Crystal Mountain. Wa open on the Fourth for skiing


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
and it may stay open for another week

Christmas in July LOL

Tell me about Global Warming
and back in the 70s - Time mag had a cover story on the upcoming Global Cooling......................

Climate change has been going on forever
The Seattle Times didn't even have a short notice about Crystal Mtn being open for downhill sking on the Fourth Of July - in their usual "Whats Open, Whats Closed" section for holidays.

Too embarrassing............
Beatles ROCK.

Elvis changed music.

The Beatles CHANGED THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and it may stay open for another week

Christmas in July LOL

Tell me about Global Warming

OK. Since you asked nicely. Anthropogenic global warming has raised ocean temperatures by about one degree and that has increased evaporation rates and that, coupled with the ability of warmer air to hold more water, has raised the water vapor levels in the atmosphere by about 4%. More water in the air results in greater rainfall and snowfall, as we have seen in recent years and as is evidenced by the increased flooding in many parts of America and the world. Washington state is one of the areas that is prone to receiving more moisture laden air off of the Pacific and it often gets cold air and storms moving down from the Gulf of Alaska. Combined with the La Nina conditions this year, that produced record snowfalls. The deeper the snow, the longer it takes to melt off. That doesn't mean that temperatures there are unusually low, as you rather idiotically presume.

Record snow offers rare chance to bikini-ski on Crystal Mountain

Women skied wearing bikinis and men wore board shorts Saturday as Crystal Mountain opened for skiing in July for only the second time in its history, a spokeswoman said. ...and enjoy temperatures that reached the high 60s... “It was kind of a rare thing to be able to strip down and ski,” she said. “Hopefully, everybody wore plenty of sunscreen.”

More than 600 inches of snow has fallen since Crystal opened Nov. 19, breaking the previous record of 598 inches. Set in 1999, that record season was the only other time the Crystal Mountain slopes were open in July – including July 4 that year as well, according to the resort’s records.
OK. Since you asked nicely. Anthropogenic global warming has raised ocean temperatures by about one degree and that has increased evaporation rates and that, coupled with the ability of warmer air to hold more water, has raised the water vapor levels in the atmosphere by about 4%.

Except that if the ice is melting, as you claim, the oceans would not be getting warmer at all would they? I suppose next you will claim that the oceans are warming except when they are cooling.

You guys contradict yourselves at every turn. The oceans are warming, the ice is melting, the sky is falling.
and it may stay open for another week

Christmas in July LOL

Tell me about Global Warming

OK. Since you asked nicely. Anthropogenic global warming has raised ocean temperatures by about one degree and that has increased evaporation rates and that, coupled with the ability of warmer air to hold more water, has raised the water vapor levels in the atmosphere by about 4%. More water in the air results in greater rainfall and snowfall, as we have seen in recent years and as is evidenced by the increased flooding in many parts of America and the world. Washington state is one of the areas that is prone to receiving more moisture laden air off of the Pacific and it often gets cold air and storms moving down from the Gulf of Alaska. Combined with the La Nina conditions this year, that produced record snowfalls. The deeper the snow, the longer it takes to melt off. That doesn't mean that temperatures there are unusually low, as you rather idiotically presume.

Record snow offers rare chance to bikini-ski on Crystal Mountain

Women skied wearing bikinis and men wore board shorts Saturday as Crystal Mountain opened for skiing in July for only the second time in its history, a spokeswoman said. ...and enjoy temperatures that reached the high 60s... “It was kind of a rare thing to be able to strip down and ski,” she said. “Hopefully, everybody wore plenty of sunscreen.”

More than 600 inches of snow has fallen since Crystal opened Nov. 19, breaking the previous record of 598 inches. Set in 1999, that record season was the only other time the Crystal Mountain slopes were open in July – including July 4 that year as well, according to the resort’s records.

If that is true why didn't it occur back in the late 90s when the global temperatures were provably warmer? Or how about the year 2007 when Arctic sea ice was at it's lowest observed level in the modern era?
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OK. Since you asked nicely. Anthropogenic global warming has raised ocean temperatures by about one degree and that has increased evaporation rates and that, coupled with the ability of warmer air to hold more water, has raised the water vapor levels in the atmosphere by about 4%.

Except that if the ice is melting, as you claim, the oceans would not be getting warmer at all would they?
I suppose, if someone was really, really ignorant and very, very stupid, they might actually think that....but it would take a 'special' kind of stupidity. Congratulations wired&bent, you are obviously just that 'special'.

The Earth's oceans contain approximately 1.3 billion cubic kilometers (310 million cu mi) of water. Currently there are about 30,000,000 cubic kilometers of ice in the world's icecaps and glaciers. Of that amount, only a very small fraction has currently melted.

I know you don't have one in your trailer park, but if you lived in a real house and had a swimming pool and you turned on the pool heater and then threw a handful of icecubes into the pool, it would have about the same "cooling" effect as the one you postulate for the Earth's oceans.

