Daily Animal Medicine Cards for USMB

This is my favorite owl pic:

What's the difference between a "totem" and a "fetish?"

No, not that kind of fetish... Perverts...

I'm not sure there is a difference, just thought I'd ask...
o hell ya...i love them little things...of course we do not have them here......did you know they are the only animals you can induce hanson's disease in?

Did you know that when they get scared, they jump straight up? That's one of the reasons they get themselves killed on the roads. Those that aren't outright hit by a vehicle will jump up and hit the undercarriage as a vehicle passes over them.

At least that's what I've been told...

I could be wrong...

Oh... And they like Lone Star beer... According to the commercials anyway...
no you are right...their defense is to go straight up in the air and look mean.....unfortunately that doesnt work out well for them with cars...i also know that in areas where people have them...they hate the little fuckers...says they will destroy the yards with their rooting behavior
and i thought fetish was reference to a sexual desire....my totem is the moon...my fetish is male cross dressers....what can i say.....o hubby would like for me to add that is not his fetish lol
Today's (3/16/14) messenger is from HUMMINGBIRD...contrary.

If contrary Hummingbird is in your cards in any configuration, it speaks to you of matters of the heart. How or why has your heart center closed? Have you done something callous to another, causing them to shut off the love they once felt for you? The contrary Hummbingbird may preage sorrow and the inability to see the many blessings we two-leggeds have been given and the primordial beauty that surrounds us. If contrary Hummingbird sings its forlorn song, perhaps you should journey into your personal pain and know that your sorrow is your joy in another reflection.


More on Hummingbird:

Hummingbird Animal Totem: Joy

Hummingbird a symbol for accomplishing that that seems impossible. It can teach you how to find the miracle of joyful living in your own life. Hummingbird medicine is herbal; it shows us how to use flowers for healing. They teach us how to draw life essence from flowers and create your own medicines. This totem reminds us to explore the past and extract the sweetness from it. It can help you find joy and sweetness in any situation. Grab joy as swiftly as you can. Hummingbird reminds us to find the joy in what we do and to sing it out.


Hummingbird Symbolism

A hummingbird animal totem can offer you endless insight and effervescent wisdom. This totem is vastly unique, as as such, as unique offerings in the realm of totem guidance.

It is not commonly known that the fluttering wings of the hummingbird move in the pattern of an infinity symbol - further solidifying their symbolism of eternity, continuity, and infinity.

By observing the hummingbird, we see they are seemingly tireless. Always actively seeking the sweetest nectar, they remind us to forever seek out the good in life and the beauty in each day.

The prime message of the hummingbird animal totem is: "The sweetest nectar is within!"
Hummingbirds are also a reminder of how we expend our own energy. When hummingbirds show up in our lives, it's a good time to take a look at our energy-stores and resources. hummingbirds warrant an honest look at how we are maintaining our vibrational frequencies. Are we frittering away our energy on needless issues (ie: worry, fear, lack)? Or, are we in a state of well-honed, regulated balance when it comes to our energy and resources?

Amazing migrators, some hummingbirds are known to wing their way as far as 2000 miles to reach their destination. This quality reminds us to be persistent in the persuit of our dreams, and adopt the tenacity of the hummingbird in our lives.

The hummingbird animal totem is a messenger of hope and jubilation.

Hummingbird animal totems offer powerful as well as elegant attributes....

Symbolic Hummingbird Meanings


Questions the Hummingbird Asks Us

The hummingbird as an animal totem asks us profound questions. Take the time to listen, then contemplate what kind of response you would have for the hummingbird (and your inner self)...

"Where is your joy?"
"Is your happiness found within, or do you seek it externally?"
"What is the source of your joy?"
"What must you do to increase your joy?"


Today's messenger is HAWK.

Hawk Animal Totem: Power, Magic, Messenger

Hawk is the messenger, the protector and the visionaries of the Air. It holds the key to higher levels of consciousness. This totem awakens vision and inspires a creative life purpose. A Hawk totem is filled with responsibility because Hawk people seek the overall view. Be careful not to become caught up in the details; step back (or fly high) so you can see the big picture. Observe and study your surroundings and work on accepting things the way they are, rather than forcing change. Soar high above the mundane and everyday problems and find the peace and power that comes from having a Hawk totem.

