Daily Animal Medicine Cards for USMB

I am glad you enjoy it. I was beginning to wonder if only a few were even interested. But as long as just a few are..I will continue. Cuz I like doing it, regardless. :)
Post # 71......today's messenger (3/6/14) is from CROW again. Contrary. Again.
Wow. USMB has attracted Crow twice now. Better read it well cuz if Crow is repeating itself, something needs to be mulled over, eh?

So you are an outlaw today, eh? This is one of the varied messages of Crow reversed. The rebel in you has given a yell, and all hell is about to break loose!

A word to the wise at this point: make sure that if you are stepping on toes, you have some back-up. The catalyst for a barroom brawl is usually the person with two black eyes. That is what it means to eat Crow.

If you do not plan to go to such extremes, Crow reversed may indicate that you are merely "cheating a little" on your diet, or covertly watching the neighbors have a spat, or thinking, "Promises are made to be broken." In any of these situations, the only loser is you. If you are lying to yourself on any level, you ave lost the power of Crow. Think abot it, and maybe your inner truth will come to you.

In seeing what is true, you may need to weed out past beliefs or ideas to bring yourself into the present moment. Contrary Crow speaks of needing to remember that Divine Law is not judgement or denial of self-truths. Divine Law is honoring harmony that comes from a peaceful mind, and open heart, a true tongue, a light step, a forgiving nature, and a love of all living creatures. Honor the past as your teacher, honor the present as your creation and honor the future as your inspiration.

Refusing to honor the shifts in your reality can cause emotional pain. An implosion of energy is apparent when rebellion surfaces. Contrary Crow speaks of broken law. The law of expansion is broken by suppression. The may apply to a situation, an old habit, a person you have given your authority to, or your own fears. It is always your own creation, so call on Crow and shift that creation to your new reality.
i have always wanted a pet crow ....but to get them and get them tamed you have to rob the nest before there eyes open or something.....so i got to my tree climbing buddies...and say....i want a baby crow...make it so...

well damn they have no respect.....said that was mean and that the mama crow will take their eyes out....said if they find a baby....i could have it....but they would not rob a nest
Weird day today. Sitting outside, having a cig...two crows sitting not far from me. Male grooming the female. So calm. So pretty. Then I go out in the back yard and a HUGE crow (could've been a raven) is sitting in the dove feeder. Just sitting there. As I stand there admiring it, it just stares at me. I look for the third eye, lol. Nope. Just two. Be we had a stare fest, good vibes between us.
Now, this is NOT normal. We have a murder of crows every now and then but not often. Today..I see three. None afraid of me. All doing their thang but we are connected. It was pleasant.

Speaking of crow pets, Bones...when I was in my 20's and married to the first hubby, we were at his parents house out in the boondocks. Hubby and I are sitting outside on a bench and this crow (raven) comes and squawks around us. Hubby freaks out and goes in the house. I sit there. The bird lands on the bench next to me and I am shocked. It comes closer, then hops on my shoulder. I am afraid it will peck my eyes but I sit still. It just sits there. Then it flies to the roof of the house. Then flies back to my shoulder. It was awesome and amazing and a one in a lifetime thing. Maybe someones pet bird? Maybe my totem saying Hello for the first time cuz Raven IS one of my totems.

Next day, it was gone, although we did drive back out there and I went looking for it.
Today's (3/7/14) messenger is from GIRAFFE:
Meaning of Giraffe Symbolism and Giraffe Totems

There are some critters in the animal kingdom that reveal their secrets more obviously than others. The symbolic meaning of giraffe's, in large part, is right before our eyes. Take a good look at this magnificent creature, and we can easily begin to weave a symbolic narrative as to the giraffe's deeper meaning behind its presence (both totemic and random appearance) in our lives.

For example, it's most telling physical feature is the giraffe's neck. Symbolically, this impressive physical feature naturally asks us about "sticking our necks out" in terms of making connections (within family, community, business, creative endeavors, etc). In this respect, the giraffe is a messenger, encouraging us to elongate our vision, stretch ourselves, and reach as far as we can. The giraffe often makes an appearance when we need a little reminder that we all are grandiose beings with remarkable potential to rise ourselves up to a challenge. Furthermore, the giraffe demonstrates grace in striving. In other words, when the giraffe visits us, it's often a message to strive through challenges while maintaining balance and grace.

