I like DeSantis, and I don’t Like Disney. But, I have to say it . . .

I don't know what Republicans support, except for Trump. Us (actual) constitutional and fiscal conservatives support it.

Ah, so a good old 'no true scotsman' fallacy.

Conservatives are as conservatives do. And y'all are demonstrating that using the power of the State to harass, threaten, punish and retaliate against protected speech.....is as conservative as homophobia and election denial.
Ah, so a good old 'no true scotsman' fallacy.

Conservatives are as conservatives do. And y'all are demonstrating that using the power of the State to harass, threaten, punish and retaliate against protected speech.....is as conservative as homophobia and election denial.

Well, let's just say they're fighting back. We don't like government messing with our kids. (teachers, administrators etc etc). Disney injected themselves into this fight.
Disney is an entertainment network turned LGBT/political organization. (that still makes movies)
Well, let's just say they're fighting back. We don't like government messing with our kids. (teachers, administrators etc etc). Disney injected themselves into this fight.
Disney is an entertainment network turned LGBT/political organization. (that still makes movies)

There's always an excuse why conservative standards don't apply to conservatives. And shocker, they're not responsible for their own actions!

In the party of personal responsibility, its *always* someone else's fault.

Another conservative axiom.
No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The tax money Disney pays helps keep the lights on, if you know what I mean.
The cops paid, the roads fixed, etc etc

Disney just needs to lay of their queer crap.
Disney filing their latest lawsuit proves they are digging their heels in. I'm surprised they haven't made Bud Light their official beer.
Disney got political. Plus they were influencing woke and trannie teachers. You go jacking with the citizens and the government, there's going to be consequences.

In the 1960’s when Segregation was the law. A law which if you were found guilty of violating you went to jail. Playboy opened a number of clubs around the nation. Two were in the Segregated South. When Hugh found out the club franchises were not honoring the keys of the black members. Well after the argument Hugh bought the franchises back, and operated the clubs his way. In direct violation of the law.

That’s an important point to consider. Hugh Hefner intentionally set out to violate the law. All Disney did was speak out against a proposed law.

Democrats who objected to Corporations being able to donate money to political candidates argued that Corporations are not people. They were wrong. Corporations have to be people or you can’t sue them. If Ford isn’t a person as much as a company you couldn’t sue them for building a lemon.

Disney has just as much right to speak out about any issue they want to as anyone in the nation. They have just as much right as you do. But imagine your idea of fair being applied when it if Democrats again get in charge. They punish with legislation any Companies who support Republicans. Wouldn’t that be wrong? Wouldn’t you denounce it as Fascism? Or Socialism?
In the 1960’s when Segregation was the law. A law which if you were found guilty of violating you went to jail. Playboy opened a number of clubs around the nation. Two were in the Segregated South. When Hugh found out the club franchises were not honoring the keys of the black members. Well after the argument Hugh bought the franchises back, and operated the clubs his way. In direct violation of the law.

That’s an important point to consider. Hugh Hefner intentionally set out to violate the law. All Disney did was speak out against a proposed law.

Democrats who objected to Corporations being able to donate money to political candidates argued that Corporations are not people. They were wrong. Corporations have to be people or you can’t sue them. If Ford isn’t a person as much as a company you couldn’t sue them for building a lemon.

Disney has just as much right to speak out about any issue they want to as anyone in the nation. They have just as much right as you do. But imagine your idea of fair being applied when it if Democrats again get in charge. They punish with legislation any Companies who support Republicans. Wouldn’t that be wrong? Wouldn’t you denounce it as Fascism? Or Socialism?

I see the point. And Hughes point. I believe that "all men are created equal." And that there are no caveats in that. BUT it is the governments authority to represent the people, their voters. Their voters overwhelmingly opposed what DeSantis government was allowing in the schools. And demanded change. So as it should be, the government changed the laws to help protect those parents children from what they perceived as wrong.
Desegregation was a morally just cause, if you believe that all men are created equal.
People have a right to demand better of their government. And government has an obligation to do what their voters demand.

