Daughter of immigrants signs tough illegal immigration law


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
“As the daughter of immigrants, I want to make everyone aware that this bill has a tolerance to it. ... This is not a bill that pushes one group away for another group. This is a bill that enforces laws,” she said.

Legal immigrants “come here, they put in their time, they pay the price and they get here the right way,” Haley said. “What we’re saying is this state can no longer afford to support people that don’t come here the right way and we are now going to do something about it.”

Gov. Nikki Haley signs illegal immigration police checks law | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment
Rich Mexicans escaping the drug war...
Drug war sparks exodus of affluent Mexicans
August 26 — For years, national security experts have warned that Mexico’s drug violence could send a wave of refugees fleeing to the United States. Now, the refugees are arriving — and they are driving BMWs and snapping up half-million-dollar homes.
Tens of thousands of well-off Mexicans have moved north of the border in a quiet exodus over the past few years, according to local officials, border experts and demographers. Unlike the much larger population of illegal immigrants, they are being warmly welcomed. “It goes counter to the conventional wisdom about the Mexican presence in the United States,” San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro said. The influx “is positive, it is entrepreneurial . . . and one of the keys to a very successful growing city like San Antonio.”

Castro estimates that Mexicans own at least 50,000 of the approximately 500,000 homes and apartments in his city of 1.3 million, which has a vibrant Hispanic culture. Many are in gated communities that have sprung up in the city’s sun-baked northern hills. One neighborhood built around a country club has so many residents from the Mexican city of Monterrey that it has been dubbed “Sonterrey.” “I’ve never seen so many Maseratis and Porsches in my neighborhood,” said Carl Bohn, a businessman who lives in what is formally called Sonterra, a tranquil development of homes with red-tiled roofs, palm trees, colonnaded entrances and backyard pools.

Affluent Mexicans have long visited the United States for business and shopping. What’s different now is that they are coming to stay, fleeing cartel wars that have left more than 37,000 Mexicans dead in four years, according to U.S. and Mexican officials and analysts. The number of investment visas granted to Mexicans has risen sharply over the past five years. “It’s a very substantial flow; I would say probably the largest since the 1920s, the last great period of upheaval in Mexico,” said Henry Cisneros, a former mayor of San Antonio who served in President Clinton’s Cabinet. “We have whole areas of San Antonio that are being transformed.”

The size of the new wave is difficult to measure, since some of the new arrivals hold dual citizenship or U.S. work visas or already had American vacation homes. One Mexican think tank, the Security and Civic Culture Observatory, estimated last year that 230,000 people had fled the violence-wracked border city of Juarez, with half going across Mexico’s northern border. But Aaron Terrazas, a policy analyst at the Washington-based Migration Policy Institute, found in a recent study that most of those fleeing Juarez appeared to be moving to other parts of Chihuahua state, not the United States. Still, Terrazas said he found a noticeable increase in one segment of those actually leaving Chihuahua: “the highly educated.”

I wonder, would a Democrat governor born of illegal immigrants do similarly?
Republicans are such idiots. Because her parents are immigrants from India that makes what she is doing okay, like the people of India wouldn't be comming of in droves if they could just walk across the border And I'm sure she would arrest her parents and throw them in Jail.

And they are going to throw them in a costly prison ,costly court cases and appeals, form a task force to save a few dollars? How moronic is that?

Rebublicans would be LMAO funny if they were not hurting Americans with their stupidity.
It doesn't matter from whence her parents hail. The point is, she believes in enforcing existing law.
Idiots such as yourself believe in circumventing law for any reason and at any cost.
It doesn't matter from whence her parents hail. The point is, she believes in enforcing existing law.
Idiots such as yourself believe in circumventing law for any reason and at any cost.

How many businesses has she shut down,thrown in jail and fined for breaking the law by hiring illlegals?
Think of it as pollution- something I'm sure your so-called "Truth Seeker" mind is familiar with.

As example, a Liberal twit such as yourself is obviously against any and all forms of hydrocarbons.
You are also against any and all forms of burning such hydrocarbons - cars, power plants, etc.

So, what's more efficient- eliminating the point source of "pollution" or eliminating the users?
“As the daughter of immigrants, I want to make everyone aware that this bill has a tolerance to it. ... This is not a bill that pushes one group away for another group. This is a bill that enforces laws,” she said.

Legal immigrants “come here, they put in their time, they pay the price and they get here the right way,” Haley said. “What we’re saying is this state can no longer afford to support people that don’t come here the right way and we are now going to do something about it.”

Gov. Nikki Haley signs illegal immigration police checks law | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment
Haley's doing the right thing, enough is enough.

