Daily Animal Medicine Cards for USMB


Pollution. Chemicals used. Windfarms. We are killing mother earth, plain and simple. Those who claim us to be crazy can think what they like. Yes, the earth goes in cycles but hundreds of years ago we didn't have this many people crammed on one planet, nor the things we do now for energy, etc. You can only have so many chickens in the pen before the pen starts to fall apart. Earth is full. And therefore, she is suffering with our not caring about her. She can only hold so much before breaking. And that includes the animals that inhabit it with us.
it is the west nile virus....but i agree mother earth will not stand for humans much longer and will give us something that will thin the herd ...as they say.....another pandemic would be my guess the last major flu killed how many?

The Pandemic

Influenza Strikes

Throughout history, influenza viruses have mutated and caused pandemics or global epidemics. In 1890, an especially virulent influenza pandemic struck, killing many Americans. Those who survived that pandemic and lived to experience the 1918 pandemic tended to be less susceptible to the disease.

From Kansas to Europe and back again, wave after wave, the unfolding of the pandemic, mobilizing to fight influenza, the pandemic hits, protecting yourself, communication, fading of the pandemic. More>>

Voices of the Pandemic

March 1918 - January 1919. Communications through Public Health Reports, physicians, newspapers, letters, and telegrams. More>>

Fighting Influenza

During the mid to late nineteenth-century, physicians and scientists had begun to understand that diseases are caused by microorganisms. This was a radical departure from traditional medical theories which had held that diseases were caused by miasmas or an imbalance in the body’s humors.

How phyisicans understood influenza at the time, what happened to influenza patients in the early 1900s, preventing and treating influenza. More>>

The Legacy of the Pandemic

No one knows exactly how many people died during the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic. During the 1920s, researchers estimated that 21.5 million people died as a result of the 1918-1919 pandemic. More recent estimates have estimated global mortality from the 1918-1919 pandemic at anywhere between 30 and 50 million. An estimated 675,000 Americans were among the dead.

Research, forgetting the pandemic of 1918-1919, scientific milestones, 20th century influenza or global pandemics. More>>

The Pandemic . : The Great Pandemic : : The United States in 1918-1919 : .
Today's (3/9/14) messenger is ANTELOPE (contrary, meaning upside down):

Contrary Antelope is a signal that you are not listening, and not acting on the will of Great Spirit. You may be taking more than your share. Antelope medicine in the contrary makes you crazy and quarrelsome. You will certainly be indecisive and not know what direction to turn. You might be lying to yourself and others. Stop lying even if you think it will get you off the hook. Contrary Antelope will trip you at every turn. Quit being so conventional and following others all the time. Take your own authority. Let Antelope's heart beat strong in yours, and you will know the way. But as always, the message is "Do it!" The fear of the unknown subsides once action begins.
Contrary Antelope may also be telling you that a decision to start is now necessary. The main element in procrastination is lack of conviction. To honor your chosen destiny is to honor your commitment doing what you "proclaim" you are doing. Walking your talk is the essence of Antelope people. Talking your walk is contrary Antelope personified.
To right contrary Antelope, three steps are necessary:
1) Have the desire to do something.
2) Make the firm decision to being that action.
3) Do it!


More on Antelope:

Antelope Animal Totem: Action, Speed, Adaptability of the Mind

Antelope teaches survival and how to avoid indiscriminate destruction of life. The Antelope signifies knowledgeable action. Antelope medicine is the knowledge of life's circle, the knowledge and understanding of death. Through Antelope you can learn to truly live and action is the key and essence to living. Antelope is the messenger of a higher purpose; he knows the way and through him, so will you. Antelope can teach clairvoyance by listening to his voice inside of you. An Antelope person is intrinsically psychic. Often it is in the form of clear-smelling - fragrances and odors will awaken this power. Mediate using a fragrance with musk in it. Trust your instincts. If a person or situation does not "smell" right, back away from it.


