Daily Animal Medicine Cards for USMB

Scorpion....one of my favorite animals. The only arachnid that cares for its young. It represents true duality (good and evil) across many cultures...particularly Native American. There is ruthlessness....secretiveness....an implacable hunter....fearless with enemies....yet loyal, caring, and strong...a protector and a representative of the generative life force.

Also...for the ladies....female scorpions will occasionally kill the male if he doesn't behave properly during sex. Keep that in mind the next time hubby fails to satisfy. :)

I love all creatures but I must admit seeing that pic, although it is gorgeous in it's colors, gives me the shudders. Spiders do the same but not all spiders. Just really BIG ones. Oh, and brown recluse.
Bones! That link is cool! And Raven...omg. That describes me SO much!
Today's message is from BUTTERFLY.

If you look closely at what Butterfly is trying to reach, you will realize that is is the never-ending cycle of self transormation. The way to dsicern where are you in this cycle is to ask yourself:
Is this the egg stage: Is it just a thought or idea?
Is this the larva stage: Do I need to make a decision?
Is this the cocoon stage: Am I developing and doing something to make my diea a reality?
Is this the birth stage: Am I sharing my completed idea?

By asking yourself these questions, you will dsicover how Butterfly is relating to you at this moment. When you understand where you are, the symbol can teach you what to do next to continue in the cycle of self transformation.


More on Butterfly:

Butterfly Animal Totem: Change, joy and color

It is the symbol of the soul. They remind us that life is a dance, not to take things quite so seriously. They also remind us to get up and move. Dance brings the sweetness of life. Butterflies bring color and joy to your life. Look at them and remember what joy is in your life, if it's a lot or a little, it is still joy. They teach us that growth and transformation does not have to traumatic; it can occur gently, sweetly, and joyfully.


Symbolic Butterfly Meanings

Interpreting animal symbolism is a powerful way to connect with nature, and learn lessons from her creatures - lessons that we can apply to our own lives. Observing the butterfly and learning her symbolic meanings offers us an opportunity to apply her movements to our own lives. For example, we can relate the butterfly's stages of life to our own life-phases...growing pains, times of ravenous hunger, times of vulnerability, moments of miraculous expansion. The more we seek symbolism in nature, the more we realize we have a lot in common with animals, insects and life in the wild realms. Indeed, we are intimately connected with the animal queen/kingdom - inseparable from nature and her movements.

Overwhelmingly, cultural myth and lore honor the butterfly as a symbol of transformation because of its impressive process of metamorphosis.

From egg, to larvae (caterpillar), to pupa (the chrysalis or cocoon) and from the cocoon the butterfly emerges in her unfurling glory.

What a massive amount of transition this tiny creature undergoes. Consider for a moment the kind of energy this expends. I daresay if a human were to go through this kind of change we'd freak out!

Imagine the whole of your life changing to such an extreme you are unrecognizable at the end of the transformation. Mind you, this change takes place in a short span of about a month too (that's how long the butterfly life cycle is).

Herein lies the deepest symbolic lesson of the butterfly. She asks us to accept the changes in our lives as casually as she does. The butterfly unquestioningly embraces the chances of her environment and her body.

This unwavering acceptance of her metamorphosis is also symbolic of faith. Here the butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives. She understands that our toiling, fretting and anger are useless against the turning tides of nature - she asks us to recognize the same.

As mentioned, tapping into animal symbolism is akin to tapping into our own souls, because we are inseperable from nature and her creatures. For easy reference, here's a quick-list of symbolic features of the butterfly:

Symbolic Butterfly Meanings

Interestingly, in many cultures the butterfly is associated with the soul - further linking our animal symbolism of faith with the butterfly.

In Greek myth, Psyche (which literally translates to mean "soul") is represented in the form of a butterfly. Befittingly, Psyche is forever linked with love as she and Eros (the Greek god of love, also known in Roman myth as Cupid) shared an endlessly passionate bond together - both hopelessly in love with the other.

Greece doesn't corner the market on associating the butterfly with the soul. Here are a few other ancient cultures that associated this elegant creature with the soul:

Other Cultures Who Venerate the Butterfly

Asian (central)
Mexican - Aztec
New Zealand
Christianity considers the butterfly as a symbol for the soul. To wit, the butterfly is depicted on ancient Christian tombs, as Christ has been illustrated holding a butterfly in Christian art.

