DACA issue brings out the hateful un-Americans

Why do tax paying Americans not have the same opportunities
and financial relief as any of them?
They should. Now you answer my question
They should. Now answer my question.
We should, but we don't!

They deserve opportunities in their country!

Instead of illegally entering our country
they should be doing whatever is necessary
to bring about the change necessary in Mexico
for future generations to come.

Why must we pay for the opportunities
they are afforded, at our own expense?

I live in a 98% predominantly Hispanic neighborhood,
The city has built at least, 5 new, state of the art,
grammar schools and high schools, complete with
indoor pools, soccer fields, cafeteria's, air conditioning,
top notch computer labs, science labs, offering an array of
sports, marching bands, musical instruments...etc

every existing public school by my house,
had annexes added onto the surrounding free space

This was done to accommodate the explosion of
Hispanic children that flooded our city and the area.

This comes at a hefty cost,
a cost that they haven't had to contribute to.

We are strapped for cash as it is,
because of our corrupted politicians,
then add the burden of schooling, feeding,
providing medical care, dental care, braces,
eye glasses, for immigrants who feel
they are entitled to opportunities at the expense of others.

You know, all I can do at this point,
with everything that's going on,
is lift my arms to Heaven and say, Jesus come quickly!

I don't understand how people can not do basic math
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here. This is their country and their home. But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here.
Dreamers alright... always dreaming up ways
to illegally stay here, at our expense....
this time, using children as pawns
This is their country and their home.
They decided this was their country...
They made this country their home...illegally
But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?


Deferred...put off

We put off deporting them as children,
now, they're adults who need to depart
and legally, go through the process,

Makes perfect sense
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way. It is whats going to happen and you are going to have to deal with that reality. It was Obamas plan and it sounds like it is Trumps plan as well.
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way.

I'm sure that's how people who were selling pot,
got caught and served prison time,
would have liked it to play out for them.

They broke the law but, were able to avoid the consequences
until Congress pulled their head out of their ass and legalized it!

The majority of DACA are adults ass wipe
They already have jobs they just don't want to leave
The solution is with immigration reform and border security. Not punishing dreamers. You are focusing your energy in the wrong place
"Immigration reform" is libspeak for "amnesty." That isn't going to happen. We don't need to reform our immigration laws. We just need to enforce them.
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people.

.....you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico.
I'm sorry but....are you reading what you're writing?

If she's been here since she was 4,
where else would she have been,
before coming to this country, if not Mexico?

Furthermore, what difference does that make?
What's that have to do with anything?
Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College.
Again, what difference does that make?
The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting
Au contraire

What's disgusting is that you have the fucking audacity
to turn this around and make it about me!

What's disgusting is, the blatant disregard of our laws,
by those who are illegally here and refuse to leave quietly
and by those who should be enforcing our immigration laws

What's disgusting is, instead of coughing up the money,
and begin the process to enter this country legally,
like every immigrant that resides here legally, has done,
they insist on trying to change our laws, while they defy them

The parents already knew and were fully aware
what kind of life and opportunities their children could expect.
I didn't tell them to have kids nor, is it my fucking problem,
they wanted more then they had and Mexico could offer!

Cry me a fucking river!
I'd like more in my life too but, it is what it is
and I'm content because I focus on what I have,
instead of dwelling on what I could have, or feel I should have

You can't always get what you want but,
if you try sometimes, you get what you need!

Selfish, ungrateful, leeches, illegals are
you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country...
Darling, stating it was a win, win, was not an attempt
to justify my stance...being illegal and criminal is justification

Someone has to be the example of the consequences
So you think if somebody lives in Mexico until they are 4 and then moves to the USA where they spend over a decade including all of their schooling, that somehow they identify with Mexico as their home. Do you really think they remember anything about the first few years of their lives... knows anybody that lives there? And you think I'm the crazy one?
They should. Now you answer my question
They should. Now answer my question.
We should, but we don't!

