DACA issue brings out the hateful un-Americans

Here is something else for the bigots and xenophobes to chew on:

Senate Dems to unveil plan to protect Dreamers in the military

Senate Democrats will release a plan later Tuesday that would protect so-called Dreamers and other immigrants serving in the military — a push that comes amid sharp debate about the future of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Read this and then explain how you people are patriots...

The measure from Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) would ensure that immigrants in the military who have been recruited through the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest initiative — hundreds of them beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — would be able to retain their status in the military until background checks and other screening processes are completed.

When the military can’t find American citizens with the skills it needs to help defend our country, they turn to the MAVNI program,” Durbin said in a statement. “Right now, there are patriots prepared to lay down their lives for ours who are losing their immigration status while waiting for their background checks to clear. With all the threats facing the United States today, we simply cannot afford to lose these brave men and women because of a technicality.”
Here is something else for the bigots and xenophobes to chew on:

Senate Dems to unveil plan to protect Dreamers in the military

Senate Democrats will release a plan later Tuesday that would protect so-called Dreamers and other immigrants serving in the military — a push that comes amid sharp debate about the future of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Read this and then explain how you people are patriots...

The measure from Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) would ensure that immigrants in the military who have been recruited through the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest initiative — hundreds of them beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — would be able to retain their status in the military until background checks and other screening processes are completed.

When the military can’t find American citizens with the skills it needs to help defend our country, they turn to the MAVNI program,” Durbin said in a statement. “Right now, there are patriots prepared to lay down their lives for ours who are losing their immigration status while waiting for their background checks to clear. With all the threats facing the United States today, we simply cannot afford to lose these brave men and women because of a technicality.”

a push that comes amid sharp debate about the future of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in the United States.

There are a hell of a lot more than 700,000 young illegal aliens here.

Read this and then explain how you people are patriots...

I read it. What does it have to do with my patriotism?

Durbin said in a statement. “Right now, there are patriots prepared to lay down their lives for ours who are losing their immigration status while waiting for their background checks to clear. With all the threats facing the United States today"

Like the threat of terrorists crossing our unsecured border?

Durbin has always been a dick.
Here is something else for the bigots and xenophobes to chew on:

Senate Dems to unveil plan to protect Dreamers in the military

Senate Democrats will release a plan later Tuesday that would protect so-called Dreamers and other immigrants serving in the military — a push that comes amid sharp debate about the future of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Read this and then explain how you people are patriots...

The measure from Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) would ensure that immigrants in the military who have been recruited through the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest initiative — hundreds of them beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — would be able to retain their status in the military until background checks and other screening processes are completed.

When the military can’t find American citizens with the skills it needs to help defend our country, they turn to the MAVNI program,” Durbin said in a statement. “Right now, there are patriots prepared to lay down their lives for ours who are losing their immigration status while waiting for their background checks to clear. With all the threats facing the United States today, we simply cannot afford to lose these brave men and women because of a technicality.”

a push that comes amid sharp debate about the future of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in the United States.

There are a hell of a lot more than 700,000 young illegal aliens here.

Read this and then explain how you people are patriots...

I read it. What does it have to do with my patriotism?

Durbin said in a statement. “Right now, there are patriots prepared to lay down their lives for ours who are losing their immigration status while waiting for their background checks to clear. With all the threats facing the United States today"

Like the threat of terrorists crossing our unsecured border?

Durbin has always been a dick.
Jesus fucking Christ. The southern boarder is secure to the extent possible and that is not where the terrorists are coming from

How are you not a patriot? Because you would get rid of those dreamers serving in the military at the expense of national security, knowing that we can 't find enough qualified individuals to fill the ranks. You put ideology above country. Any more stupid questions?
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Your rhetoric is completely insane......

Getting your ass kicked again is making you sad?


We oppose civil liberties??



I know, that's different because you really hate the right, so violently attacking them to silence dissent is justified.

We want an authoritarian dictatorship?

Yes, water is indeed wet.

but... we want open boarders and to destroy the union.??

We are Stalinists because some progressives , decades ago, were sucked into the idea-either out of ignorance or wishful thinking- that Stalin would untimely support their goals, while you ignore the fact that they are not the progressives and Democrats of today?

