Daily Animal Medicine Cards for USMB


Locals in Wuhan worship a Turtle after it was found near the Yangtze. They prayed for good luck and health. After an appropriate time it was donated to the local aquarium.

Turtles have been valued and worshipped in many cultures. Not all Turtle gods were benevolent. A religious cult of the ancient Turtle Civilization of the South Pacific worshipped a turtle god called Namusan Sapou. It was said that the god would feast on young virgins as snacks, uttering the holy cry “Myah”.

Turtles are depicted in rock art, cave painting and petroglyphs found all over the world. For Australian aborigines turtles were one of their favorite subjects;


Below is Baja California rock art possibly 7,500 years old.


Turtle species are found all over the world. There are about 300 species and 14 families extant in the world today.

Modern turtles evolved in the late triassic (215 million years ago)
Scientific classification Linnaeus, 1758
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Clade: Sauropsida
Order: Testudines (=Chelonii)
Temporal range: Late Triassic – Holocene ( 215 million years ago to present)

"A turtle's shell is unique in that it is made up of around 50 bones, with ribs, shoulder bones and vertebrae fused together to form a hard external shell."
"How it forms today can be observed in a developing turtle embryo. Ribs broaden first followed by the broadening of vertebrae. The final state is the development of an outer layer of skin on the perimeter of the shell".
"The turtle shell is a complex structure whose initial transformations started over 260 million years ago in the Permian period," said lead author of the study, Dr Tyler Lyson from the Smithsonian Institution and Yale University".
"The shell evolved over millions of years and was gradually modified into its present-day shape."

Many turtle species are endangerd today including 4 of the 7 Sea Turtle species (Hawksbill Turtle Leatherback Turtle Green Turtle Loggerhead) and 17 of the 25 Asian Turtle species. Reasons for endangerment are the usual suspects, hunting, capture for pets and habitat destruction among others.
Great post, Smedly! Looks like we will all get some history lessons with each animal, as well!!
Tonight, at a smidge past midnight...shuffle time and new messenger!
A turtle story

~Turtle Zen~

There once lived a tortoise in a forest shaded, shallow stream. It had watched the sun rise over a mountain all its life. Seeing this, the turtle thought perhaps if it were to climb to the top of the mountain and with perfect timing, it could step onto the bright ball and catch a ride on the warm sun. For turtles love basking in the sun.

The turtle had spent nearly a year walking upward on a twisting and turning mountain road. The journey was a long, uphill battle and the turtle nearly had forgotten why it was making such a pilgrimage except for every morning it was reminded when the sun came over the mountain and renewed his desire for the suns warmth.

When the turtle finally reached the mountain top he realized that the sun was to high to step upon so it gazed down into the valley below and saw a beautiful lake. It then decided to go down the mountain in order to swim in the wonderful blue waters of the lake below, for it had not bathed in cool waters for a very long time. So he began its decent toward the valley, abandoning his goal to step onto the sun for a new destination.

As the turtle walked downward it lost its footing and balance and began to roll down a steep hillside. When the turtle quit tumbling and rolling it found itself upside-down, on its back. It struggled for a long time, unable to turn over the turtle decided to rest.

When nightfall came a wolf happened upon the turtle. Thinking that the turtle would make a delicious and easy meal the wolf clawed at the turtle and nudged it with its nose but was unable to find any flesh to bite into, the wolf soon left. The turtle however was now right-side up, thanks to the wolf. It then began to make its way down the mountain again.

Not much farther down the mountain, the turtle became victim to gravity and fell a great distance before coming to a stop. Once again the turtle found itself upside-down and helpless. Struggling helplessly the turtle tried and tried to get right-side up but was unable to. A hawk saw the turtle wiggling and waving its legs in the air and swooped down and landed on the turtle. The turtle retreated deep into its shell.

The hawk gripped the turtle and began to fly away with it. The weight of the turtle was to much for a hawk but the hawk was persistent in getting the turtle to its nest. Flying rather low the hawk was unable to gain much altitude and eventually released the turtle in order to fly high. The turtle fell to the earth, landing in a bed of pine needles and once again rolled down the hill. When the turtle finally came to a stop it found itself close to the lake in which it was attempting to reach. The turtle crawled to the waters edge and submerged itself in the cool, refreshing blue water.