They deserve opportunities in their country!

Instead of illegally entering our country
they should be doing whatever is necessary
to bring about the change necessary in Mexico
for future generations to come.

Why must we pay for the opportunities
they are afforded, at our own expense?

I live in a 98% predominantly Hispanic neighborhood,
The city has built at least, 5 new, state of the art,
grammar schools and high schools, complete with
indoor pools, soccer fields, cafeteria's, air conditioning,
top notch computer labs, science labs, offering an array of
sports, marching bands, musical instruments...etc

every existing public school by my house,
had annexes added onto the surrounding free space

This was done to accommodate the explosion of
Hispanic children that flooded our city and the area.

This comes at a hefty cost,
a cost that they haven't had to contribute to.

We are strapped for cash as it is,
because of our corrupted politicians,
then add the burden of schooling, feeding,
providing medical care, dental care, braces,
eye glasses, for immigrants who feel
they are entitled to opportunities at the expense of others.

You know, all I can do at this point,
with everything that's going on,
is lift my arms to Heaven and say, Jesus come quickly!

I don't understand how people can not do basic math
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here. This is their country and their home. But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here.
Dreamers alright... always dreaming up ways
to illegally stay here, at our expense....
this time, using children as pawns
This is their country and their home.
They decided this was their country...
They made this country their home...illegally
But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?


Deferred...put off

We put off deporting them as children,
now, they're adults who need to depart
and legally, go through the process,

Makes perfect sense
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way. It is whats going to happen and you are going to have to deal with that reality. It was Obamas plan and it sounds like it is Trumps plan as well.
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way.

I'm sure that's how people who were selling pot,
got caught and served prison time,
would have liked it to play out for them.

They broke the law but, were able to avoid the consequences
until Congress pulled their head out of their ass and legalized it!

The majority of DACA are adults ass wipe
They already have jobs they just don't want to leave
Pot is still against federal law genius. You wanna go round up all the pot smokers in Co, Wa, Ca, etc and throw them in jail?
"Immigration reform" is libspeak for "amnesty." That isn't going to happen. We don't need to reform our immigration laws. We just need to enforce them.
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people.

.....you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico.
I'm sorry but....are you reading what you're writing?

If she's been here since she was 4,
where else would she have been,
before coming to this country, if not Mexico?

Furthermore, what difference does that make?
What's that have to do with anything?
Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College.
Again, what difference does that make?
The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting
Au contraire

What's disgusting is that you have the fucking audacity
to turn this around and make it about me!

What's disgusting is, the blatant disregard of our laws,
by those who are illegally here and refuse to leave quietly
and by those who should be enforcing our immigration laws

What's disgusting is, instead of coughing up the money,
and begin the process to enter this country legally,
like every immigrant that resides here legally, has done,
they insist on trying to change our laws, while they defy them

The parents already knew and were fully aware
what kind of life and opportunities their children could expect.
I didn't tell them to have kids nor, is it my fucking problem,
they wanted more then they had and Mexico could offer!

Cry me a fucking river!
I'd like more in my life too but, it is what it is
and I'm content because I focus on what I have,
instead of dwelling on what I could have, or feel I should have

You can't always get what you want but,
if you try sometimes, you get what you need!

Selfish, ungrateful, leeches, illegals are
you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country...
Darling, stating it was a win, win, was not an attempt
to justify my stance...being illegal and criminal is justification

Someone has to be the example of the consequences
So you think if somebody lives in Mexico until they are 4 and then moves to the USA where they spend over a decade including all of their schooling, that somehow they identify with Mexico as their home. Do you really think they remember anything about the first few years of their lives... knows anybody that lives there? And you think I'm the crazy one?
So you think if somebody lives in Mexico until they are 4 and then moves to the USA where they spend over a decade including all of their schooling, that somehow they identify with Mexico as their home. Do you really think they remember anything about the first few years of their lives... knows anybody that lives there?
Nope, never said nor suggested as much.