Disney is a corporation with big pockets who got offended by this change. A change that well over 50% of the voters were demanding. Remember, the LGBT community only makes up maybe 10%. Where as the straight people make up the rest. Disney was spending big bucks. And they spend it on political stuff. Like lobbying & huge campaign fund to FL legislatures. This is where it get's thick.
Lobbying is sleazy. It's essentialy paying politicians to do something they wouldn't normally do. Otherwise, why else pay them such big bucks.

It's like the argument I have with NRA nuts. They'll bash lobbyist all day long. Except for the NRA. And my question to them, as well as the Disney LGBT supporters, why should a legislator be paid to do something they're supposed to do anyways?
So you see, this goes well beyond just voicing opposition to a bill designed to support the majority of the parents. It goes into big money, big donations and big attorneys that tried (and are still trying) to tie the state up in lawsuits.

Stay out of politics. Make movies and cartoons. Don't treat tranny kids more special than normal ones. And everything will be fine.

Society will normalize itself. It ended slavery and segregation didn't it? None of that wouldn't have been possible had it not been for the people making it happen. Be it elected officials or soldiers on the Civil War battle front. Or enough citizens saying "this ain't right."

At this moment in time, boys pretending to be girls, trans teachers inviting drag queens to prance around in front of children, and all the other bologna going on, the majority of the population is rejecting all this trans stuff. Especially with so many trans people regretting ever transitioning at all.
Lawsuits are just starting. But within 5 years, there won't be a doctor one that'll dare doing sex change. This is society correcting it's wrongs. Just like they did with slavery.
Disney filing their latest lawsuit proves they are digging their heels in. I'm surprised they haven't made Bud Light their official beer.

They're costing the state a lot of money fighting these petty lawsuits. Money that could be going into better school equipment, better teachers, more police officers, better roads, or 1,000 other better things.
And for what? To force the state to do something that the vast majority of parents object to?

I thought this was a democracy and that the dems wanted to protect this democracy. Looks more like they want only a few to rule. A mob rule. A mob that's funded by the very thing they oppose. Mega rich corporations.

Notice how they turned on Elon?
I see the point. And Hughes point. I believe that "all men are created equal." And that there are no caveats in that. BUT it is the governments authority to represent the people, their voters. Their voters overwhelmingly opposed what DeSantis government was allowing in the schools. And demanded change. So as it should be, the government changed the laws to help protect those parents children from what they perceived as wrong.
Desegregation was a morally just cause, if you believe that all men are created equal.
People have a right to demand better of their government. And government has an obligation to do what their voters demand.

Disney is a corporation with big pockets who got offended by this change. A change that well over 50% of the voters were demanding. Remember, the LGBT community only makes up maybe 10%. Where as the straight people make up the rest. Disney was spending big bucks. And they spend it on political stuff. Like lobbying & huge campaign fund to FL legislatures. This is where it get's thick.
Lobbying is sleazy. It's essentialy paying politicians to do something they wouldn't normally do. Otherwise, why else pay them such big bucks.

It's like the argument I have with NRA nuts. They'll bash lobbyist all day long. Except for the NRA. And my question to them, as well as the Disney LGBT supporters, why should a legislator be paid to do something they're supposed to do anyways?
So you see, this goes well beyond just voicing opposition to a bill designed to support the majority of the parents. It goes into big money, big donations and big attorneys that tried (and are still trying) to tie the state up in lawsuits.

Stay out of politics. Make movies and cartoons. Don't treat tranny kids more special than normal ones. And everything will be fine.

Society will normalize itself. It ended slavery and segregation didn't it? None of that wouldn't have been possible had it not been for the people making it happen. Be it elected officials or soldiers on the Civil War battle front. Or enough citizens saying "this ain't right."

At this moment in time, boys pretending to be girls, trans teachers inviting drag queens to prance around in front of children, and all the other bologna going on, the majority of the population is rejecting all this trans stuff. Especially with so many trans people regretting ever transitioning at all.
Lawsuits are just starting. But within 5 years, there won't be a doctor one that'll dare doing sex change. This is society correcting it's wrongs. Just like they did with slavery.

You should look in the mirror. Your hypocrisy is showing. A majority of voters in the states where Segregation was the law thought it was right, and moral, and a great idea. It was proper you see.