And not a single piece of documentation to support your bizarre and unhinged claims

You're not a very good demagogue.

On Tuesday, disgruntled Democrats held a forum to discuss the possibility of replacing the Electoral College.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) conceded that Democrats could not get rid of the Electoral College due to the way the United States Constitution is written.

“I don’t think we can sustain our American democracy by having the majority ruled by the minority. And so the question is how to fix this since the Constitution is written in such a way that it’s almost impossible to amend,” Lofgren said.

Lofgren went on to say she is open to a Constitutional Convention, “We are three states away from calling for a Constitutional Convention. It’s something I’ve always been opposed to, …. But I’ll say because, for the second time in sixteen years, people the American voters elected did not become president. Rational people, not the fringe, are now talking about whether states could be separated from the U.S., whether we should have a Constitutional Convention. And I think as time goes on that is apt to become more the case unless we here can figure an answer to preventing the majority from being ruled by the minority.}

Disgruntled Democrats Want A Constitutional Convention To Leave The Union | NTK Network

You are rather stupid and think throwing a tantrum is a valid response to facts.
You are taking a stance that wants to deport 800k dreamers and you are using a law and order argument to back it up.

Please show us all where President Donald Trump has said that he wants to deport 800 K dreamers. You can't because no one has ever made such a statement.

President Trump has shown great compassion by giving Congress, where the situation belongs even according to petulant former President Obama.

The second a gavel went bang, DACA would be history and all the dreamers bound for their home country. Why are you that mean and hateful?
You are taking a stance that wants to deport 800k dreamers and you are using a law and order argument to back it up.

Please show us all where President Donald Trump has said that he wants to deport 800 K dreamers. You can't because no one has ever made such a statement.

President Trump has shown great compassion by giving Congress, where the situation belongs even according to petulant former President Obama.

The second a gavel went bang, DACA would be history and all the dreamers bound for their home country. Why are you that mean and hateful?
Haha, I never made that statement. You just totally made that up. But as a matter of fact, Trump told Chuck Todd in an interview on his plane during the campaign that all the dreamers had to go. Look it up. Luckily he is now back peddling on that position and I hope pushes to pass the dream act that will legalize them.
You are taking a stance that wants to deport 800k dreamers and you are using a law and order argument to back it up.

Please show us all where President Donald Trump has said that he wants to deport 800 K dreamers. You can't because no one has ever made such a statement.

President Trump has shown great compassion by giving Congress, where the situation belongs even according to petulant former President Obama.

The second a gavel went bang, DACA would be history and all the dreamers bound for their home country. Why are you that mean and hateful?
Are you fucking serious with that question? He announced that he will end DACA and toss it to congress, which is unlikely to act, in 6 months which will effectively but 8K dreamers at risk of deportation.

Stop the lies!
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Your rhetoric is completely insane......

Getting your ass kicked again is making you sad?


We oppose civil liberties??



I know, that's different because you really hate the right, so violently attacking them to silence dissent is justified.

We want an authoritarian dictatorship?

Yes, water is indeed wet.

but... we want open boarders and to destroy the union.??

We are Stalinists because some progressives , decades ago, were sucked into the idea-either out of ignorance or wishful thinking- that Stalin would untimely support their goals, while you ignore the fact that they are not the progressives and Democrats of today?

And not a single piece of documentation to support your bizarre and unhinged claims

You're not a very good demagogue.

On Tuesday, disgruntled Democrats held a forum to discuss the possibility of replacing the Electoral College.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) conceded that Democrats could not get rid of the Electoral College due to the way the United States Constitution is written.

“I don’t think we can sustain our American democracy by having the majority ruled by the minority. And so the question is how to fix this since the Constitution is written in such a way that it’s almost impossible to amend,” Lofgren said.

Lofgren went on to say she is open to a Constitutional Convention, “We are three states away from calling for a Constitutional Convention. It’s something I’ve always been opposed to, …. But I’ll say because, for the second time in sixteen years, people the American voters elected did not become president. Rational people, not the fringe, are now talking about whether states could be separated from the U.S., whether we should have a Constitutional Convention. And I think as time goes on that is apt to become more the case unless we here can figure an answer to preventing the majority from being ruled by the minority.}

Disgruntled Democrats Want A Constitutional Convention To Leave The Union | NTK Network

You are rather stupid and think throwing a tantrum is a valid response to facts.
Just more proof that you are insane! You think that wanting to abolish the electoral college is tantamount to dissolving the union? Is it possible that you actually believe your own bullshit. ? If you do, that is really pathetic!