I brought that up because of what you stated....
that's it, that's all
We should, but we don't!

They deserve opportunities in their country!

Instead of illegally entering our country
they should be doing whatever is necessary
to bring about the change necessary in Mexico
for future generations to come.

Why must we pay for the opportunities
they are afforded, at our own expense?

I live in a 98% predominantly Hispanic neighborhood,
The city has built at least, 5 new, state of the art,
grammar schools and high schools, complete with
indoor pools, soccer fields, cafeteria's, air conditioning,
top notch computer labs, science labs, offering an array of
sports, marching bands, musical instruments...etc

every existing public school by my house,
had annexes added onto the surrounding free space

This was done to accommodate the explosion of
Hispanic children that flooded our city and the area.

This comes at a hefty cost,
a cost that they haven't had to contribute to.

We are strapped for cash as it is,
because of our corrupted politicians,
then add the burden of schooling, feeding,
providing medical care, dental care, braces,
eye glasses, for immigrants who feel
they are entitled to opportunities at the expense of others.

You know, all I can do at this point,
with everything that's going on,
is lift my arms to Heaven and say, Jesus come quickly!

I don't understand how people can not do basic math
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here. This is their country and their home. But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here.
Dreamers alright... always dreaming up ways
to illegally stay here, at our expense....
this time, using children as pawns
This is their country and their home.
They decided this was their country...
They made this country their home...illegally
But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?


Deferred...put off

We put off deporting them as children,
now, they're adults who need to depart
and legally, go through the process,

Makes perfect sense
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way. It is whats going to happen and you are going to have to deal with that reality. It was Obamas plan and it sounds like it is Trumps plan as well.
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way.

I'm sure that's how people who were selling pot,
got caught and served prison time,
would have liked it to play out for them.

They broke the law but, were able to avoid the consequences
until Congress pulled their head out of their ass and legalized it!

The majority of DACA are adults ass wipe
They already have jobs they just don't want to leave
Pot is still against federal law genius. You wanna go round up all the pot smokers in Co, Wa, Ca, etc and throw them in jail?
Pot is still against federal law genius. You wanna go round up all the pot smokers in Co, Wa, Ca, etc and throw them in jail?
Come on now, I know that
and you know what I was driving at

Breaking the law is breaking the law

Not wanting to enter our country legally
doesn't make your consequences our problem
when you're caught and deported back to Mexico

If you're willing to take the risk,
be willing to pay the price

We're not wrong for enforcing our laws,
illegals are wrong for breaking our laws.

They break up their own families, that's not on us,...
trying to place their consequences on our shoulders
still doesn't make it our burden to carry, that's on them

Don't blame others for the consequences of your choices

If a man robs a bank to feed his kids
and move them out of a shelter and into their own home,
is his crime exempt from the consequences of his choices
simply because kids and a sad story are a mitigating factor?

I think not

The consequences dreamers and illegals are facing
are not my problem, not my fault and not my burden to carry!
keepitreal, your verse sucks.

By the way, why aren't American Afro American expressing an interest in helping Afro American Caribbean folks? Could it be because Blacks in America are low IQ parasites?
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people.

.....you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico.
I'm sorry but....are you reading what you're writing?

If she's been here since she was 4,
where else would she have been,
before coming to this country, if not Mexico?

Furthermore, what difference does that make?
What's that have to do with anything?
Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College.
Again, what difference does that make?
The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting
Au contraire

What's disgusting is that you have the fucking audacity
to turn this around and make it about me!

What's disgusting is, the blatant disregard of our laws,
by those who are illegally here and refuse to leave quietly
and by those who should be enforcing our immigration laws

What's disgusting is, instead of coughing up the money,
and begin the process to enter this country legally,
like every immigrant that resides here legally, has done,
they insist on trying to change our laws, while they defy them

The parents already knew and were fully aware
what kind of life and opportunities their children could expect.
I didn't tell them to have kids nor, is it my fucking problem,
they wanted more then they had and Mexico could offer!