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Today's messenger is WOLF (Contrary, meaning upside down):

If Wolf is reversed (contrary), you are being asked to expand your limited view of the present situation. Doing this may entail a great deal of courage and a willingness to look at new ideas. It could also require that you delete some old ideas to make room for the expansiveness that always comes when you are willing to learn. The gift of wisdom comes to you when you have walked enough pathways and found enough dead ends to truly know the forest. In the discovery and rediscovery of every inch of ground comes the knowledge that nothing ever remains the same.
Contrary Wolf may also be telling you that stagnation or fear of asserting your viewpoint has bogged down the flow of change in your life. Wolf reversed is ALWAYS urging you to seek the teachers or pathfinders that will show you the way to new life experiences. Remember, the teacher or pathfinder may be the small still voice within, as well as a person, a leaf, a cloud, a stone, a tree, a book, or the Great Spirit.
To live is to grow, and growing comes through accepting all forms as your teachers. Become Wolf, and take up the sense of adventure. You may just stop howling and learn to BECOME the moon.


More on Wolf:

Wolf Animal Totem: Intuition, Learning, Spirit

This totem brings faithfulness, inner strength and intuition when he enters our lives. But he also brings learning to live with one's self. The wolf teaches us to learn about our inner self and to find our inner power and strength. But to achieve this, we must take risks and face our deepest fears. A wolf totem demands sincerity. This totem demands a lot of us but gives us much in return; a spirit helper that is always there to help and gives us extraordinary powers of endurance. He reminds us to listen to our inner thoughts and trust our insights. They remind us not to waste resources and to learn how to avoid trouble and confrontations. People with Wolf totems have the capacity to make quick and firm emotional attachments. Trust your insights about these attachments. Wolf will guide you. Take control of your life with Wolf's help and do so with harmony and discipline.


Royalty, spirit, strength, friendly, family, sociable, intelligent, ritualistic in nature (applies to all of life), balances flexibility to establish harmony and order in life, new paths and journeys, freedom to move within the realms of insights and attachments. Teaches able to be steadfast, familial protection, Epitome of the wild spirit. Wolf guides the use of resources and the lesson of adaptability along with teaching and instruction. Wolf helps to tap into inner strength and intuition. Sometimes transformation accompanies Wolf's lessons. Are you using your resources wisely for the greater good? Are you nourishing your family and those around you? Are you listening to your instincts to avoid confrontations? Wolf will add in balancing harmony and wisdom to take control of your life.

Totem Wolf Meanings and Symbolism

To understand totem wolf symbols, one must first understand the heart of the Wolf. This takes time because the Wolf has had to endure many false stereotypes, misconceptions and misunderstandings.

Not at all the picture of ferocity or terror, the Wolf is a creature with a high sense of loyalty and strength. Another misconception is that of the "lone wolf." To the contrary, the Wolf is actually a social creature, friendly, and gregarious with its counterparts.

The Wolf is an incredible communicator. By using touch, body movements, eye contact as well as many complex vocal expressions - the wolf makes his point understood. Those with totem wolf symbols are of the same inclination - they are expressive both vocally and physically. Those who have the wolf as their totem animal are naturally eloquent in speech, and also have knack for creative writing.

A quick-list of totem wolf symbolic attributes include...

Totemic Wolf Meanings

Totem wolf symbols belong to those who truly understand the depth of passion that belong to this noble creature. The Wolf is a representative of deep faith, and profound understanding.

Further, the Wolf possess a high intellect, and have been observed using strategies about hunting, habitat and migration.

wolf totem meaning

In history, the totem Wolf symbol appears with the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. Legend has it that the two founding brothers were raised and suckled by a she-wolf.

In Norse mythology, the Wolf is a symbol for victory when ridden by Odin and the Valkyries upon the battlefield.

As a Celtic symbol, the Wolf was a source of lunar power. Celtic lore states that the Wolf would hunt down the sun and devour it at each dusk so as to allow the power of the moon to come forth.

In Asia, the wolf guards the doors that allow entrance to heavenly, celestial realms. The Wolf is also said to be among the ancestry of Genghis Khan.

When this gracious creature appears to us, and serves as a totem in our lives, the Wolf beckons us to ask these questions:

Potential Questions Your Wolf Totem May Ask You

Are you thinking about a different form of education?

Are you being a true friend, and are your friends being true to you?

Are you communicating yourself clearly to others?

Are you being loyal to yourself?

Are you incorporating strategies and planning to achieve your goals?

Are you spending enough quality time with yourself, friends and family?


