Daniel Day Lewis to play Abraham Lincoln

KEUELL! Give him a script worthy of his talent and he'll ace it.
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In "There Will Be Blood" the mother of the actor that played HW didn't want him in the movie because the only D.D.L. flick she saw was "Gangs of New York". LOL
I had no idea that Lincoln wore jeans!

I wonder if they'll put mercury in his stovepipe hat.
Gotta keep it realistic.
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DDL is a fan-fucking-tastic actor. Having said this, I'm sure he'll turn in nothing less than a brilliant performance of Abe Lincoln. Definitely looking forward to seeing this movie.
Thanks, Syrenn! Always a pleasure. :) Do you do this in real life, too? "Just telling it like it is!"

Actually, I hardly saw any of what you've described. Daniel has deep set eyes, like AL. Same mouth. Same hairline. So yeah: No. I don't think it's "Six hours in a make up chair and a whole lot of prosthetic", but thanks for swinging through on your broom to take a negativity dump. :)
If Val Kilmer could make a surprisingly convincing Jim Morrison, I see no reason DDL can't be Lincoln. :lol:

He looks good in the pic.
Wonder what Val Kilmer did to his career? He had some serious potential.
I was disappointed when I realized, that I'm watching a homosexual movie, but I still watched Edgar Hover to the end.
Next time, I'll read into the subject more if I'm going to watch a biography-type movie.
I can only recall viewing 1 Daniel Day Lewis film called The Last of the Mohicans. It sucked & so did he.
I can only recall viewing 1 Daniel Day Lewis film called The Last of the Mohicans. It sucked & so did he.

You, sir, are a bad person! :evil:

Last of the Mohicans was an excellent movie. The fight at the end, when the father chases down his son's killer, is one of the better fight scenes in movies. It may not be the most historically accurate movie, but I wasn't looking for a documentary. :)
I can only recall viewing 1 Daniel Day Lewis film called The Last of the Mohicans. It sucked & so did he.

You, sir, are a bad person! :evil:

Last of the Mohicans was an excellent movie. The fight at the end, when the father chases down his son's killer, is one of the better fight scenes in movies. It may not be the most historically accurate movie, but I wasn't looking for a documentary. :)

It always cracks me up when obvious troll is obvious. You can take a personal dislike to someone, but if an amazingly talented actor gets called untalented, it's time for much laughter at my desk.

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