Cruz Is Cruising!!!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, sitting and waiting to pounce!!!

Cruz presidential campaign nets $12 million over summer


Oct. 8, 2015 9:16 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ted Cruz's presidential campaign is reporting a $12.2 million fundraising boost over the past three months.

The Republican Texas senator's new fundraising, added to what he raised through the end of June, gives him a total of $26.5 million since he entered the race in late March.

Cruz's fundraising compares favorably with two other Republican candidates who have made their totals public. It's double what Florida Sen. Marco Rubio raised during the same period. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul brought in $2.5 million between July and the end of last month.

However, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson's campaign amassed $20 million in that time.

The Associated Press learned of Cruz's figures from a campaign aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity to share fundraising numbers before they're officially released.

Cruz presidential campaign nets $12 million over summer

A Man With A Plan!
Funny, fruz isn't even hardly getting 5% and somehow he's cruising...hahaha.

I wish he was like Reagan
1. Reagan supported infrastructure, science, r&d and education
2. He had no problem in investing in space

Areas you might not like
1. He granted 3 million illegals amnesty
2. He shit his pants and ran from Lebanon
3. He trained Bin laden and friends
4. He supported Abortion as governor

hahaha,,,he'd be called a rino!!!!

Fuck cruz...Cruz is a nut...A hover that caused the great depression like nut.
Funny, fruz isn't even hardly getting 5% and somehow he's cruising...hahaha.

I wish he was like Reagan
1. Reagan supported infrastructure, science, r&d and education
2. He had no problem in investing in space

Areas you might not like
1. He granted 3 million illegals amnesty
2. He shit his pants and ran from Lebanon
3. He trained Bin laden and friends
4. He supported Abortion as governor

hahaha,,,he'd be called a rino!!!!

Fuck cruz...Cruz is a nut...A hover that caused the great depression like nut.

Yo, hold your horses? It`s very early, go to the beach and watch all of the lovely ladies!

Yo, sitting and waiting to pounce!!!

Cruz presidential campaign nets $12 million over summer


Oct. 8, 2015 9:16 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ted Cruz's presidential campaign is reporting a $12.2 million fundraising boost over the past three months.

The Republican Texas senator's new fundraising, added to what he raised through the end of June, gives him a total of $26.5 million since he entered the race in late March.

Cruz's fundraising compares favorably with two other Republican candidates who have made their totals public. It's double what Florida Sen. Marco Rubio raised during the same period. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul brought in $2.5 million between July and the end of last month.

However, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson's campaign amassed $20 million in that time.

The Associated Press learned of Cruz's figures from a campaign aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity to share fundraising numbers before they're officially released.

Cruz presidential campaign nets $12 million over summer

A Man With A Plan!
View attachment 51995

Cruz is THE MAN!

I'm a Doc Carson man, but Cruz is amazing.

What he did to the Sierra Club clown as surgical as it was BEAUTIFUL!
Cruz is by far my favorite for the office!! I'm proud to have contributed to his campaign and wish I had more to give.

There are a couple decent candidates, but Cruz is the one guy who will roll back regressive moonbat policy. That truly is the only way to save the republic from the damage inflicted by the Brahman of Bullshit and his minions. I pray to God he wins big, and that these sniveling marxist zealots make good on promises to leave the country.

Funny, fruz isn't even hardly getting 5%


That's just the result of exposure, with the Networks being a tool of the ideological left, and the Left being pant wetting scared of Cruz, he is dead last in the amount of time they are spending reporting on Cruz.

That will change dramatically as the Left becomes less and less relevant.
The un-herd have not spoken?


Jerkoff Fakey is the "un-heard" and he hasn't shut the fuck up because he's too stupid to realize no one is listening.

Ted Cruz's campaign funding rivals every other significant candidate so far as I've read. I'm waiting to see the FEC report but the supposed "front runner" Jeb Shrub has a shit ton of money and no one likes his ass besides a handful of billionaires desperate to maintain their influence. They're so desperate they've funded hitlary as well but it looks like that gamble is going to shit the bed.

Ted Cruz is getting most of his money from proles like me who sacrifice a few fast food meals here and there to send him 20 bucks or so. I'd rather have my kids enjoy the last continent known to man where freedom is an exalted virtue that thrives for decades more, rather that have some chicken nuggets now to live in a turd world hell hole the moonbats have turned many of our cities into.

Douche drinkers like jerkoff fakey are going to die soon, and the sooner the better. Our kids deserve their heritage. A country their greatest grandparents fought for, died for and built for them.


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