The giraffe also reminds me of vision. Long-reaching, far-seeing kind of vision. It's that long neck again. With its head lifted as high as the treetops it loves to snack on, the giraffe's vision is a focused on the horizon. If the giraffe is your totem, I'm willing to bet you're a natural visionary. Most folks who feel an affinity for the giraffe will admit to having a knack for seeing future trends. Giraffe-people have an incredible ability to see into the future, or see the "big picture." Furthermore, giraffe-people are experts at shifting resources and influencing events so that future outcomes they see are more fluid, and effective.

And how about those massive eyelashes? Sure, they're sweet and delicate looking, but they're also symbolic of protection. Those long lashes effectively keep out debris, and we can translate this as an assurance that our visions are protected by the wisdom of Nature, and we have the ability to discern the right meanings of our visions under the guidance of our animal totems - in this case, the giraffe.

Some keywords to consider while contemplating the symbolic meaning of giraffe...

Symbolic Meanings for the Giraffe

Gentleness of Spirit
If the giraffe is your totem, you not only have a gift of higher perception, you're also very sensitive about the information you see. Giraffe's have a relatively gentle demeanor (unless provoked or during mating), and this is reflected in the person who claims the giraffe as their totem. I find it fascinating the giraffe has not two, but three horns (they're called ossicones). The third horn is situated right between and just above its eyes. This is symbolic of the "third eye" which talks about intuition, delicate perception, and heightened sensory awareness. Are you the kind of person who easily senses what others are feeling or thinking? Do you often find that vague or obtuse concepts are more clear to you and make more sense to you than most? It's that giraffe energy that enables deeper perception and the ability to combine vision with empathy to gain grand views in life situations.

Conversely, the giraffe can offer higher ground for our vision, and lend us intuitive insight when we feel we're blinded by life's distractions. Call upon the giraffe when you are in need of a higher position with which to analyze the foggy terrain of your life. Also call upon the gentle nature of the giraffe to help you with gracefulness in action, patience, and sturdy footing in life's potentially rocky terrain.

The symbolic meaning of giraffe is also tied in with communication. Their necks (in males, especially) are a form of major social status within their herds. The longer, stronger, thicker the neck - the more attractive, and better-established the giraffe is. Translating this feature to symbolic meaning, the neck is a function of not only digesting, but communicating verbally. In this sense, the giraffe asks us if we are being mindful of what we are ingesting - what are we taking in or consuming? Whether it's food, or thoughts, the giraffe makes us aware of what we are taking into our bodies and our energy and helps us discern healthier choices for ourselves. As far as communication goes, the giraffe encourages us to make our words count. If you have problems with communicating effectively, consider the powerful neck of the giraffe, and place that strength in your own ability to be strong with your voice, be effective in your words - in this way, your conveyances (with the giraffe's help) will be far-reaching and make a difference in the world.

Its tongue provides a visual symbolic meaning of giraffe too. Did you know it can be as long as 20 inches? This is indicative (like the neck) of making our words count, be clever with your communications, challenge yourself to expand meaning and vocabulary. Call upon the giraffe for help with eloquently and powerfully expressing yourself in your business presentations, family meetings, interviews. The giraffe can really help (I know, she's helped me with public speaking!). Interestingly, a giraffe's tongue is often black - it gains this coloring as a protectant from over-exposure to the sun. This is another symbolic way of reminding us to be bold with our words, but be aware to not talk too much or over-expose our wagging tongues when in group discussions.

Did you know giraffe's require very little sleep? Only about 10-20 minutes a day. Symbolically, this talks to us about using our available resources to the max. The giraffe has immaculate ability to preserve its energy stores (it's more effective at retaining water than a camel!). This is a big lesson for us. Also, it's a common trait shared with those who have the giraffe as their kin. If the giraffe is your totem, you'll tend to be on an even-stream of energy...not too high, not too low. Rather, you ride a wave of energy that is steady and consistent. This is extremely helpful to those around you who need a second wind. Others see giraffe people as an inspiration for their seemingly ceaseless stores of energy.

