I like DeSantis, and I don’t Like Disney. But, I have to say it . . .

Answering a question during an online shareholders’ meeting, Iger said that the Republican governor and lawmakers appeared to be retaliating against the company for exercising its constitutional rights.

'APPEARED to be...'

...to Iger.

'APEARED to be..."

....meaning that is HIS OPINION, that he can not prove it any more that he can read people's mind and tell what their motivations are.

Fail. Thanks for playing.
DeSantis *literally* targeted disney for punishment and harassment by the State because he didn't like that Disney criticized his 'don't say gay bill'....and you're going to babble to us about how *liberals* don't like dissent?

Conservatives don't give the tiniest shit about free speech. Using the State to harass, retaliate and punish those who criticize them was always the plan. And even worse, taking control of businesses by the State....and putting them under the authority of the Evangelical Church.

This is the truest vision of what Conservatives want for the whole country.
Please...simply taxing em a bit more. Libs love taxes.
Please...simply taxing em a bit more. Libs love taxes.

Or, you could simply stop violating protected speech through acts of State sponsored retaliation, punishment and harassment.

So much for the conservative commitment to 'free speech'.
Exactly If only he could run Disney out of Florida.

No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The tax money Disney pays helps keep the lights on, if you know what I mean.
The cops paid, the roads fixed, etc etc

Disney just needs to lay of their queer crap.
No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The tax money Disney pays helps keep the lights on, if you know what I mean.
The cops paid, the roads fixed, etc etc

Disney just needs to lay of their queer crap.

Why would they need to 'lay off' protected speech?

Conservatives don't give a fiddler's fuck about free speech, do they?
Or, you could simply stop violating protected speech through acts of State sponsored retaliation, punishment and harassment.

So much for the conservative commitment to 'free speech'.
Libs love taxes and regulations...... Just leveling the playing field.
Libs love taxes and regulations...... Just leveling the playing field.

Republicans love to use the power of the State to violate protected speech.

But there's always an excuse for why your standards never apply to you.

In the party of 'personal responsiblity', its ALWAYS someone else's fault.
Republicans love to use the power of the State to violate protected speech.

But there's always an excuse for why your standards never apply to you.

In the party of 'personal responsiblity', its ALWAYS someone else's fault.
I feel your pain.....now pay up
Gee remember when Obama went after teabaggers with the IRS......libs hate free speech and dissent
Gee remember when Obama went after teabagged with the IRS......libs hate free speech and dissent

Remember when y'all tried to claim it was Obama. But could never provide the slightest evidence that Obama ordered any of it.

Meanwhile, back in reality......Ron DeSantis proudly crows about his retaliation against Disney.

And conservatives cheer. Because free speech was never anything your ilk ever gave the tiniest shit about.

Punishing protected speech was *always* the conservative plan.
Remember when y'all tried to claim it was Obama. But could never provide the slightest evidence that Obama ordered any of it.

Meanwhile, back in reality......Ron DeSantis proudly crows about his retaliation against Disney.

And conservatives cheer. Because free speech was never anything your ilk ever gave the tiniest shit about.

Punishing protected speech was *always* the conservative plan.
Yeah that's it. They had to hide all the evidence poor Louis Lerner was afeared for her life after following orders.
Yeah that's it. They had to hide all the evidence poor Louis Lerner was afeared for her life after following orders.

Oh, I remember the *story* you wingers would tell each other in your little echo-chamber little circle jerk. But its the evidence that Obama ordered any of it that you always failed at.

But then, your silly conspiracy theories have never need evidence before. Just look at y'all's Big Lie.

Meanwhile, DeSantis proudly, openly, and repeatedly uses the State threatens, harrassses and retaliates against Disney.....because they dared to criticize the State.

The conservative babble about 'free speech' was always meaningless gibberish.
Remember when y'all tried to claim it was Obama. But could never provide the slightest evidence that Obama ordered any of it.

Meanwhile, back in reality......Ron DeSantis proudly crows about his retaliation against Disney.

And conservatives cheer. Because free speech was never anything your ilk ever gave the tiniest shit about.

Punishing protected speech was *always* the conservative plan.
Love the sound of lib bleating in the evening.....sounds like victory. Govt giveth and govt taketh away.....anybody knows that
Love the sound of lib bleating in the evening.....sounds like victory. Govt giveth and govt taketh away.....anybody knows that

What you love.....is using the power of the State to threaten, harass and retaliate against those who criticize the State.

So much for the conservative commitment to 'free speech'.
What you love.....is using the power of the State to threaten, harass and retaliate against those who criticize the State.

So much for the conservative commitment to 'free speech'.
People gotta pay their fair share
People gotta pay their fair share

You don't 'gotta' use the power of the State to threaten, harrass and retaliate against protected speech, Man.

That's something conservatives choose to do.....because they never gave a fiddler's fuck about free speech.
Why would they need to 'lay off' protected speech?

Conservatives don't give a fiddler's fuck about free speech, do they?

I don't know what Republicans support, except for Trump. Us (actual) constitutional and fiscal conservatives support it.

I'm a conservative. Not a Republican. They are two very different things. Regardless of what you hear on the MSM or read online.
Republican campaign on fiscal and constitutional conservatism. Then they're done with it until election time rolls around.
Conservatism live it.

As far as Disney goes, they're a corporation with billions. Money isn't speech. It just pays for it.

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