials and lesson plans.

    Eboo Patel – Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships

  • Patel, like Obama, Has ties to DOMESTIC TERRORISTS Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

  • Was appointed to President Barack Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships in 2009

  • Describes the revolutionary communist Van Jones as an “American patriot,” a “faith hero,” and one of “the true giants of history”
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zzz while this is irrefutably true, it's obviously just grandstanding on Cruz' part. If anything illegal had happened there wouldn't be a bill, there'd be a hearing. And trying to disparage your political opposition by linking them with terrorists, which is kinda serious, but not taking it so serious you demand hearings it really chickenshit politics.
Link: The Obama Six

EGYPTIAN MEDIA, Rose El-Youssef: ““Not Huma Abidin (sic) alone.” (December 22, 2012)

The reference, of course, is to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin. Abedin, also known as the wife of the scandal-plagued ex-congressman and New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, had been the subject of a number of stories revealing family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

…reported that there were six people with Muslim Brotherhood ties either serving in the Obama administration or with close ties to the Obama White House.

The paper went on to name the six — whose ties to the Obama administration the paper listed — as:

Arif Alikhan — Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for DHS

Mohamed Elibiary — Homeland Security Adviser

Rashad Hussain Marayati — Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference

Salam al-Marayati — Obama Adviser — founder, Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director

Imam Mohamed Magid — Obama’s Sharia Czar — Islamic Society of North America

Eboo Patel — Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships
zzz while this is irrefutably true, it's obviously just grandstanding on Cruz' part..

So demanding the US acknowledgement that the Muslim Brotherhood IS a 'terrorist' group, which is FOR the destruction of one of our allies and that allowed Christians to be murdered after the terrorist group took over in Egypt, and RID out government of associated members of this terrorist group is what Liberals call 'grand-standing'?!

Perhaps their influence and advising of Obama explains quite a lot...
- Such as why Obama initially REFUSED to call the Ft. Hood Terrorist attack a terrorist attack, instead calling it a case of 'workplace violence'
- Such as KNOWING about the Boston bombers well in advance enough to stop it but allowing it to successfully go off any way
- Such as KNOWING Benghazi was a terrorist attack from the start but lying to Americans and the grieving family members (even though I think that was an Obama case of 'CYA)
zzz while this is irrefutably true, it's obviously just grandstanding on Cruz' part..

So demanding the US acknowledgement that the Muslim Brotherhood IS a 'terrorist' group, which is FOR the destruction of one of our allies and that allowed Christians to be murdered after the terrorist group took over in Egypt, and RID out government of associated members of this terrorist group is what Liberals call 'grand-standing'?!

Perhaps their influence and advising of Obama explains quite a lot...
- Such as why Obama initially REFUSED to call the Ft. Hood Terrorist attack a terrorist attack, instead calling it a case of 'workplace violence'
- Such as KNOWING about the Boston bombers well in advance enough to stop it but allowing it to successfully go off any way
- Such as KNOWING Benghazi was a terrorist attack from the start but lying to Americans and the grieving family members (even though I think that was an Obama case of 'CYA)

So have a hearing. Couldn't have enough hearings about Bengazzi. If there's anything hinky going on here it's worth finding out about. If they can't be bothered it needs to be seen as political maneuvering and not anything serious.

White House confirms meeting with deputy of banned Muslim Brotherhood cleric

LINK: Fox: White House confirms meeting with deputy of banned Muslim Brotherhood cleric « Hot Air

The White House confirmed to Fox News what the
Investigative Project on Terrorism reported two days ago — that the administration met with the deputy of a radical cleric who is barred from entering the United States, and whose organization supports Hamas. Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah served as vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a group headed by Egyptian cleric Yusuf Qaradawi, who has urged Muslim nations to acquire nuclear weapons, demanded the death of American soldiers in Iraq, and defended Hitler.

This guy wasn't even supposed to be allowed in the country! (Evidently, for Obama, It's good to be the 'king'.)