Cry me a fucking river!
I'd like more in my life too but, it is what it is
and I'm content because I focus on what I have,
instead of dwelling on what I could have, or feel I should have

You can't always get what you want but,
if you try sometimes, you get what you need!

Selfish, ungrateful, leeches, illegals are
you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country...
Darling, stating it was a win, win, was not an attempt
to justify my stance...being illegal and criminal is justification

Someone has to be the example of the consequences
So you think if somebody lives in Mexico until they are 4 and then moves to the USA where they spend over a decade including all of their schooling, that somehow they identify with Mexico as their home. Do you really think they remember anything about the first few years of their lives... knows anybody that lives there? And you think I'm the crazy one?
So you think if somebody lives in Mexico until they are 4 and then moves to the USA where they spend over a decade including all of their schooling, that somehow they identify with Mexico as their home. Do you really think they remember anything about the first few years of their lives... knows anybody that lives there?
Nope, never said nor suggested as much.

I brought that up because of what you stated....
that's it, that's all
Well my point went over your head. Somebody that came here from Mexico as a child doesn't know Mexico. They grew up here, this is he only place they know. It not like they took summer trips down south for spring. The majority came here is a little kid and haven't ever been back. Take a second and imagine yourself as a teenager in high school or a student in college being forced to go live in Mexico without knowing anybody there and without knowing if you will ever be allowed back to the US. Put yourself in their shoes. Something isn't registering in your head
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here. This is their country and their home. But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here.
Dreamers alright... always dreaming up ways
to illegally stay here, at our expense....
this time, using children as pawns
This is their country and their home.
They decided this was their country...
They made this country their home...illegally
But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?


Deferred...put off

We put off deporting them as children,
now, they're adults who need to depart
and legally, go through the process,

Makes perfect sense
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way. It is whats going to happen and you are going to have to deal with that reality. It was Obamas plan and it sounds like it is Trumps plan as well.
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way.

I'm sure that's how people who were selling pot,
got caught and served prison time,
would have liked it to play out for them.

They broke the law but, were able to avoid the consequences
until Congress pulled their head out of their ass and legalized it!

The majority of DACA are adults ass wipe
They already have jobs they just don't want to leave
Pot is still against federal law genius. You wanna go round up all the pot smokers in Co, Wa, Ca, etc and throw them in jail?
Pot is still against federal law genius. You wanna go round up all the pot smokers in Co, Wa, Ca, etc and throw them in jail?
Come on now, I know that
and you know what I was driving at

Breaking the law is breaking the law

Not wanting to enter our country legally
doesn't make your consequences our problem
when you're caught and deported back to Mexico

If you're willing to take the risk,
be willing to pay the price

We're not wrong for enforcing our laws,
illegals are wrong for breaking our laws.

They break up their own families, that's not on us,...
trying to place their consequences on our shoulders
still doesn't make it our burden to carry, that's on them

Don't blame others for the consequences of your choices

If a man robs a bank to feed his kids
and move them out of a shelter and into their own home,
is his crime exempt from the consequences of his choices
simply because kids and a sad story are a mitigating factor?

I think not

The consequences dreamers and illegals are facing
are not my problem, not my fault and not my burden to carry!
How many times do I need to repeat myself. The dreamers did not decide to come here illegally! They were not responsible for the crimes of their parents yet you want to impose the same punishments. Why do you keep restating the arguement that they were conscious law breakers? It's simply not the case

And I don't know what you were driving at with the pot analogy, it is a very similar situation. Pot is illegal federally just as being undocumented is. Yet states have passed laws in contrast to both federal laws. So it begs the question of states rights. Do you think all the pot shop owners and smokers should be thrown in federal prison? If not then why the hypocrisy?
What the fuck is wrong with you! A child brought into the country illegally has not committed a crime. If they stay after reaching the age of majority, finding that this is the only country that they know, they have not committed a crime. Your problem, the problem of the bigots and xenophobes is that you focus-knowingly and purposefully -on the ridged legal issues while ignoring the human aspects of it. Only cold hearted psychopaths are able to do that. Is that what you are??

