Cut Medicare or Reward Wealthy...Duh...

Funny thing is, Obama's so called plan actually cuts Medicare and punishes the wealthy, the worst of bot worlds.

The GOP wants only the poor and middle class the feel the necessary pain, while the rich walk away with a tax break. How is that fair?

Are you talking about the $3.7 trillion Bush tax cut extension? The one where, according to the White House and Democrats in Congress, $3 trillion goes to everyone who is not rich?


Or was that not meant as a "factual statement?"
Ryan's plan calls for those who reach 65 on or after 2022 to receive a tax credit of up to $15,000 to buy health insurance if they want to, from private insurers in an exchange. The low income people will get subsidized as I understand it. Hopefully a national exchange to encourgae more competition. But what this does is bring consumers into the cost equation because they have to pay a part of it, so there's an incentive to hold down costs. Plus his plan provides block grants to the states for Medicaid, and lets them tailor their needs to their unique needs. Is this idea a panacea that solves the health care problem? NO. But I'd say it is the best attempt I've seen so far that even remotely addresses the skyrocketing healthcatre costs.

The Obama plan on the other hand is all about price controls. Many doctors and providers have already said they will not accept new Medicare patients at a time when we have millions of baby boomers who will need more care. Price controls have never worked - never. It is simply amazing that anyone honestly believes you can add 30 million more people into our healthcare system, none of whom have insurance now, and expect Medicare and Medicaid costs not to skyrocket out of control. More patients, fewer providers. You do the math.

So, neither plan is all that great but at least the Ryan plan will be less costly in the long run. Access to healthcare will be a problem no matter what plan we end up with, but I think if people are not involved with paying part of the cost then how can we expect to hold down costs?
I guess it was another one of those Republican "not meant to be factual" statement. We used to call those lies you know?
Yes, the public wants budget cuts, and deep. But when cuts for programs that help the poor and middle class are offset with tax cuts for the wealthy, the GOP has a problem. The Dems will drive it home in 2012.

Re-elect the repubs so they can give more tax breaks to their wealthy friends, while we cut billions from the lower and middle class programs. They GOP has chosen their ditch to die in...

You obviously know nothing about what you're talking about.
The choice will be, re-elect the republicans and expect more gifts for the wealthy, or the Dems who will cut medicare and return the wealthy to rhie rightful tax rate. If we need to bleed, we need to bleed together. Why should the wealthy get a break while we see social programs cut.

It is going to resonate. But you sheep keep telling yourselves that the GOP has your best interest in mind. They don't, unless of course, you earn more than $250,000 a year.

If you actually knew something about this, you'd be embarrased reading what you wrote knowing that others could read it, too.
I'd like to cut medicare and cut taxes on everyone.

Medicare is needed. The elderly should not have to deal with insurance providers out in the public. To throw grandma into that mess is wrong.

Why exactly should they be exempt from dealing with the real world?

Because they deserve the dignity of not choosing between food and insurance providers. They cannot afford to be raped by the private insurance companies and the republicans make me sick with how they show over and over they could care less about them. They are all corporatists. Its all about money for them.

Obama -- brilliant politician, timid leader -

It is a No Brainer and the Republicans will feel the pain of voters in 2012.

Funny thing is, Obama's so called plan actually cuts Medicare and punishes the wealthy, the worst of bot worlds.

The GOP wants only the poor and middle class the feel the necessary pain, while the rich walk away with a tax break. How is that fair?

You will need to define "pain".
The choice will be, re-elect the republicans and expect more gifts for the wealthy, or the Dems who will cut medicare and return the wealthy to rhie rightful tax rate. If we need to bleed, we need to bleed together. Why should the wealthy get a break while we see social programs cut.

It is going to resonate. But you sheep keep telling yourselves that the GOP has your best interest in mind. They don't, unless of course, you earn more than $250,000 a year.

If you actually knew something about this, you'd be embarrased reading what you wrote knowing that others could read it, too.

Ok...two things..
1. Tell us how this turns out. Let us know if this idiots plan to cut medicare and give bigger cuts to the rich actually happens.

2. Ayn Rand are actually quoting this person? ReallY? Wanna let people know what she was all about? OMG. Wow. Are you a nutty libertarian like your buddy Ol Rand Paul?

Fucking idiot libertarians make me laugh.
All any of you can do is degrade and type insults. No facts....No truth

Is that you, Kyle? What a frigin embarassment. His lie will be played into 2013. AND HE WAS PROUD!
What a joke...:lol:

Still waiting for that link...OH WAIT! That was a patented Republican "not meant to be factual" statement. Pardon...
Wanna talk no facts and no truth?

How about that bullshit about everyone who opposes the socialist/progressive welfare state wants children starving and stupid, women getting back alley abortions, Jim Crow redux and granny out in the street eating dog food?

Physician, heal thyself.
The GOP wants only the poor and middle class the feel the necessary pain, while the rich walk away with a tax break. How is that fair?

Are you talking about the $3.7 trillion Bush tax cut extension? The one where, according to the White House and Democrats in Congress, $3 trillion goes to everyone who is not rich?


Why, you will just ignore it, like you did every other time anyone has posted it.
Are you talking about the $3.7 trillion Bush tax cut extension?

A proposal to "Reform the tax code by consolidating the current six brackets and cutting the top individual rate from 35 percent to 25 percent" is not simply an extension of the Bush tax cuts.

Did I say it was? Do you honestly think that is what the idiot who started the thread is talking about? Do you expect me to believe that you are that stupid?
2012 Obama Slogans:

*Buying as Many Votes as It Takes!
*Spending more than we take in because I think you’re worth it!
*Bailing out the Rich so I can talk about taxing them later!
*Wars Create Jobs!
*Ewe, Republican't's are White!
*I'm Rich, and hate it!
*Republi"cant's" LOLz!
*I’m Obama, the intellectual Warmonger!
*I would never vote for the Bush tax cuts, again!
*Expanding Homeland security and hating!
*Bush is still torturing people in secret prisons!

Anyways, take your pick guys because they are all true! Obama 2012, Fuk yeah!
Because they deserve the dignity of not choosing between food and insurance providers. They cannot afford to be raped by the private insurance companies and the republicans make me sick with how they show over and over they could care less about them. They are all corporatists. Its all about money for them.


Don't know a single person who doesn't deserve it.

Unfortunately, we live in the real world, where sometimes we have to make hard choices. But that of course is why we are to provide charity for our family and neighbors as individuals. So those who have less will be taken care of.

Outsourcing our responsibilities to the government is just a reciept for poverty for all.

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