Do you ever read beyond the headlines from these marginal sources or do you just mindlessly post what you think will score a point? Now THAT is as stupid as stupid gets!
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Here is something else for the bigots and xenophobes to chew on:

Senate Dems to unveil plan to protect Dreamers in the military

Senate Democrats will release a plan later Tuesday that would protect so-called Dreamers and other immigrants serving in the military — a push that comes amid sharp debate about the future of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Read this and then explain how you people are patriots...

The measure from Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) would ensure that immigrants in the military who have been recruited through the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest initiative — hundreds of them beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — would be able to retain their status in the military until background checks and other screening processes are completed.

When the military can’t find American citizens with the skills it needs to help defend our country, they turn to the MAVNI program,” Durbin said in a statement. “Right now, there are patriots prepared to lay down their lives for ours who are losing their immigration status while waiting for their background checks to clear. With all the threats facing the United States today, we simply cannot afford to lose these brave men and women because of a technicality.”
There are no Dreamers in the military, there are about a handful of DACA recipients in the MAVNI program in the Army. Any illegal found to be in the military has been/is immediately discharged. The MAVNI program is interpreters and nurses only, no combat duty, no leaving the US, no secret or top secret information, etc, SOFA agreements don't allow for them to even be in our military. Durbin is using nothing more than hyperbole to draw on emotion, he's an idiot.
Here is something else for the bigots and xenophobes to chew on:

Senate Dems to unveil plan to protect Dreamers in the military

Senate Democrats will release a plan later Tuesday that would protect so-called Dreamers and other immigrants serving in the military — a push that comes amid sharp debate about the future of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Read this and then explain how you people are patriots...

The measure from Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) would ensure that immigrants in the military who have been recruited through the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest initiative — hundreds of them beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — would be able to retain their status in the military until background checks and other screening processes are completed.

When the military can’t find American citizens with the skills it needs to help defend our country, they turn to the MAVNI program,” Durbin said in a statement. “Right now, there are patriots prepared to lay down their lives for ours who are losing their immigration status while waiting for their background checks to clear. With all the threats facing the United States today, we simply cannot afford to lose these brave men and women because of a technicality.”

a push that comes amid sharp debate about the future of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in the United States.

There are a hell of a lot more than 700,000 young illegal aliens here.

Read this and then explain how you people are patriots...

I read it. What does it have to do with my patriotism?

Durbin said in a statement. “Right now, there are patriots prepared to lay down their lives for ours who are losing their immigration status while waiting for their background checks to clear. With all the threats facing the United States today"

Like the threat of terrorists crossing our unsecured border?

Durbin has always been a dick.
Jesus fucking Christ. The southern boarder is secure to the extent possible and that is not where the terrorists are coming from

How are you not a patriot? Because you would get rid of those dreamers serving in the military at the expense of national security, knowing that we can 't find enough qualified individuals to fill the ranks. You put ideology above country. Any more stupid questions?

The southern boarder is secure to the extent possible

Really? Can't be secured further?

and that is not where the terrorists are coming from

How the fuck do you know who comes across our porous southern border?

Because you would get rid of those dreamers serving in the military

How many "dreamers" are serving? Link?

You put ideology above country.

Secure the border, boot the illegals. It'll be better for the country.
Here is something else for the bigots and xenophobes to chew on:

Senate Dems to unveil plan to protect Dreamers in the military

Senate Democrats will release a plan later Tuesday that would protect so-called Dreamers and other immigrants serving in the military — a push that comes amid sharp debate about the future of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Read this and then explain how you people are patriots...

The measure from Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) would ensure that immigrants in the military who have been recruited through the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest initiative — hundreds of them beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — would be able to retain their status in the military until background checks and other screening processes are completed.

