DACA issue brings out the hateful un-Americans

We are talking about children who did not commit a crime. How about we stop with the false comparisons

Didn't commit OTHER crimes, you mean. It is illegal - a crime - to be in the United States without a visa or a green card.
At what point does a parents actions make a child a criminal?

At the point the child reaches majority age and continues breaking U.S. Law.

The left claims Trump is taking infants from their cribs to deport them, at the same time these little Goebbels claim 91% of the infants in their cribs are employed... :eusa_whistle:
Wow, you obviously do not understand the situation. Do a little homework, i'm not here to educate you.

What a cop out.
Not a cop out at all, you posted nothing but garbage, what is there to respond to... Ok, i'll try. Please post a quote or video of anybody with credibility from the left who has claimed that "Trump is taking infants from their cribs to deport them" Back up your words
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.
I also haven't taken the perspective of someone who robbed a liquor store. I don't need to do that to point out that laws should be enforced or repealed.
We are talking about children who did not commit a crime. How about we stop with the false comparisons

Didn't commit OTHER crimes, you mean. It is illegal - a crime - to be in the United States without a visa or a green card.
What the fuck is wrong with you! A child brought into the country illegally has not committed a crime. If they stay after reaching the age of majority, finding that this is the only country that they know, they have not committed a crime. Your problem, the problem of the bigots and xenophobes is that you focus-knowingly and purposefully -on the ridged legal issues while ignoring the human aspects of it. Only cold hearted psychopaths are able to do that. Is that what you are??
I AM REALLY CONFLICTED ON THIS. Sorry all caps was on. Um anyway, back to the point, people are saying whites all as a group have benefited from racism and slavery going back over a 150 years (lumping everyone in a group). but the recent children of illegals shouldn't "suffer" penalties of immigration laws their PARENTS lumping them into another group. And then we are up on fighting against racial profiling....AMERICA, (nod to Bernie Mac) we are all a bunch of conflicted dummbasses.
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Didn't commit OTHER crimes, you mean. It is illegal - a crime - to be in the United States without a visa or a green card.
At what point does a parents actions make a child a criminal?

At the point the child reaches majority age and continues breaking U.S. Law.

The left claims Trump is taking infants from their cribs to deport them, at the same time these little Goebbels claim 91% of the infants in their cribs are employed... :eusa_whistle:
Wow, you obviously do not understand the situation. Do a little homework, i'm not here to educate you.

What a cop out.
Not a cop out at all, you posted nothing but garbage, what is there to respond to... Ok, i'll try. Please post a quote or video of anybody with credibility from the left who has claimed that "Trump is taking infants from their cribs to deport them" Back up your words



Is that supposed to be satire?
No, it's reality

Most certainly not. Berkeley and other institutions of the left have unleashed Gestapo to openly assault those who dare speak in defiance to political correctness speech restrictions. Liberty is at the lowest ebb since the nation was founded, with the left actively and violently working to crush liberty altogether, The war of the democrats on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of association is at a frenzied peak. Yes, America is pushing back for the first time, but that has yet to dissuade the left from their war on the Bill of Rights.
I think blacks, women and the LGBT would strongly disagree with your assessment of Liberty in this country. Wake up

You confuse special privilege with liberty.

I suspect it is indeed this sort of ignorance that drives the leftist war on the Bill of Rights.
No, I mean liberty. The right to be free, the right to vote, the right to marry... All which were not available to these groups during our countries inception. It's kind of a big deal

Utter bullshit.

Blacks were denied liberty, the others were not.
I am good with giving a few hundred million Hispanics a free pass. Some of them do good stuff. I am no so sure about them letting this go much further. Wheat to chaff, it is a small return, why do we NEED to ignore illegal aliens and wetback babies? Because liberals have temper tantrums? SORRY NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Sorry, caps lock stuck again. Illegals can and should bloody well immigrate legally, and not bring their offspring into this like human shields like total players and manipulators they are.
These vile sick xenophobes do not represent our country.

Steve (takes it in the ass) King: Deported Dreamers Can Teach Home Countries ‘How A Civilized People Interact With Each Other’

Rep. Steve King, the Iowa Republican who famously said that most DREAM Act recipients have “calves the size of cantaloupes” from running drugs across the border and then led the House GOP’s efforts to reel back President Obama’s DACA program, said this morning that President Trump’s decision to end DACA will lead to DREAMers who have been deported creating a Peace Corps-like force that will teach their home countries “how a civilized people interact with each other.”

Go to hell, idiot.

Paul (ass handed to him by Ryan) Nehlen Helps Kick Off ‘Cerno News’ By Attacking Undocumented Immigrants

During yesterday’s broadcast of “Cerno News,” Nehlen shared his reaction to the Trump administration’s repeal of DACA, which protects nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation, with Stack and Cerovich Media writer Andrew Meyer. “They need to go back to Mexico and make Mexico great for once. I’m not of the opinion that we owe them anything. We don’t owe them anything. We don’t owe any Mexican citizens anything in this country,” Nehlen said.

