*CWN Study: 98% Of Negro Voted For Obama, 97.5% Will Vote For Him Again*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. In my *CWN STUDY*, I have come to the conclusion that even after Obamas abysmal record as a President, *worst of all time*, Negro's will not step away from him as a voting block, a few will, or just fail to show up and vote, but on the most part, they will only slip a measly .05 percentile.
2. That is because he is a negro, and only because he is a negro.
3. The anglo independents shall not pull the lever for him this time, which will ouster him from office, which the negro mind will blow a gasket after-wards.:eusa_hand:


I hate it when someone plays the race card.
Wake up and think about America!
They comprise 15% of the population. Other Liberals add another 33%. Those two groups total 48% of the electorate, well within the range of the Democrats Legendary Ballot Box Chicanery to steal.
You saw London this summer.
Remember the election of 2008:
"He was young. He looked cool, so I voted for him."
Woman screaming; "HE's going to pay for my groceries!!"
Man questioning "Where's HE going to get the money?"
Woman screaming; "From HIS stash!!!!!"
Then there's the inner city teenager, looking out the front window, waiting for the arrival of his government supplied, brand new, tinted window, black BMW sedan.
Those dreams die hard, and the campaign rhetoric will be exclusively aimed at their getting theirs from the rich, and should HE lose, well the 1960's Watts, Newark, and Detroit riots will look like Sunday School outings in comparison. If you think HE will call out the National Guard or the 101st to try to quell the riots, you've got another thought coming, provided you live long enough and one of the rioters doesn't smash your face with a brick.
Try to form a mental image of Russian Army Soldiers on a night out in Berlin, May, 1945.
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There was a story making the rounds in the right blogosphere this week regarding how the NYT reported the Crown Heights riots. When the witnesses on the ground saw exclusively one group attacking the other, the NYT insisted it be reported as group on group, equitably. And the man who stood up and shouted "'Fire!!' in the crowded theater" at precisely the right time in all of it becomes a Liberal icon, making an appearance in The History Channel's "Story Of Us".
Sorry bout that,


I hate it when someone plays the race card.
Wake up and think about America!

1. Its just further proof that negros are as a people or group, *whatever*, whatever you want to call them, are *hairy eyeballed racists*.
2. Because what we are seeing and have seen, is negros vote *skin color* first, and exclusively, when the opportunity is there.
3. The negro mind, runs on a *dead end loop*, they think that some how they will get a *better deal* under the rule, *in Africa*...... or leadership, *in America*, under a negro figurehead, which isn't the truth, after just a short time in office, we could plainly see that Obama was out of his league, and has from day one, made mistake after mistake, after mistake........
4. America and the negro Americans are *all* in worse shape after Obama has been in office, from day one till day now, everyone is suffering, and there is so much uncertainty, that uncertainty is uncertain.
5. The negro can not escape from the cliff side of certain doom thats infront of them as a race, culture, or human experience, they are like cattle in line at the stock yards slaughter house, there is no escaping the *dead end loop* of voting for the loser, liar, bad for America, head in chief, Obama.
6. America should be better than this, its not folks, you *liberal anglo muckity mucks*, think things are fine here, you think things will get better one day, so you voted for a negro, to support this belief, that if a negro just gets the opportunity, to get ahead a little and lead us, then all the so called oppression done to the negros, when they came to these lands will be forever healed, like medicine poured in to these old wounds that never heal for the negro mind, which is unable to heal, like a open wound, they collectively pull the scab off, to keep it fresh, to keep the pain, of what happened to their great great grand pappy/mamie, some two hundred years ago, where their ancestors, where taken out of Africa, where they were killing and raping each other, beating on drums while saying words without a moral meaning, glorying the bad things done amongst themselves, instead of shunning it,..... *Ever heard of rap music?*
7. Can the negro escape itself, no sadly it can not, what the negro is, is unable to break the chains of its own mind, the chains that keep him held down, can not be undone, the anglo has no key, to release them, and never did, and its a sad thing to witness, knowing that the negro, hates the anglo man so much, he will restrain himself, and keep himself bound in chains, crying how its the anglo man doing it, while we have no reason to hold the negro down, they keep themsleves in *mental chains* very well.
8. The negro will button up their own lips, with *one line* responses, in order to stifle their own expression, thinking they are doing the anglo man harm, when in-fact, they bottle up, whats in their hearts, and wait till it builds up pressure, and being shaken like a bottle explode with a spout of anger, towards the anglo race, for no other reason that they are anglo, which is illogical.
9. Everyday, the negros express anger towards an innocent anglo man, and while they are attacking, they say within their hearts, "This is for what your race has done to mine over the years, I owe you this; so here." then they punch, shoot, cut, swing a bat, run over with a car, to a totally innocent person, being criminal towards an image of *the man*, in their minds, which is the *anglo race* which they hate, for something that spared their own ancestors from certain doom in Africa generations ago, from the oppression of their own people, *the negro race*.
10. Even if they read these words of truth, they will never be able to see it, or understand it fully, they are hard wired to hate the anglo man, they don't want to open their eyes, having blinders towards the truth, they will never see the cliff ahead, and will gallop right over the edge of the cliff of racism, hate of the anglo man, and even hate of each other, which is as old as Africa, where we see it today, right now, and we see everything that the negro is in Africa, they are the very same way here in America, and anywhere else that they end up, its in their rhythms, their music, their culture of shame, with no shame.
11. Ofcourse my motivation is to reach out to the negro race, to help them realize what is wrong with the way they think as a whole, but ofcourse everything I have said, they will say I am a racist for saying it, and its total bullshit, while they step forward heading for their own self condemned slaughter in their own slaughter house *of their mind*, for which they *OWN* it, and hold the keys, *themselves*.
12. In a way, I am the *bullshit* falling from the steer infront of you, which you either step in, or step over, its you who will have to decide.