When the military can’t find American citizens with the skills it needs to help defend our country, they turn to the MAVNI program,” Durbin said in a statement. “Right now, there are patriots prepared to lay down their lives for ours who are losing their immigration status while waiting for their background checks to clear. With all the threats facing the United States today, we simply cannot afford to lose these brave men and women because of a technicality.”
There are no Dreamers in the military, there are about a handful of DACA recipients in the MAVNI program in the Army. Any illegal found to be in the military has been/is immediately discharged. The MAVNI program is interpreters and nurses only, no combat duty, no leaving the US, no secret or top secret information, etc, SOFA agreements don't allow for them to even be in our military. Durbin is using nothing more than hyperbole to draw on emotion, he's an idiot.
According to the pentagon there are about 900 Dreamers in the military. Should we believe them or you?
Here is something else for the bigots and xenophobes to chew on:

Senate Dems to unveil plan to protect Dreamers in the military

Senate Democrats will release a plan later Tuesday that would protect so-called Dreamers and other immigrants serving in the military — a push that comes amid sharp debate about the future of nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Read this and then explain how you people are patriots...

The measure from Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) would ensure that immigrants in the military who have been recruited through the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest initiative — hundreds of them beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — would be able to retain their status in the military until background checks and other screening processes are completed.

When the military can’t find American citizens with the skills it needs to help defend our country, they turn to the MAVNI program,” Durbin said in a statement. “Right now, there are patriots prepared to lay down their lives for ours who are losing their immigration status while waiting for their background checks to clear. With all the threats facing the United States today, we simply cannot afford to lose these brave men and women because of a technicality.”
There are no Dreamers in the military, there are about a handful of DACA recipients in the MAVNI program in the Army. Any illegal found to be in the military has been/is immediately discharged. The MAVNI program is interpreters and nurses only, no combat duty, no leaving the US, no secret or top secret information, etc, SOFA agreements don't allow for them to even be in our military. Durbin is using nothing more than hyperbole to draw on emotion, he's an idiot.
According to the pentagon there are about 900 Dreamers in the military. Should we believe them or you?
You should try reading, they aren't in the military as yet, they have simply signed up and are waiting for their back ground checks to clear before they are allowed to enter basic training. If they don't get cleared within 2 years, their contracts are null and void, even though they may be drilling with a reserve unit in BDU's during that 2 years time frame, they aren't official members of the military, they can't be called up to active status, nor can they be in possession of a weapon at any time.
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I ask personal questions because we are having a personal discussion about our differing views.
Darling, I know this....maybe you missed my point

My point being, you're seeking answers from the wrong people.

I've already stated, I'm not unsympathetic
I'm not indifferent or cold hearted

I care more about my family's future,
and they care more about theirs

The financial burden, these corrupted politicians
have placed on this country and passed down
to the rest of us, is mind boggling, to say the least

There are plenty of kids right here in America,
who are being short changed a better life,
and better opportunities, and a better education,

because we have taken funding
that could have been invested in resources
for those who have been and are, in need here
and have funded people to illegally maintain a life here.

Instead of investing more in our citizens and country
they invest less, by scaling back and neglecting more

Are tax dollars being used to maintain, let alone,
upgrade, outdated and dilapidated, infrastructure,
water ways, sewage systems, dams..'

no, tax dollars are being used to build more schools
to ease the overcrowded public school system
because of all the kids illegally here

I'm sorry but, I don't see my tax dollars
working for me, but, for illegal immigrants,
legal immigrants, ghetto welfare queens,
and lazy ass, SSI scammers

When you take on the responsibility for bad choices,
and prevent the consequences of those bad choices,
you're hurting everyone, not helping anyone
You are taking a stance that wants to deport 800k dreamers and you are using a law and order argument to back it up. I realize the written laws are in your side, but I am advocating for change, for a law to be passed to protect these people because it is the right thing to do in my opinion.
You are advocating for laws to protect illegal immigrants,
and my stance is enforcing the laws intended to
prevent what we are now having to deal with

In my opinion, respecting our laws, is the right thing to do
Instead of defying our laws, while you fight to change our laws
The dreamers didn't break laws to come here as it wasn't their choice or responsibility. They grew up here and this country is home to them. They are motivated to learn, work, and contribute... those are the kind of people we want. To me, it is pretty damn heartless to support deporting these kids.
I support enforcing our immigration laws
I support entering our country legally
I support responsibility for choices and consequences
I don't think depeorting the dreamers or trying to deport 10+million people for that matter is a realistic or smart solution/punishment. There needs to be a pathway coupled with better border security if you really want a solution.
Darling, don't you get it

