Daily NYT propaganda piece/sob story on illegals


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
Here's today's propaganda, fed by the yellow rag called the NYT to its eager and hungry far left, lunatic reader base:


"So Mr. Ríos, 33, settled down at a shelter in Sonoyta, unsure of what to do next. “I have nothing to go back to,” he said. “And I don’t know if there’s anything for me on the other side.”"

“Maybe Trump will close his eyes one night and God will touch his heart,” he said."

"Now he was trying to decide whether to try again. One thing was certain: He did not want to go back to Honduras. “The gangs killed my cousin, and they said I was going to be next,” he said.

and my favorite:

"In interviews with migrants, their advocates, and workers at shelters and soup kitchens in Mexico, the United States and Central America, few quibbled with the idea that President Trump had altered the climate for immigration."


The fucking game is SO, SO OVER. The US is not the world's dumping ground for its mass poor, and there are big countries in south america like argentina, brazil and the socialist paradise of venezuela who can take these people in, who share their language and culture.

These people need to yes, go back to Honduras - AND FIX THEIR FUCKING COUNTRY. Running away is NOT going to rid the country of the gangs - and it is NOT my responsibility as a US taxpayer to absorb and pay for the overflowing population from your fucking shithole.

I can never quite understand how people who claim their nation is so, so dangerous - yet still keep having lots of babies...who in their right mind would bring lots of children into an unsafe country?

Guess their claims about the dangers are lies, or they are just selfish, irresponsible filth.

That last quote was especially hilarious; you mean to tell me that there are illegal alien "advocates" living in mexico who support the rights of these people to sneak into the US? Are you fucking kidding me?
Here's today's propaganda, fed by the yellow rag called the NYT to its eager and hungry far left, lunatic reader base:


"So Mr. Ríos, 33, settled down at a shelter in Sonoyta, unsure of what to do next. “I have nothing to go back to,” he said. “And I don’t know if there’s anything for me on the other side.”"

“Maybe Trump will close his eyes one night and God will touch his heart,” he said."

"Now he was trying to decide whether to try again. One thing was certain: He did not want to go back to Honduras. “The gangs killed my cousin, and they said I was going to be next,” he said.

and my favorite:

"In interviews with migrants, their advocates, and workers at shelters and soup kitchens in Mexico, the United States and Central America, few quibbled with the idea that President Trump had altered the climate for immigration."


The fucking game is SO, SO OVER. The US is not the world's dumping ground for its mass poor, and there are big countries in south america like argentina, brazil and the socialist paradise of venezuela who can take these people in, who share their language and culture.

These people need to yes, go back to Honduras - AND FIX THEIR FUCKING COUNTRY. Running away is NOT going to rid the country of the gangs - and it is NOT my responsibility as a US taxpayer to absorb and pay for the overflowing population from your fucking shithole.

I can never quite understand how people who claim their nation is so, so dangerous - yet still keep having lots of babies...who in their right mind would bring lots of children into an unsafe country?

Guess their claims about the dangers are lies, or they are just selfish, irresponsible filth.

That last quote was especially hilarious; you mean to tell me that there are illegal alien "advocates" living in mexico who support the rights of these people to sneak into the US? Are you fucking kidding me?
From what country did your ancestors arrive on our shores?
I'm sure they will do an interview tomorrow of American citizens "displaced" out of their jobs because of hiring of illegal immigrants, or maybe a family who was impacted by a crime by such individuals...

If you cannot enter a country legally, why would you expect much sympathy? There are many thousands applying through legal means.
I'm sure they will do an interview tomorrow of American citizens "displaced" out of their jobs because of hiring of illegal immigrants, or maybe a family who was impacted by a crime by such individuals...

If you cannot enter a country legally, why would you expect much sympathy? There are many thousands applying through legal means.
They better hurry.....cause pretty soon we will be hearing paeans to TrumpCare from the millions who no longer have coverage....

More crap from your Media Safe Space?

I want to see your papers.....unless you sashayed across some land bridge thousands of years ago, I suspect you may be a furriner.......

More crap from your Media Safe Space?

I want to see your papers.....unless you sashayed across some land bridge thousands of years ago, I suspect you may be a furriner.......

Foreigner yes, but a LEGAL one. If you weren't so blind you would see the difference. Mexico is so incredibly corrupt that Slim is one of the wealthiest men on the planet, and he gets to be that way because he rapes the country of its resources. But, instead of investing in his country, and making it better, he pushes the malcontents, and the unskilled north, to this country, so that he doesn't have to worry about a revolution in his country. And morons like you aid and abet his selfish, criminal behavior.

That fucker has gotten uber wealthy by ripping off the middle class of the USA because idiots, like you, allow it.

More crap from your Media Safe Space?

