Daredevil-Deadpool: Boston/Trump


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Sep 22, 2013
Here's a pedestrian-optimism short-story about Daredevil and Deadpool (Marvel Comics) dealing with Massachusetts crime for the consumerism-curious President Trump.

I love patriotism, especially patriotism geared towards Hamiltonian Federalism.

Maybe TrumpUSA will become as 'intellectual' as Reaganomics (but let's not wax Freudian)...


Daredevil and Deadpool were hired by the Trump Administration to investigate a series of troubling crime labyrinth activity in Boston, Massachusetts. The two vigilantes accepted the covert mission and hit the streets on Halloween Eve when a suspected plot involving the heist of a special emerald treasure chest from a new Harvard University art museum exhibit was believed to be connected to the Boston crime syndicate 'Black Russia.' The Daredevil and Deadpool 'dynamic-duo' (aka, 'DD') decided to stakeout the Harvard museum on Halloween, believing some Black Russia unit would enter in Halloween costumes!

DD stood patiently in front of the museum with bags of candy to blend into the Halloween festivities and go unnoticed. When DD recognized a trio of costumed 'mystery men' entering the museum with large cannisters (obviously containing concealed weapons), they stormed the trio with rope-guns and electric stun-guns and tied the trip up and left them on the footsteps of the museum for the Harvard authorities and Massachusetts police to manage. The next day, the Boston Gazette read, "Mysterious vigilantes tie up a trio of museum bandits believed to be connected to Black Russia."

President Trump awarded DD a special dual-medallion for their stellar work. Trump told DD that the museum heist planned by Black Russia on Halloween was meant to draw attention to the iron hand that criminals wielded in the Boston area in this new age of high-traffic and immigration which simply confounded police who felt suffocated by all the pedestrian melee. DD decided to go back to the Harvard art museum where they left a special pro-democracy inspiration-note with the curator: "To whom it may concern; let it be known that anarchy created by Boston confusion will not be tolerated by our President or by your two favorite 'Hamiltonian' vigilantes, Daredevil and Deadpool."



The Sea will Tell

There is a nice coloring in comics reflecting a new age pop-art investment in 'naturalism' accessible to wide audiences, and we see such media symbolism in relevant 'networks,' such as the National Geographic Channel and eco-oriented American comic book characters such as the aquatic Aquaman (DC Comics).

How will our capitalism-subjective U.S. President (Donald Trump) take advantage?


Aquaman was sent on an assignment by the Trump Administration to investigate the existence of a poisonous glowing rainbow-colored metallic fish off the coast of New Guinea known as the Newton Fish. Aquaman believed the creature to be purely mythical, but when he swam in the waters, he came face-to-face with the eerie metallic and shimmering Newton Fish, which spewed a deadly thick green liquid-gas which blinded Aquaman, compelling the aquatic superhero to retreat. When he returned to the White House, President Trump was furious that America's favorite miracle-man disappointed everyone. Aquaman failed to see that the Newton Fish, were it real or a delusion, was pure evidence of the possibility of the existence of multiple forms/dimensions of intelligent life (right here on Earth --- even mutants!).

Aquaman was dejected and decided to pursue the Newton Fish (on his own). He wondered what he saw in the image of the Newton Fish coming towards him and spewing a blinding thick green liquid-gas and if it was simply a delusion he had. Still skeptical(!), Aquaman decided to return to off-New Guinea waters and search for the strange Newton Fish, which was rumored to possess the ability to turn sonic waves (sonar) into electrifying ripples, creating a sort of 'auditory atomic bomb.' Aquaman still believed the Newton Fish was something drunken patriotic sailors (such as Shipwreck) made up as romantics. However, Aquaman did not know that Shipwreck had just befriended Daredevil and Deadpool and was planning a stakeout of Boston bay for the summer. Things were really changing in American culture.

Aquaman however came face-to-face again with the unusual Newton Fish (or what he thought was one), and this time, the aquatic superhuman swam towards the fish at greater speed and with eyes closed, tracking his simple instincts to navigate through the water based on the memory of the target. Suddenly, the Newton Fish started talking to Aquaman and said, "Open your eyes you naive superhuman! This universe is governed by one law alone --- survival. This makes irrelevant any consideration about whether or not a reproductively 'fit' species is beautiful (or symmetrical) or not! We may colonize/revolutionize an otherwise pedestrian-friendly worldly area such as Boston, Massachusetts (USA) irrespective of the fact that it lies in the vicinity of four distinctive American colleges/universities (Boston College, Boston University, Harvard, MIT). The laws of chance dictate that he who wields 'eco-magic' is a true citizen of today's well-industrialized 'TrumpUSA'!"


The Gay Meter

Coordinating populism politics with new age issues will be the real challenge for President Trump, a man who seems comparatively more comfortable with 'pro-capitalism media' chatter.


Samuels was a radical college student who posted photos of himself in vigilantism-oriented homemade 'urban anarchy' outfits/costumes and posted them next to images of transvestite fashions found on the Internet today. He also posted graffiti and child doodles of graphic characters (not necessarily violent or politically-correct) of comic book characters (e.g., Batman) and American horror film avatars (e.g., Leatherface). Samuels' purpose was to offer America a different way to embrace the consumerism virtues inherent in a capitalism-subjective TrumpUSA.

Samuels faced stiff challenges from the LGBT community and transvestite community especially, since many members of the community felt that Samuels' posts were really more about citizen-determined federalism and not so much about grass-roots idealism. Samuels defended 'citizen-determined federalism' by claiming that embracing consumerism was the best way to dismantle an Orwellian super-structure, but his critics suggested he sounded too much like Ralph Nader and not enough like Michael Dukakis.

Samuels won the Nobel Prize for his posts about 'metaphysics deformity' in modern consumerism culture, a culture obsessed with image and markets and therefore targeted by the anti-Western terrorist forces from the fundamentalist Middle East (e.g., ISIS and Taliban). Samuels wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post: "Perhaps the Marvel Comics superhero Captain America, a democracy-defender, symbolizes a natural new age angst towards Machiavellian capitalism." While Samuels still faced tough opposition from his argumentative critics, audiences started to refer to him as the 'armchair warrior' rendition of Daredevil and Deadpool, the two American self-proclaimed 'vigilantes' heavily supported by TrumpUSA.




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