It's connection with the soul is rather fitting. We are all on a long journey of the soul. On this journey we encounter endless turns, shifts, and conditions that cause us to morph into ever-finer beings. At our soul-journey's end we are inevitably changed - not at all the same as when we started on the path.

To take this analogy a step further, we can look again to the grace and eloquence of the butterfly and realize that our journey is our only guarantee. Our responsibility to make our way in faith, accept the change that comes, and emerge from our transitions as brilliantly as the butterfly.

Ponder the potential symbolism and meaning of the butterfly as she emerges through her stages of life. How are these life-stages similar to your own?


Today's (3/1/14) message is from Turkey (Contrary..meaning upside down):

There are several aspects to pulling the gobbler care in the reversed position. Are you gobbling up anything and everything out of fear of lack? Are you holding on too tight and refusing to let go of a dime for charity? If could be that the Scrooge in you has grown accustomed to the miserly aspect of living. If not, you might look at the possibibiltiy that you are fearful of spenidn money at this time. Another aspect of "contrary gobbling" is the idea tha the world "owes" you something and that you do not need to recycle the energy. "The buck stops here" may only mean that it stops in your bank account. On all levels of this contrary message, the keynote is the generosity of spirit is being neglected. This can be towards self or towards others. Remember, never give to receive. That is manipulation. Giving is without regret and with a joyful heart, or the "give away" has lost its true meaning.


More on Turkey:

Turkey Animal Totem: Shared Blessings

The Turkey is the symbol of sacrifice. It gives life so others may live. Many holy people and mystics have Turkey as a totem. With a Turkey totem, you have transcended self. You act and react on behalf of others. This act is not a sense of moralism or guilt, but a deep knowledge that all life is sacred. What you do for others, you also do for yourself. To have a Turkey totem is a true gift. Its gift may be spiritual, material or intellectual. Through giving to others will you reach your own goals. The Turkey is linked to the third eye, the seat of feminine energies within us, and the center for higher vision. Turkey is also the symbol of the Mother Earth and her abundant harvest. All of Earth's blessings and the ability to use them to their greatest advantage are part of Turkey's teachings.


Symbolic Turkey Meanings

Turkeys have been a symbol of thanksgiving and abundance long before the Piligrim's "first meal" in 1621 with the Northern Native Americans.

Certain Native American tribes view the turkey as both a symbol of abundance and fertility. Indeed, the turkey was the guest of honor (sacrificial, that is) in various fertility and gratitude ceremonies.

The Creek tribes still practice the turkey dance during its annual fire festivals. The feathers of turkeys are also used in ritual (see my Native American Feather Symbolism post )

The turkey was thought to be sacred to ancient Mexican cultures. The Aztecs, Mayans and Toltecs viewed the turkey as a "jeweled bird" and also referred to it as the "Great Xolotl." Male turkeys were honored for their beauty and essence of cocky pride.

Animal Symbolism of the Turkey - A Quick-List

Turkeys (like the peacock) give clear signs of agitation prior to poor weather conditions This is often seen by primitive cultures as a symbol of foretelling.

Turkeys are at their peak of power in the autumn months. As we explore the realm of animal symbolism, it's important to take note of a creature's peak season, whether they are diurnal or nocturnal, what their environment is, their favorite foods, etc. As they are highly active in autumn, the turkey has meanings that differ from creatures who are more active in, let's say, the springtime. Here are some fall-time attributes to consider in connection with turkey meanings.

Autumnal Symbolic Meanings

Animal symbolism of the turkey also deals with male virility and pride. This isn't surprising when we observe male turkeys in the wild. They are quite noble looking as the strut and fan their impressive plumage for all to see.

When the turkey visits us it is a sign that we must be mindful of the blessings bestowed upon us each day. Further, it is a message to express our strength and brilliance - it's time to show our own plumage and reveal true selves.

When the turkey visits us it is a sign that we must be mindful of the blessings bestowed upon us each day. Further, it is a message to express our strength and brilliance - it's time to show our own plumage and reveal true selves.

I must always remember to be mindful of how life has blessed me. :)
It was upside down though. So that means we are not doing that enough. I pull these cards after meditating on USMB and its denizens. As well as myself, since I am a member here. Just something to muse on for all of us.

Folks think I am a nutbar. That's ok. At least I am trying very hard to be a kind nutbar.
the hubby keeps milkweed for the butterflies.....he weedeats around it....makes mowing very time consuming but it is beautiful when you walk out and see all the butterflies....

