Cruz surges in Iowa


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee


Donald Trump's apparent belief that the Republican primary contest is now a two-person race between himself and Ted Cruz isn't exactly shared at the top of Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta handicapped the GOP race for 90 Democratic donors assembled at a private fundraising event in Berkeley, California, on Thursday night, according to a Clinton backer who was in the room, telling the crowd that he viewed Cruz as the likeliest nominee, followed by Trump, and then Marco Rubio.

Read more: Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee

Read more: Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee
10 point lead over Trump:cool:

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has surged ahead to become the latest front-runner in the campaign for the Iowa caucuses, dislodging Ben Carson and opening an impressive lead over a stalled Donald Trump, a Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll shows.

Cruz Soars to Front of the Pack in Iowa Poll; Trump Support Stays Flat
Bloomberg? You're using Bloomberg? That's not a reliable poll, JROC. I would never trust Bloomberg or any poll he was involved in. He sold out.
be careful what you wish for.

If Cruz wins in Iowa, he might well become the alternative to Trump, as much as the establishment dislikes him. In this scenario, he'd have to win Iowa, place well in New Hampshire (which is generally too liberal for him to win) and then win South Carolina.

But in the General Election, Hillary would clean his clock.
10 point lead over Trump:cool:

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has surged ahead to become the latest front-runner in the campaign for the Iowa caucuses, dislodging Ben Carson and opening an impressive lead over a stalled Donald Trump, a Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll shows.

Cruz Soars to Front of the Pack in Iowa Poll; Trump Support Stays Flat

As we near the primaries serious voters will stop flirting with the fringe players, thank them for allowing us to use them to express our displeasure with the status quo, and dismiss their candidacies as flights of fantasy (see: Ross Perot).

It's all been good entertainment ... the best presidential preseason of my many years.
10 point lead over Trump:cool:

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has surged ahead to become the latest front-runner in the campaign for the Iowa caucuses, dislodging Ben Carson and opening an impressive lead over a stalled Donald Trump, a Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll shows.

Cruz Soars to Front of the Pack in Iowa Poll; Trump Support Stays Flat

As we near the primaries serious voters will stop flirting with the fringe players, thank them for allowing us to use them to express our displeasure with the status quo, and dismiss their candidacies as flights of fantasy (see: Ross Perot).

It's all been good entertainment ... the best presidential preseason of my many years.
the convention is gonna be a hoot.
be careful what you wish for.

If Cruz wins in Iowa, he might well become the alternative to Trump, as much as the establishment dislikes him. In this scenario, he'd have to win Iowa, place well in New Hampshire (which is generally too liberal for him to win) and then win South Carolina.

But in the General Election, Hillary would clean his clock.

He has the lowest support among moderates and right leaning democrats of all republican candidates. He can't win Florida, Virgina, Co or turn any other in his favor.

Hillary would fuck him in the ass in the general.

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