My momma always told me one FACT in Life is YOU ARE KNOWN BY THE COMPANY YOU KEEP. The company Obama has kept / keeps include:
- Communist Frank Marshal Davis
- Socialist Saul Alynshi
- Racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright
- Criminal Tony Rezco
- Domestic Terrorists Ayers and Dorn
- Muslim Brotherhood terrorist Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah

....nuff said.
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Pentagon Admits Muslim Brotherhood ‘Chaplains’ Now Serving in US Military
LINK: Pentagon admits chaplains from Muslim Brotherhood group

"The U.S. Army and Air Force has selected two Muslim chaplains from a program run by an Islamic group closely tied to the Muslim Brotherhood that was named by the Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to raise money for Hamas.
Ted Cruz Introduces Bill To Designate Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Organization

The Muslim Brotherhood has already been labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. Egypt is considering imposing a death sentence on Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former president who was ousted in military coup in July 2013. (Morsi called Israelis pigs, called for their deaths, and allowed violence against Christians in Egyp once he became President.)

DESPITE these allies having labeled the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, President Obama and Valerie Jarrett, who will NEVER allow this legislation pass, have affected the infiltration of this group into both the U.S. Government and military.

Link: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Infiltration Of The American Government

The Muslim Brotherhood is an international political and financial terrorist movement whose goal is to establish a global Islamic State (Caliphate). It has:

    • And continues to exert tremendous influence over the American government’s foreign and domestic policies under President Barack Hussein Obama,
    • Effectively controlled American foreign policy, orchestrating and funding violence throughout the Middle East and across North Africa,
    • And continues to operate through various “civic,” “non-profit” “religious organizations” that are front groups for terrorism and significantly fund “operational costs” to advance Islamic ideology in American institutions like Georgetown University and the Brookings Institution.
Good for him and all, but this is just another stunt. If it were coming from pretty much anyone else I wouldn't suspect an ulterior motive.
Good for him and all, but this is just another stunt. If it were coming from pretty much anyone else I wouldn't suspect an ulterior motive.

No one has the 'cahonies' to bring such legislation up. Cruz, if you haven't noticed, doesn't give a d@mn about being frank, up-front, to the point, and/or stepping on toes to do what he thinks is right.

I, for one, think it is high time we call these terrorists what they are and call out the Obama administration for 'climbing into bed' with them.
The Muslim Brotherhood was the first democratically elected party in the history of Egypt.

But the CIA neo-cons and Tel Aviv didn't like them.

So a military coup was staged and the Egyptian people were once again back to being ruled by a western puppet dictator. ........ :cool:
The Muslim Brotherhood was the first democratically elected party in the history of Egypt.

But the CIA neo-cons and Tel Aviv didn't like them.

So a military coup was staged and the Egyptian people were once again back to being ruled by a western puppet dictator. ........ :cool:

They were the only ones prepared for an election, which was not scheduled for almost a year UNTIL Obama stepped in and DEMANDED Egypt hold elections IMMEDIATELY.

They had an interim President. The US had no business stepping in and influencing their elections or election cycle. Obama helped oust Mubarak, leaving a vacuum in the government, and the only group organized and ready to move that quickly was the Muslim Brotherhood. That is how Obama helped a designated terrorist group take over Egypt.

The military coup was 'staged'? Helluva theatrical presentation! It was real, as you can tell because Obama was PISSED that his beloved terrorist group was overthrown by a military that REFUSED to let terrorists control their country. (I would hope the US military would do the same thing to prevent terrorists from controlling the US!)

Morsi was the 'dictator' Obama helped into power - not his puppet but his 'ally'. Mubarak, for all his faults and for being a dictator, KEPT THE PEACE in Egypt. He kept all the factions in check and protected the Christians. As soon a Morsi got in the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups started to 'purge' Christians...and like in Iraq, Obama did nothing about it.
Good for him and all, but this is just another stunt. If it were coming from pretty much anyone else I wouldn't suspect an ulterior motive.

No one has the 'cahonies' to bring such legislation up. Cruz, if you haven't noticed, doesn't give a d@mn about being frank, up-front, to the point, and/or stepping on toes to do what he thinks is right.