"They need to go back to Mexico"… yeah, he actually went there.

Sick, I know.

FAIR Spokesman (and xenophobic hate machine) Claims Ungrateful Dreamers Have No Right To Call U.S. Home

Kaufman told Ray that she was appalled that Dreamers protesting Trump’s decision are “so angry and not grateful at all for the opportunity they’ve had” in the United States.

“They’re calling our president a liar,” Ray said. “Well, I’ll tell you, if I wanted somebody to do a favor for me, which is what this would be, I sure as heck wouldn’t give a press conference and call him a big, fat liar.”

In a perfect world, all three of these monsters would be kidnapped, taken to Mexico, given sex changes, fed heroin until addicted, and then dropped back on MLK Blvd in any major U.S. city. Justice.
Articles: DACA Was a Bad Dream

Another BO bad dream as written. There were other alternatives, but the left wing loons use this as another power grab. So take a long walk off a short bridge.
I hate xenophobes like I do illegals aliens , America, (channeling Bernie Mac) We can't fix something and ignore another. People immigrate here every day, bless em. But when people creep on up in here and then pretend to be something they aren't, that makes Americans angry. We want to end that, am I right, America?
At what point does a parents actions make a child a criminal?

At the point the child reaches majority age and continues breaking U.S. Law.

The left claims Trump is taking infants from their cribs to deport them, at the same time these little Goebbels claim 91% of the infants in their cribs are employed... :eusa_whistle:
Wow, you obviously do not understand the situation. Do a little homework, i'm not here to educate you.

What a cop out.
Not a cop out at all, you posted nothing but garbage, what is there to respond to... Ok, i'll try. Please post a quote or video of anybody with credibility from the left who has claimed that "Trump is taking infants from their cribs to deport them" Back up your words



I see where you get your news from... explains a lot.
No, it's reality

Most certainly not. Berkeley and other institutions of the left have unleashed Gestapo to openly assault those who dare speak in defiance to political correctness speech restrictions. Liberty is at the lowest ebb since the nation was founded, with the left actively and violently working to crush liberty altogether, The war of the democrats on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of association is at a frenzied peak. Yes, America is pushing back for the first time, but that has yet to dissuade the left from their war on the Bill of Rights.
I think blacks, women and the LGBT would strongly disagree with your assessment of Liberty in this country. Wake up

You confuse special privilege with liberty.

I suspect it is indeed this sort of ignorance that drives the leftist war on the Bill of Rights.
No, I mean liberty. The right to be free, the right to vote, the right to marry... All which were not available to these groups during our countries inception. It's kind of a big deal

Utter bullshit.

Blacks were denied liberty, the others were not.
Really? Women not being able to vote wasn't denying them liberty? Not allowing gay people to receive the same marriage rights as straight people isn't denying them the same liberties as other Americans? Are you slow?
I am good with giving a few hundred million Hispanics a free pass. Some of them do good stuff. I am no so sure about them letting this go much further. Wheat to chaff, it is a small return, why do we NEED to ignore illegal aliens and wetback babies? Because liberals have temper tantrums? SORRY NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Sorry, caps lock stuck again. Illegals can and should bloody well immigrate legally, and not bring their offspring into this like human shields like total players and manipulators they are.
Oh dear, you shouldn't post while intoxicated, although it is pretty funny :beer:
I am good with giving a few hundred million Hispanics a free pass. Some of them do good stuff. I am no so sure about them letting this go much further. Wheat to chaff, it is a small return, why do we NEED to ignore illegal aliens and wetback babies? Because liberals have temper tantrums? SORRY NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Sorry, caps lock stuck again. Illegals can and should bloody well immigrate legally, and not bring their offspring into this like human shields like total players and manipulators they are.
Oh dear, you shouldn't post while intoxicated, although it is pretty funny :beer:
Really? So subtle yet condescending. Sounds like you might be projecting here. You know what that is, don't you?
"Immigration reform" is libspeak for "amnesty." That isn't going to happen. We don't need to reform our immigration laws. We just need to enforce them.
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people.

.....you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.

You should talk to the parents. It is they that showed complete lack of understanding and empathy.

How empathetic would you be when arriving home from vacation to find a family of squatters in your home that refused to leave? Bet you'd be calling the cops to have them forcibly removed. Kids or no kids.
Sure I would but again, that is a COMPLETELY different kind of situation, and even with that, I wouldn't push for the children to be punished for their parents actions


Removing a child who's parents brought them on IS NOT PUNISHMENT!

That's been my point all along you dufus

You can't make this shit up folks!
I am sick for stereotypes . I used to be HUGE liberal once upon a time. America dosen't want or need their handlers to tell us what to think or how to deal with these bastardos. I love it, they sneak in transmogrify American culture, but America, we aren't supposed to notice. We notice. Oh, hell yeah we notice.
Yeah, after we boot a couple of million illegals, we can start looking at which of the dreamers we want to keep.