I want to see your papers.....unless you sashayed across some land bridge thousands of years ago, I suspect you may be a furriner.......

Foreigner yes, but a LEGAL one. If you weren't so blind you would see the difference. Mexico is so incredibly corrupt that Slim is one of the wealthiest men on the planet, and he gets to be that way because he rapes the country of its resources. But, instead of investing in his country, and making it better, he pushes the malcontents, and the unskilled north, to this country, so that he doesn't have to worry about a revolution in his country. And morons like you aid and abet his selfish, criminal behavior.

That fucker has gotten uber wealthy by ripping off the middle class of the USA because idiots, like you, allow it.
Lot of frivolous ad hom in that post, Westy....you might wanna mind your mouth...

I bet you don't know squat about Carlos Slim....or how he made his money....

I can tell you that he didn't create the State of Mexico, he just played the game much better than the locals....

Slim, you see, came from Immigrant parents.

More crap from your Media Safe Space?

I want to see your papers.....unless you sashayed across some land bridge thousands of years ago, I suspect you may be a furriner.......

Foreigner yes, but a LEGAL one. If you weren't so blind you would see the difference. Mexico is so incredibly corrupt that Slim is one of the wealthiest men on the planet, and he gets to be that way because he rapes the country of its resources. But, instead of investing in his country, and making it better, he pushes the malcontents, and the unskilled north, to this country, so that he doesn't have to worry about a revolution in his country. And morons like you aid and abet his selfish, criminal behavior.

That fucker has gotten uber wealthy by ripping off the middle class of the USA because idiots, like you, allow it.
Lot of frivolous ad hom in that post, Westy....you might wanna mind your mouth...

I bet you don't know squat about Carlos Slim....or how he made his money....

I can tell you that he didn't create the State of Mexico, he just played the game much better than the locals....

Slim, you see, came from Immigrant parents.

There's not a bit of ad hom dude. It is all factual as well. Funny how when presented with facts that you don't like, you ignore and deflect. Typical brain dead progressive response.
Here's today's propaganda, fed by the yellow rag called the NYT to its eager and hungry far left, lunatic reader base:


"So Mr. Ríos, 33, settled down at a shelter in Sonoyta, unsure of what to do next. “I have nothing to go back to,” he said. “And I don’t know if there’s anything for me on the other side.”"

“Maybe Trump will close his eyes one night and God will touch his heart,” he said."

"Now he was trying to decide whether to try again. One thing was certain: He did not want to go back to Honduras. “The gangs killed my cousin, and they said I was going to be next,” he said.

and my favorite:

"In interviews with migrants, their advocates, and workers at shelters and soup kitchens in Mexico, the United States and Central America, few quibbled with the idea that President Trump had altered the climate for immigration."


The fucking game is SO, SO OVER. The US is not the world's dumping ground for its mass poor, and there are big countries in south america like argentina, brazil and the socialist paradise of venezuela who can take these people in, who share their language and culture.

These people need to yes, go back to Honduras - AND FIX THEIR FUCKING COUNTRY. Running away is NOT going to rid the country of the gangs - and it is NOT my responsibility as a US taxpayer to absorb and pay for the overflowing population from your fucking shithole.

I can never quite understand how people who claim their nation is so, so dangerous - yet still keep having lots of babies...who in their right mind would bring lots of children into an unsafe country?

Guess their claims about the dangers are lies, or they are just selfish, irresponsible filth.

That last quote was especially hilarious; you mean to tell me that there are illegal alien "advocates" living in mexico who support the rights of these people to sneak into the US? Are you fucking kidding me?

people who make up stories and who think this administration has done anything but sociopathically lie, has no business calling anything propaganda.

go back to reading Pravda. that's where you'll find your "news" these days.

Here's today's propaganda, fed by the yellow rag called the NYT to its eager and hungry far left, lunatic reader base:


"So Mr. Ríos, 33, settled down at a shelter in Sonoyta, unsure of what to do next. “I have nothing to go back to,” he said. “And I don’t know if there’s anything for me on the other side.”"

“Maybe Trump will close his eyes one night and God will touch his heart,” he said."

"Now he was trying to decide whether to try again. One thing was certain: He did not want to go back to Honduras. “The gangs killed my cousin, and they said I was going to be next,” he said.

and my favorite:

"In interviews with migrants, their advocates, and workers at shelters and soup kitchens in Mexico, the United States and Central America, few quibbled with the idea that President Trump had altered the climate for immigration."


The fucking game is SO, SO OVER. The US is not the world's dumping ground for its mass poor, and there are big countries in south america like argentina, brazil and the socialist paradise of venezuela who can take these people in, who share their language and culture.