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Sorry bout that,

1. In my *CWN STUDY*, I have come to the conclusion that even after Obamas abysmal record as a President, *worst of all time*, Negro's will not step away from him as a voting block, a few will, or just fail to show up and vote, but on the most part, they will only slip a measly .05 percentile.
2. That is because he is a negro, and only because he is a negro.
3. The anglo independents shall not pull the lever for him this time, which will ouster him from office, which the negro mind will blow a gasket after-wards.:eusa_hand:


With all due respect? I think that Barack Obama will receive the overwhelming support of those African Americans who do show up to vote. I do question whether or not the turnout of black voters during THIS coming election will even come close to that of the last Presidential election year. I see a large number of them simply staying home. I also see this happening with younger voters. They got out in record numbers for Obama in the '08 election buying into the whole "Hope & Change" thing. Since young voters have unemployment numbers that are vastly higher than the rest of the population I really can't see them turning out again in those numbers. The last two years have been a rude slap in the face for a lot of first time voters. They thought they had a "champion" but instead they got an empty suit.
"They comprise 15% of the population. Other Liberals add another 33%. Those two groups total 48% of the electorate, well within the range of the Democrats Legendary Ballot Box Chicanery to steal".

Thanks for posting these numbers. They sparked my curiosity and I moused around looking for some recent numbers from the 2010 census and Gallup polls.

As a percentage of the population, Blacks represent 12.3% from the 2010 census which is down from 14.8% from the 2000 census. In 2008, 70% of eligible Blacks were registered to vote, so the Black voting block would be less than the total 12.3%.

From a recent Gallup poll, 15% of those polled identify themselves as liberal--29% of regestered Democrats. 18% of Democrats identify as conservative and 5% of Democrats identify as very conservative according to the poll. Will conservative-leaning Dems vote for Obama after his record in office?

I can't post the link because I'm new here. I have to make 15 posts before I'm allowed to link a site.:rolleyes: I'm sure you can find it by going to Gallup's site and bringing up the "U.S. Political Ideology" poll.