I think I am going to do this just a few days a week instead of every day. I hope y'all are ok with that.
But tonight I will do one. Just wanted to give a heads up that I might miss a day or two.
Today's (3/12/14) messenger is from ARMADILLO (Contrary):
Go ahead, roll up and hide. This, sarcastically, is the message of reversed (contrary) Armadillo. You may think the only way to win in your present situation is to hide or pretend that you are armor-coated and invincible, but this is not the way to grow. It is better to open up and find the value and strength of your vulnerability. You will experience something wonderful if you do.
Vulnerability is the key to enjoying the gifts of physical life. In allowing yourself to be free, a myriad of expressions are made available.For instance, a true compliment is an admiration flow of energy. If you are afraid of being hurt and are hiding from feeling anything, you will never feel the joy of admiration from others.


Armadillo Animal Totem: Boundaries, Protection, Empathy

Armadillo teaches you how to protect yourself and when to let your defenses down. Make yourself an energy body shield using Armadillo medicine. Make a circle on a piece of paper and see it as a medicine shield. Write in the circle all the things that you want to have, experience, and give you joy. This shield will reflect what you are and what you will on an unconscious level. If you have an Armadillo totem, it is time to define your space. You may have trouble saying "no" and are being taken for granted. Learn to guard your personal space and allow entry only when you want to.


Symbolic Armadillo Meaning

My friend Daniel believes in a Creator who is into some really potent psychotropic drugs. He says the proof of his theory is the armadillo. One look at this odd little creature, and it's tough to argue with my friend Daniel. To be sure, all Natural life has its oddities, but the armadillo is quite a spectacle of unique features. This page discusses symbolic armadillo meaning and what messages these little creatures have to share with us as both totem and guide.

The armadillo, Spanish for "little armored one," is most well-known for its armored shell. Its armor is made from cartilage and bone. These bones provide an amazing defense and represent protection and a guarded disposition. A great symbolic cue here. If circumstances dictate a defensive stance, the armadillo encourages us to take this position to protect our inner selves. Just as the armadillo curls into a sphere to protect its vital organs from threat, we too can initiate our own defense system to protect our hearts when the occasion calls for it.

Some might think the armadillo as having an aloof, self-concerned existence, often times taking care of one's own self is perceived as selfish and arrogant. But perhaps we might consider the armadillo as a representative of detachment and objectivity. On our paths to understanding, we must examine and embrace many different attitudes and ways of being, and the armadillo is a grand teacher in that regard.

Some keywords to consider while researching symbolic armadillo meaning...

Symbolic Armadillo Meanings

Emotional Excavation
Armadillos love to dig and burrow with their sharp, little claws. This speaks to us symbolically about searching, discovering, and getting to the "root" of the matter. If the armadillo makes an appearance, perhaps it's time to do some research on a project you've been working. Or, maybe it's time to dig under the surface of some questions that have been nagging you. Whether it's launching your own investigation or doing some digging in your family genealogy, the armadillo can help.

Armadillo's have super-sensory ability to detect life underground. They are masters at "hide-and-seek" as well as superior at finding whatever is hidden. They serve as "tour-guides" to our buried secrets. When we start on a journey of exploration/research/discovery with the armadillo as our spiritual guide, we are primed to receive illumination and answers. Armadillo's can find stuff for us - real items, or even intangible goodies like epiphanies and insights. Imagine the armadillo waddling out ahead of you on a hiking journey through data/details you're researching. Encourage the armadillo to astral-travel ahead of you in life/meditation to seek-and-find that which is hidden from you.

I've actually done this with great success. The armadillo is such a great help in finding things that are lost - it's part of their digging/exploring acumen. Several years ago I lost the title to my car. I knew the armadillo was a great detective (detecting grubs, worms, and nice curves in the ground, perfect for making natural dens). I initiated a meditation in which I asked the armadillo to help me find the car title. My journeying was lead by the armadillo, bounding up hills and splashing through streams. At one point, the armadillo started digging through a pile of shoeboxes. Bingo. I recognized one of the shoeboxes in my armadillo-meditation. With a little time, and a trip to my storage unit, I found the shoebox the armadillo showed me in my meditation and found my car title. I kid you not.

Armadillos sleep most of the day, some eighteen hours (just like sloths and anteaters, which are close cousins to the armadillo). When the armadillo burrows its way into your awareness as a totem or a messenger, it might be a good time to get some rest. Relax, recover, recuperate and consider withdrawing from social engagements for a time of renewal. Because armadillo's typically live in dens underground, we're observing womb-like symbolism. The Mother (Earth) is both womb and tomb to all life. If the armadillo is coming into your consciousness, consider big themes like this. Is it time to mother ourselves? Nurture ourselves? Is it time to become reborn? Or perhaps it's time to retreat, withdraw and become more reclusive. These are all questions the armadillo asks us on our life's journey.