The symbolic meaning of giraffe's also hints to strategy when gaining resources. How so? Well, the giraffe's favorite food is the acacia. Its tall neck allows it to munch on the most delightful bits of the acacia tree. The problem is, the acacia tree knows the giraffe's appetite for its fruits, and so therefore emits an enzyme that purposefully makes its leaves bitter - hence thwarting the giraffe from eating as much. But the giraffe is endlessly resourceful and clever. This is where strategy comes in. Knowing the acacia's tendency to turn bitter to discourage the giraffe from eating its leaves, the giraffe approaches the acacia tree upwind - hence avoiding the acacia's burst of wind-borne enzymes that alert other trees a herd is feasting upon them. This is a lesson for us to approach our goals and challenges "upwind" or from an angle that will allow us the most resources without spoiling the process of attaining the fruits of our desires.

Lastly, I've got to say something about the incredible markings of the giraffe. I've always fancied the color patterns of their fur looks much like a maze. It talks to me about being sure-footed in the maze of life. No doubt, this life is replete with mazes and labyrinths of change - but the giraffe is a steady reminder of getting through the twisty curves of life with elegance and dignity.

This is not in my book, so I had to look online. This is the source:
Symbolic Meaning of Giraffe

More on Giraffe and its attributes:
Sees far into the future, ability to reach things that are unreachable to others, communication, intuition, ability to remain above the fray.


Giraffe Animal Totem: Farsightedness

People who have a Giraffe totem often know the future. They can sense what is going to happen, what lies over the horizon. Giraffe people should be very careful of what they say. Be sure you are not saying too much to the wrong person, or in the reverse, too little. Do not allow other's words to affect you. Giraffes have their legs firmly planted on the earth but their heads in the sky. This represents balance and the ability to progress. Giraffe people should never become complacent and lose sight of the future. Life will become increasingly difficult until you set your sights once more on the path ahead. Giraffes, and their people, have very strong ties to family and friends, especially parent and children


let me go back to yesterday......hubby and i are going out when he says....'strange thing today.....3 crows stayed overhead and circled all day'

i told him about the crow being the totem of the day
Crow is mighty interested in USMB. Twice now. Both contrary.
Today's (3/8/14) messenger is from Dragonfly:

Dragonfly Animal Totem: Illusion, the Power of Light

Dragonfly is the power of light. The dragonfly inhabits two realms: air and water and the influence of both these elements will be felt by Dragonfly people. Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment; and the communication from the elemental world. Dragonfly medicine beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits that need changing. Call on Dragonfly to guide you through the mists of illusion to the pathway of transformation. Dragonfly brings the light and color of transformation into your life.


More on Dragonfly:
Symbolic Meanings of the Dragonfly

As a creature of the wind, the dragonlfy totem represents change. It's iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows - lest we run into stormy weather.

Dragonflies are also creatures of the water, and any creature whose habitat is in, or around water carries symbolism relative the the subconscious, or "dreaming" mind and thoughts.

This is because in the animal world, water is symbolic of the subconscious mind ("deeper mind," "dreaming mind") and relates to the thoughts we have in relaxed/meditative/sleeping/subconscious states.

To get more closely attuned to the magic of the dragonfly, check out the quick-list of dragonfly symbolic meanings below.

Summary of Dragonfly Symbolic Meanings

good luck

These symbolic meanings of dragonfly are particularly associated in Asian (Japan) and Native American (Plains region) circles.

Dragonflies carry messages that deal with deeper thought - and they ask that we pay attention to our deeper thoughts and desires.

Further symbolic insect meaning of dragonfly comes into play when we observe the dragonfly's mode of transportation as it skitters across the top of water surfaces. This implies that our deeper thoughts are surfacing and we must be mindful of the outcome we wish to have.

