Daily Telegraph to remove motion sensors from journalist's desks 'immediately'


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Stock image of the device from the OccupEye website.

The Daily Telegraph has issued a communicé to staff stating their intent to remove alleged 'motion sensors' which were found under journalist's desks yesterday.

The memo follows the publication of a story on Buzzfeed which claimed that the paper had "installed devices to monitor whether journalists are at their desks".

The devices were small, wireless black boxes from company OccupEye that, according to the company's website, provide 'automated workspace utilisation analysis' using heat and motion sensors.

The website reads: "Absorb the cost and scale of nationwide workplace inefficiency to understand the guaranteed OccupEye return on investment".

Daily Telegraph to remove motion sensors from journalist's desks 'immediately' - Independent.ie

... Granny put one o' dem next to Uncle Ferd's bed...

... to let her know when he gets up inna mornin'...

... so far it ain't gone off.
Supervisors monitor workers.

Find one under the desk, break it. Oops.

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