Cruz wins North Dakota

Even if Trump wins CA and NY, he still need 200-300 delegates.

Wisconsin is key due to its chunks of delegates. However, Trump losing there only makes winning the nomination on the first round a wee bit harder.

Wisconsin is absolutely not key. Trump is destroying Cruz in most of the remaining primary states' polls.

Sure. Not important at all:)
If Cruz wins Wisconsin, which is now a tossup, all it will do is boost his desperate hopes for a brokered convention where there's no way he'd be selected as the nominee.
It's really simple, the race is over when someone gets 1237 delegates, your little chart doesn't show that happening.
Obviously. It's an article about how it's not possible for Cruz to get there.

If Trump doesn't get the nod, be ready for a Romney/Ryan redux

Under current rules a person has to win in 8 States to even be nominated, that rule limits it to two, Trump and Cruz. Why do you think Cruz is pushing so many of his delegates to the rules committee, he doesn't want that rule changed.
There's like 100 people involved in the rule making. Trump will go into the convention with the popular vote and the most delegates. If the rules committee goes into their meeting under the premise that the popular vote and delegate count are irrelevant so they can stick it to Trump, what makes you think they would turn to Cruz? Cruz has done nothing but embarrass the GOP, and has accomplished absolutely nothing as a Senator. If the establishment picks the nuclear option, they'll want to go down with their own guy.

Trump will be running 3rd party anyways so it doesn't actually matter.

The convention isn't till July 18-21, that would be too late for anyone to get on the ballot for the general election, most States require a person to qualify 90 days out. That would leave about 2 weeks to gather the signatures and clear challenges to get the petitions certified. Not likely to happen.
They'll know the primary results well before then. And that's all that matters. The establishment will have it all planned out for a scenario where Trump doesn't win outright.

Good grief get with the program.

Excuse me if I don't accept your assumptions as fact.
Wow north dakota ! He got the 5 people to vote for him!

Here's a talking point, why the fuck do we have 2 Dakotas ? 4 senators yet DC has none representing them .
Because dc is full of career politicians you dumb fuck
Obviously. It's an article about how it's not possible for Cruz to get there.

If Trump doesn't get the nod, be ready for a Romney/Ryan redux

Under current rules a person has to win in 8 States to even be nominated, that rule limits it to two, Trump and Cruz. Why do you think Cruz is pushing so many of his delegates to the rules committee, he doesn't want that rule changed.
There's like 100 people involved in the rule making. Trump will go into the convention with the popular vote and the most delegates. If the rules committee goes into their meeting under the premise that the popular vote and delegate count are irrelevant so they can stick it to Trump, what makes you think they would turn to Cruz? Cruz has done nothing but embarrass the GOP, and has accomplished absolutely nothing as a Senator. If the establishment picks the nuclear option, they'll want to go down with their own guy.

Trump will be running 3rd party anyways so it doesn't actually matter.

The convention isn't till July 18-21, that would be too late for anyone to get on the ballot for the general election, most States require a person to qualify 90 days out. That would leave about 2 weeks to gather the signatures and clear challenges to get the petitions certified. Not likely to happen.
They'll know the primary results well before then. And that's all that matters. The establishment will have it all planned out for a scenario where Trump doesn't win outright.

Good grief get with the program.

Excuse me if I don't accept your assumptions as fact.
Excuse me if I don't accept your imagination as anything relevant.
Even if Trump wins CA and NY, he still need 200-300 delegates.

Wisconsin is key due to its chunks of delegates. However, Trump losing there only makes winning the nomination on the first round a wee bit harder.

Wisconsin is absolutely not key. Trump is destroying Cruz in most of the remaining primary states' polls.

Sure. Not important at all:)
If Cruz wins Wisconsin, which is now a tossup, all it will do is boost his desperate hopes for a brokered convention where there's no way he'd be selected as the nominee.
Come to think about it

That is why Kasich is still campaigning! He need 7 states and he has a chance to steal the nomination through the rules and the fact that the leadership hates Cruz and Trump.

Someone needs to tell Rubio! He has a better chance with that strategy than Kasich.
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BTW what's awesome about this win for Ted is that Trump's campaign was bragging about how they had an awesome slate of delegates being elected and the Cruz delegates won.
Just remember-- the real question is can Trump secure the number of delegates to win in the first round.

His campaign predicts they have over 1400 by time of the convention

Add to the fact that Cruz is really out of the running. His chances of winning the nomination is similar to Bernie Sanders! Slim and soon to be none!

So talking about Trump as the GOP nominee is a very real prospect even if he loses WI. The convention is best used to unite the party or declare a lost to the Dems through political acts of hypocrisy and madness.
Maybe the GOP should let them literally fight for it. That could be very interesting. :popcorn:
Good for him, so brokered convention?
A brokered convention means president Hillary, either Donald is the republican nominee or he runs as an independent and no republican can get enough votes. So pray for Donald to win and be nominated.

Donald is the only one losing to Hillary. So not going to pray for the billionaire despot. At least not to win
The latest RCP makes it very clear that Cruz loses to HRC.

Only Kasich consistently and convincingly beat HRC.

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