CDZ Cutting all ties...Really? And that's supposed to accomplish what?

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Saudi Arabia announced that it is cutting all ties with Iran and has ordered Iranian diplomats to leave the country within 48 hours.

I'm sure that policy decision makes some Saudi's feel good, but what good exactly is supposed to come of doing that? Unless one has decided to pursue a combative resolution to one's differences with another, not talking to them isn't going to make coming to a resolution or understanding more likely than will talking to them.

I don't think the Saudi's are entreating for war, but maybe they are. I don't know. Perhaps they just want to put Iran into "time out?" What I'm certain of is that both Saudi Arabia and Iran are effectively the owners of "glass houses," and as such, "stones" aren't what either of them can throw around. Hopefully all they intend and are willing to "throw" is "shade."

I sure hope they aren't "jonesing" for war because that'd be a war the U.S would have to participate in if Saudi Arabia is part of the battlefield. Our economy cannot have Saudi oil fields bombed, and the whole world cannot sustain Saudi and Iranian oil fields being bombed. I could be all for letting the two of them "have at it," but not at the expense of the rest of the world's economies and livelihood.
Our economy cannot have Saudi oil fields bombed,
Yes it can. About 3.5% of US oil consumption in 2014 came from Saudi.

This is one case wherein I hope you are correct and I am not, with regard to the impact on the U.S. and the rest of the world of Saudi oil fields being destroyed. Really, if those two "having at it" has no deleterious impacts beyond themselves, fine, let 'em "have at it."
Well they are fighting each other in Yemen.

Yes, "in Yemen." Fighting a war in a country other than your own is fine. Letting your allies and enemies fight a war in a third party's country, is usually better that fine provided the aftermath cannot possibly be worse overall than what preceded the war. Fighting a war in your own country sucks, bigtime!
I'd say turn Iran into a parking lot. But unfortunately the Russians will probably intervene, which means Barrack Hussein Obama wouldn't be able to run away from it fast enough.
I was listening to this on the radio today. I didn't expect either side had much of a presence in their respective capitals to being with. I doubt this is the first shot of a direct war either. If it does come to that, somebody will have to intervene even if it's just mediating or sanctions. It's hard to imagine that somebody being any country but the US. It has become clear that neither of these states is ready for a seat at the adult table.
It has become clear that neither of these states is ready for a seat at the adult table.
True, they haven't committed full out aggressive war yet. Then they'll be ready for a seat at the adult table.
This is one case wherein I hope you are correct and I am not, with regard to the impact on the U.S. and the rest of the world of Saudi oil fields being destroyed.
The US oil interests would love a scarcity of oil.
Russia would benefit more in percentage terms, the US in absolute terms but dead on. Elimination of ME resources will screw over China and North Korea the most and that is a goodness thing.
Saudi Arabia announced that it is cutting all ties with Iran and has ordered Iranian diplomats to leave the country within 48 hours.

I'm sure that policy decision makes some Saudi's feel good, but what good exactly is supposed to come of doing that? Unless one has decided to pursue a combative resolution to one's differences with another, not talking to them isn't going to make coming to a resolution or understanding more likely than will talking to them.

I don't think the Saudi's are entreating for war, but maybe they are. I don't know. Perhaps they just want to put Iran into "time out?" What I'm certain of is that both Saudi Arabia and Iran are effectively the owners of "glass houses," and as such, "stones" aren't what either of them can throw around. Hopefully all they intend and are willing to "throw" is "shade."

I sure hope they aren't "jonesing" for war because that'd be a war the U.S would have to participate in if Saudi Arabia is part of the battlefield. Our economy cannot have Saudi oil fields bombed, and the whole world cannot sustain Saudi and Iranian oil fields being bombed. I could be all for letting the two of them "have at it," but not at the expense of the rest of the world's economies and livelihood.
Saudi and Iran are squaring off for another round in their millennium-old battle for hegemony in the Middle East. The Iran nuke deal just took a lot of economic pressure off Iran and I think the Saudis are trying to get their Sunni ducks in a row before Iran's economic revival can buck up its Shia clients in Iraq, Syria, the Gulf and Yemen. Saudi has cause to feel nervous because its war in Yemen isn't going well and neither is the war in Syria, where the Sunni players are at each other's throats as much as they are at the Alawites, Shia etc. who back Assad.

Saudi does not have clean hands when it comes to Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, ISIS etc. These are all Sunni groups with Wahabi-style puritan tendencies and a history of under-the-table support from the Saudi royal family

Iran was Dick Nixon's "policeman on the Gulf" and has a lot to offer as an American ally. The Saudi Kingdom has lots of guns and money but it also has a lot of internal problems.
The stage is set for another World War, yet we keep talking about petty disputes and the need to act like adults. Saudi Arabia and Iran know they are engaged in a life or death contest for regional and religious supremacy.

Will the Saudis stand by and let Iran develop a nuclear first strike ability against them? What will we do if there is an all-out war between them? It is pretty clear that Obama (or Hillary) would abandon the Saudis in this event. Can the Saudis afford to wait for our next election results or will they strike first? The Israelis have already tried the first approach (and failed).

Every generation wants to ignore past experience and reinvent the wheel for themselves. For Europeans in 1914, it was unthinkable that the petty squabbles in Serbia could lead to greater conflict and, even if it did, any war that might ensue wouldn't be resolved in short order.

Isn't it time for us to pull our heads out of the sand and start thinking and acting like real adults?

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