The dragonfly is a reminder that when our deeper thoughts rise to the surface we must pay attention - there are lessons to be learned, and we are also reminded that what we think is directly proportionate to what we "see on the surface." ...In short, our thoughts (even the deeper ones that we might not be as in-touch with as we are with our conscious thoughts) are responsible for what we see in our lives - in our physical surroundings.

The dragonfly gives us a very powerful meditation tool. Close your eyes, and focus on a thought - let it rise to the surface of your mind's ocean - see that thought float lightly up to the water's surface. Now upon the top of a smooth, calm glass-like surface - visualize that thought moving across that water - sliding across - smooth and fast.

This exercise is useful when we want to visualize positive outcomes in a situation. We see the thought of hope happily moving across an ocean of peace (peaceful mind) and skitting to a perfect outcome.

Lastly it should be noted that the Dragonfly lives a short life, and it knows it must live to the fullest with what it has. This lesson is huge for each of us. When you see a dragonfly, be aware of the gifts it has to offer by keeping its animal totem meanings in mind.


Today's (3/9/14) messenger is from Eagle:

If Eagle has majestically soared into your cards, you are being put on notice to reconnect with the element of air. Air is of the mental plane, and in this instance it is of the higher mind. Wisdom comes in many strange and curious forms and is always related to the creative force of the Great Spirit.
If you have been walking in the shadows of former realities, Eagle brings illumination. Eagle teaches you to look higher and to touch Grandfather Sun with your heart, to love the shadows as well as the light. See the beauty in both, and you will take flight like the Eagle.
Eagle medicine is the gift we give ourselves to remind us of the freedom of the skies. Eagle asks you to give yourself permission to legalize freedom and to follow the joy your heart desires.


More in Eagle:

Eagle Animal Totem: Spirit, Healing, Creation

The appearance of an Eagle signifies a new beginning is coming soon. Whether it is a positive beginning or not depends on the energy you are putting out. The law of attraction states that what you give out, you receive. If you want good to come to you, put out good and positive thoughts. Eagle will help by bringing the opportunities to you. This new beginning could be a spiritual awakening. Eagle is a demanding totem, but one that offers so much reward at the end of the journey. Its four-toed feet remind you to stay grounded even when soaring high; its talons remind you to grasp the things of the earth; its sharp beak shows you when to speak, how much, and how strongly. This totem will show you opportunities and how to ride the winds to your benefit. Eagle people can live in the realm of the spirit yet still remain connected and balanced within the realm of the Earth. You must become much more than you ever dreamed possible.


Symbolic Eagle Meaning

I've been seeing eagles and moles in my meditations lately. When creatures persist in my awareness, I know it's time to write a page on them. Plus, I've gotten several requests from readers of this site wanting to know more about symbolic eagle meaning, so here are a few thoughts.

I've had the luxury of observing Golden Eagles in the wild. Like our nature-inclined forebears, the sheer size of these creatures is mind-numbing.

Size does matter to the Native mind. It is the mammoth size of the eagle that, in part, wins its title as the King of the Birds in myth and lore. In spite of its enormous size, the eagle still takes flight, seemingly effortlessly. This is the first of many symbolic cues from the eagle about perception (not judging a book by its cover) and, not allowing the illusion of limitation to ground us in our flight.

What else matters when considering symbolic eagle meaning? Here are a few attributes and keywords associated with Eagle Medicine...

Symbolic Eagle Meanings

Native wisdom also honors the eagle for their opportunistic ways. It's not that they're skilled hunters (they are), but the go about gaining their needs in ways that are most efficient. This is a lesson for conserving resources. Work smarter, not harder.

Some Native American (plains tribes) refers to the eagle as an earthly incarnation of the great Thunderbird spirit. Legend further states that lightning bolts shoot from the eyes of the bald eagle, and with the beating of its expansive wings, rain is conjured from the skies. That's easy to envision.

Coming from the mindset that all energy is interconnected, an average wingspan of 5-7 feet (in golden's and bald's) could understandably cause some massive energetic ripples in the cosmos. Even prompt rain. I love how eagles as rain bringers segways into the cleansing theme of water.