If we would have been enforcing our immigration laws
and not enticing people to illegally enter our country
we wouldn't be dealing with those number of illegal immigrants

We have to send a message
using those, who will have to be the example

Collectively, those who are here illegally,
will have to face what they've tried to avoid...deportation
I ask personal questions because we are having a personal discussion about our differing views.
Darling, I know this....maybe you missed my point

My point being, you're seeking answers from the wrong people.

I've already stated, I'm not unsympathetic
I'm not indifferent or cold hearted

I care more about my family's future,
and they care more about theirs

The financial burden, these corrupted politicians
have placed on this country and passed down
to the rest of us, is mind boggling, to say the least

There are plenty of kids right here in America,
who are being short changed a better life,
and better opportunities, and a better education,

because we have taken funding
that could have been invested in resources
for those who have been and are, in need here
and have funded people to illegally maintain a life here.

Instead of investing more in our citizens and country
they invest less, by scaling back and neglecting more

Are tax dollars being used to maintain, let alone,
upgrade, outdated and dilapidated, infrastructure,
water ways, sewage systems, dams..'

no, tax dollars are being used to build more schools
to ease the overcrowded public school system
because of all the kids illegally here

I'm sorry but, I don't see my tax dollars
working for me, but, for illegal immigrants,
legal immigrants, ghetto welfare queens,
and lazy ass, SSI scammers

When you take on the responsibility for bad choices,
and prevent the consequences of those bad choices,
you're hurting everyone, not helping anyone
You are taking a stance that wants to deport 800k dreamers and you are using a law and order argument to back it up. I realize the written laws are in your side, but I am advocating for change, for a law to be passed to protect these people because it is the right thing to do in my opinion.
You are advocating for laws to protect illegal immigrants,
and my stance is enforcing the laws intended to
prevent what we are now having to deal with

In my opinion, respecting our laws, is the right thing to do
Instead of defying our laws, while you fight to change our laws
The dreamers didn't break laws to come here as it wasn't their choice or responsibility. They grew up here and this country is home to them. They are motivated to learn, work, and contribute... those are the kind of people we want. To me, it is pretty damn heartless to support deporting these kids.
I support enforcing our immigration laws
I support entering our country legally
I support responsibility for choices and consequences
Funny thing is I agree with most everything you said in your last post. I don't mind a portion of our expenditures going towards humanitarian aid but for the most part we have a responsibility to protect our people and make the lives of americans as good as possible. The only think I differ from you on is I don't see the Dreamers as illegals, I see them as more similar to Refugees then as law breakers. I think they deserve a chance to come out of the shadows and contribute to our society like they want to do. By the numbers of near 90% employment, they are contributing more to our society than taking... Thats a good thing.

As far as other undocumented immigrants. They did break the law by coming here and not following the legal process. The situation need to be dealt with in a smart way as we simply do not have the resources to deport over 10 million people. This is a different discussion which we can have. But for now we are talking about DACA and the dreamers. I think if you want to get anywhere you are going to have to accept the fact that you are going to have to bend a little... just as the open boarders people are going to have to bend. The compromise is somewhere in the middle. It would be nice if we could just get there and then polish off the details instead of spending all our time arguing from the extremes.
I don't think depeorting the dreamers or trying to deport 10+million people for that matter is a realistic or smart solution/punishment. There needs to be a pathway coupled with better border security if you really want a solution.
Darling, don't you get it

If we would have been enforcing our immigration laws
and not enticing people to illegally enter our country
we wouldn't be dealing with those number of illegal immigrants

We have to send a message
using those, who will have to be the example

Collectively, those who are here illegally,
will have to face what they've tried to avoid...deportation
See you lost me there. You don't send a message at the expense of innocent people. That is just plane wrong. We can send a message by better securing our borders and better tracking people who are visiting our country. We can make the immigration process better so it isn't an impossible mountain to climb... There are plenty of things that we can do that better upholds the values that most identify with our great country...