You use too much meth, way too much.

Being in the USA without a green card or visa is a violation of federal law. I realize you are a Stalinist, but we are still a nation of laws, despite your best efforts to subvert the nation.

You seek to bring in foreign nationals to provide votes for your failing party. Americans are done with you fascist democrats, hence you seek to erase the border so that you can bribe foreigners with the promise of welfare and other transfer payments from Americans in exchange for votes.
You hide behind the written law to rationalize your xenophobia and bigotry while demonstration time and again that you have no understanding of moral law.

Two things fill the mind with renewed and increasing awe and reverence the more often and the more steadily that they are meditated on: the starry skies above me and the moral law inside me. I have not to search for them and conjecture them as though they were veiled in darkness or were in the transcendent region beyond my horizon; I see them before me and connect them directly with the consciousness of my existence”
Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
What the fuck is wrong with you! A child brought into the country illegally has not committed a crime. If they stay after reaching the age of majority, finding that this is the only country that they know, they have not committed a crime. Your problem, the problem of the bigots and xenophobes is that you focus-knowingly and purposefully -on the ridged legal issues while ignoring the human aspects of it. Only cold hearted psychopaths are able to do that. Is that what you are??

You use too much meth, way too much.

Being in the USA without a green card or visa is a violation of federal law. I realize you are a Stalinist, but we are still a nation of laws, despite your best efforts to subvert the nation.

You seek to bring in foreign nationals to provide votes for your failing party. Americans are done with you fascist democrats, hence you seek to erase the border so that you can bribe foreigners with the promise of welfare and other transfer payments from Americans in exchange for votes.
Your continuous lies about the dreamers voting shows just how desperate , dishonest and pathetic you are.
You hide behind the written law to rationalize your xenophobia and bigotry while demonstration time and again that you have no understanding of moral law.

That you call the United States Constitution "xenophobia and bigotry" well demonstrates how bereft you Stalinists are of integrity and ideas,

Demagoguery is literally the only tool in your belt.
You hide behind the written law to rationalize your xenophobia and bigotry while demonstration time and again that you have no understanding of moral law.

That you call the United States Constitution "xenophobia and bigotry" well demonstrates how bereft you Stalinists are of integrity and ideas,

Demagoguery is literally the only tool in your belt.
Thank you for confirming just how bizarre and unhinged you really are. I said that the United States Constitution is equivalent to "xenophobia and bigotry? Really? Holy shit you are OUT THERE!
Not true. This methodology would be valid if a business was evaluating the labor costs per employee as each a specific associated expense (salary). Students are not paid a salary, the teachers are. Add a student to a school, there isn't a need for an additional $15K in funding... There is a need if teachers or administrators need to be added. Get it?


The cost of educating a student is derived by totalling all cost of infrastructure, expenses, teachers, janitors, desks, administration, the buildings, books, copier ink and chalk. Then you divide that by the number of students. Presto, the cost of each student.

True, add one student and there isn't a need for $15K in funding. Add 1,000 students and you need additional classrooms, teachers, administration totalling $15 million.
I am good with giving a few hundred million Hispanics a free pass.

Not surprised at your ignorance.

We have a few HUNDRED MILLION citizens in the entire United States. About 330,000,000 citizens and you have no problem with another 330,000,000 Hispanics a free pass into citizenship? How does that work?
So you think if somebody lives in Mexico until they are 4 and then moves to the USA where they spend over a decade including all of their schooling, that somehow they identify with Mexico as their home. Do you really think they remember anything about the first few years of their lives... knows anybody that lives there? And you think I'm the crazy one?