It wasn’t social pressure that ended it. But Courts and action by the President. The practice was ended despite the wishes of Democracy.

One of the differences between a Democracy in the pure form, and a Constitutional Republic is the foundational laws. The Constitution. This has among other things the principle that we are all to be treated equally.

What you object to is not the challenge to Democracy. But the fear that you might end up looking like a bigot later.

Bussing in the 1970’s accomplished one major thing in Schools. It out the kids together and they learned everyone was the same. All of them were human regardless of their skin color. So the kids grew up without the fear, and without the hatred that grows from the fear of the unknown. We fear what we don’t know. Ancient man when drawing maps ran out of known area and out down. Here there be dragons. They were afraid.

The reason that they can’t Democracy Gun ownership is the Constitution. The reason that they can’t Democracy radical speech out is the Constitution. If you are such a fan of democracy why aren’t you championing the will of the people on those issues?

But let’s get back to Disney. What happens if the Democrats start to target Companies that support positions they disagree with. Not with boycotts or protests. But with actual legislative action. Laws. I bet you howl so loud the seismic monitors on the moon register it.

What is happening in Florida isn’t Democracy. It is Authoritarianism. It is the tool of the Dictator. That’s why DeSantis’s presumptive run for the Presidency is over before it begins. Voters in the districts affected by DeSantis war on Disney object. And if Disney announces they are leaving the State, which is possible, a lot of Floridians will be mad.

DeSantis is a thug. This isn’t helping Republicans. It is hurting them. They’re losing as we speak and pretending that this makes them a winner. It’s George Wallace in the steps of the University to use our Segregation example.
DeSantis should not be using the power of his office to go after Disney for their wokeness.

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Disney CEO Bob Iger on Monday said any retaliatory actions by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Republican-controlled Florida Legislature against the company that threaten jobs or expansion at its Florida resort is not only “anti-business ... but anti-Florida.”

Answering a question during an online shareholders’ meeting, Iger said that the Republican governor and lawmakers appeared to be retaliating against the company for exercising its constitutional rights. He referred to the incident last year when Disney criticized Florida’s law dubbed by critics “Don’t Say Gay” while Bob Chapek was helming the company at the time. The measure bars instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, as well as lessons deemed not age-appropriate.

As far as I know, the government of Florida did not grant special privileges to Disney so that they could always spread a healthy and wholesome message of conservative values. They gave them privileges because they thought Disney World (or Disneyland, whichever is in Florida) would be draw to tourists, a provider of jobs, and other financial benefits.

No matter how much I agree with DeSantis views on protecting the rights of families and children, I don’t agree with him using the power of the state for to punish those who disagree with those views.

Maybe granting those privileges was a bad idea in the first place. Maybe it started off good, but now is no longer favorable to the people of Florida. Those are perfectly legit reasons to end them. But if Florida came out in favor of DeSantis ideas, I have to think that he would let them keep those privileges no matter how beneficial or non-beneficial to Floridians.

Political favors for supporters, and political revenge on detractors? Dems do that. We should not.
If one person punches the other, the other should be allowed to punch back. I'm getting really tired of Democrats thinking they can throw punches and then have a hissy fit if the other side punches back. And, Disney should have never been allowed to form their own country in the first place.
But it's not wrong for Democrats to do it. That's the problem.
If you don't think it's wrong, then what's the problem?

I do think it's wrong, regardless of who does it. Government isn't there to "engineer" society. It isn't there to target people or businesses for persecution if they question the ambitions of their leaders.
I first noticed Disney’s woke commercials a couple of years ago when I saw one of their ads, featuring about a dozen visitors to their park. They had a bi-racial couple, a gay couple, a black family, a couple of black friends, a mixed group of a few blacks and one token white, a Hispanic couple speaking in Spanish, etc., etc.

When I posted that on this board, noting that of the dozen or so visitors Disney highlighted, there was not a single white family, or a white couple. The backlash from leftists was predictable: “racist!!”

Q: Why would a company purposely exclude the 70% of the population who happen to be white from its advertising?