Really 'special' stupid, you are, wired&bent. It takes a kind of 'talent' to be that clueless.
and it may stay open for another week

Christmas in July LOL

Tell me about Global Warming

OK. Since you asked nicely. Anthropogenic global warming has raised ocean temperatures by about one degree and that has increased evaporation rates and that, coupled with the ability of warmer air to hold more water, has raised the water vapor levels in the atmosphere by about 4%. More water in the air results in greater rainfall and snowfall, as we have seen in recent years and as is evidenced by the increased flooding in many parts of America and the world. Washington state is one of the areas that is prone to receiving more moisture laden air off of the Pacific and it often gets cold air and storms moving down from the Gulf of Alaska. Combined with the La Nina conditions this year, that produced record snowfalls. The deeper the snow, the longer it takes to melt off. That doesn't mean that temperatures there are unusually low, as you rather idiotically presume.

Record snow offers rare chance to bikini-ski on Crystal Mountain

Women skied wearing bikinis and men wore board shorts Saturday as Crystal Mountain opened for skiing in July for only the second time in its history, a spokeswoman said. ...and enjoy temperatures that reached the high 60s... “It was kind of a rare thing to be able to strip down and ski,” she said. “Hopefully, everybody wore plenty of sunscreen.”

More than 600 inches of snow has fallen since Crystal opened Nov. 19, breaking the previous record of 598 inches. Set in 1999, that record season was the only other time the Crystal Mountain slopes were open in July – including July 4 that year as well, according to the resort’s records.

If that is true why didn't it occur back in the late 90s when the global temperatures were provably warmer? Or how about the year 2007 when Arctic sea ice was at it's lowest observed level in the modern era?
Are you getting even more retarded on me here, walleyed? It did "occur back in the late 90s" as the last sentence of my post recounts: "...previous record of 598 inches. Set in 1999, that record season was the only other time the Crystal Mountain slopes were open in July – including July 4 that year as well, according to the resort’s records."

You once again display your denier cult dementia and your usual disconnect with reality with your statement: ...back in the late 90s when the global temperatures were provably warmer...". LOLOLOL.

Warmest years

The list of warmest years on record is dominated by years from this millennium; each of the last 10 years (2001–2010) features as one of the 11 warmest on record. Although the NCDC temperature record begins in 1880, less accurate reconstructions of earlier temperatures suggest these years may be the warmest for several centuries to millennia.

20 warmest years on record
(°C anomaly from 1901–2000 mean)

Year↓ Global↓ _Land↓ _Ocean↓
2005 __0.6183 _0.9593 _0.4896
2010 __0.6171 _0.9642 _0.4885
1998 __0.5984 _0.8320 _0.5090
2003 __0.5832 _0.7735 _0.5108
2002 __0.5762 _0.8318 _0.4798
2006 __0.5591 _0.7595 _0.4848
2007 __0.5509 _0.9852 _0.3900
2004 __0.5441 _0.7115 _0.4819
2001 __0.5188 _0.7207 _0.4419
2008 __0.4842 _0.7801 _0.3745
1997 __0.4799 _0.5583 _0.4502
1999 __0.4210 _0.6759 _0.3240
1995 __0.4097 _0.6533 _0.3196
2000 __0.3899 _0.5174 _0.3409
1990 __0.3879 _0.5479 _0.3283
1991 __0.3380 _0.4087 _0.3110
1988 __0.3028 _0.4192 _0.2595
1987 __0.2991 _0.2959 _0.3005
1994 __0.2954 _0.3604 _0.2704
1983 __0.2839 _0.3715 _0.2513
Crystal MT WA is not global.

Neither is AGW.
LOLOLOL.....that's really retarded, even for you, wired&bent. Do you not understand that "AGW" means 'anthropogenic GLOBAL warming'?

It is called "global warming", nitwit, because it is all about an increase in the average temperature of the whole planet. Local weather conditions may cause some cold spots here and there for various reasons but the overall average temperature is going up.
Crystal MT WA is not global.

Neither is AGW.
LOLOLOL.....that's really retarded, even for you, wired&bent. Do you not understand that "AGW" means 'anthropogenic GLOBAL warming'?

It is called "global warming", nitwit, because it is all about an increase in the average temperature of the whole planet. Local weather conditions may cause some cold spots here and there for various reasons but the overall average temperature is going up.


Yup s0n...........we're all real sure people woke up yesterday and read the report about skiing happening on the 4th of July and said to themselves................

"Shit.......we'd best get down to the Home Depot this weekend and get working on that emergency ark project!!!! This global warming stuff is getting serious!!!"

But we're the retarded!!!:coffee::coffee::coffee:
And once again the kookster, the forum resident retard with the cartoon brain, pops up with more mindless drivel.

The kookster's brain:
And once again the kookster, the forum resident retard with the cartoon brain, pops up with more mindless drivel.

The kookster's brain:

Hey blunder that's pretty resembles yours...sort of??


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