Dangerous Windows 10 scam


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Q. I was going to wait a while to upgrade my computer to Windows 10, but I just got an email from update @ microsoft.com with the upgrade attached. Should I just go ahead and install it now or keep waiting?

A. Stop right there! The email you got is a dangerous scam that's spreading around the Internet. As a rule, never download and run unsolicited email attachments. If you download and run the "upgrade" file, you'll install a ransomware virus that locks every file on your computer. To get the files back, you can pay the hackers who made the virus or jump through a bunch of technical hoops. The real Windows 10 upgrade is handled through the white Windows icon in your taskbar's notification area, not email. Before you install, find out if Windows 10 is right for you and your PC. Already installed Windows 10? Read to the end for a cool secret you don't want to miss.
If i can add a question, what is the best anti-virus software? I am using AVG now but thinking of going to PCmatic (sp). I like their commercials. BTW, I am pretty cheap.
If i can add a question, what is the best anti-virus software? I am using AVG now but thinking of going to PCmatic (sp). I like their commercials. BTW, I am pretty cheap.

i've been using the free Windows anti-virus for quite a while and have never had a problem.
If i can add a question, what is the best anti-virus software? I am using AVG now but thinking of going to PCmatic (sp). I like their commercials. BTW, I am pretty cheap.
Panda Free, Bitdefender, Avast. I've been using Avast for a while now but considering a switch to Bitdefender.
I know some people claim Windows proprietary AV is good, every independent testing lab (and my experiences cleaning infected computers) says just the opposite. Don't rely on it especially if you do any serious surfing.
If i can add a question, what is the best anti-virus software? I am using AVG now but thinking of going to PCmatic (sp). I like their commercials. BTW, I am pretty cheap.

I amso IR responds

Microsoft offers two programs for Windows security. The first being "Windows Defender" and the second being "Microsoft Security Essentials" with Essentials being the later of the two. Both are free ware and updated as needed. I noted that Win 10 includes Windows Defender in the down load. Both work seamlessly and offer the protection needed for virus and such. They are both minimal applications, however they do the job. Win 7 uses Security Essentials and if you have Defender loaded on your machine, will disable Defender and run alone. Both have protected my machines. I also run AVAST for added assurance. I ran AVAST Free first, noted no problems and then subscribed for a one run. It also is running well and advises when it has stopped an infection. Both MS products do not do that. Pound for pound, in my opinion, either MS product, Defender or Essentials are a must have on a machine assuming you are running an MS Win system, you should have one or the other or both.Best Regards P.S. All three programs, Defender, Essentials, AVAST, will not, or at least have not affected downloading other applications of any sort. In other words you do not need to disable your virus program when downloading other products.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add, PC Matic is basically a (very successful) money making scam, you do not want that piece of shit on any of your systems. Everything they offer is nowhere as good as the worst free software you can download and install. You're a fool if you buy it.
If i can add a question, what is the best anti-virus software? I am using AVG now but thinking of going to PCmatic (sp). I like their commercials. BTW, I am pretty cheap.

The Windows Defender and Firewall works just fine and has the necessary updates. In addition, my cable provider gives me McAfee that has a variety of programs that are kept up to date.
If i can add a question, what is the best anti-virus software? I am using AVG now but thinking of going to PCmatic (sp). I like their commercials. BTW, I am pretty cheap.

The Windows Defender and Firewall works just fine and has the necessary updates. In addition, my cable provider gives me McAfee that has a variety of programs that are kept up to date.
Bull shit, you do shill for Microsoft, either that or you're an idiot.
I use Norton..............and just reinstalled it.............killed my internet on our main pc.............Called norton and let them fix it via a patch and they took control of our computer to do so....................

Caused the computer to crash................and had to f disk it.....................Yeeeeeeeeeeee haw............

Having to post on this crappy lap top now..............Until we get it back up and running.
Lesson to be learned. Don't ever let them thar techs take control of your computer...............They'll crash it.
If i can add a question, what is the best anti-virus software? I am using AVG now but thinking of going to PCmatic (sp). I like their commercials. BTW, I am pretty cheap.

i've been using the free Windows anti-virus for quite a while and have never had a problem.
I second that.
I run it exclusively, and have had no problems. Very few false-positives as well.
I also run ad-blockers in my browsers, and run a scan with MalwareBytes on a monthly basis.
If i can add a question, what is the best anti-virus software? I am using AVG now but thinking of going to PCmatic (sp). I like their commercials. BTW, I am pretty cheap.
I used AVG with Win98-SE and it worked very well. I tried it with Win-7 but it caused a conflict. So the IT who helps me advised me to use Windows Essentials, which is free, needs no attention, scans automatically every day, and I've never had a problem.

I would be happy to pay for it if it wasn't free.

I ran AVAST Free first, noted no problems and then subscribed for a one run. It also is running well and advises when it has stopped an infection. Both MS products do not do that.

I use Windows Essentials. If you access its taskbar icon and click on History it will tell you if anything has been quarantined. (The icon, which stays green when all is well, turns red if something is quarantined.)

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