Dad Of Son Killed By Illegal Alien Speaks Out On Dems

OK, lets. There are over 300 million guns in the USA. The fact is that criminal misuse of guns is very, very small. The guns that are misused overwhelmingly are used by illegals and Hispanic and black gangbangers. Hmm. Who knew! Why anyone with a brain, that's who!

And were do they get the guns? From "legal" gun owners who sell to criminals and wash their hands wh the blood money .

Wrong. They get them from gangs who steal them from lawful owners, and from a very small group of unscrupulous gun dealers, many of whom are known to the ATF but who are allowed to continue breaking the gun laws of this country. In San Leandro CA there was a shop named Traders Sports and EVERYONE in the gun industry knew they were selling to gangbangers. So did the ATF, and so did every law enforcement agency in the region. They continued to do business for DECADES. Why? Why did the government allow them to break the law and sell to scum?

Ok let me get this straight .

People buy guns specially to protect themelsves from gang members who would rob them. Yet all these gun owners are having those very guns stolen by gang members?! Lol! That's your story !?

Doesn't make sense, because it's not true . Sure SOME guns are stolen cause idiot gun owners don't secure their shit . But no fucking way does that explain the amount of illegal guns on the street .

The FBI has done multiple studies that show over one million defensive gun uses PER YEAR. That dwarfs the 30,000 people who are killed by guns (both lawful, unlawful, and by suicide) thus when doing a real simple cost/benefit analysis the gun in the hands of the citizen wins hands down. Face it dude, your backing a complete loser of an argument.

The FBI also did a report on how people obtain illegal guns thru straw purchases .

If a citizen killed this guys son, suddenly it's ok?
Why's it ok an illegal did?
How about we speak out on the easy availability of guns ! Oh no, the right will leave that out of the discussion .

Don't you fucking start that deflective shit you fucking c-nt asshole. If that illegal piece of shit wasn't in the country, that man's son would still be alive. You are utterly worthless fucking garbage, on your best day.
And were do they get the guns? From "legal" gun owners who sell to criminals and wash their hands wh the blood money .

Or maybe they steal them, you stupid fucking c-nt.

You obviously missed my post showing that in CA, illegals are 7% of the population, but almost 15% of the convicted felons. Idiot fucking asshole.
How about we speak out on the easy availability of guns ! Oh no, the right will leave that out of the discussion .

OK, lets. There are over 300 million guns in the USA. The fact is that criminal misuse of guns is very, very small. The guns that are misused overwhelmingly are used by illegals and Hispanic and black gangbangers. Hmm. Who knew! Why anyone with a brain, that's who!

And were do they get the guns? From "legal" gun owners who sell to criminals and wash their hands wh the blood money .

And you think you can stop them from getting guns ?


You think you can stop illegals?


At least now we can start working on it one by one. The idea we now have a real leader who's intent is keeping these lowlifes out of our society is giving them pause to enter this country in the first place.
Democrats are about to lose many more seats in '18.

The idiots will still be scratching their heads when that happens.
Father Gives Heartbreaking Plea On Anniversary Of His Son’s Murder By An Illegal Immigrant
-- Father Gives Heartbreaking Plea On Anniversary Of His Son’s Murder By An Illegal Immigrant [VIDEO]

"A father of a son killed by an illegal immigrant spoke about how the media ignores the victims of those crimes."
...Because giving coverage to the fact that Americans have been / are being victimized ... killed by illegals ... is an 'Inconvenient Truth' that hurts the Liberal / DNC agenda.

I wonder if pathetic loser Libs will attack him like they attacked the honored widow of the deceased sniper....


Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Democrats don't believe in vetting. Period.
How about we speak out on the easy availability of guns ! Oh no, the right will leave that out of the discussion .
Do you like illegal aliens?
Depends on the alien.

I thought we were talking about safety ? Trump is implying it's illegals committing all the crime . And now he's making a scapegoat list .

Juts remember . Illegals don't kill people , people kill people ! Sound familiar ?
All illegals should be rounded up and deported. They are a burden to society.
Wrong, as usual.

The family-oriented, hardworking, Christian Mexican is a welcomle addition to our nation

I agree. But it needs to be done the legal way. And i like Trump's latest 'Merit System' proposal. Unfortunately, we can't support everyone who wants to come to our nation. That's just unrealistic. We need to start applying standards and requirements.

We're $20 Trillion in Debt and have millions of our own Citizens relying on Government Entitlements. We just can't afford to take in all those who can't support themselves. I'm sorry if that's harsh, but that's the reality. If you wanna come here, you'll need to prove that you'll be a positive addition to our nation. We owe that to American Citizens.

If we don't put a stop to people coming here, then how are the countries they came from ever going to advance? It's tough love if you ask me. Sure, I think we should help; not by bringing them here, but straightening out the problems in the countries they came from so they can live in their own land with the freedom and opportunities we have.

We had a civil war, but we didn't run someplace else to solve our problems. We stayed and fought. Mobs moved in and nearly took over cities, but we didn't run, we stayed here and fought. Terrorism is the current problem, but we are not going to run, we are going to stay here and fight.

We lost millions of lives and trillions of dollars to create this wonderful place called the United States of America because freedom is never free. It's time these other people do the same.
The FBI also did a report on how people obtain illegal guns thru straw purchases .If a citizen killed this guys son, suddenly it's ok?

Damn, this guy is fucking stupid, must be a double Y chromosome. I feel dirty just posting in response to this turd.
If we don't put a stop to people coming here, then how are the countries they came from ever going to advance? It's tough love if you ask me. Sure, I think we should help; not by bringing them here, but straightening out the problems in the countries they came from so they can live in their own land with the freedom and opportunities we have.