A: Because anti-white racism is sweeping the country, aided by “woke” companies.
If you don't think it's wrong, then what's the problem?

I do think it's wrong, regardless of who does it. Government isn't there to "engineer" society. It isn't there to target people or businesses for persecution if they question the ambitions of their leaders.
Democrats don't think it's wrong. Hey, I wish you were right, I really do. But Democrats have repeatedly thrown punches at everyone they don't like and disagree with and then they have a hissy fit when punches are thrown back at them.
Democrats don't think it's wrong. Hey, I wish you were right, I really do.
What am I wrong about?
But Democrats have repeatedly thrown punches at everyone they don't like and disagree with and then they have a hissy fit when punches are thrown back at them.
Again, that's childish. Politics isn't a playground punching match. The goal should be good government, not revenge. Republicans should be fighting against the kind of tactics Democrats employ, instead of implicitly endorsing them by doing it themselves. If Republicans are going to behave like Democrats, why bother?
What am I wrong about?

Again, that's childish. Politics isn't a playground punching match. The goal should be good government, not revenge. Republicans should be fighting against the kind of tactics Democrats employ, instead of implicitly endorsing them by doing it themselves. If Republicans are going to behave like Democrats, why bother?
Yes, it is childish. But you can't let bullies continue being bullies. Sometimes you just have a to take a stand and defend yourself instead of letting the bullies win.
Yes, it is childish. But you can't let bullies continue being bullies. Sometimes you just have a to take a stand and defend yourself instead of letting the bullies win.
You don't defend yourself from bullies by being a bully yourself. Unless you're just down with bullying and think that's how society should work.
You don't defend yourself from bullies by being a bully yourself. Unless you're just down with bullying and think that's how society should work.
Why should one side always be allowed to do the bullying and suffer no repercussions for it?
If one person punches the other, the other should be allowed to punch back. I'm getting really tired of Democrats thinking they can throw punches and then have a hissy fit if the other side punches back. And, Disney should have never been allowed to form their own country in the first place.

All Disney did was say they didn’t think the Don’t Say Gay law was bad policy. They objected to it. That isn’t throwing punches.

As far as their own country. You really are ignorant aren’t you? They paid property taxes at a rate that is double anyone else in Florida. They paid this high rate to insure the roads around them were always well repaired. The Fire Department was the best in the State. So the Police would be polite and properly trained and equipped. Disney paid more to maintain the image they desired. The image that millions of people come to experience.

Disney doesn’t want aircraft anti collision lights on their attractions. So they build them just below that limit.

But all of this is unfair. According to you it is like having their own country. Where they get to pay twice the property tax rate that anyone else in the state pays.

Disney is going to leave Florida and take $75 billion in revenue for the area with them. They’re going to take the $11 billion in taxes paid by visitors with them. They’re going to take all of that and leave Florida with record unemployment. And a budget shortfall. They’re going to take everything apart and ship it to another State. One who will happily enter into whatever agreements Disney wants to bring that sort of revenue and employment.

Then we will hear Florida howling.
All Disney did was say they didn’t think the Don’t Say Gay law was bad policy. They objected to it. That isn’t throwing punches.

As far as their own country. You really are ignorant aren’t you? They paid property taxes at a rate that is double anyone else in Florida. They paid this high rate to insure the roads around them were always well repaired. The Fire Department was the best in the State. So the Police would be polite and properly trained and equipped. Disney paid more to maintain the image they desired. The image that millions of people come to experience.

Disney doesn’t want aircraft anti collision lights on their attractions. So they build them just below that limit.

But all of this is unfair. According to you it is like having their own country. Where they get to pay twice the property tax rate that anyone else in the state pays.

Disney is going to leave Florida and take $75 billion in revenue for the area with them. They’re going to take the $11 billion in taxes paid by visitors with them. They’re going to take all of that and leave Florida with record unemployment. And a budget shortfall. They’re going to take everything apart and ship it to another State. One who will happily enter into whatever agreements Disney wants to bring that sort of revenue and employment.

Then we will hear Florida howling.
They should have kept their mouths shut. Now they can go out of business. For God's sake, they are now embracing absurdity with young children.

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