CS Monitor: "Jerusalem as Capital" a Fox hoax. Pub nonstop BS...

Fox Smears Mursi with “Jerusalem Capital” Lie (Murphy)
Posted on 06/25/2012 by Juan
Anyone who watches Jon Stewart regularly knows that Fox News deliberately lies and manipulates video to fearmonger on behalf of the American Right wing.

But Dan Murphy of the Christian Science Monitor catches them in a massive scam about Egypt’s new president.

Fox passed off a video of a radical Muslim preacher, Safwat Higazi, as being a speech by Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi. In the speech, the preacher calls for Jerusalem to be the capital of Egypt.

Mursi is an anti-Zionist, but he is a Ph.D. in engineering from USC and not known as a wild man.

Fox Smears Mursi with "Jerusalem Capital" Lie (Murphy) | Informed Comment
Egypt has a new president: Let the fear ... - Christian Science Monitor
Fox News put up video that identified a speech by hard-core preacher Safwat al-
Hegazy ... Christian Science Monitor ... By Dan Murphy, Staff writer / June 24,
2012 ... Takes Egypt, Cleric Declares: 'Our Capital shall be Jerusalem, Allah

www.csmonitor.com/.../Egypt-has-a-new-president-Let-the-fear-mongering-begin - CachedFox Smears Mursi with “Jerusalem Capital” Lie (Murphy) | Regator ...
5 hours ago ... Fox Smears Mursi with “Jerusalem Capital” Lie (Murphy). 2 hours agoNews ... But
Dan Murphy of the Christian Science Monitor catches them in a massive scam
about Egypt's new president. Fox passed of a video of a radical ...

I have a funny feeling you only worship the Muslim Brotherhood because your Obamabot programming tells you to. I'm sure you don't even know why you worship them.
Bookmark this for the next time some shit on the right double dog dares you to name one lie that Foxnews ever told.
Bookmark this for the next time some shit on the right double dog dares you to name one lie that Foxnews ever told.

Another confused programmed Obamabot. Doesn't even have a clue why he or she's worshipping the Muslim Brotherhood. He or she just knows it's what the DNC Talking Points say to do. :cuckoo:
I saw that mudmissile fell for it hook, line, and sinker earlier in the day :lol:
This Administration is all-in now with the radicals in Egypt. They funded and supported their Revolution. Now they have to try and convince everyone it was the right thing to do. And it looks like the Obamabots are now all-in too. What a bunch of loony dupes.
Bookmark this for the next time some shit on the right double dog dares you to name one lie that Foxnews ever told.

Another confused programmed Obamabot. Doesn't even have a clue why he or she's worshipping the Muslim Brotherhood. He or she just knows it's what the DNC Talking Points say to do. :cuckoo:

You know what,

if they were to gather the best engineering minds from around the world, and task them to build an Asshole Enlargement Machine of the highest order,

and they were to succeed,

that machine would still be incapable of making you into a bigger asshole than you already are. You, pal, have maxed out.

But hey, stick around, you are THE face of conservatism on USMB, and the visitors here should never miss that.
MB is democratic and nonviolent, and you are fear mongered and brainwashed. Everything you "know" is BS.

Do you know what FACTS are?
MB is democratic and nonviolent, and you are fear mongered and brainwashed. Everything you "know" is BS.

Do you know what FACTS are?

Nah, that's just your Obamabot programming talkin again. Your worship of the Muslim Brotherhood is very short-sighted and a bit embarassing. Expect a whole lot of Blowback on this one. It's coming.
MB is democratic and nonviolent, and you are fear mongered and brainwashed. Everything you "know" is BS.

Do you know what FACTS are?

Nah, that's just your Obamabot programming talkin again. Your worship of the Muslim Brotherhood is very short-sighted and a bit embarassing. Expect a whole lot of Blowback on this one. It's coming.

It's not worship, but a desire not to be fooled by those who drive us into endless war. I find it strange that a supposed Paul supporter keeps banging the war drums. You worshiping hypocrisy these days? I imagine there's a lot of embarrassment in the Paul camp whenever you show up. :cool:
MB is democratic and nonviolent, and you are fear mongered and brainwashed. Everything you "know" is BS.

Do you know what FACTS are?

Nah, that's just your Obamabot programming talkin again. Your worship of the Muslim Brotherhood is very short-sighted and a bit embarassing. Expect a whole lot of Blowback on this one. It's coming.

It's not worship, but a desire not to be fooled by those who drive us into endless war. I find it strange that a supposed Paul supporter keeps banging the war drums. You worshiping hypocrisy these days? I imagine there's a lot of embarrassment in the Paul camp whenever you show up. :cool:

I'm not banging any War Drums. I'm doing the exact opposite. Our Government bought & paid for this Egyptian farce. And now the American Taxpayers will have to pay the price. Both in blood & treasure. Blowback is coming on this one. Bet on that.

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