These people need to yes, go back to Honduras - AND FIX THEIR FUCKING COUNTRY. Running away is NOT going to rid the country of the gangs - and it is NOT my responsibility as a US taxpayer to absorb and pay for the overflowing population from your fucking shithole.

I can never quite understand how people who claim their nation is so, so dangerous - yet still keep having lots of babies...who in their right mind would bring lots of children into an unsafe country?

Guess their claims about the dangers are lies, or they are just selfish, irresponsible filth.

That last quote was especially hilarious; you mean to tell me that there are illegal alien "advocates" living in mexico who support the rights of these people to sneak into the US? Are you fucking kidding me?

people who make up stories and who think this administration has done anything but sociopathically lie, has no business calling anything propaganda.

go back to reading Pravda. that's where you'll find your "news" these days.


I think it is you who needs to stop reading pravda jillian. The fact remains that every accusation that has been hurled at the trumpster has so far been proven to be a lie. He's not anti semitic, he's not anti LGBT, he's not anti immigrant, he is a boor, but that places him in good company with bill clinton.

More crap from your Media Safe Space?

I want to see your papers.....unless you sashayed across some land bridge thousands of years ago, I suspect you may be a furriner.......

Foreigner yes, but a LEGAL one. If you weren't so blind you would see the difference. Mexico is so incredibly corrupt that Slim is one of the wealthiest men on the planet, and he gets to be that way because he rapes the country of its resources. But, instead of investing in his country, and making it better, he pushes the malcontents, and the unskilled north, to this country, so that he doesn't have to worry about a revolution in his country. And morons like you aid and abet his selfish, criminal behavior.

That fucker has gotten uber wealthy by ripping off the middle class of the USA because idiots, like you, allow it.
Lot of frivolous ad hom in that post, Westy....you might wanna mind your mouth...

I bet you don't know squat about Carlos Slim....or how he made his money....

I can tell you that he didn't create the State of Mexico, he just played the game much better than the locals....

Slim, you see, came from Immigrant parents.

There's not a bit of ad hom dude. Funny how when presented with facts that you don't like, you ignore and deflect. Typical brain dead progressive response.
If you weren't so blind
And morons like you
because idiots, like you,

Now, Westy.....I'm curious......how does an idiot get to be a mod, passing judgement on "offenses" he clearly doesn't understand?

It is all factual as well.

No....of it was "fact" you would do more than Boldly Assert it....it is just angry, uninformed gibberish.

But to demonstrate what an honest interlocutor I am, I will invite you to explain how Slim rips off the middle class in the US...

Coulter: N.Y. Times softened on immigration after Mexican billionaire bailout

"An entire chapter of bestselling author Ann Coulter's latest book is dedicated to her claim that the New York Times has softened on U.S. immigration policy ever since the paper received the much-needed financial backing of a Mexican billionaire. "Absolutely," said the conservative agitator, whose latest book Adios, America! is an attempt to push Republicans to the right on immigration. "True, the New York Times is always anti-American but, no, look back at their coverage of illegal immigration in the '90s and the difference [today] is astonishing," she told the Washington Examiner media desk.

Coulter said the Times' editorial board was once a proponent of tighter border controls, and the paper had covered the dramatic influx of illegal immigrants into the United States. But she said the Times has changed its tone ever since 2008, when Mexican telecommunications tycoon Carlos Slim purchased more than 6 percent of the paper's stock. The deal came when rumors swirled that the Times was in danger of having to file for bankruptcy as a multi-million dollar loan repayment deadline approached. Since then, Slim has purchased even more stock and is now the Times' largest shareholder.

In her book, Coulter cites a 1997 Times editorial, wherein the paper said, "Fighting illegal immigration is a difficult and important job" but that "Congress should do it in a way that will deter illegal entry at the border." She also cites a separate news article from 2004 that said "the nation's southern border is under siege." A 2014 editorial, however, praised an executive action by President Obama that "starts with giving millions of [illegal] immigrants permission to stay, to work and to live without fear." "What a difference one thieving Mexican billionaire makes," Coulter writes."
Foreigner yes, but a LEGAL one. If you weren't so blind you would see the difference. Mexico is so incredibly corrupt that Slim is one of the wealthiest men on the planet, and he gets to be that way because he rapes the country of its resources. But, instead of investing in his country, and making it better, he pushes the malcontents, and the unskilled north, to this country, so that he doesn't have to worry about a revolution in his country. And morons like you aid and abet his selfish, criminal behavior.

That fucker has gotten uber wealthy by ripping off the middle class of the USA because idiots, like you, allow it.

And because their masters in the national democratic party and its pr flack, the NYT, tells them to do so.

The fucking liberal assholes once were big supporters of the working men and women of the US; today all they fucking care about is staying in power.

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