Armadillos also like the water, are generally found near some water, and walk underwater. They can even inflate their intestines in order to float upon water for a time, basking in the sun as they laze about the surface of an ambling stream. Water talks to us about going with the flow of our emotions, and the armadillo carries the same message. Are your emotions dammed up? How can the armadillo help loosen up emotional tension? Truthfully, the mental image of this crazy little creature, grinning from ear-to-ear while it bobs along the surface of a babbling brook is enough to melt my icy emotions and make me smile, perhaps the same might hold true for you.

It's ability to maneuver effectively in water is a big take-away message for us. Even during emotional flooding, the armadillo is a reminder we have the internal fortitude and wherewithal available to us to float through emotional trauma. Sometimes the only way to endure emotional storms is to coast through them. This is what the armadillo does - simply floats through torrential floods. Sometimes this is our only option too, and all we can do is let nature take its course while we surrender to the current.

Armadillo as a Totem

People who hold the armadillo as an animal totem have a natural defense system, and can be incredibly self-protective. Armadillo-people are extremely perceptive and acutely attuned to the happenings in their environment. If you find the armadillo is your animal kin, you tend to have a bright intellect, which is fueled by a natural curiosity. Armadillo-folks are natural treasure hunters and can find stuff that others have misplaced. Although armadillo-people can be short sighted, and may not have long-reaching vision for themselves or their world, they have a lovely sense of contentment. In fact, armadillo people are some of the best folks to hang around with because they are comfortable with themselves. This kind of self-contentment is extremely comforting. If the armadillo is your totem, you serve as a grounding, calming effect for those around you. People often seek you out (perhaps not even knowing why) for your soothing, steady energy. Armadillo-people also have great memories, and adore the role of history-keeper. Inquisitive, introspective, thoughtful, grounded and keen to defend that which is precious....these terms best describe those with the armadillo as their totem.


o hell ya...i love them little things...of course we do not have them here......did you know they are the only animals you can induce hanson's disease in?
Some folks don't know what hanson's disease is..but yeah. I knew. :)

Ok...Hanson's Disease=Leprosy.
Today's (3/13/14) message is from MOOSE:

If you have chosen Moose card, you have reason to feel good about something you have accomplished on your journey. This may be a habit you have broken, a completion of some sort, an insight on a goal, or a new sense of self that you ahve fought hard to earn. It is time for feeling harmonious pride, and recognizing those who aided you in the process.
One good exercise in Moose medicine is to write down things that you can love about yourself and your progress in life. Then apply these same things to friends, family coworkers and life. Don't forget to share the findings with others. They need the encouragement as much as you do.


More on MOOSE:

Moose Animal Totem: Self-Esteem, Primal Feminine Energies

Moose is one of the most ancient of the power totems. A Moose totem gives you sacred and unique energy. With a Moose totem you will be full of contradictions. Awkward yet graceful. Large yet able to move swiftly and silently. Moose people usually have excellent depth perception. Moose is also associated with the maternal forces of the world, the primal feminine energies. This can be awakened through water or the sea, the womb of life. Mediate using the sounds of water or ocean. Autumn is the power time of the Moose. People with a Moose totem instinctively know balance: when to use gentleness, when to use strength. They know what to say, when to say it and to whom. Moose people are usually wise beyond their years.


Moose Facts from a Symbolic,
Meaningful Perspective

The first time my six-year old niece in Vermont spotted a moose, she was wild with wonder. Who wouldn't be? Imposing, impressive, elegant and monumentally huge...they've got a lot to offer in terms of wonder. I haven't witnessed a moose with my own eyes, but I have no doubt I'll be awed when I do.

Back to my young niece. When she ran back to the house to exclaim her discovery, she bellowed: "I saw a giant horse with a lady laying on its back!" After a few questions, I realized her young eyes were seeing lovely lady curves that comprise the mound and sway back of the moose.

This put me on the hunt for threads of the divine feminine woven into symbolic moose facts. As it turns, feminine traces are in no need of hunting. The feminine is present in the moose's habitat, and her mothering instinct.

To explain, on many occasions I've mentioned the importance of environment and behavior when discerning symbolic meaning about an animal. This is particularly true in tracking down meaningful corollaries when working with a totem animal.