A Red-Tailed Hawk totem is special. It has direct ties to the Kundalini, the seat of primal life force. It is associated with the base chakra. If you have this Totem, you will be aware of and work towards fulfilling your soul's purpose. It reflects a greater intensity of energy within your life: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual forces will all be strong within you. The Red-Tail Hawk is a permanent totem -- it will always be with you. It is associated with the Tarot card Temperance. This card represents the teaching of higher expressions of psychic ability and vision.


Symbolic Hawk Meaning

I dig the hawk. In fact this regal bird hangs out in my consciousness as both a guide and messenger. But I am certainly not a special "chosen few" by the hawk. I know this because I get a staggering number of emails from folks around the world telling me they've been graced by the hawk either physically or energetically. These emails go on to report the hawk consistently exhibits a bold presence, leaving a lasting impression upon those they've visited.

It makes sense. The hawk is a prevalent raptor, with widespread populations and a diverse array of preferred habitats. With an average 3+ foot wingspan, measuring in at two feet tall, piercing eyes and lethal looking claws, the hawk is an impressive figure. To be visited by it is bound to stir awareness, get one's attention and make one start asking questions about symbolic hawk meaning.

I can't attribute the hawk's healthy populations and frequent appearances as the exclusive reason for so many stories emailed to me about profound encounters with the hawk. There's more to it than numbers. I mean, there are millions of squirrels running around the world, but I don't get weekly emails about meaningful encounters with them like I do the hawk.

So what is it about the hawk that touches so many people? I suspect part of the reason is the hawk's companionable partnership with humans as early as the 600s, BC. This relationship is falconry, an ancient art of symbiotic synchronicity between human and raptor.

It's not just falcons that are used in falconry; hawks were, and still are trained today. In fact, there's a big debate in the realm of falconry about hawks vs. falcons. Which raptor is the best? Hawks have been championed as the best in the sport due to their off-the-charts intelligence, and wicked-keen eyesight.

Debate aside, there's no argument about the hawk's intelligence, eyesight, and a natural partner to mankind.

Symbolic hawk Meaning
I'd like to explore the idea of partnership in connection to the symbolic hawk meaning.

Namely, falconry is more than a sport - it's a bond between human and raptor. Originally, it was a means of survival and defense for humans. Hawks were trained to catch prey and return it to their handler. This enabled humans to have another source of food, which (particularly essential for the desert-dwelling Bedouins). Hawks were also trained to attack enemies, and thus served as a serious defense system.

The process of training a falcon or hawk is a process in which handler and hawk develop an intense relationship. Ideally, a mutual respect is met between human and hawk. This is not unlike the ancient relationship between humans and dogs.

Over the course of a few millennia, the relationship between human and hawk becomes an engrained evolutionary phenomenon. Hawks (more than humans, I think) retain the cell memory of their bond with humans. At least, this is my theory backing the frequent visitations of hawks to humans, and their often profound effect on us. Like dogs, hawks inherently know they've shared a bond with humans since ancient times. They retain this connection, and with it, they retain the concept of providing and protecting humans as a latent objective.

Symbolic Hawk meaning is rich and varied, but it's more distinguished characteristic is focus. I think focus is another reason why the hawk is such a regular visitor to humans.

At the time of this writing (2013), our world is more complicated than ever before. Every moment is plugged up with countless distractions that were a non-issue as short as 50 years ago (much less 100 years ago). I believe the hawk is aware of humanity's modern tendency (and habit) of becoming distracted. In essence, I believe hawk visitations are a clear sign for us to become more focused. The hawk encourages us to suspend the habit of distraction, and become more aware of the present moment.

Symbolic hawk Meaning
We've talked about two prime symbolic traits of the hawk: Partnership and Focus. Here are a few more highlights of character the hawk offers us...

Symbolic Hawk Meanings

These attributes are clearly seen throughout history. And since I've talked long enough about my own discoveries about hawk meaning, this is a good time to explore hawk meanings from cultural, mythological, historical perspectives.