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Today's 3/2/14 USMB message is from LYNX

If Lynx is at your door, listen. Brother and Sister Lynx can teach you of your personal power and of things you have forgotten about yourself. Lynx can lead you to lost treasures and connect you to forgotten brotherhoods or sisterhoods. Some medicine people believe that the Sphinx of ancient Egypt was not a lion but a Lynx. This Lynx does not say much. With an enigmatic smile, the great cat watches over the sands forever.


More about LYNX:

Lynx Animal Totem: Secrets

Lynx is the keeper of lost magic and occult knowledge. Lynx is the guardian of the secrets and, more importantly, the knower of the secrets. Lynx medicine is a very specific type of clairvoyance. If the medicine is strong in you, you will get mental pictures concerning people and the secrets they hide. You will see their fears, lies, and self-deceptions. With a Lynx totem, people will share their secrets with you. They will take you into their confidence and you will "accidentally" discover things about people (whether you want to or not). You must be very careful not to break confidences. Your words must be chosen carefully and used cautiously. Strength through silence must be your motto. You do not have to do anything with the secrets you learn, you, like the Lynx, are the keeper of secrets. Listen to your higher self.


Today's 3/3/14 message is from WHALE (contrary..meaning upside down):

If Whale has beached itself in your cards, the contrary medicine implies that you are not following your sonar or homing device. On some level you have forgotten that you hold all the answers you need to survive, to grow, and to claim the power of your chosen destiny.
It may be that you are having to deal with a lot of chatter in your head and cannot get to your personal records. If so, you may need to use other sounds to enter the silence. The drum or rattle, the Indian flute, or the sounds of nature may help. The call of whale is the lullaby of the tides. Rock yourself gently and float into the world of the seas. Flow with the waters of time and collect YOUR answers....they are the only truth that will lead to your personal pathway of knowing.
Contrary Whale is saying that you must desire to KNOW. You must seek the Whale song within you. In hearing Whale's call you will connect to the Ancients on a cellular leven, and then as you relax into the flow of the song's rhrym you will begin to open YOUR unique library of records. It may not come all at one. It may take practice, but if you hold the desire to KNOW close to your heart, it will be Whale's gift to you. Look to the Great Star Nation and send gratitude to Sirius for the song of Whale.


More on Whale:

Whale, Orca Animal Totem: Creation, Power of Song, Inner Depths

A Whale totem teaches you to go deep within yourself to awaken your inner creativity. But they also teach us not to become lost in our creative imagination, but to live in the real world. When a Whale totem shows up in your life, examine your own use of creativity. Apply your own creative intuition to formulas -- this is what imbues them with power and magic. Creativity for the sake of creativity is not what the Whale teaches. It awakens great depth of creative inspiration, but you must add your own color and light to your outer life to make it wonderful. The sound of the Whale teaches us how to create with song.


Symbolic Whale Meaning
and Whale Totem Meaning
Where the edge of land ends and the fringe of vast oceans begins is a threshold of mammoth proportions. To garner in-depth understanding of symbolic whale meaning, we've got to pay homage to its environment, the oceans of our planet.

The oceans, and water in general holds age-old symbolism of emotional depth (I've written about potential water symbolism here, if you're interested). As humans, we all experience an array of emotions. Some are on the surface; we can experience these emotions easily because they float on top of our life-experience as driftwood on the surface of the water. We can observe these top-layer emotions clearly, they are familiar and we deal with them daily. Other emotions, however, run very deep within us. Some emotions we burry beneath the fathoms of our consciousness; these emotions are the leviathans of our being - the lumbering beasts we dare not let surface.

From this perspective, we can easily relate to the depth and breadth of water with the essence of emotions. Given its habitat is the water realms, the totem meaning of the whale largely deals with emotions too. The whale symbolizes emotional creativity, well-being, nurturing as well as emotional depth.

Those who are magnetized by whale energy will tend to be incredibly deep in sensitivity. The depth of feeling whale-totem-people endure can be overwhelming. Whale people are super-perceptive about the feelings of those around them, and this can manifest into an internal pressure that can be quite crushing. The whale can help with overwhelment of feelings and even temper the onslaught of emotions picked up from other people too. If you are extraordinarily affected by the emotions of others, or your own emotions are so intense as to cause discomfort, your whale totem can help.