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
I don't think depeorting the dreamers or trying to deport 10+million people for that matter is a realistic or smart solution/punishment. There needs to be a pathway coupled with better border security if you really want a solution.
Darling, don't you get it

If we would have been enforcing our immigration laws
and not enticing people to illegally enter our country
we wouldn't be dealing with those number of illegal immigrants

We have to send a message
using those, who will have to be the example

Collectively, those who are here illegally,
will have to face what they've tried to avoid...deportation
See you lost me there. You don't send a message at the expense of innocent people. That is just plane wrong. We can send a message by better securing our borders and better tracking people who are visiting our country. We can make the immigration process better so it isn't an impossible mountain to climb... There are plenty of things that we can do that better upholds the values that most identify with our great country...

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
That little sonnet you reference, was put on the Statue of Liberty in 1903. It's not constitutional, nor is it our immigration policy. The writer who came up with it, wrote it for a contest entry... That's like getting government policy from a Cracker Jack box..
I don't think depeorting the dreamers or trying to deport 10+million people for that matter is a realistic or smart solution/punishment. There needs to be a pathway coupled with better border security if you really want a solution.
Darling, don't you get it

If we would have been enforcing our immigration laws
and not enticing people to illegally enter our country
we wouldn't be dealing with those number of illegal immigrants

We have to send a message
using those, who will have to be the example

Collectively, those who are here illegally,
will have to face what they've tried to avoid...deportation
See you lost me there. You don't send a message at the expense of innocent people. That is just plane wrong. We can send a message by better securing our borders and better tracking people who are visiting our country. We can make the immigration process better so it isn't an impossible mountain to climb... There are plenty of things that we can do that better upholds the values that most identify with our great country...

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
See you lost me there. You don't send a message at the expense of innocent people. That is just plane wrong
Well, you certainly don't send the wrong message
and you certainly don't allow illegal immigrants
to dictate their own immigration policies and laws!

Look, DACA is a pay to stay program
It's wrong to pick and choose who will be deported
Its not fair for one kid to stay and another to have to leave
Its not fair for a mother to stay but a childless woman to leave
Its not fair for one family unit to stay but another family unit can't

Life is not fair and there will always be
innocent casualties because of someone else's choices

Sparing consequences doesn't help people to grow
allowing them does, no matter how unfair it seems

They adjusted when they came to America,
they'll adjust when they're back in Mexico

Innocence or not, this country has immigration laws...
breaking these laws has consequences
we are responsible for enforcing our laws
not for the fallout and casualties of their consequences
I don't think depeorting the dreamers or trying to deport 10+million people for that matter is a realistic or smart solution/punishment. There needs to be a pathway coupled with better border security if you really want a solution.
Darling, don't you get it

If we would have been enforcing our immigration laws
and not enticing people to illegally enter our country
we wouldn't be dealing with those number of illegal immigrants

We have to send a message
using those, who will have to be the example

Collectively, those who are here illegally,
will have to face what they've tried to avoid...deportation
See you lost me there. You don't send a message at the expense of innocent people. That is just plane wrong. We can send a message by better securing our borders and better tracking people who are visiting our country. We can make the immigration process better so it isn't an impossible mountain to climb... There are plenty of things that we can do that better upholds the values that most identify with our great country...

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
See you lost me there. You don't send a message at the expense of innocent people. That is just plane wrong
Well, you certainly don't send the wrong message
and you certainly don't allow illegal immigrants
to dictate their own immigration policies and laws!

Look, DACA is a pay to stay program
It's wrong to pick and choose who will be deported
Its not fair for one kid to stay and another to have to leave
Its not fair for a mother to stay but a childless woman to leave
Its not fair for one family unit to stay but another family unit can't

Life is not fair and there will always be
innocent casualties because of someone else's choices

Sparing consequences doesn't help people to grow
allowing them does, no matter how unfair it seems

They adjusted when they came to America,
they'll adjust when they're back in Mexico

Innocence or not, this country has immigration laws...
breaking these laws has consequences
we are responsible for enforcing our laws
not for the fallout and casualties of their consequences

If I took my child to a Holiday Inn and that child broke the TV in the room, the Holiday Inn would have every right to KICK BOTH THE CHILD AND ME OUT OF THE HOTEL.

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