We have our own to worry about, and it's time to stop pussy footin' around with the BS.

These people are criminals, pure and simple. Once they crossed that border, or allowed their visa's to expire only to fade away amongst the masses, they became criminals. And it's time they be treated as such.
Republicans are such idiots. Because her parents are immigrants from India that makes what she is doing okay, like the people of India wouldn't be comming of in droves if they could just walk across the border And I'm sure she would arrest her parents and throw them in Jail.

And they are going to throw them in a costly prison ,costly court cases and appeals, form a task force to save a few dollars? How moronic is that?

Rebublicans would be LMAO funny if they were not hurting Americans with their stupidity.
Put the damn bong down, dumbass.

They are criminals. They need to be held accountable for their crimes.....Arrest 'em, jail 'em, pack 'em up and deport them, PERIOD!
Bill co-sponsor Larry Grooms called illegal immigration a threat to the nation’s liberty and freedom that must be eradicated. “They cling together in illegal communities and bring with them drugs, prostitution, violent crime and gang activity,” Grooms said in remarks to brought heckles from bill opponents.

Columbia activist Kevin Gray said “that’s just patently racist.”

Julie Smithwick-Leone of West Columbia said Grooms’ remarks showed ignorance “that shows how far removed these legislators are from the population and they really don’t know who the population is what all they are giving and bringing to our state.”

This type of ignorance and hate was anticipated by the Framers, hence the Constitution. These measures will be challenged and struck down accordingly.
How many businesses has she shut down,thrown in jail and fined for breaking the law by hiring illlegals?

Ask Obama.

This thread is about Gov Nikki Haley, Republicans and her concern for the law.

Oh... you sure told me.. I feel all chastised and stuff. :rofl:

She would not HAVE to enact a law if the Federal government was enforcing the one already on the books, dip shit.

She would not HAVE to crack down on companies that hire illegals, if the Federal government was enforcing the law already on the books.

My question is perfectly valid. Just because you have your lips stuck to Obama's ass, doesn't make him sacrosanct.
Republicans are such idiots. Because her parents are immigrants from India that makes what she is doing okay, like the people of India wouldn't be comming of in droves if they could just walk across the border And I'm sure she would arrest her parents and throw them in Jail.

And they are going to throw them in a costly prison ,costly court cases and appeals, form a task force to save a few dollars? How moronic is that?

Rebublicans would be LMAO funny if they were not hurting Americans with their stupidity.
Put the damn bong down, dumbass.

They are criminals. They need to be held accountable for their crimes.....Arrest 'em, jail 'em, pack 'em up and deport them, PERIOD!

How many businesses has she shut down,thrown in jail and fined for breaking the law by hiring illlegals?
Ask Obama.

This thread is about Gov Nikki Haley, Republicans and her concern for the law.

Oh... you sure told me.. I feel all chastised and stuff. :rofl:

She would not HAVE to enact a law if the Federal government was enforcing the one already on the books, dip shit.

She would not HAVE to crack down on companies that hire illegals, if the Federal government was enforcing the law already on the books.

My question is perfectly valid. Just because you have your lips stuck to Obama's ass, doesn't make him sacrosanct.

you are very mean and hurting my feelings<as he sobs in his hands> lol

qiut your diversion and answer my question.
Bill co-sponsor Larry Grooms called illegal immigration a threat to the nation&#8217;s liberty and freedom that must be eradicated. &#8220;They cling together in illegal communities and bring with them drugs, prostitution, violent crime and gang activity,&#8221; Grooms said in remarks to brought heckles from bill opponents.

Columbia activist Kevin Gray said &#8220;that&#8217;s just patently racist.&#8221;

Julie Smithwick-Leone of West Columbia said Grooms&#8217; remarks showed ignorance &#8220;that shows how far removed these legislators are from the population and they really don&#8217;t know who the population is what all they are giving and bringing to our state.&#8221;

This type of ignorance and hate was anticipated by the Framers, hence the Constitution. These measures will be challenged and struck down accordingly.

(Cue Twilight Zone Music)

"Imagine if you will..."

Let's suppose every single immigrant- regardless of origin- entered the United States of America through proper adherence to existing law.

There may very well still be "drugs, prostitution, violent crime and gang activity" perpetrated by said immigrants.

But- there would be less of it and they would be much more easily traceable and locatable.

Do you condone crime? Or do you just condone crime by illegal immigrants?

My arguement reverts to my "point source pollution" analogy. YOU would rather there not be hydrocarbons NOR would you prefer to allow the burning of such.

YET- you are condoning the circumvention of law in regards to immigration.

Haley has her shit together. You (420) on the other hand are just full of it.

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