The next day the turtle was swimming under water and saw the bright sun above, so the turtle surfaced. It wanted so badly to bask in the warmth of the sun so it found a stump and crawled out of the water. There the turtle absorbed the sun’s warmth and contemplated the past events. The turtle found that the trying journeys it had endured had brought it to heaven. A place where it can swim in the cool blue waters of a lake and bask in the warmth of the sun. It’s only goal now… was to feed itself. So the turtle set out to accomplish this new goal.

(moral: We set goals for ourselves and pursue them, meeting challenges along the way. We may find ourselves feeling helpless and our world gets turned upside-down but patience and preserverance will help us prevail. Sometimes the dangers we come face to face with is just what we need to help us achieve these goals or makes us wiser from them, and as we reach one goal we tend to set another goal for ourselves.)

May you find peace and tranquility everyday on your journey as you attempt to reach your goals, whatever they may be.

By Art~ 2012

When our world turns up-side down (a turtle story) | zendictive
Gracie I love Wolves, Ram's and Lion's. They are my favorite 'wild' animals. What's the significance, if any, of my attraction to these animals? Perhaps this is something you're going to touch on later down the road?
Hang on and let me see what I can dredge up. I have Wolf in my cards. I gotta consult my handy dandy magic ball (google and bing along with some bookmarked sights I refer to often) and see what the Ram and Lion means. All three have important meanings and have approached you in some way...spiritually. They have lessons for you, hence you attraction to them.:)

Gimme a few to do some digging.

New Beginnings

A Ram totem is a portent of changes and new beginnings. Ram people are often stoic, sensitive and have great perseverance. Curiosity and an active imagination are traits of the Ram totem.

A Ram totem gives stimulation and energy to all mental faculties.
This is an intellectual totem.
Remember that the openings for new beginnings and opportunities can be mere toe-holes,
but if you act quickly, you will secure your spot.
Ram is a moving totem and therefore opportunities must be grabbed quickly with no hesitation[/I].

You are fiercely independent, confident and in control which is balanced by a quiet demeanor. You are also a creative and influential force and have the internal power to make positive (or negative) changes in your life and the lives of others around them. Most Lion Totem people are very loyal, and will defend friend and family honor to the death.

You are able to share your peronal medicine with others. Your intuitive side may also have an answer or teaching for your personal use at this time. As you feel Wolf coming alive within you, you may wish to share your knowledge by writing or lecturing on information that will help others better understand their uniqueness or path in life. It is in the sharing of great truths that the consciousness of humaity will attain new heights. Wolf could also be telling you to seek out lonely places that will allow you to see your teacher within. In the aloneness of a power place, devoid of other humans, you may find the true you. Look for teachings no matter where you are. Wolf wold not come to you unless you requested the appearance of the tribe's greatest teacher.[/I]
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More on LION:

The symbolic meaning of lions, as one might imagine, primarily deals with strength.

The fact that it is a nocturnal creature means that the lion is a symbol of authority and command over subconscious thought (as night is an ancient symbol of the subconscious - or dream states).

It's interesting that the lion is considered by many ancient cultures to be a solar animal symbol, however it is primarily a nocturnal creature, conducting its hunting activity mostly at night. Further, the lioness is considered a lunar animal.

This serves as a symbolic message of balance and sound judgment. In that the lion shares the world of both night and day, the lion bears a message of prudence to us. In other words, the lion asks us to not overdo in certain areas of our lives. Rather, keep an even mind and an overall balance in our life activities.

Other than a symbol for strength, other symbolic attributes of the lion include...

Symbolic Meaning of Lion

In Egypt, the lion represented the ferocious heat of the sun and was seen in the likeness of Sekhmet who is the Egyptian goddess known as the Eye of Ra. She is the power that protects the good and annihilates the wicked.

In ancient Greece, lions were identified with Dionysus, Phoebus, Cybele, and Artemis because myth indicates lions drew the chariots for these gods and goddesses. Here, the symbolic meaning of lions revolved around protections and they were viewed as guardians of the dead as well as guardians of palaces, doorways, shrines and thrones. They were also ultimate protectors of hearth and home.