I've also mentioned water is symbolic of the divine feminine. Not only is it Yin (feminine in Chinese symbolic lexicon), it is also the ultimate birth-giver - which is uber-female. Consider: There is precious little life without water. It gives life, it birthed life unto the earth, it is the watery womb of our existence. The moose spends much of its time in the water. Water is the moose's womb within which she keeps cool, finds water, evades predators. To the moose, water is sanctuary - it is a mother.

Speaking of mothers, it's no secret among moose facts that mamma moose is a fierce opponent when her offspring are threatened. She will defend to the death to keep her calves alive. Quite frankly, mamma moose goes ballistic-bonkers if she so much as catches a whiff of trouble to her babes. If that isn't ferocity of female power and protection - I don't know what is.

Symbolic Moose Facts
Native American Moose Myth of Creation

More feminine energy surrounds the moose, but it's shared with male energy. This balance of male and female attributed to the moose comes from Native American legend. The Potawatomi tribe, a member of the Algonquin family, tell of the population of the land in one of their creation myths.

In the beginning, there was scant little abundance upon the land. In fact, there was only one Potawatomi woman placed to give life and reproduce. She knew the heaviness of her obligation to seed the world. She wanted to pick the right mate. So, the woman invited all manner of flora and fauna to her birch bark home and give convincing argument as to who should be her partner to plant new life upon the earth.

This was a highly honorable prospect. Whomever was picked by the First Potawatomi woman would live on in the seed of life from conception to the end of time. Their spirit would live on forever.

So, the few trees, grasses, flowers that were available all showed up to her home. A handful of birds flew in to toss their hats in the ring. There were few mammals, but a raccoon, squirrel and a possum came to visit. After all the candidates had pitched their woo, the Potawatomi woman declined them all.

Left without a mate to populate the lands, the woman was quite forlorn. Until...one evening in the midst of Autumn, a great, lone Mooswu visited the woman's home. He was powerful, yet elegant. Sensitive yet courageous. He was all the things the woman required to fulfill her obligation and give life to the lands.

To this day, as Native American myth has it, there's a little moose in all of us. How cool is that!?

The term Mooswu comes from the Algonquin language. It means "the animal who strips off". This could be from the way the moose strips bark from the trees for nourishment...that's what I've read at least. A Native friend of mine thought it more likely the term comes from a bull (male) moose stripping velvet from their antlers.

Speaking of antlers, and circling back to the male-female symbolism...antlers are a very male attribute. They are symbolic of bravery and dominance. Antlers are a moose's greatest system of defense. They also come in handy to get the ladies. To explain...during mating season (in the Fall), male moose vie for the attention of the cows (female moose). They do this by engaging in antler-locking, among other things. This is a tremendous display of strength. And if you consider the average moose rack is 5+ foot wide - it's an impressive indeed!

Antlers are very symbolic in the moose world and otherwise. They are symbolic of perception. They are the crowns of the animal world. As crowns, they are a mark of mental acumen. They're kind of like antennae. They are symbolic of picking up on nuance, figuring things out, and displaying intelligence.

Not only is a moose rack mammoth in width, the moose can get as tall as 6 foot, and weigh 1800 pounds! Check out a few more neat symbolic moose facts below:

Symbolic Moose Facts
Neat Symbolic Moose Facts

Don't sweat it! The moose doesn't. Nope - they don't sweat at all. It's a tactic to conserve heat, and precisely why moose thrive so well in cold environments. One of the reasons they wade in water so often is to cool themselves off. Symbolically, this is a way of saying "stay cool" under pressure.

Follow your snoot! The moose does. That Jimmy Durante schnoz isn't just for looks. In fact, the moose nose is made of super-sensory tissues which makes their sense of smell off-the-charts. They also have big lateral nostrils which allow them to take in their scent more effectively. Sense of smell is symbolic of memory. Symbolically, this is a message to explore memory with a goal to gain direction on your path.

Are you making googly eyes? Moose does. Well, sort of. Their eyes move independently. That means one eye can be looking at you, and the other eye is looking behind or to the side. This allows the moose to always "have an eye" on things, like their babies, predators, or a tasty snack. Symbolically, vision is about having faith we are on the right path, even if there is no light by which to see.

Vegan is the new green. It's old-school for the moose. They are herbivores, which means they don't eat meat. On a symbolic level, it's not necessarily what we eat - it's how we eat it. I can't speak for the moose, but I'd like to think they'd encourage us to consume as their human Native Americans did: With mindfulness, repsect and honor for the life given so we may live (vegetation or otherwise).

