Dark fact about innovative people


Dec 30, 2010
The actual population of China is much more than the official figure of 1.6 billion. None of them can innovate. China's missile, nuclear and other programs may be all plagiarism.

Africa has a populace of about 1 billion. None of them can innovate.

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Arab countries have some population. How many can innovate?

India has a population of well above 1.2 billion. Indians cannot innovate.

The original inhabitants of Americas were uncivilized spear chucking tribals. They could not innovate.

The original inhabitants of Australia and New Zealand were aborigines. They could not innovate.

Countries having European and Soviet origin people have minuscule population. Within that not more than 0.1% can innovate. Leave alone other countries, the percentage may not be higher even in Jewish majority Israel.

The proportion of innovative people may be high in Japan and it’s neighbours but they had to pay a heavy price in the form of earthquakes. Origin in environment of cold climate coupled with frequent earthquakes made Japanese innovative. Only people with certain qualities can survive such conditions. As more earthquakes occur those qualities intensify. A combination of origin in cold climate and earthquakes define the Japanese and adjacent nations. Over umpteen generations this combination moulded and chiseled the Japanese mind into what it is.

And yet, the Chinese took game chips and through "LACK" of innovation, created the fastest super computer the world has ever known.


The Chinese system follows that model by linking thousands upon thousands of chips made by the American companies Intel and Nvidia. But the secret sauce behind the system — and the technological achievement — is the interconnect, or networking technology, developed by Chinese researchers that shuttles data back and forth across the smaller computers at breakneck rates, Mr. Dongarra said.

“That technology was built by them,” Mr. Dongarra said. “They are taking supercomputing very seriously and making a deep commitment.”

The Chinese interconnect can handle data at about twice the speed of a common interconnect called InfiniBand used in many supercomputers.


If you're going to sit in front of a computer what has the Internet, "use it".

this argumentation is bad, weird and dumb. following this logic, producing innovations is a genetic thing or a "matter of the race". As a white german engeneer i have to stand up against this way of thinking.

First some facts:

Chinese: The chinese had a 2000yrs old high civilizated society. They did have Black Powder, war missiles, a tax system, finest transport and construction technologies meanwhile we in europe and you in america were living in the trees and caves.

Muslimes: THe Muslimes either did have their time of big innovations. Our math/letter system based of oriental technoligies even micrsocopes, telescopes, construction and war technologies.

We Germany gave the world in the last 150 years every leading technology, starting from the gasoline motor ( Nikolaus otto and Rudolf Diesel), cars (Carl Benz), Aircraft (Lilienthal), Rockets (von Braun), Computers (Conrad Zuse), Medicines (Bayer) Cooling technology (Carl Linde) and so on. And we had our time, when we thought this must be a question of the "Human Race" that we were bringing out this masses ov innovations. But we had to pay our price for it. Don´t make the same mistake again. Bringing out innovations is a question of time, a question of general education and a question of a culture of innovation. How comfortable might scientist feel in the deepest "Bible-Belt" of your country? If even elememtal facts like the evolution, the big bang or anythin else is questioned again and again by your fundamental theofascist (or "true christian"), is it really a wonder, that you´re falling behind by making innovations?
There are several flaws to your idea there. Innovation is driven by several factors such as availablity of materials, the need to innovate, the knowledge base, culture and the level of comfort of the individual. It is not driven by race. All of the places and people you have mentioned have contributed to new ideas and things and look at all the ones who immigrated to the US and who have contributed. The US has been (or had been) a place where innovative people could come to explore their ideas and inventions. We had the material, the technology, the money to back projects and it was a fairly stable economy and living place. We basically imported a lot of the worlds best minds and inovative people. Yet there are people all over the world coming up with new ideas but to bring them to fruitation is easier over here.
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nobody denies that. We made the big innovations - and you brought them into the market. that´s your big talent and we love you for that.
It is delusional, I think, to assume that innovation is not part of the human genome regardless of what society we're talking about.

What often limits innovation is the society itself.

The people capable of innovation stioll need a society willing to innovate.

Sans that society's willingness to reward them for their innovation, they're simply not going to be able to change the way their society works.

The USA needs to innovate its social contract, much as China is innovating its social contract, right now

It's not going to happen, though.

Our masters are happy with the way things are progressing and don't want things to change.
It is delusional, I think, to assume that innovation is not part of the human genome regardless of what society we're talking about.

What often limits innovation is the society itself.

The people capable of innovation stioll need a society willing to innovate.

Sans that society's willingness to reward them for their innovation, they're simply not going to be able to change the way their society works.

The USA needs to innovate its social contract, much as China is innovating its social contract, right now

It's not going to happen, though.

Our masters are happy with the way things are progressing and don't want things to change.

The culture or society has a lot to do with it. Some cultures inhibit change while other like ours reward it.
The actual population of China is much more than the official figure of 1.6 billion. None of them can innovate. China's missile, nuclear and other programs may be all plagiarism.

Africa has a populace of about 1 billion. None of them can innovate.

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Arab countries have some population. How many can innovate?

India has a population of well above 1.2 billion. Indians cannot innovate.

The original inhabitants of Americas were uncivilized spear chucking tribals. They could not innovate.

The original inhabitants of Australia and New Zealand were aborigines. They could not innovate.

Countries having European and Soviet origin people have minuscule population. Within that not more than 0.1% can innovate. Leave alone other countries, the percentage may not be higher even in Jewish majority Israel.

The proportion of innovative people may be high in Japan and it’s neighbours but they had to pay a heavy price in the form of earthquakes. Origin in environment of cold climate coupled with frequent earthquakes made Japanese innovative. Only people with certain qualities can survive such conditions. As more earthquakes occur those qualities intensify. A combination of origin in cold climate and earthquakes define the Japanese and adjacent nations. Over umpteen generations this combination moulded and chiseled the Japanese mind into what it is.


100% pure bullshit!
If we were to accept the OP's premise, the most technologically advanced people on earth should be the Aleuts of Alaska. They inhabit the most seismically active area on earth. It's a damned sight colder there than Japan too.
the worst thing about this thread is, that these half-knowing people are always talking about "Facts" that´s nothing than dumbness.
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