DACA, as signed by President Obama was cruel and mean spirited. He knew and said that it wasn't legal and would fail in the courts. In other words, the instant a judge banged down his gavel declaring DACA unconstitutional they were out.

Doing the compassionate thing, President Trump has taken an illegal act and plunked it down where it should be, in Congress for them to write a comprehensive immigration law. NO ONE has said all "Dreamers" have to leave but, on the other hand, what gives them the right to jump way ahead of everyone else in line who have followed the law?
These vile sick xenophobes do not represent our country.

Steve (takes it in the ass) King: Deported Dreamers Can Teach Home Countries ‘How A Civilized People Interact With Each Other’

Rep. Steve King, the Iowa Republican who famously said that most DREAM Act recipients have “calves the size of cantaloupes” from running drugs across the border and then led the House GOP’s efforts to reel back President Obama’s DACA program, said this morning that President Trump’s decision to end DACA will lead to DREAMers who have been deported creating a Peace Corps-like force that will teach their home countries “how a civilized people interact with each other.”

Go to hell, idiot.

Paul (ass handed to him by Ryan) Nehlen Helps Kick Off ‘Cerno News’ By Attacking Undocumented Immigrants

During yesterday’s broadcast of “Cerno News,” Nehlen shared his reaction to the Trump administration’s repeal of DACA, which protects nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation, with Stack and Cerovich Media writer Andrew Meyer. “They need to go back to Mexico and make Mexico great for once. I’m not of the opinion that we owe them anything. We don’t owe them anything. We don’t owe any Mexican citizens anything in this country,” Nehlen said.

"They need to go back to Mexico"… yeah, he actually went there.

Sick, I know.

FAIR Spokesman (and xenophobic hate machine) Claims Ungrateful Dreamers Have No Right To Call U.S. Home

Kaufman told Ray that she was appalled that Dreamers protesting Trump’s decision are “so angry and not grateful at all for the opportunity they’ve had” in the United States.

“They’re calling our president a liar,” Ray said. “Well, I’ll tell you, if I wanted somebody to do a favor for me, which is what this would be, I sure as heck wouldn’t give a press conference and call him a big, fat liar.”

In a perfect world, all three of these monsters would be kidnapped, taken to Mexico, given sex changes, fed heroin until addicted, and then dropped back on MLK Blvd in any major U.S. city. Justice.

Your first link explains your anger, someone taking it in the ass cuts down on your chances of the high hard one planted balls deep. Maybe deep enough to stimulate your mind,
Not true. This methodology would be valid if a business was evaluating the labor costs per employee as each a specific associated expense (salary). Students are not paid a salary, the teachers are. Add a student to a school, there isn't a need for an additional $15K in funding... There is a need if teachers or administrators need to be added. Get it?


The cost of educating a student is derived by totalling all cost of infrastructure, expenses, teachers, janitors, desks, administration, the buildings, books, copier ink and chalk. Then you divide that by the number of students. Presto, the cost of each student.

True, add one student and there isn't a need for $15K in funding. Add 1,000 students and you need additional classrooms, teachers, administration totalling $15 million.
Yeah that's the same point I just made
So you think if somebody lives in Mexico until they are 4 and then moves to the USA where they spend over a decade including all of their schooling, that somehow they identify with Mexico as their home. Do you really think they remember anything about the first few years of their lives... knows anybody that lives there? And you think I'm the crazy one?

DACA, as signed by President Obama was cruel and mean spirited. He knew and said that it wasn't legal and would fail in the courts. In other words, the instant a judge banged down his gavel declaring DACA unconstitutional they were out.

Doing the compassionate thing, President Trump has taken an illegal act and plunked it down where it should be, in Congress for them to write a comprehensive immigration law. NO ONE has said all "Dreamers" have to leave but, on the other hand, what gives them the right to jump way ahead of everyone else in line who have followed the law?
The indoctrination runs thick in this one. Haha

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