Hawk Meaning as a Soul-Carrier

Got soul? You betcha. So does the hawk. Historically, there is a broad association with the hawk and human souls.. Specifically, its keen concern with the soul's journey in the afterlife. Here are some examples of how the hawk demonstrates it's got soul...

Valkyries transformed into hawks, swooped down onto Norse battlefields and carried souls of fallen warriors to Valhalla (see more under "Valkyrie" entry below).

Souls of emperors were illustrated flying from the earth into the heavens in the form of an eagle. Hawks would fly with their souls and take them to be with the gods at the time of their death in ancient Rome.

Charon, god responsible for navigated souls in Ancient Egyptian beliefs. Charon was a hawk-headed boatman who ferried souls across the river Styx. He was originally known as Khu-en-ua, and later morphed into Charon during the Hellenistic era.

Horus, sun god of ancient Egypt, was also connected with souls. As in ancient Rome, the hawk was released during at the death of important figures (like pharaohs) to show the soul being released from the mundane into the afterlife. See more about this under "Horus" entry below.

Native American wisdom of the Plains region in North America held the belief that the hawk embodied the souls of ancestors. Ancestral soul-hawks were known to be invoked by warriors for the purpose of receiving tips on how to be better fighters and hunters. In essence, braves would receive ancestral "downloads" from spirit hawks.

Aztecs in Central America held the hawk as a divine liaison. As an intermediary, hawks were like traffic cops between the gods and the souls of the newly deceased. Hawks were also messengers of the gods in Aztec wisdom.
Learning about which deities are connected to a bird, animal or insect is highly revealing about the character of that creature. I find this aspect of animal totem research to be fascinating. We can learn a lot about our totems by the gods and goddesses they hang out with. Here are a few deities associated with the hawk...

Hawk Meaning Associated with Mythological Gods

As Greek sun-god, it makes sense the hawk is one of his sacred symbols, because the hawk is a solar bird. Meaning, the hawk is affiliated with the sun, which gives it Apollonian qualities such as: Radiance, Clarity, Intelligence, Growth, and Healing. As sun symbols, Apollo and hawk are symbolic of renewal, as the sun rising each day is iconic of daily rebirth every morning. Apollo, and his companion the hawk were also considered to have powers of protection, and were called upon to shelter Greek citizens from harm.

Egyptian sun god, the peregrine falcon is often associated with Horus, but so too was the hawk. Hawk and Horus have specific connections with death ceremonies. According to historical accounts, a hawk was released at the time of interment to illustrate the flight of the soul through the realms of the afterlife. This hawk-release was typically performed for royalty, and definitely for pharaohs. In this facet of cultural belief, as with Norse, the hawk is a representative of the soul.

Although not goddesses, they were immortals. Beautiful, bold, warrioresque women of Norse mythology, Valkyries gave vital assistance to Odin. Their primary function was to return the souls of fallen warriors back from the battlefield and into the Norse 'homeland', Asgard. The hawk is connected to Valkyries because these immortal women were reputed to be shape-shifters. Valkyries preferred to take on the form of swans, crows, horses and...you guessed it...hawks when morphing from human to animal. They transformed themselves mostly to disguise themselves and slip through enemy lines in order to gather up the souls of their brethren in arms who had been slain. In this light, the hawk is symbolic of transformation, and by association with Valkyrie shape-shifting, receives the title of "protector of souls". We also pick up on that strong element of partnership with the hawk allowing these Norse beauties to take their form and return fallen warriors back to Hall of the Slain (Valhalla).

Hawk Totem Meaning
Hawk Meaning as an Animal Totem

Hawk totems are extraordinarily effective at protection. They are kind of like raptor-angels. They keep watch over those who hold an affinity for them (and vice versa). They tend to arrange energy in such a way so that danger or bad choices are either made known to their people, or are avoided altogether.

If the hawk is your totem, you are extremely perceptive. You see things others miss. Your vision goes beyond the physical too - you have a knack for seeing into the souls of people you deal with. You might call it a gift of intuition. You just have a sense, or an 'aerial view' into what is going on in the hearts of people. This is a great trait, but the downside to hawk people with this gift is that you tend to be way too forthcoming with your observations. Being naturally direct and candid personality types, hawk-people will make pointed statements about very sensitive issues that they've picked up by their powers of perception. Word of advice: Be delicate and diplomatic with your deductions.

