Daily Animal Medicine Cards for USMB

Pull a totem for me :)

Not until you tell me what animals interest you most. Or scare you. What animal or insect, etc. do you find fascinating that has always drawn your attention whether it be in real life...or just by pictures, tv nature shows, etc? Which one scares the bejesus outta ya?

Top 3. Love or fear.
And if one is cat..what kind of cat? Lion, cougar, housecat?
If one is in the ocean...don't just say fish. Whale, dolphin, shark, jellyfish?
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Pull a totem for me :)

Not until you tell me what animals interest you most. Or scare you. What animal or insect, etc. do you find fascinating that has always drawn your attention whether it be in real life...or just by pictures, tv nature shows, etc? Which one scares the bejesus outta ya?

Top 3. Love or fear.
And if one is cat..what kind of cat? Lion, cougar, housecat?

Top 3 for love

Love: Housecats,&Tigers ( same fam probably), Bears & dogs

Do not like Lizards, Mice, and Cobra snakes
Pull a totem for me :)

Not until you tell me what animals interest you most. Or scare you. What animal or insect, etc. do you find fascinating that has always drawn your attention whether it be in real life...or just by pictures, tv nature shows, etc? Which one scares the bejesus outta ya?

Top 3. Love or fear.
And if one is cat..what kind of cat? Lion, cougar, housecat?

Top 3 for love

Love: Housecats,&Tigers ( same fam probably), Bears & dogs

Do not like Lizards, Mice, and Cobra snakes

I'll look up tigers and bears....and for dislike, snakes.

Power, devotion, tactful, skillful, expect new adventures, examine what is happening to you in life. Are you expressing your passion appropriately? A new sense of new direction is opening up so expect new adventures on your journey with Tiger. You are awakening to a new passion and power within, self confidence, discernment along with increased healing abilities. Tiger can teach the gentle art of going with the flow with patience and diligence.

Sub/Unconscious mind, strength, grounding, inner energy of soul to find answers, judgments, are you too critical or not critical enough, inner power to taste the honey of life. Bear teaches caution, quiet of the mind and silence within. There is great power in introspection which awakens insights and opportunities. Bears teaches leadership, natural healing abilities and defending when necessary. Are you eating a balanced diet? Utilizing your intuition? Being cautious? Brown, black or white, what does the color say to you? Bear will show how to balance and express oneself.

Fear of Snake:
You may be choosing to mask your ability to change. Look at the idea that you may fear changing your present state of affairs because this may entail a short passage into discomfort.
Pull a totem for me :)

Not until you tell me what animals interest you most. Or scare you. What animal or insect, etc. do you find fascinating that has always drawn your attention whether it be in real life...or just by pictures, tv nature shows, etc? Which one scares the bejesus outta ya?

Top 3. Love or fear.
And if one is cat..what kind of cat? Lion, cougar, housecat?
If one is in the ocean...don't just say fish. Whale, dolphin, shark, jellyfish?

As for me, I like bees who pollinate. Whales too.

Power, devotion, tactful, skillful, expect new adventures, examine what is happening to you in life. Are you expressing your passion appropriately? A new sense of new direction is opening up so expect new adventures on your journey with Tiger. You are awakening to a new passion and power within, self confidence, discernment along with increased healing abilities. Tiger can teach the gentle art of going with the flow with patience and diligence.

Sub/Unconscious mind, strength, grounding, inner energy of soul to find answers, judgments, are you too critical or not critical enough, inner power to taste the honey of life. Bear teaches caution, quiet of the mind and silence within. There is great power in introspection which awakens insights and opportunities. Bears teaches leadership, natural healing abilities and defending when necessary. Are you eating a balanced diet? Utilizing your intuition? Being cautious? Brown, black or white, what does the color say to you? Bear will show how to balance and express oneself.

Fear of Snake:
You may be choosing to mask your ability to change. Look at the idea that you may fear changing your present state of affairs because this may entail a short passage into discomfort.

It's true, I am not doing as well in school this semester as I have in the past. I know I need to make changes but old habits are hard to break.

Also I have made some new friendships that have offered me a plethora of opportunities but fear of failure keeps me from diving in.

That was really neat, thanks Gracie :smiliehug:
Embrace Snake, [MENTION=41985]drifter[/MENTION].

This gal has wonderful insight. Read up on Snake. Knowing why you dislike snakes is how you learn to embrace that fear and move on from it.
Snake Symbolic Meaning
Embrace Snake, [MENTION=41985]drifter[/MENTION].