In Hinduism, the lion is an avatar (embodiment or personification) of Vishnu.

In Buddhism the Buddha sits upon the lion as a throne of consistency, strength and wisdom.

In alchemy, the symbolic meaning of lions is associated with the highly idealistic and prized attributes of gold.

More on WOLF:

Totem Wolf Meanings and Symbolism

To understand totem wolf symbols, one must first understand the heart of the Wolf. This takes time because the Wolf has had to endure many false stereotypes, misconceptions and misunderstandings.

Not at all the picture of ferocity or terror, the Wolf is a creature with a high sense of loyalty and strength. Another misconception is that of the "lone wolf." To the contrary, the Wolf is actually a social creature, friendly, and gregarious with its counterparts.

The Wolf is an incredible communicator. By using touch, body movements, eye contact as well as many complex vocal expressions - the wolf makes his point understood. Those with totem wolf symbols are of the same inclination - they are expressive both vocally and physically. Those who have the wolf as their totem animal are naturally eloquent in speech, and also have knack for creative writing.

A quick-list of totem wolf symbolic attributes include...

Totemic Wolf Meanings

Totem wolf symbols belong to those who truly understand the depth of passion that belong to this noble creature. The Wolf is a representative of deep faith, and profound understanding.

Further, the Wolf possess a high intellect, and have been observed using strategies about hunting, habitat and migration.

wolf totem meaning

In history, the totem Wolf symbol appears with the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. Legend has it that the two founding brothers were raised and suckled by a she-wolf.

In Norse mythology, the Wolf is a symbol for victory when ridden by Odin and the Valkyries upon the battlefield.

As a Celtic symbol, the Wolf was a source of lunar power. Celtic lore states that the Wolf would hunt down the sun and devour it at each dusk so as to allow the power of the moon to come forth.

In Asia, the wolf guards the doors that allow entrance to heavenly, celestial realms. The Wolf is also said to be among the ancestry of Genghis Khan.

When this gracious creature appears to us, and serves as a totem in our lives, the Wolf beckons us to ask these questions:

Potential Questions Your Wolf Totem May Ask You

Are you thinking about a different form of education?

Are you being a true friend, and are your friends being true to you?

Are you communicating yourself clearly to others?

Are you being loyal to yourself?

Are you incorporating strategies and planning to achieve your goals?

Are you spending enough quality time with yourself, friends and family?

More on RAM:

am Meanings in the Realms of Animal Symbolism

Featured prominently in many ancient societies, the ram has been a long held symbol of: determination, action, initiative, and leadership. The ram is also a symbol of Aries, which is an astral symbol of rulership. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, further reinforcing ram-like attributes of leadership, authority, and other forefather-type characteristics.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, the ram is also symbolic of impetuous fervor, renewal, virility and fiery force. This sign (as the ram) embraces the return of the warmth of the sun as the March equinox approaches.

More Symbolic Meanings of the Ram

A look into mythology will reveal the ram was associated with many gods over time. And so, if a god amongst the people, wouldn't you agree these are all admirable qualities?

The Celtic god Cernunnos is shown with the ram. Some depictions show him seated with a ram-headed snake by his side a symbolic gesture of renewal and power.

In ancient Egypt the god Amun-Ra took on the persona of Khnum, the creator god who was always depicted with a ram's head.

In Scandinavia, Thor was close with the ram, and was fabled to use rams to pull his chariot.
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Today's (2/26/14) message is from the OPOSSUM...and it is "contrary" (upside down):

In the reverse position, Opossum may be warning you against getting caught in the high drama of your life's present scenario. "Close your eyes and dramatize," may keep you from seeing the truth of a situation. You may buy into melodrama in yourself and others. You might as well play dead if you are justifying what you are doing with a tragic victim routine. If this concept does not apply to your situation, take a look a the possibility that you may have recently been giving excuses for why you don't want to do something instead of telling the truth. In fearing to hurt someone's feelings you may have trapped yourself in a justification pattern: "I'm too sick, I'm too poor, I'm watching my weight, I'm too short, tall, sad, busy, tired, etc."