Perhaps it is their unyielding honesty that makes hawk-people admirable partners. People who have hawk as their totem make outstanding mates, friends, co-workers, lovers, sister, brothers etc. They are loyal, honest and direct. Typically, you always know where you stand with a hawk-person, and others find this refreshing in a world of mind-gamers. Hawk-partners are also very protective, and will defend their compatriots to a fierce degree.

Those with the hawk as their totem are also visionaries. They look above the problem (another 'aerial view'), for solutions. They are expert problem solvers because they aren't part of the problem - they aren't stuck in the issue. Rather, they rise above it, and in an elevated state they are able to see answers most might overlook.

Hawk-people are very sharp, witty and intelligent too. This of course helps in addressing daily challenges, and further secures them as a 'great catch' in partnerships. There's a downside though. Sometimes hawk-folks get big for their britches, and have a bit of a superiority complex. It's easy to understand. These are regal people with confidence, acuity, drive and focus. They are often over-achievers, and accomplish amazing tasks. Nevertheless, if you identify with these traits, it might behoove you to come down from the heavens and spend a little time on land. Being humble, and practicing humility is one of hawk-people's greatest challenges.

Hawk meaning as a totem also deals with vision. Because your totem is an air-affiliated bird, you might find you are highly imaginative. You may be accused of having 'your head in the clouds' too often. Hawk people can be major dreamers. This isn't a bad thing - often you are the architects of new worlds, builders of amazing things. Engineers, teachers, inventers, writers and artists are common occupations for those who claim the hawk as their guide.

Whether your associate the hawk as your totem or not, it's a good idea to spend some time observing the hawk in Nature. The hawk has tremendous lessons to teach us, and communing with this bird in Nature is a fast-track to tapping into profound hawk meaning.

Symbolic Hawk Meaning and Hawk Totem Meaning


hawks are beautiful.... most do not realize a hawk must dive onto its prey.....so small ass sparrows and small birds know this...when the hawks get near their nests...they will get above the hawk and dive bomb him....over and over....it is amazing to see those little birds hit the hawk in the back knowing he can do nothing...they simply avoid being below him and save their babies....

so even the mighty hawk has its weak points
I think this will be my last drawing of medicine cards. Not much interest, so...to those that enjoyed them....thank you for participating. :)

With that said...the final message for 3/18/14 is from Elephant:

Elephant Animal Totem: Ancient Power, Strength, Royalty

Elephant is a wise totem which embodies strength and power. An Elephant will give you insight into the power of the three feminine energies: maiden, mother and old wise woman (or crone). Through the use of fragrances and incense, Elephant can guide you to new energies and power. Elephant also gives you a thirst for knowledge and understanding. Family is very important to Elephant, especially the very young and the very old. Elephants care for their elderly rather than push them aside and very protective of their young. They have a soft spot for the weak and helpless. Loyalty is another quality that Elephant teaches. How to remain loyal no matter what anyone says about your friend or family member. For Elephant, they always come first.


Elephant Meaning and Symbolism
Symbolic elephant meaning deals primarily with strength, honor, stability and patience, among other attributes.

To the Hindu way of thought, the elephant is found in the form of Ganesha who is the god of luck, fortune, protection and is a blessing upon all new projects. Ganesha in all his magnificently vibrant elephant glory, is intent on bulldozing obstacles on your behalf (funnily, male elephants are termed "bulls").

In many western cultures, the elephant meaning pertains to themes of...

Symbolic Elephant Meaning

In Christian symbolism the elephant is an icon of temperance, patience, and chastity.

As a Chinese symbol, the elephant is considered a symbol of:

Asian Elephant Meanings

good luck
Some Asian cultures also believe the elephant is a cosmic creature, and carries the world upon it?s back (much like the tortoise does in some tribal Native American myths).

As a dream animal, elephants come into our dreams it is a message that we are able to deal with any obstacle we are faced with at this time. Dream elephants represent power, sovereignty, stability, and stead-fastness. If you dream that you are riding an elephant this suggests you have a tendancy to be the leader of the family, and others are heavily depending on you. If you dream of elephants in a circus this suggests you have a cavalier attitude about a situation in your life and you may want to invest more attention to it.