Rack 'em up! A rack (moose antlers) is made of tissue. In fact, this is some of the fastest growing tissue on the animal planet. Moose antlers can grow an inch or more a day! They're also extra-sensitive. Moose can detect the slightest whisper of a breeze, or the tiniest insect hanging out on their rack. Symbolically, this ties into what I mentioned about antlers serving as a sensory perception antenna. This adds to the litany of neat symbolic moose facts. It says something to the effect: "Your perception is your 'crowning' glory.

Stroke! Stroke! Moose are consummate swimmers. In spite of their mass, they can do the dog paddle better if not as good as...well...dogs. They're also just as lithe on land. In fact, they can run up to 30+ mph. They swim up to 6 miles per hour. The ability to move is hugely symbolic, but more important is the way humans and animals move. Consider the expert elegance of the moose. Endeavor to emulate how this creature can move with deft with no thought to size.
All of these symbolic moose facts add up to create a pretty extraordinary picture of the moose. But this page isn't just about symbolic moose facts. This page is designed to familiarize ourselves with this magnificent beast to gain insight into their world, and our world too.

Moose Meaning as an Animal Totem

The moose is amazing in its own right. It's even more amazing to work with the moose as a totem animal. Perhaps you are drawn to the moose, and want more info. I hope this will give you a good start. Have a read through these totemic gifts the moose offers and see if any of these aspects apply to you.

The Gift of Camouflage: Are you able to slip in and out of crowds from seemingly nowhere? You share this knack with the moose. Which is pretty incredible if you think about how big they are. I mean...how does the moose disguise a 6 foot rack and 1800 pound body!? It's part of the moose mystery. It's also about the moose's precise awareness. The moose has a keen sense of depth perception. It knows where it will fit, and where it won't. It also has good insight, so it knows about working with shadow, and using light to its advantage. Those with the moose as their animal totem have the same kind of sensory perception. They can blend in because they are aware of their environment.

The Gift of Sight: As mentioned, the moose has googly eyes. Their eyes move independently. People with the moose as their guide might not have Marty Feldman eyes, but they can adjust their vision. Moose people can see far beyond what most people see. I'm not necessarily talking physical vision either. If you have unorthodox views, and high vision, the moose might be your animal kin. If you tend to have your "eye on the prize" while keeping your vision focused on work - that's a great moose attribute. If you can see outside of what is physical - if you can peer into the energetic realms - the moose will absolutely help you clarify that intuitive 20/20 vision.

The Gift of Solitude: Aside from mating season, the moose prefers their own company. The moose is a member of the deer family - but they certainly don't herd like deer. Nope. They like the quiet and solitude. Does this sound familiar to you? Are you completely at ease with being alone? Do you find it preferable to travel, accomplish tasks and work on your onsie? The moose tips his rack to you. The moose reminds us it's okay to go solo. They encourage the gift if tranquility. They remind us that we should be our best company. Moose encourage us to be comfortable with ourselves and be at one with who we are first before seeking partnership.

The Gift of Protection: All of us can be protective of the people we love. A big moose facts is a mother moose takes this to the enth degree. Mamma moose is like a brick wall of defiance when it comes to protecting her calves. If you are a mamma, and find yourself needing to protect your child - the moose can help with that. Envision a 2,000 pound moose mamma, with fiercely glowing eyes, towering over any threat in her path. It's a bolstering image. Further, moose energy is easily called in times of protection. Consider calling on the moose when you need to defend the defenseless, and protect those who need your help.

The Gift of Adapting: The moose makes the best of some tough challenges. Another bit among moose facts is this: It's so tall, it has a hard time foraging for food. The moose gets around this problem by grazing in tall grasses. This way, it can pick the tops of fresh greens without having to kneel (which is difficult for the moose to do). Do you have some challenges that you've overcome? The moose gives you a big "high-five" for overcoming tough odds. Adaptation, and making assets out of perceived deficits are all about moose-power.

The Gift of Discernment: For the most part, the moose is a gentle giant. These creatures are quite content and quite calm. However, as mentioned above, when provoked, the moose is not to be messed with. This boils down to discernment. The moose knows when to mellow and when to kick bootie. Do you have a level head? Are you typically easy-going, but boy-howdy, watch out if you're provoked? You share that with the moose. It's a gift of assessing a situation with lightning quick speed and acting in the best possible way for survival. When the coast is clear, enjoy life as the moose does - chill, and roll with the reeds.