In having to defend yourself with excuses, you may have lost the point. You don't have to defend your right to be! The exercise is in learning to politely say that something would not be appropriate for you at this time. That's all! You owe no one an excuse. Learn to imitate Opossum and play dead, in the sense that the best strategy is no defense. In assuming the viewpoint of no defense, you have chosen the right to be who and what you are with no games involved.

The proper use of diversion is to know when you do not need to use diversion at all. You owe no one an excuse for how you feel or what you choose to experience.

Wow. Just...wow. Talk about a doozy of a pulled card, eh?
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More about Opossum:


Opossum medicine requires a great deal of strategy.
Although a opossum has teeth and claws, it rarely uses them, preferring the strategy of diversion to save itself. It plays dead until the attacker loses interest and then bolts for safety.
The Opossum teaches us to use our brains rather than our brawn.
The number 13 is very symbolic for Opossum people.
When an Opossum shows up as a totem, check appearances.
Are there people around you putting up false appearances?
Is your attention being diverted?


Opossum teaches the lesson of using and enhancing appearances and deceptions and illusions. He also aids in resting when needed (playing dead), and the art to act or behave in strategic manner as appearing to be fearful or fearless in spite of true feelings. Opossum gives courage to pretend for a while in order to cope with mental and spiritual constructs. He teaches wisdom and sensibility and knows when to fight if needed. Is it time to fight for things or to rest?


Opossums have a relatively short life span of two to four years. As the only marsupial in North America, within their pouch exists 13 nipples for their young. The gestation for the opossum babies is a brief two weeks before they are born. While the litter may be upwards of 20 or so, only 13 will survive, since there are 13 nipples for nourishment.
The Opossum Medicine teaches one to use "faces" for survival. Sometimes one may need to be aggressive in a situation, other times they may need to be passive. They are a supreme actor, using whatever face may be needed. And of course they are famous for their great act of "playing dead". The skills of changing the persona in any given situation is linked to their survival in the short life that they have. It's a complete using of all of the layers in one's personality while here on this Earth. And when we think about it, isn't that what we all do? Don't we all have to pull up a courage from deep within to face our challenges?


Concerning the possum (which is what I call them)...I have a story about the family of them that lives in the shed out back.
Right after one of Gracie's seizures last year, there is a "down time" when they are anxious, antsy, can't hold still. She paced a lot after experiencing it, and was in and out, in and out of the doggy door, panting and just over excited and anxious. Well...she was out there a long time so I went to look and she had something in her mouth. I thought it was a field rat. I tried to get her to drop it, but she refused. I hoped she hadn't clamped down on it too badly where she could catch something, you know? But she was holding it gently in her mouth. I leaned over and touched the tail of what was dangling there and it wrapped around my finger. Possum. Alive. Baby.

I kept saying Gracie...let it go. Come on Gracie, let the baby go. Finally, it sunk in her still fried head from the seizure what I was asking her to do. She gently laid it on the patio cement and it got up immediately and waddled off.

Fast forward to a few days after Gracie died. I sat out on the steps of the shed where the possum family lives. Pretty sure that is where the baby came from. And it was no longer a baby. I sat there on that stoop and cried. And cried. And cried. I could hear the scurrying in the shed. They were in there, all curled up in their nests of boxes and old papers and whatnot. So as I cried, I told them Gracie was gone. Their baby was safe, and Gracie who did not hurt it, was dead. And I cried more as I told them..hitching my voice as I tried to pour out my heartache to a family of possums. Of course, they never said a word, heh. They just listened. And I was thankful for that.

They still live out there. I leave them be. They hurt nobody and I enjoy knowing they have a safe home to raise their babies in. And...they knew Gracie. I hope they are happy she saved their baby and I am thankful they let me cry so hard. That was the last deep soul wrenching cry I did. And I had somebody to tell it to. The possums.
I ALMOST half assed mused on drawing another card cuz this one for today was a doozy of a coinky dink with my own "situation" lately. But, I have to remember this is for ALL usmb members. So...even though it was a very...strange...card, I decided I had to stick to my own rules. Whatever I pull is what I will post for the day. And that's the one I pulled. Weird, no?
And with that said....this gal is heading off to play dead in her bed.

