Dain Bramaged Snowflakes call Russians 'hacking the election' and 'Act of War' - Compared it to 9/11

Several Democratic lawmakers have called Russia’s interference in the U.S. presidential election an act of war.


1. Obama said foreign nations try to do it all the time.
2. Obama intervened in other nations' governments 4 times: Libya, Israel, Egypt, & Syria - 'Acts of War'?
3. The Russians didn't 'hack the election' - they hacked & released DNC personal, embarrassing e-mails
--- The only ones who tried to hack the actual election were Obama & DHS, attempting to hack Ga & Indiana

"...yet they are either hesitant to explain how they wish to respond or want to just impose sanctions."

No sh!t - because they no their whole story is nothing but political theater / crap!
Cheney is a democrat?
No, but they are all CFR, internationalists.

Democrat vs. Republican is an illusion foisted up for the plebes to argue about. Look at this forum, it works quite well to distract the masses.

Meanwhile, they do what they are going to do, according to their orders.

Cheney got it wrong. We are already at war yet too many people put party above principle. In the west, Russia is trying to install leaders that are sympathetic to Putin. Russia helped Trump by hacking and releasing DNC emails. In France Russia is financially backing Le Pen and she has talked about ending sanctions. Her opponent has suffered hacking attacks. In eastern Europe, Moscow has backed a number of violent coup attempts against eastern European governments and the Ukrainian separatists are Putin's puppets. In the Mideast, Putin has allied himself with Iran to create a Persian Empire that would be a threat to the US and Israel.
Look out! There is a Russian right behind you! Run for your life!

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