I hope these totemic symbolic moose facts help you make a connection with this regal animal. To round off this article, here is a quick list of symbolic meanings for the moose:

Symbolic Moose Facts: A Quick-List

Keep this list of symbolic attributes in mind as you meditate upon the moose facts in terms of totemic power. See if you can enhance these qualities in yourself as you get in touch with moose energy.

Symbolic Moose Facts


moose are flat out beautiful but will charge you if you get too close during mating season

takes a real hunter to walk up to a moose and kill it.....

deep sarcasm
Doing it now. Sorry. Late start.
This one I am going to really concentrate on. This place needs a messenger that is powerful. Bad vibes around here.
Today's Messenger is from OWL...contrary.

If you have Owl upside-down (contrary) in your card, you have been greatly deceived by either yourself or another. Perhaps witchcraft or black magic is being used against you, or maybe you are using witchcraft or sorcery to aid you when you should be praying and asking the Great Spirit for guidance. The message is to befriend the darkness inside yourself. Look deeply, and soon the bright light of dawn will illuminate you. Then ask yourself what you are in the dark about. How and by whom are you being deceived? Have you lied to yourself about someone or something? Are you being greatly deceived, or just slightly deceived? Owl tells you to keep an eye on your property and your loved ones. Remember that Owl is always asking, "Who?"


More about Owl (right side up) :

Owl Animal Totem: Magic, Omens, Wisdom

The owl is the symbol of the feminine, the moon and the night. The owl is the bird of magic and darkness, of prophecy and wisdom. Owl people work best during the night hours. An owl totem gives you the power to extract secrets. Meditate on the owl and things will be revealed. Listen to its voice inside of you. You will hear not what others are saying, but what is hidden. You can detect subtleties of voice that others cannot. People cannot deceive a person who has an owl totem. Owl people can see into the darkness of others souls. Most owl people are clairvoyant because of this ability. It can be very scary at times. Learn to trust your instincts about people. Let your owl totem guide you.


Owl Meanings in the Realms of Animal Symbolism

The owl is sacred to the Greek goddess of learning, Athena and is even depicted on some Greco-Roman currency as a symbol of status, intelligence and of course, wealth.

In ancient Egyptian, Celtic, and Hindu cultures the symbolic meaning of owl revolved around guardianship of the underworlds, and a protection of the dead.

In this light the owl was ruler of the night and seer of souls. A misunderstanding of this necessary relationship gave the owl some negative associations with death.

It should be clear that the owl was honored as the keeper of spirits who had passed from one plane to another. Often myth indicates the owl accompanying a spirit to the underworld - winging it's newly freed soul from the physical world into the realm of spirit.

Being aware of the owl's symbolic meanings is a good way to connect with this fascinating creatures, and also become more in-tune with the owl's wisdom.

A Quick-List of Symbolic Owl Meanings:

Symbolism of owl, owl meanings
Native Americans associated the meaning of owl with wisdom, foresight, and keeper of sacred knowledge. This may largely be due to the fact that the owl is a great foreteller of weather conditions. Also its ability to see at night is legend among the Native Americans, and this attribute would be invoked during ceremonies when an oracle of secret knowledge was required.
Similarly, West African and Aboriginal Australian cultures viewed the owl as a messenger of secrets, kin to sorcerers, as well as companions to seers, mystics and medicine people.

During medieval times in western and central Europe it was fabled that owls were actually priestesses (witches) and wizards in disguise. To this day the owl is considered a witch's familiar (an animal soul-spirit linked to a spiritual person via a unique, communicative bond).

The owl is a creature of the night. It's important to note the symbolism of nocturnal creatures because night-time proclivities have specific philosophical meanings. Combine the following nocturnal symbolic meanings with that of the owl for a broader interpretation.
Nocturnal Animal Symbolism Includes:

Secret knowledge
Psychic awareness
When we connect with the owl in its own environment, and according to its way of life, it helps in deciphering the messages the owl has for us. Why? Because owls and all creatures ofthe animal realm are pure energy, and they come from a place of wholeness. As such, they communicate in a unified voice. They speak in the language of the trees, the wind, the moon, the sky, etc. Learning the owl's habitat is a great way to learn her language, and more clearly understand her voice when she chortles in our spiritual ears.


Well. That is a powerful message. And remember, this is not necessarily for just me. This is for all of USMB. All of us.

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