Daily Mail: Melania would 'lift Trump's spirits' and tell him 'how wonderful and great he is' in a phone call after every rally

how dare she be a loving wife?

More envy by the Trump hating British press. A once proud and dedicated nation, with a few who still want to fight for what they once stood for but too many wanting to "get along" with the wrong people.

We once had them as key leaders of the world, with the loss of Hong Kong, they have been exposed. Canada unfortunately has been following the same path of avoiding truth and reality, bought for a few dreams sold by global socialists at the expense of it's Middle Class, standard of living and human rights.

We simply cannot lose America to these appeasers. If Taiwan is lost, the dominoes will fall in rapid fashion. I don't see how a more expansive and powerful China is going to NOT try and reclaim Taiwan from it's own self determination.
how dare she be a loving wife?

More envy by the Trump hating British press. A once proud and dedicated nation, with a few who still want to fight for what they once stood for but too many wanting to "get along" with the wrong people.

We once had them as key leaders of the world, with the loss of Hong Kong, they have been exposed. Canada unfortunately has been following the same path of avoiding truth and reality, bought for a few dreams sold by global socialists at the expense of it's Middle Class, standard of living and human rights.

We simply cannot lose America to these appeasers. If Taiwan is lost, the dominoes will fall in rapid fashion. I don't see how a more expansive and powerful China is going to NOT try and reclaim Taiwan from it's own self determination.
The Daily Mail is an anti white rag, , and will shill for whoever pays the most money.
The story would be even better if they found out Ivana hated her husband and was about to leave him.

But that's not what's happening, so they bash them for being a loving couple.
The story would be even better if they found out Ivana hated her husband and was about to leave him.

But that's not what's happening, so they bash them for being a loving couple.

Haters are gonna hate.

They have to find something, as they ignore the many loveless marriages of Hollywood celebrities and even Royal Family, though they can be harsh on the Royals too at times.

I could probably imagine the call:

Trump: "How did it go? It was good right"?

Melania: "Yes, you had so many people there and they really support you.

Trump: "Was I a bit too harsh on the nicknames for my opponents? The crowd seemed to respond well"

Melania: "It was fine, they don't want a politician, they want a fighter".

Maybe out of context it seems unusual and I've been critical of his language at times; but after a rally, it's quite normal as he still has his endorphins running and needs to get a feel for his message.

It's no different than a rock band after a concert. They get off stage and ask their managers and close friends, "how did we do"? They are self critical, more than those who watch, so Trump is no different in wanting reassurance, even feedback.

One truth about Trump is he doesn't stand still for long. He is trying to win an election and a feedback mechanism is required and he obviously trusts his wife so that he can adjust accordingly. That's not a liability to have a trusted partner, it's a strength.
Wow a phone call. I would have thought that she was there with him at the rallies. Yet if she had to call then how does she know what was said at the rally other than watching news clips. i guess he needed the pep talk and validation. She knows him to well. Feed the EGO and life will be a bowl of cherries. Which might be a problem when things go south. hey I guess that is married life and we all can relate.

What worries me is how do we know when Trump goes senile. Will there be a difference in behavior?

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