CULTURAL MARXISM: The Corruption of America.

Wars are fought in ways other than standing armies, for with standing armies a nation has no doubts about being under attack. The enemy already within a country is in a position to do far more damage than an outsider. The concept of the "slow march" must be recognized as war against America that takes place over many years. Understand the "slow march" is still war but the carnage happens in a number of ways outside the realm of most people's perception.

These enemies within are hard at work destroying our society from all angles. Draining all the wealth, and playing everything and everybody against each other openly. Working to use our own armies against the very country they are to protect. Doing everything possible to weaken the morale and health of the citizens until the nation has been weaken and deceived enough to use brute force and that is slowly starting to show it's ugly face. This video provides some insight into what is being done to America.


Funny, I needed only one minute 55 to 56, to find:

Taking care of the poor doesn't work (the Free Market does but his example was the US after WWII [Massive government spending and debt building up capitalism] when many of the Free Markets of Europe were disasters and America moved in.

And, the Constitution means nothing if it doesn't mean what the Founders meant (even though we live 230 years later and they thought that it might last, if lucky, a generation or two). God only knows what in the other 97 minutes of this mess.

In sum, capitalism doesn't work in a vacuum (in needs what only government provides), and it has a dark side, and we have the FAA now but the Founders didn't because................................................................................................they didn't have airplanes. Under their version, ******* would still be 3/5ths. Sorry boys, times change.

Taking care of two birds with one stone is the best way to deal with both of the pitiful postings you presented to everyone.

Must admit I did not waste any time watching the video you posted “paranoid personality disorder” because we already have plenty of examples of this serious disorder. We know precisely whom the disorder pertains too. Besides you people are so skilled at manipulation if one is not extremely careful some wicked “sleeper cell” seed might be planted deep within someone’s sub-conscience memory bank.

It’s really too bad this same group of people have their proboscis so deep rooted in America that the nation as a whole is starting to be commandeered be those suffering from this disorder. One of the best-kept secrets about this people is their true identity. Are they a race? Are they a religion? Do they have a bonafide nationality? Do they in fact have a true identity?

The first three questions gives a little insight into the serious problems this group of people suffers from. History confirms the problem. It’s called the *** problem! Sure you have a true identity, but few people know what it is, because you are such skilled liars, second to none on planet earth.

Wow; your non-sense postings actually helped the debate here. One starts to understand that you are really crying out for help with your postings, but when a small group of people nationally, and worldwide does so damage to the lives of so many millions (probably billions) people what kind of help is to be expected?

You are maybe 2% of the American population, and the enormous problems you cause are over the top, and off the charts in comparison to your numbers.

Search the entire world, and just try to find a more seasoned schemer and scoundrel. The most elite of the gypsies, and have everyone else’s money to prove it. You never assimilate in any of the nations you have lived (before you were kicked out) and you have the nerve to try to point the finger. Taking over nations by any means necessity is all you know, then in a brief departure from your psychosis you wonder why you can never seem to find peace.

You Israeli’s always whine about peace, and it’s madness and insanity to do all the great evil you do to all the millions of people’s worldwide and then expect peace. Everyone needs to call you folks Israeli’s, because that’s what you are; you are certainly not Americans you don’t assimilate. Or maybe since you invented and propagate communism we should call you the Marxist. To get back to the point let’s make it very clear who owns the “paranoid personality disorder”, and here's a few examples.

This disorder defines this particular people so well. You own more than 20 nuclear bombs, yet much of the international news is talking about not letting Iran enrich uranium. "We have to stop crime before it happens" so we being true communist have to spy on peoples call phone calls, e-mails, library records, internet usage, face book interactions, being touched and humiliated at airports, you slow down the internet for what you disapprove of, speed it up for all the wicked porn you promote, and place tracking devices on our vehicles and credit cards. I won’t even speak of the Palestinians and how paranoid they have you Israeli’s just throwing rocks.

Do not try to bring that B.S. to me Esau. With all that you have done and keep doing to so many people worldwide it's no real secret that paranoid is your middle name. The worst part about it is that with your scheming and media control you are working around the clock 24/7 to make the world live like you do, with all the terrorism you manufacture. You live in a paranoid police state so you want to share your misery with the world!

Misery does indeed love company. You work so hard to spread your paranoid lifestyle to the entire world. The Constitution was given to Americans as a unselfish far-sighted act of love. You are clueless about the love of one’s country, because you so-called Jews have not lived in any country long enough to understand these things.

You Edomite’s are the last people that should ever try to define what our Founding Fathers meant.
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