Goodnight, folks!
seeing a possum play dead is quite an experience......they vomit, they urinate, they defecate .....they do a death shutter.....(jake had one) and then lay there for about 10 minutes..when the coast is clear they simple get up and walk away

hmmmm this should be an interesting day....

blessed be to all....

may the fates and muses be kind
Even after reading through this thread, I don't have a clue what's going on. I'll stay though, and figure it out as the thread progresses.

Mudflap, it is kind of like a horoscope reading. For example, Libra is the balance scales...which means Libras need balance, are artistis, etc.
Animal spirit guides are with each individual throughout their lifetime, representing that individuals life, how to understand lifes struggles, to soothe, what they need to overcome. Kind of like God's Angels...but not in human form. ANIMAL form.

Are you attracted to any particular animal or animals. Are any attracted to YOU? If so...those are your totems. Do not tell people what your totems are. They are yours, and yours alone. They make their presence known only when YOU need them or when they feel they must guide you. So...to put it in more easily understood....this is not horoscopes nor satanic or anything bad. This is just Animals..connecting with us...and me drawing from a deck of cards after meditating over those cards, what animal is speaking to USMB members. The message being sent. And with all beings..you can choose to read it and mull over it...or shrug it off. It is all to each person what they want to do. :)

Plus, it's fun!:eusa_angel:

Thanks for explaining.

[edited to add I've got a lot of irons in the fire the next couple of weeks, but will follow along as I can.]

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New Beginnings

A Ram totem is a portent of changes and new beginnings. Ram people are often stoic, sensitive and have great perseverance. Curiosity and an active imagination are traits of the Ram totem.

A Ram totem gives stimulation and energy to all mental faculties.
This is an intellectual totem.
Remember that the openings for new beginnings and opportunities can be mere toe-holes,
but if you act quickly, you will secure your spot.
Ram is a moving totem and therefore opportunities must be grabbed quickly with no hesitation[/I].

You are fiercely independent, confident and in control which is balanced by a quiet demeanor. You are also a creative and influential force and have the internal power to make positive (or negative) changes in your life and the lives of others around them. Most Lion Totem people are very loyal, and will defend friend and family honor to the death.

You are able to share your peronal medicine with others. Your intuitive side may also have an answer or teaching for your personal use at this time. As you feel Wolf coming alive within you, you may wish to share your knowledge by writing or lecturing on information that will help others better understand their uniqueness or path in life. It is in the sharing of great truths that the consciousness of humaity will attain new heights. Wolf could also be telling you to seek out lonely places that will allow you to see your teacher within. In the aloneness of a power place, devoid of other humans, you may find the true you. Look for teachings no matter where you are. Wolf wold not come to you unless you requested the appearance of the tribe's greatest teacher.[/I]

More on LION:

The symbolic meaning of lions, as one might imagine, primarily deals with strength.

The fact that it is a nocturnal creature means that the lion is a symbol of authority and command over subconscious thought (as night is an ancient symbol of the subconscious - or dream states).

It's interesting that the lion is considered by many ancient cultures to be a solar animal symbol, however it is primarily a nocturnal creature, conducting its hunting activity mostly at night. Further, the lioness is considered a lunar animal.

This serves as a symbolic message of balance and sound judgment. In that the lion shares the world of both night and day, the lion bears a message of prudence to us. In other words, the lion asks us to not overdo in certain areas of our lives. Rather, keep an even mind and an overall balance in our life activities.

Other than a symbol for strength, other symbolic attributes of the lion include...

Symbolic Meaning of Lion

In Egypt, the lion represented the ferocious heat of the sun and was seen in the likeness of Sekhmet who is the Egyptian goddess known as the Eye of Ra. She is the power that protects the good and annihilates the wicked.

In ancient Greece, lions were identified with Dionysus, Phoebus, Cybele, and Artemis because myth indicates lions drew the chariots for these gods and goddesses. Here, the symbolic meaning of lions revolved around protections and they were viewed as guardians of the dead as well as guardians of palaces, doorways, shrines and thrones. They were also ultimate protectors of hearth and home.

