Cultural Diplomacy in Africa - The Development Game: Solving Problems and Creating Op

ICD - Africa

May 31, 2010
Call for Applications

Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDA)

The Development Game: Solving Problems and Creating Opportunities for a Stronger Continent

Under the Patronage of Sir James Mancham, KBE, Founding President of the Republic of the Seychelles

(Berlin, 11th – 18th June 2010)

I am writing to announce the dates of our forthcoming program organized by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in June 2010. We appreciate your support and assistance in spreading the word about this opportunity and would be grateful if you could forward this information on to any individuals who you feel may be interested in attending this program.

Cultural Diplomacy in Africa (]International - Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy) is an active network of individuals from across the world who have an active interest in the African continent. Members can join the forum by taking part in a CDA Weeklong Seminar. The forthcoming CDA Weeklong Seminar will be held in Berlin from 11th – 18th June 2010 and will focus on the following theme “The Development Game: Solving Problems and Creating Opportunities for a Stronger Continent.”

The Forum is aimed at young professionals and students, economists, diplomatic and political representatives, and civil society practitioners. The weeklong seminar will consist of lectures, seminars, workshops and panel discussions by leading figures from the fields of politics, diplomacy, civil society, academia, and the private sector, which will offer a range of perspectives on the issues at stake, the challenges ahead, and the new strategies and approaches being taken to address these challenges. The program will be complemented by cultural and social activities that will provide an opportunity to experience the diversity of the respective cultures and provide networking opportunities between the participants themselves, as well as between the participants and speakers.

In particular, the next CDA Weeklong Seminar will focus on the following areas:

· The power of sport: The 2010 FIFA World Cup and its impact on the continent

· Celebrating 50 years of independence: The history and development of Africa over the past five decades

· Africa's challenges and opportunities in meeting the Millennium Development Goals, with a particular focus on climate change, political and economic stability, and sustainable development

· The role of supranational economic unions in stabilizing the African continent, and the potential influence of a stronger African Union

· African markets as a target for foreign investment, and the impact of such investment on African development. Cameroon will be considered as a case study

· The involvement of international organizations and corporations in Africa and their influence on the continent's development and economy

· Emerging new models for African governance and development

· The African Diaspora and its role in the development of Africa

· The importance of Cultural Diplomacy and soft power in strengthening relations between African nations and within nations themselves

To apply to the program, please visit our website.

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Africa, “The Rise of Africa: Innovative Strategies and Progressive Thinking for Africa’s Renaissance” (11th-14th June) will take place as an integral part of the Weeklong Seminar, and will bring together expert speakers from the fields of politics, academia, and civil society for a 4 day program of lectures and panel discussions.

The following issues will be addressed and explored:

· The role of the international community in the development process in Africa

· The “trade versus aid” argument

· Good governance and the importance of effective policies and initiatives that tackle corruption

· Africa’s geopolitical significance and its growing role in the global trading market

· The role of the private sector and the impact of foreign direct investment in Africa

· Intra-continental mobility and emigration

Once individuals have taken part in the Weeklong Seminar they will join the CDA Forum, a network of likeminded individuals from Africa and across the world who conduct activity to improve intercultural relations within Africa and between Africa and other regions.

Further information about the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy can be found under:

Further information about our speakers can be found under: | Our Speakers | A Selection of our Speakers

Thank you in advance for passing the information on.

With warm regards,

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

Forum List