So if every Black and Lib shows up to vote, Obama has less than 27.3% of the electorate in the bag.
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nothing like the philosophy of consumerism as a social nich(e), and the failure of capitalism to a race of people that are still called by their slave names.
Sorry bout that,

1. Only *CWN* can write it so even the most out spoken *liberal muckity muck*, is afraid to make a post.:eusa_hand:
2. Much less one of the negros here.:eusa_silenced:
3. Some of you folks needs to grows a set.:boobies:
4. I guess you know when you've been beaten, oh....... well taken!:eusa_hand:

White women over 40 are the largest voting segment of the population.

For the past 50+ years black people have voted 92+% racist democrat.

90% of the Republican Party is white. The majority are near 60. Their leadership has talked about privatizing Social Security and ending Medicare (a voucher program would make it NOT Medicare). 90% of the Republican Party will vote for anyone but Obama no matter how it fucks up their lives.
Sorry bout that,

1. In my *CWN STUDY*, I have come to the conclusion that even after Obamas abysmal record as a President, *worst of all time*, Negro's will not step away from him as a voting block, a few will, or just fail to show up and vote, but on the most part, they will only slip a measly .05 percentile.
2. That is because he is a negro, and only because he is a negro.
3. The anglo independents shall not pull the lever for him this time, which will ouster him from office, which the negro mind will blow a gasket after-wards.:eusa_hand:


With all due respect? I think that Barack Obama will receive the overwhelming support of those African Americans who do show up to vote. I do question whether or not the turnout of black voters during THIS coming election will even come close to that of the last Presidential election year. I see a large number of them simply staying home. I also see this happening with younger voters. They got out in record numbers for Obama in the '08 election buying into the whole "Hope & Change" thing. Since young voters have unemployment numbers that are vastly higher than the rest of the population I really can't see them turning out again in those numbers. The last two years have been a rude slap in the face for a lot of first time voters. They thought they had a "champion" but instead they got an empty suit.

Mark my words, black voter turnout will be higher in the 2012 election than in the 2008 election. Obama will get 98% of the black vote.
"They comprise 15% of the population. Other Liberals add another 33%. Those two groups total 48% of the electorate, well within the range of the Democrats Legendary Ballot Box Chicanery to steal".

Thanks for posting these numbers. They sparked my curiosity and I moused around looking for some recent numbers from the 2010 census and Gallup polls.

As a percentage of the population, Blacks represent 12.3% from the 2010 census which is down from 14.8% from the 2000 census. In 2008, 70% of eligible Blacks were registered to vote, so the Black voting block would be less than the total 12.3%.

From a recent Gallup poll, 15% of those polled identify themselves as liberal--29% of regestered Democrats. 18% of Democrats identify as conservative and 5% of Democrats identify as very conservative according to the poll. Will conservative-leaning Dems vote for Obama after his record in office?

I can't post the link because I'm new here. I have to make 15 posts before I'm allowed to link a site.:rolleyes: I'm sure you can find it by going to Gallup's site and bringing up the "U.S. Political Ideology" poll.

So if every Black and Lib shows up to vote, Obama has less than 27.3% of the electorate in the bag.

Location, location, location and electoral college. Study.
Blacks on a whole vote Democrat.They probably always
have and they probably always will.
I don't even think many will watch a single debate
between Obama and whoever the GOP candidate will be.

I remember a bunch of man on the street interviews
with black voters being asked who they were
voting for answered Obama.
When asked why the only answer they gave was they wanted change.
That was it.Had no thoughts on any of Obama's views.
When told things Bush had said in the past and attributed to Obama
just to see what would say.The results were astounding.
These fine African Americans had NO problem with anything they were told.
They were fine with it all because they thought Obama said it.

Pretty fucked up.
And more then 98% are gonna vote for him again....I'm sure....:mad:
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Blacks on a whole vote Democrat.They probably always
have and they probably always will.
I don't even think many will watch a single debate
between Obama and whoever the GOP candidate will be.

I remember a bunch of man on the street interviews
with black voters being asked who they were
voting for answered Obama.
When asked why the only answer they gave was they wanted change.
That was it.Had no thoughts on any of Obama's views.
When told things Bush had said in the past and attributed to Obama
just to see what would say.The results were astounding.
These fine African Americans had NO problem with anything they were told.
They were fine with it all because they thought Obama said it.