Why? Because whales are masters of:

Navigation: Moving through emotional depths
Communication: Effectively expressing emotional experiences
Conservation: Using emotional energy for fuel and not being consumed by emotional floods
I love poking through old myths and parables, especially when exploring totem meaning and the whale has plenty legends to its name. From Native American to Islam, the whale is featured prominently in ancient lore. Take the prophet Jonah. It's a classic passage in the Bible. I'm fortunate to know a several Biblical scholars, and I've talked to these folks (thanks to Robert, Jim and Diane!) about the deeper symbolic meaning of Jonah's three days and three nights in the bellies of the mega ketos ("great fish" in Greek), dag gadul ("big fish" in Hebrew), and the nun in Arabic - all terms describing the huge fish-whale who swallowed Jonah in the Biblical account. My Bible-savvy pals relate the story as an allegory of deliverance of the Jews from Babylonian capture. The great mother of Babylon's first queen (Semiramis) was Derceto, and the Babylonian sea goddess Derceto (a behemoth being of the sea) is the very same 'great fish' who swallowed Jonah. This perspective illustrates the Jews' liberation from Babylonian captivity with Jonah being expelled from Derceto's belly.

What intrigued me further was discussions deeper emotional allegory associated with Jonah's account. Imagine the emotional duress Jonah endured. Charged with the task (from God, no less) to travel to Ninevah and speak to the people about the righteous path of God. Now, at the time, Ninevah was quite inhospitable, and it was highly unlikely they would be keen to hear what Jonah had to say. Knowing this, Jonah retreated from his responsibility, essentially hiding from his soul-purpose (God) and that's when the mammoth beast of the sea swallows him whole.

Whale Totem Meaning
We've all been in Jonah's sandals. We've all had a scary task to set before us, a heavy task with potentially frightening responsibilities placed on our shoulders. When we turn away from these responsibilities (knowing what we should do, yet refusing) it churns up massive emotional upheaval. We become swallowed ourselves in an emotional quagmire. We stew in our emotional soup, until we reach a boiling point. We all struggle with emotional buildup over choices we need to make, or even those choices we cannot bear to execute. Some of us, after days and nights of stewing within the womb of the soul, finally emerge (spit from the whale, so to speak) with renewed determination and a rekindling of faith. Others of us return to the emotional abyss until we can process our fears and indecision into a more refined state of being.

This kind of emotional swallowing, digesting and processing is key to whale totem meaning. Luckily, the whale can facilitate emotional clarity, and help us navigate through the often ambiguous and confusing seas of emotion. Whales themselves are incredibly nurturing; we see this in how they raise their young as well as their close-knit connection to others in their community herds or pods. Whales, and those with whale totems have a natural affinity for helping, especially promoting well-being within their community. People who are attracted to the whale often feel devoted to a greater cause, and although they may struggle with their own personal emotions, they tend to naturally conjure healing powers towards others in emotional trauma. Does this sound familiar to you? If you have these tendencies, I encourage you to swim deeply with the whale in your meditations and prayers. Navigating the emotional waters with the whale by your side will afford guidance and clarity.

Whales ask us to embrace the unknown, and that's precisely why they are so connected to the emotional depths of the oceans. To be sure, our current circumstances are born from an emotional womb. In other words, our reality is intrinsically connected to our thought and our emotional choices. It can be frustrating and confusing to track down the emotional origin of the stuff that's manifested in our lives, and the whale can help us understand, on a deeper level, the actions that have caused unrest in our daily life.

In many sects of Native wisdom, the whale is symbolic of the beginning, the creation of all life on earth as we know it. They aren't the only ones. Countless cultures around the globe associate themes of creation, birth and rebirth with the whale. Other symbolic suggestions to add to whale totem meaning include:

Deeper Awareness
Cosmic Consciousness
Emotional Rebirth and Understanding
Nurturing and Devotion to Community
Appreciation for Beauty, (especially song and dance)
The Importance of Balance (emotional and otherwise)

Whale Totem Meaning and Whale Symbolism

Yup. And if I were younger and not falling apart, it would be on my bucket list to actually see one that isn't in a pic.
Not midnight yet, hon. Little less than half an hour.

Unless you wanna do the honors? I would share with ya, hon. We could take turns? Do you have animal spirit cards?
lol i forget that you are out west....its 2:35 am....i dont have spirit cards and i need to work today ....i need to crash badly

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