The dreamers are law abiding, productive tax payers. They actually are a better population than the general public. We would be better off keeping the dreamers, and kicking out the first million Trump voters.

Oh, I've made this compromise before.

One dreamer for each progressive who said they'd leave if Trump was elected. Hell, its fulfilling a promise they made anyway.

A win/win
I am good with giving a few hundred million Hispanics a free pass. Some of them do good stuff. I am no so sure about them letting this go much further. Wheat to chaff, it is a small return, why do we NEED to ignore illegal aliens and wetback babies? Because liberals have temper tantrums? SORRY NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Sorry, caps lock stuck again. Illegals can and should bloody well immigrate legally, and not bring their offspring into this like human shields like total players and manipulators they are.
Oh dear, you shouldn't post while intoxicated, although it is pretty funny :beer:
Really? So subtle yet condescending. Sounds like you might be projecting here. You know what that is, don't you?
Apologies, I wasn't trying to be condescending, i just thought you hit the sauce a little too hard. I actually think I agree with what you are trying to say, it just isn't coming out very clearly. I.e. Bernie Mac and the 100s of millions of dreamers...
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people.

.....you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.

You should talk to the parents. It is they that showed complete lack of understanding and empathy.

How empathetic would you be when arriving home from vacation to find a family of squatters in your home that refused to leave? Bet you'd be calling the cops to have them forcibly removed. Kids or no kids.
Sure I would but again, that is a COMPLETELY different kind of situation, and even with that, I wouldn't push for the children to be punished for their parents actions


Removing a child who's parents brought them on IS NOT PUNISHMENT!

That's been my point all along you dufus

You can't make this shit up folks!
What are you talking about?
How empathetic would you be when arriving home from vacation to find a family of squatters in your home that refused to leave?.

I would feel like a native american indian., ;)

Nice deflection. But truth be told, you'd kick their asses out, kids and all!

Where's that empathy?

Like the indians should have done with the pilgrims?

See what happened?
If it was not for white man my brethren would be still playing around with sticks and dirt… And worshiping dirt.
No they didn't, nor did we have a choice to let them in.

They were brought in by, then raised by criminals that, at any point could have admitted to the errors in their ways, left, sought legal entrance, then returned legally. They chose to leave their children in this position. NOT US.

This "blame the ugly American" crap is old and boring. Get over it unless you believe that we MUST LET PEOPLE GAME OUR SYSTEM AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

So stop this foolishness, or live by the principles you push, and if anyone breaks into YOU HOME be ready to give them legal residence.

It is EXACTLY what you ask your country to do, but not yourself.

Wake the hell up!

OBTW, have you noticed how many signs there are in the DACA support protests written in SPANISH!

Assimilation is not in those fold vocabulary
The solution is with immigration reform and border security. Not punishing dreamers. You are focusing your energy in the wrong place
"Immigration reform" is libspeak for "amnesty." That isn't going to happen. We don't need to reform our immigration laws. We just need to enforce them.
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people.

.....you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico.
I'm sorry but....are you reading what you're writing?

If she's been here since she was 4,
where else would she have been,
before coming to this country, if not Mexico?

Furthermore, what difference does that make?
What's that have to do with anything?
Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College.
Again, what difference does that make?
The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting
Au contraire

What's disgusting is that you have the fucking audacity
to turn this around and make it about me!

What's disgusting is, the blatant disregard of our laws,
by those who are illegally here and refuse to leave quietly
and by those who should be enforcing our immigration laws

What's disgusting is, instead of coughing up the money,
and begin the process to enter this country legally,
like every immigrant that resides here legally, has done,
they insist on trying to change our laws, while they defy them

The parents already knew and were fully aware
what kind of life and opportunities their children could expect.
I didn't tell them to have kids nor, is it my fucking problem,
they wanted more then they had and Mexico could offer!

Cry me a fucking river!
I'd like more in my life too but, it is what it is
and I'm content because I focus on what I have,
instead of dwelling on what I could have, or feel I should have

You can't always get what you want but,
if you try sometimes, you get what you need!

Selfish, ungrateful, leeches, illegals are
you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country...
Darling, stating it was a win, win, was not an attempt
to justify my stance...being illegal and criminal is justification

Someone has to be the example of the consequences
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.
I also haven't taken the perspective of someone who robbed a liquor store. I don't need to do that to point out that laws should be enforced or repealed.
We are talking about children who did not commit a crime. How about we stop with the false comparisons

Didn't commit OTHER crimes, you mean. It is illegal - a crime - to be in the United States without a visa or a green card.
What the fuck is wrong with you! A child brought into the country illegally has not committed a crime. If they stay after reaching the age of majority, finding that this is the only country that they know, they have not committed a crime. Your problem, the problem of the bigots and xenophobes is that you focus-knowingly and purposefully -on the ridged legal issues while ignoring the human aspects of it. Only cold hearted psychopaths are able to do that. Is that what you are??

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