We gather more symbolic meaning of elephant by observing it in nature. Specifically, the elephant is considered a symbol of responsibility because it takes great care and responsibility of its offspring as well as their elders.

The elephant also has immense determination and loyalty - always standing up for others and always defending members of the group in its natural habitat.

Elephants also express advanced sensitivity and social connection, particularly during time of death - they travel to a specific place upon their death - fulfilling personal responsibility - even at the end of their days.


please dont stop i think more look at this than you realize....elephants are good luck with their trucks up....up....lol
I love elephants. I thought it a great ending to a fabu thread, myself. And yes...what little collectible I have left in elephants....all trunks are up!

If you ever feel the need to know what animal is wanting to speak to you, Bones...just pm or @ me. I will draw for your personal messenger. :)
I think it needs to be resurrected cuz things are getting wacko here at USMB. :lol:

So....I will pull one tonight for USMB for tomorrow. Listen to the message, people. Or not.:)

And for those who do not believe......got a question for ya:

Are you a cat person? Do you believe your cat loves you at least knows you love him/her?
How about dog people? Horse people? Animal Rescue people? do you believe animals have souls, are capable of love, have understanding? If so...why is it so difficult to believe they reach out to us in a spiritual way? They can, and do. Pretty sure everyone has a story about their furkid or an animal that "spoke" to them. Well, they speak to me too. And when I draw that card it is not for just me. It is for the denizens of USMB. All of us.

Ok. Just wanted to put that in there. Not sure how long I will continue doing this, but something (maybe whichever being I pull from the deck tonight?) is telling me to start in again. So...I will. :) :smiliehug:
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Today's messenger is from GROUSE, contrary (upside down):

Drawing the grouse medicine card in the reverse position signals a dissipation of energy and lack of control and disipline. It is symbolic of a lost connection to the Source, and signifies a lack of clear intent behind an outpouring of energy. You may feel like you are in a tailspin or going down the drain. Confront confusion either in yourself or in others who mayb e in the picture. Exame the way your energy may be causing friction, sparks, or a convolution of a situation that needs clarification. Work towards harnessing your energy and directing towards clearly defined goals. Such is the nature of te Sacred Grouse Dance.

In using this sacred dance as a tool to right contrary Grousse, you may also find that is a tool to center or ground you. In grounding, you are once again connecting to Mother Earth and balancing out the spinning in your head. If you have become so involved with an idea or problem that are no longer seeing it clearly, you may feel dizzy, or lacking in concentraion. This is a sign that you have entered the thought-universe and are not connected to physcial reality. You need grounding if this occurs. Dancing or walking will put you back in touch with Earth and your body. Grouse may then teach you how to notice the energy flows that put you in harmony and balance with body, mind and spirit.


Grouse Animal Totem: Sacred Spiral, Sacred Dance

Grouse medicine is the medicine of personal power. Of letting loose and being spontaneous. Grouse is connected to the Sacred Spiral, one of the oldest known symbols of personal power. It can give you personal vision and enlightenment. Awaken your Grouse medicine by mediating and visualizing spirals of energy surrounding you. Dancing with spiral movements will also help release this power. Dance freely with drumming as your background music. This will open a new flow of energy into your life. Dancing a circle is the act of creation. It will open a cone of power around you that you can tap into. Revitalize yourself and your life with this power and energy.


I think this will be my last drawing of medicine cards. Not much interest, so...to those that enjoyed them....thank you for participating. :)

With that said...the final message for 3/18/14 is from Elephant:

Elephant Animal Totem: Ancient Power, Strength, Royalty

Elephant is a wise totem which embodies strength and power. An Elephant will give you insight into the power of the three feminine energies: maiden, mother and old wise woman (or crone). Through the use of fragrances and incense, Elephant can guide you to new energies and power. Elephant also gives you a thirst for knowledge and understanding. Family is very important to Elephant, especially the very young and the very old. Elephants care for their elderly rather than push them aside and very protective of their young. They have a soft spot for the weak and helpless. Loyalty is another quality that Elephant teaches. How to remain loyal no matter what anyone says about your friend or family member. For Elephant, they always come first.


