Cruz shouted down by GOPers

WTF? The new republican majority in the Senate won't be sworn in for about a month and the radical idiots are blaming them for stuff that hasn't happened yet.
The American people gave them a huge mandate to do everything in their power to stop Obama, and they're wasting it.

Stop Obama from doing what? Low turnout in a mid-term election shouldn't be taken as a mandate, let alone a huge mandate. Obama had his mandate two years ago, and he's got two years to go. The ISIS EBOLA PUTIN sky is falling hysteria is over. Some Republicans must realize they can't count on timely beheadings and normal midterm low turn out and stacked in GOP favor US Senate elections for long. They need to govern and governing is not stopping Obama for the sake of stopping Obama.
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WTF? The new republican majority in the Senate won't be sworn in for about a month and the radical idiots are blaming them for stuff that hasn't happened yet.
5 years of mindless obstruction and phony crises and scandals. The next 2 years will be no different And then you hater dupes will get their dumbasses kicked.
I love watching the GOP eat their own....

Cruz is a dick and has no goodwill within his own party. Comes in handy when you are a Senator ....even handier if you are thinking of running for President
I love watching the GOP eat their own....

Cruz is a dick and has no goodwill within his own party. Comes in handy when you are a Senator ....even handier if you are thinking of running for President
Cruz isn't interested in being a legislator. Which is why he hasn't offered any bills since being elected.

Contrast that with a workhorse like Senator Al Franken - he works for the people of Minnesota every day. He could have done the TV circuit - he has ties to all the SNL-ers like Fallon, Myers, Shafer. But he hasn't traded on his celebrity, he just goes to work each day.

Because he's a Democrat.

Another lying assed headline from politico and the ignorant ass that reads them. There was nothing in the story that involved any shouting.

Also I don't understand the republicans fear of shutting down 17% of the government, they won in a landslide 10 months after the last one because they were trying to keep their promises. I don't see another one hurting them at all, especially since it's two years to the next election.
Obama shut down a few national parks. Who cares? All essential functions of government kept going.

So why do we need "non-essential functions" to continue?

This is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard since I actually took my ear plugs out and started to actually listen to people.

You have to be fucking kidding me! What kind of hack are you to think that the shutdown had no effect on the populous?

Get your head out of your ass.

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