Dastardly DeSantis Disses Degenerate Disney, To Rescind Rancid Rodent's Ridiculous Woke Agenda

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
The left will cry out about the seemingly hypocritical act by saying this is an authoritarian action and that it violates free speech. In fact, allowing Disney to act as a semi-sovereign entity was a mere courtesy extended to it in a bygone time, back before Disney started trying to undermine the moral fabric of this nation. Is it wrong to use authoritarianism to quell authoritarianism? Maybe, or maybe not. But it really does not matter, as this act by DeSantis is not in the nature of authoritarianism. It is simply the undoing of a legal anomaly (like how major league baseball is exempt from anti-trust laws).

Desantis will now act as Disney's landlord for its Florida properties. It will now be able to treat Disney the same way it came other business districts it owns and regulates. What's wrong with that? Nothing. As long as he treats them pursuant to the law and consistent with the treatment of similarly situated businesses, it is fine. In fact, one may say that Disney's Florida properties and business activities have had a privileged status up until now. This move simply levels the playing ground.


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