This gal has wonderful insight. Read up on Snake. Knowing why you dislike snakes is how you learn to embrace that fear and move on from it.
Snake Symbolic Meaning

OMG the first thing snake says is

My Partner is always saying I need to learn PATIENCE ! :tongue:
It's an interesting question - what animals do you love or fear or dislike. I'm not sure I dislike any and I respect many rather than fear them. I love coyotes, foxes, wolves, crows and have a soft spot for chipmunks and robins. Snakes are fascinate. Jellyfish repel.
Embrace The Snake, Drifter! lol. LUVVVVVVVV the snake! Snake medicine is cool. :)

I love all critters. But I only fear one. Bear. Bear scares the bejesus outta me.
Thursday 2/27/14 Messenger for USMB members is....CROW (Contrary..meaning upside down).

So you are an outlaw today, eh? This is one of the varied messages of Crow reversed. The rebel in you has given a yell, and all hell is about to break loose!

A word to the wise at this point: make sure that if you are stepping on toes, you have some back-up. The catalyst for a barroom brawl is usually the person with two black eyes. That is what it means to eat Crow.

If you do not plan to go to such extremes, Crow reversed may indicate that you are merely "cheating a little" on your diet, or covertly watching the neighbors have a spat, or thinking, "Promises are made to be broken." In any of these situations, the only loser is you. If you are lying to yourself on any level, you ave lost the power of Crow. Think abot it, and maybe your inner truth will come to you.

In seeing what is true, you may need to weed out past beliefs or ideas to bring yourself into the present moment. Contrary Crow speaks of needing to remember that Divine Law is not judgement or denial of self-truths. Divine Law is honoring harmony that comes from a peaceful mind, and open heart, a true tongue, a light step, a forgiving nature, and a love of all living creatures. Honor the past as your teacher, honor the present as your creation and honor the future as your inspiration.

Refusing to honor the shifts in your reality can cause emotional pain. An implosion of energy is apparent when rebellion surfaces. Contrary Crow speaks of broken law. The law of expansion is broken by suppression. The may apply to a situation, an old habit, a person you have given your authority to, or your own fears. It is always your own creation, so call on Crow and shift that creation to your new reality.


More on Crow:

Crow Animal Totem: Keeper of the Sacred Law

Crows are the keepers of the Sacred Law and to have a Crow totem is very powerful. Personal Integrity is your watchword and your guide in Life. If you have a Crow totem, your prime path is to be mindful of your opinions and actions. You must be willing to walk your talk, to speak your truth and to know your life's mission. Crow is an omen of Change. Things that you have been working toward will come to fruition when Crow appears. Crow lives in the void and has no sense of time; therefore, it sees past, present and future simultaneously. Crow merges both light and dark, both inner and outer. It is the totem of the Great Spirit and must be respected as such.


If Crow has flown across your path;
It is a sign of change. All that you have been working for and toward is now coming to fruition. Alternatively Crow is giving you clear messages and guidance as to what your next steps are. Pay attention to your thoughts, and to the omens around you. The messages are clearer now than they have ever been.

Crow as a messenger could also be letting you know that perhaps you are spreading yourself a little bit thing. It’s time to step back – re assess where you are at and take stock of your own dreams and aspirations. Being clear about our own desires is key in manifesting our intentions.

Additional Associations for Crow…
Guardian of the place before existence
Law of Attraction
Life and Death
Transition magic
New opportunities coming up
Fair Trade and Barter
Ability to move in space and time
Honoring ancestors
Ethics and Ethical behavior
Carrier of souls from darkness into light
Working without fear in darkness
Guidance while working in shadow
Moves freely in the void
Understands all things related to ethics
Shape Shifter


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animals...i do not fear....snakes give me the screamies.....but no real fear.....animals are driven by nature....unlike man they do not have hidden agendas

i love jellyfish......they are beautiful

crows are beautiful....and smart

all birds are
Would a raven be the same totem as a crow? I have both in my area but ravens are much bigger. They are about the same size as a hawk.

Yes, I would think so..and believe so. Black birds too although they are much smaller than crows and ravens.
I know this is an animal totem thread but totems come in other forms as well.
yes they do......mine is the moon......

Speaking of moon..I saw the coolest moon painting on a perfectly round rock. I went hunting in my yard just now looking for the one I KNOW I have out there but can't find it...and it is gonna rain again soon.

This thread can be about any totem, as far as I am concerned. The main focus is animals for me...but this thread is for everyone so....use it to talk about those other totems. Frankly, I never really thought about totems being other than animal. But it makes sense. Trees are totems too.

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