And, we see from the Native mind that eagle feathers are tribal tools resonating patterns of healing within ritual. Do a little research into Native wisdom, and you will find the eagle is invoked for revitalization, creation and healing purposes. I like to think this deals with the eagle's connection with water.

In this vein of thought, we can contemplate the healing messages the eagle may offer us in our daily life. When the eagle soars into our psychic vision, it may be a sign of getting prepared for symbolic cleansing rains. What needs cleaning in our lives?

Of course, as rulers of the sky, eagle meaning is connected with the air element, which symbolizes communication and thought. All bird totems speak to us about higher thinking, dreams, and mental liberation. As king of the birds, the eagle's message of mental acuity is super-dominant.

Visually, everything about the eagle's appearance is sharp. Streamlined, sleek, chiseled. This prompts our deeper minds to hone our thoughts and skills. The eagle commands us to tailor our intelligence and talents in a form that best suits our needs. We all have inner abilities, but when the eagle shows up - it's a clear sign it's time to use these abilities in a laser-like fashion to bring about focused change in our lives.

To revisit the Thunderbird association, eagles are said to bring down lightning with the storms. This makes me think of flashes of insight, surges of power - electrifying vision.

I also like to look into the eyes of the eagle. There I see the lightning. I see the sun itself living in those all-seeing bright yellow orbs.

Do these observations this strike a chord with you? If so, take flight with the eagle meaning by experimenting with these visualizations:
Eagle Totem Encouragements

Contemplate the power cased in the heart of the eagle.

Synchronize your own heart beat with that of the eagle's - visualize each pulse as a flash of lighting - an impulse of divine thought.

Picture the power of the gods clapping like thunder with each flap of their wings. With each crack of thunder consider barriers and blockages in your life being shattered.

Then see the great seven foot wingspan of the eagle growing even longer in your vision in order to swipe away the rubble - making all trace of limitation disappear.

Look into the eyes of the eagle, and see the dawning sun shine clarity upon the dawning of your own awareness. These eyes are like a light into your own contemplative vision - let them illuminate your from the inside out.
These kind of powerful connections can liberate on so many levels.

But, you don't have to take my word for it. Consider our ancestors perspectives on the eagle meaning for more inspiration.

Eagle Meanings in Cultural Lore

Alchemy symbolic eagle meaning:
A representation of prime matter, the start of an alchemical operation. The eagle spreads its wings over the step into creation and fans the fire, encouraging growth of new matter.

Aztec and Mayan meaning of eagle:
The eagle carries the veil of night and dark over our existence and awareness. It's affiliated with the dawning sun, and is a magnificent celestial power, able to shine light into our world.

Celtic animal symbolism of eagle:
Associated with the symbolism of water, and the intuitive oracle water serves as. Perhaps because our Celtic kin observed their magnificent ability to see into waters with miraculous clarity. Like scrying. I like to think the Celts skimmed across the waters of their existence invoked the eagle for assistance in "diving in" for treasures of wisdom.

Christian eagle meaning:
Associated with the Christ himself. Because the eagle seems to easily ascend the skies, looking into the sun with unblinking focus, we relate symbolism of Christ's unblinking faith in the Way, the Truth, and the Light. We also see themes of renewal (baptism) as the eagle plunges the soul of man into the sea, and lifts them out renewed and cleansed.

Greek meaning:
Another reference as a solar animal, the eagle is symbolic of authority, rulership and virility. It's depicted with thunderbolts in each talon. In my mind, this seems like a phallic reference would bolster sexual energy as well as warrior status (energy, thrust, courage, bravery, fearlessness). I get a confirmation of this by Zeus's strong affiliation with the eagle in myth.

I could go on forever about the symbolic meaning of the eagle. It's an inspiring creature, so it's only natural that every human eye that has witnessed it would be enraptured by its regal presence.

The eagle imparts spectacular wisdom. Take purposeful, meditative time to connect with the eagle, and discover what kind of glorious insight it can share with you.

Last word on the symbolic eagle meaning: "Fly Higher."

Symbolic Eagle Meaning



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