We had a civil war, but we didn't run someplace else to solve our problems. We stayed and fought. Mobs moved in and nearly took over cities, but we didn't run, we stayed here and fought. Terrorism is the current problem, but we are not going to run, we are going to stay here and fight.

We lost millions of lives and trillions of dollars to create this wonderful place called the United States of America because freedom is never free. It's time these other people do the same.

This is correct. At every level, the liberals' argument for illegals fails:

-It sucks the hardest working out of other countries, leaving them devoid of their best, most motivated people - who would be the ones to rise up against the corrupt central/south american regimes and force them to share their stolen wealth.

-they claim the illegals do the bad, unpleasant jobs americans don't want - exposing them as racists for promoting a policy that says mexicans and other south americans are worthless people who are better suited for doing such work

The US is not the world's jobs bank (H1B jobs' theft program) or its social worker/ATM machine (illegals get lots of free benefits and welfare), and the american taxpayer is fed up with this democratic party-driven, corrupt scheme to flood the country with voters they expect to vote their way using our money.

No other country on earth allows itself and its media to manipulate the conversation about illegals the way the US does, and that is going to end with this presidency.
I know the Shaw family. I tried to help them. The city of Los Angeles treated these people like shit. When they went before the City Council to try to get Special Order 40, and the sanctuary status changed, Bernard Park, the sole black council member wouldn't even look at this family. Disgusting.

At the time her son was shot and killed, Anita Shaw was on her second deployment to the middle east.

Pedro Espinosa was in prison for an armed assault on a police officer. He had gotten a four month early release for overcrowding. 24 hours after he got out, he killed this innocent kid.
Do you like illegal aliens?
Depends on the alien.

I thought we were talking about safety ? Trump is implying it's illegals committing all the crime . And now he's making a scapegoat list .

Juts remember . Illegals don't kill people , people kill people ! Sound familiar ?
All illegals should be rounded up and deported. They are a burden to society.
Wrong, as usual.

The family-oriented, hardworking, Christian Mexican is a welcomle addition to our nation

I agree. But it needs to be done the legal way. And i like Trump's latest 'Merit System' proposal. Unfortunately, we can't support everyone who wants to come to our nation. That's just unrealistic. We need to start applying standards and requirements.

We're $20 Trillion in Debt and have millions of our own Citizens relying on Government Entitlements. We just can't afford to take in all those who can't support themselves. I'm sorry if that's harsh, but that's the reality. If you wanna come here, you'll need to prove that you'll be a positive addition to our nation. We owe that to American Citizens.

If we don't put a stop to people coming here, then how are the countries they came from ever going to advance? It's tough love if you ask me. Sure, I think we should help; not by bringing them here, but straightening out the problems in the countries they came from so they can live in their own land with the freedom and opportunities we have.

We had a civil war, but we didn't run someplace else to solve our problems. We stayed and fought. Mobs moved in and nearly took over cities, but we didn't run, we stayed here and fought. Terrorism is the current problem, but we are not going to run, we are going to stay here and fight.

We lost millions of lives and trillions of dollars to create this wonderful place called the United States of America because freedom is never free. It's time these other people do the same.

I hear ya. We need to improve standards and requirements. Some nations require potential Immigrants to demonstrate how they would be positive assets to the country they're trying to enter. It's a type of 'Merit System.' Currently, we don't have any such requirements. If you're coming here and expecting to be handed Government Entitlements, i don't see that individual as being a positive asset to the country. We already have way too many Citizens and Illegals relying on Government Entitlements.

I mean, we have to come to grips with the fact we're $20 Trillion in Debt. We have several Million Citizens surviving on Government Entitlements. And then you have all the Illegals that have been granted Government Entitlements as well. We have to look out for our Citizens first. But somewhere along the line, the Globalists seized control and created this Immigration chaos. They don't put Americans first. But hopefully Trump can change things a bit. It starts with securing the border though. Secure it and end Illegal Immigration. Then we need to seriously reform our Immigration System all-together.
Ok let me get this straight .People buy guns specially to protect themelsves from gang members who would rob them. Yet all these gun owners are having those very guns stolen by gang members?! Lol! That's your story !?Doesn't make sense, because it's not true . Sure SOME guns are stolen cause idiot gun owners don't secure their shit . But no fucking way does that explain the amount of illegal guns on the street .


Gangs reap guns from trains in violent Chicago neighborhoods

CHICAGO — When street-gang thieves slipped with ease into a Norfolk Southern rail yard on Chicago’s South Side and ripped locks off one train, they likely expected to see merchandise like toys or tennis shoes. What they beheld instead was a gangster’s jackpot: box after box of brand new guns.

TOO FUCKING FUNNY. You got owned, you lying, bottom-feeding dogshit.
Ok let me get this straight .People buy guns specially to protect themelsves from gang members who would rob them. Yet all these gun owners are having those very guns stolen by gang members?! Lol! That's your story !?Doesn't make sense, because it's not true . Sure SOME guns are stolen cause idiot gun owners don't secure their shit . But no fucking way does that explain the amount of illegal guns on the street .


Gangs reap guns from trains in violent Chicago neighborhoods

CHICAGO — When street-gang thieves slipped with ease into a Norfolk Southern rail yard on Chicago’s South Side and ripped locks off one train, they likely expected to see merchandise like toys or tennis shoes. What they beheld instead was a gangster’s jackpot: box after box of brand new guns.

TOO FUCKING FUNNY. You got owned, you lying, bottom-feeding dogshit.[/QUOT]

What's your point? Criminals are criminals. They should be arrested and prosecuted. Law abiding Citizens have a Constitutional right to acquire firearms. They shouldn't have their rights violated because criminals do bad things. Arrest and prosecute the criminals. Period, end of story.

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