Elephant Meaning and Symbolism
Symbolic elephant meaning deals primarily with strength, honor, stability and patience, among other attributes.

To the Hindu way of thought, the elephant is found in the form of Ganesha who is the god of luck, fortune, protection and is a blessing upon all new projects. Ganesha in all his magnificently vibrant elephant glory, is intent on bulldozing obstacles on your behalf (funnily, male elephants are termed "bulls").

In many western cultures, the elephant meaning pertains to themes of...

Symbolic Elephant Meaning

In Christian symbolism the elephant is an icon of temperance, patience, and chastity.

As a Chinese symbol, the elephant is considered a symbol of:

Asian Elephant Meanings

good luck
Some Asian cultures also believe the elephant is a cosmic creature, and carries the world upon it?s back (much like the tortoise does in some tribal Native American myths).

As a dream animal, elephants come into our dreams it is a message that we are able to deal with any obstacle we are faced with at this time. Dream elephants represent power, sovereignty, stability, and stead-fastness. If you dream that you are riding an elephant this suggests you have a tendancy to be the leader of the family, and others are heavily depending on you. If you dream of elephants in a circus this suggests you have a cavalier attitude about a situation in your life and you may want to invest more attention to it.

We gather more symbolic meaning of elephant by observing it in nature. Specifically, the elephant is considered a symbol of responsibility because it takes great care and responsibility of its offspring as well as their elders.

The elephant also has immense determination and loyalty - always standing up for others and always defending members of the group in its natural habitat.

Elephants also express advanced sensitivity and social connection, particularly during time of death - they travel to a specific place upon their death - fulfilling personal responsibility - even at the end of their days.



I love elephants. There was an entire Nature special on a family of elephants. This is a clip where the matriach Echo's baby Ebony was kidnapped by a rival matriarch.

Today's messenger is from GROUSE, contrary (upside down):

Drawing the grouse medicine card in the reverse position signals a dissipation of energy and lack of control and disipline. It is symbolic of a lost connection to the Source, and signifies a lack of clear intent behind an outpouring of energy. You may feel like you are in a tailspin or going down the drain. Confront confusion either in yourself or in others who mayb e in the picture. Exame the way your energy may be causing friction, sparks, or a convolution of a situation that needs clarification. Work towards harnessing your energy and directing towards clearly defined goals. Such is the nature of te Sacred Grouse Dance.

In using this sacred dance as a tool to right contrary Grousse, you may also find that is a tool to center or ground you. In grounding, you are once again connecting to Mother Earth and balancing out the spinning in your head. If you have become so involved with an idea or problem that are no longer seeing it clearly, you may feel dizzy, or lacking in concentraion. This is a sign that you have entered the thought-universe and are not connected to physcial reality. You need grounding if this occurs. Dancing or walking will put you back in touch with Earth and your body. Grouse may then teach you how to notice the energy flows that put you in harmony and balance with body, mind and spirit.


Grouse Animal Totem: Sacred Spiral, Sacred Dance

Grouse medicine is the medicine of personal power. Of letting loose and being spontaneous. Grouse is connected to the Sacred Spiral, one of the oldest known symbols of personal power. It can give you personal vision and enlightenment. Awaken your Grouse medicine by mediating and visualizing spirals of energy surrounding you. Dancing with spiral movements will also help release this power. Dance freely with drumming as your background music. This will open a new flow of energy into your life. Dancing a circle is the act of creation. It will open a cone of power around you that you can tap into. Revitalize yourself and your life with this power and energy.



Distant cousin of the grouse is the African Guinea fowl.


Early one Sunday morning I was out riding my motorbike on the back country roads when a pair which had been roosting in the trees overnight decided to head across the road for breakfast. Encountering a pair of them at head height at 60 mph is not something I was expecting. I ducked and neither the birds nor I were hurt but it was a close encounter. :lol:
I plan to do a little dance later today. Maybe even in circles. The neighbors will think I am bonkers, but that's ok. I have my ankle bells so I may as well be extra bonkers. :)
I had actually forgotten about this thread, but you reminded me, Gracie! Please don't stop drawing cards. I read all the messages even if I may not comment. :)

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