I, for one, think it is high time we call these terrorists what they are and call out the Obama administration for 'climbing into bed' with them.
Cruz is all bark and no bite. He hadn't accomplished a single thing in congress and won't be re-elected in his next election.
The egyptian people hated Mubarak and voted in Morsi and the Brotherhood in a fair and legal election.

The U.S. should embargo the illegitimate military backed dictatorship currently in power. ........ :cool:
Ted Cruz Introduces Bill To Designate Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Organization

The Muslim Brotherhood has already been labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. Egypt is considering imposing a death sentence on Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former president who was ousted in military coup in July 2013. (Morsi called Israelis pigs, called for their deaths, and allowed violence against Christians in Egyp once he became President.)

DESPITE these allies having labeled the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, President Obama and Valerie Jarrett, who will NEVER allow this legislation pass, have affected the infiltration of this group into both the U.S. Government and military.

Link: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Infiltration Of The American Government

The Muslim Brotherhood is an international political and financial terrorist movement whose goal is to establish a global Islamic State (Caliphate). It has:

    • And continues to exert tremendous influence over the American government’s foreign and domestic policies under President Barack Hussein Obama,
    • Effectively controlled American foreign policy, orchestrating and funding violence throughout the Middle East and across North Africa,
    • And continues to operate through various “civic,” “non-profit” “religious organizations” that are front groups for terrorism and significantly fund “operational costs” to advance Islamic ideology in American institutions like Georgetown University and the Brookings Institution.

Syria thinks they are a terrorist group.

I guess Ted Cruz is just like Syria.
Cruz is all bark and no bite. He hadn't accomplished a single thing in congress and won't be re-elected in his next election.

The reason he got little accomplished was because he bucked the status quo / Washington Establishment set-up, accurately - yet against 'Congressional decorum' - called liars 'liars', and tried to do what was right despite political bias / agenda.

I would say Trump is most hated by the GOP Establishment right now only because he is ahead in the polls but that Cruz is second for daring to be a REAL Conservative who is bucking THEIR self-appointed rule.

In THIS case, however, it is not about POLITICS. The fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is indeed is in our government has been proven - 'Cancer' has been identified in the 'body'. WHO CARES how or why it was found.....time to deal with it rather than make excuses of why we should leave the cancer alone and let it grow!
Syria thinks they are a terrorist group. I guess Ted Cruz is just like Syria.

So you're saying because Syria is ONE of SEVERAL nations that accurately considers the Muslim Brotherhood - that supports Hamas, a terrorist organization, and calls for the destruction of our ally Israel - a terrorist group we should then just ignore the fact that they ARE, ignore the call to publicly declare they are, and should just leave them to grow like a cancer inside of our government?
Ted Cruz Introduces Bill To Designate Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Organization

The Muslim Brotherhood has already been labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. Egypt is considering imposing a death sentence on Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former president who was ousted in military coup in July 2013. (Morsi called Israelis pigs, called for their deaths, and allowed violence against Christians in Egyp once he became President.)

DESPITE these allies having labeled the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, President Obama and Valerie Jarrett, who will NEVER allow this legislation pass, have affected the infiltration of this group into both the U.S. Government and military.

Link: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Infiltration Of The American Government

The Muslim Brotherhood is an international political and financial terrorist movement whose goal is to establish a global Islamic State (Caliphate). It has:

    • And continues to exert tremendous influence over the American government’s foreign and domestic policies under President Barack Hussein Obama,
    • Effectively controlled American foreign policy, orchestrating and funding violence throughout the Middle East and across North Africa,
    • And continues to operate through various “civic,” “non-profit” “religious organizations” that are front groups for terrorism and significantly fund “operational costs” to advance Islamic ideology in American institutions like Georgetown University and the Brookings Institution.
What a terrible injustice!

Calling a terrorist group, that has infiltrated Homeland Security, a terrorist group!

Obama must be saying to himself; 'This must be stopped!!'


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