Moscow subway station looking absolutely beautiful. Unlike the filthy and dangerous New York City subway.

It doesn't have a dictatorship it has an elected Parliament and President no matter how many times you repeat that bullshit, it's Ukraine that is a dictatorship with cancelled elections.
You’re either a Kremlin troll or very very stupid

Putin has been dictator for 25 years
We ain't ever gonna return to those peaceful days!

In fact, your great-grandchildren will be astonished by how orderly things were back in the old days of 2024. (In 2022, a dozen New York City subway passengers were MURDERED!!! How many will be murdered each year by the end of this century?)
The problem is that our entire society is being destroyed by liberalism. If someone decided to act out on a subway, do you think they would if it would result in their being incarcerated in a prison work camp somewhere in Siberia?
Unfortunately the New York Rapid Transit system has become an sewer not only accompanied by the odors but also the material found there.
I have never traveled the Russian system, but I am familar with London and Paris. Each are cleaner and with less noise than in NYC.
In fact the D.C. subway system is also cleaner and have less noise than NYC.
I rode the DC subway forty years ago on my honeymoon, when it was still fairly new and then again about 12 years back when my son was in Arlington. I had no problem with it as it was very clean, and the passengers seemed to be exceptionally well-behaved. No issues at all.

^That’s what America used to look like beautiful, luxurious, mysterious, perhaps. That’s what we had in the 1940s 50s.

This is a liberal Democrat thing to do. Recognize the beauty of other cultures. Right that’s what liberalism is all about. Dare I say the word multiculturalism. Of course the anti-Russians stooges who scream “Putin lover” at every chance are totally brain dead.

This is the truth there are no screaming drug addicts on the Russian subway. In the subway station itself looks absolutely beautiful, filled with old paintings and wonderful architecture. We can learn from this in America.

Communism is no longer a thing in Russia. It’s now the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, in a New York City subway ..

Boston subway

But if we go into the American past and look at the society that our grandparents created, we could be very proud of our black and white grandparents.

From the New York Transit Museum Archives, a 1949 film about daily subway operations.

No graffiti above , Clean wonderful neighborhoods.

Well there you have it those are the facts staring us in the face every day the degradation of America today brought to us by radical feminist , radical LGBT BLM people. We need to go back to our traditions.

The Bolsheviks who tried to genocide Orthodox Russians failed. They run our government now.
I rode the DC subway forty years ago on my honeymoon, when it was still fairly new and then again about 12 years back when my son was in Arlington. I had no problem with it as it was very clean, and the passengers seemed to be exceptionally well-behaved. No issues at all.
Have you taken a ride on the MTA -NYC circa 2024? First you take your life in your hands, secondly it actually stinks. It;s like walking through a sewer.
Have you taken a ride on the MTA -NYC circa 2024? First you take your life in your hands, secondly it actually stinks. It;s like walking through a sewer.

Never had the displeasure. I was merely commenting that I had no trouble with the DC Metro.

This is mostly true, at least when you compare the US with Russia. I think the reason might be that Americans hate themselves (I mean, they hate what their country has become) while Russians (generally speaking) have common goals, pride in their history, and pride in their culture. So, maintaining cleanliness is a matter of appreciation. Russians don't want to live in squalor but much of the American population has made squalor and poverty conscience-worthy. Grafitti is an American invention that says, loud and clear, "We want to destroy everything!"
Boris Yeltsin was amazed at an ordinary American Supermarket. The abundance shocked him. Today the shelves are bare. They have been looted to nothing. The stores have closed. Or, merchandise is behind locked doors. Our once great cities are derelicts.
Where ever you are living, it's time to move! We've experienced none of that...!!! Mayberry still exists in America.... You just have to be willing to live in a small town atmosphere, with little 'fast lane' amenities. I do realize that this may not be for everyone....
Where ever you are living, it's time to move! We've experienced none of that...!!! Mayberry still exists in America.... You just have to be willing to live in a small town atmosphere, with little 'fast lane' amenities. I do realize that this may not be for everyone....
That's exactly what we did. Myself, son and daughter-in-law now live in rural Idaho.

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