In Hinduism, the lion is an avatar (embodiment or personification) of Vishnu.

In Buddhism the Buddha sits upon the lion as a throne of consistency, strength and wisdom.

In alchemy, the symbolic meaning of lions is associated with the highly idealistic and prized attributes of gold.

More on WOLF:

Totem Wolf Meanings and Symbolism

To understand totem wolf symbols, one must first understand the heart of the Wolf. This takes time because the Wolf has had to endure many false stereotypes, misconceptions and misunderstandings.

Not at all the picture of ferocity or terror, the Wolf is a creature with a high sense of loyalty and strength. Another misconception is that of the "lone wolf." To the contrary, the Wolf is actually a social creature, friendly, and gregarious with its counterparts.

The Wolf is an incredible communicator. By using touch, body movements, eye contact as well as many complex vocal expressions - the wolf makes his point understood. Those with totem wolf symbols are of the same inclination - they are expressive both vocally and physically. Those who have the wolf as their totem animal are naturally eloquent in speech, and also have knack for creative writing.

A quick-list of totem wolf symbolic attributes include...

Totemic Wolf Meanings

Totem wolf symbols belong to those who truly understand the depth of passion that belong to this noble creature. The Wolf is a representative of deep faith, and profound understanding.

Further, the Wolf possess a high intellect, and have been observed using strategies about hunting, habitat and migration.

wolf totem meaning

In history, the totem Wolf symbol appears with the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. Legend has it that the two founding brothers were raised and suckled by a she-wolf.

In Norse mythology, the Wolf is a symbol for victory when ridden by Odin and the Valkyries upon the battlefield.

As a Celtic symbol, the Wolf was a source of lunar power. Celtic lore states that the Wolf would hunt down the sun and devour it at each dusk so as to allow the power of the moon to come forth.

In Asia, the wolf guards the doors that allow entrance to heavenly, celestial realms. The Wolf is also said to be among the ancestry of Genghis Khan.

When this gracious creature appears to us, and serves as a totem in our lives, the Wolf beckons us to ask these questions:

Potential Questions Your Wolf Totem May Ask You

Are you thinking about a different form of education?

Are you being a true friend, and are your friends being true to you?

Are you communicating yourself clearly to others?

Are you being loyal to yourself?

Are you incorporating strategies and planning to achieve your goals?

Are you spending enough quality time with yourself, friends and family?

More on RAM:

am Meanings in the Realms of Animal Symbolism

Featured prominently in many ancient societies, the ram has been a long held symbol of: determination, action, initiative, and leadership. The ram is also a symbol of Aries, which is an astral symbol of rulership. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, further reinforcing ram-like attributes of leadership, authority, and other forefather-type characteristics.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, the ram is also symbolic of impetuous fervor, renewal, virility and fiery force. This sign (as the ram) embraces the return of the warmth of the sun as the March equinox approaches.

More Symbolic Meanings of the Ram

A look into mythology will reveal the ram was associated with many gods over time. And so, if a god amongst the people, wouldn't you agree these are all admirable qualities?

The Celtic god Cernunnos is shown with the ram. Some depictions show him seated with a ram-headed snake by his side a symbolic gesture of renewal and power.

In ancient Egypt the god Amun-Ra took on the persona of Khnum, the creator god who was always depicted with a ram's head.

In Scandinavia, Thor was close with the ram, and was fabled to use rams to pull his chariot.
This pretty much sums up the person that I am very well. I have tats of all 3 animals on my body, this was very enlightening.

Thank you so much [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION]!!!!!
seeing a possum play dead is quite an experience......they vomit, they urinate, they defecate .....they do a death shutter.....(jake had one) and then lay there for about 10 minutes..when the coast is clear they simple get up and walk away

hmmmm this should be an interesting day....

blessed be to all....

may the fates and muses be kind

The only thing I dislike about possums is they look amazingly like giant rats. I had one play dead at an apartment complex I lived it. I even nudged it with my foot and it just lay there and hissed! :lol:

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