Pretty fucked up.
And more then 98% are gonna vote for him again....I'm sure....:mad:

They haven't always. The "big divide" came in the 60's when Conservatives fled the Democratic Party because too many blacks had joined and swelled the ranks of the Republican Party. The liberals from the Republican Party were forced out and they joined the Democratic Party. It's why Republicans today are 90% white. It's also why Republicans, a party that started NASA and built the highway system, among other huge infrastructure projects no longer does that kind of thing. Instead, they slash education and work for huge corporations.
Sorry bout that,

White women over 40 are the largest voting segment of the population.

For the past 50+ years black people have voted 92+% racist democrat.

1. Sure then, everything I stated was bold ofcourse, but was *all true*.
2. It is indisputable.
3. And everyone who is slightly honest about their politics, has to agree.
4. If you want to stand up and disagree with me, I will have no other recourse but to have to call you a *LIAR*.
5. I don't make the truth, I just report on it.
6. White women in general saw Obama as *shiny and new* something coined by *Ol Joe Blow Biden*.
7. It got him on the ticket.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. In my *CWN STUDY*, I have come to the conclusion that even after Obamas abysmal record as a President, *worst of all time*, Negro's will not step away from him as a voting block, a few will, or just fail to show up and vote, but on the most part, they will only slip a measly .05 percentile.
2. That is because he is a negro, and only because he is a negro.
3. The anglo independents shall not pull the lever for him this time, which will ouster him from office, which the negro mind will blow a gasket after-wards.:eusa_hand:


With all due respect? I think that Barack Obama will receive the overwhelming support of those African Americans who do show up to vote. I do question whether or not the turnout of black voters during THIS coming election will even come close to that of the last Presidential election year. I see a large number of them simply staying home. I also see this happening with younger voters. They got out in record numbers for Obama in the '08 election buying into the whole "Hope & Change" thing. Since young voters have unemployment numbers that are vastly higher than the rest of the population I really can't see them turning out again in those numbers. The last two years have been a rude slap in the face for a lot of first time voters. They thought they had a "champion" but instead they got an empty suit.

Mark my words, black voter turnout will be higher in the 2012 election than in the 2008 election. Obama will get 98% of the black vote.

1. I shall mark them, but your point only proves my point that Negros are indeed *Hairy Eye Balled Racists*.
2. Skin be in for da Negro Man.:badgrin:

Blah blah blah, Obama will win again in 2012 and you know it. There is nothing that can be done by the right and again, you know it.

It has to be so damn frustrating to the right. They have NO ONE who will come close to beating him.
Sorry bout that,

Blah blah blah, Obama will win again in 2012 and you know it. There is nothing that can be done by the right and again, you know it.

It has to be so damn frustrating to the right. They have NO ONE who will come close to beating him.

1. I don't think Obama will be in office by next election.
2. He will be thrown out before that.:badgrin:
3. People like you will be in the streets demanding he be impeached, way before Nov. this year.

They comprise 15% of the population. Other Liberals add another 33%. Those two groups total 48% of the electorate, well within the range of the Democrats Legendary Ballot Box Chicanery to steal.
You saw London this summer.
Remember the election of 2008:
"He was young. He looked cool, so I voted for him."
Woman screaming; "HE's going to pay for my groceries!!"
Man questioning "Where's HE going to get the money?"
Woman screaming; "From HIS stash!!!!!"
Then there's the inner city teenager, looking out the front window, waiting for the arrival of his government supplied, brand new, tinted window, black BMW sedan.
Those dreams die hard, and the campaign rhetoric will be exclusively aimed at their getting theirs from the rich, and should HE lose, well the 1960's Watts, Newark, and Detroit riots will look like Sunday School outings in comparison. If you think HE will call out the National Guard or the 101st to try to quell the riots, you've got another thought coming, provided you live long enough and one of the rioters doesn't smash your face with a brick.
Try to form a mental image of Russian Army Soldiers on a night out in Berlin, May, 1945.

Government supplied BMW? you are a retard.:eusa_hand:

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