David Duke On Presidential Bid: "Yes, I Am Considering It"

I thought you had to be born in the United States, as Obama clearly was, in order to be President.
You do, to be POTUS.

that's what I have always thought.
Yes. I think Jake is confusing being a citizen with being a natural born citizen.

And, it would seem silly that so many were concerned about Obama's birth certificate if that weren't the case.
You are sorry and wrong both, USAR, dead wrong on your interpretation. If one of your parents are American, you are American, period. Anyone who states differently does not understand the Founders, the War of Independence and the reasons for it, the failure of the weak Articles of Congress government, the need for a strong national government, the Constitutional process, and its history since 1787.

USAR is a Far Righty Extremist Fascist, for sure, with those kind of statements.

I thought you had to be born in the United States, as Obama clearly was, in order to be President.

No, one has only to be born of an American parent. McCain was born in the Republic of Panama, and is qualified because at least one of his parents was an American citizen. The far righties have come up with this silliness that some how Obama is not constitutionally qualified to be president. No basis in American constitutional jurisprudence supports the nonsense.

USAR's real issue is the Obama is not white, that is all it is.

well, I have ALWAYS thought one had to be born here. Obama WAS born here, so I'm satisfied with that. I agree USAR has a problem with Obama's skin color.
From the weight of USAR's writings on the board, I think you have the right of it.
well, I have ALWAYS thought one had to be born here. Obama WAS born here, so I'm satisfied with that.

Correct, even if both of one’s parents are illegal aliens if one is born in the US, he is a citizen and may serve as president:

Amendment 14

All persons born...in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

I agree USAR has a problem with Obama's skin color.

Or it could be something as simple as party affiliation. If Obama were a republican we’d be hearing none of this.
well, I have ALWAYS thought one had to be born here. Obama WAS born here, so I'm satisfied with that.

Correct, even if both of one’s parents are illegal aliens if one is born in the US, he is a citizen and may serve as president:

Amendment 14

All persons born...in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

I agree USAR has a problem with Obama's skin color.

Or it could be something as simple as party affiliation. If Obama were a republican we’d be hearing none of this.

I can't go into why I think it's because of skin color. I am pretty confident it plays a huge role.
Only 1 parent has to be American for you to be an American, even if you are not born in the country. Americans are born overseas all the time on Military bases in Germany and Japan and they are still citizens, get over it. If Obamas father was a white man from Denmark or Ireland nobody would be acting this way about this birth certificate, even if he was not born here.
You are sorry and wrong both, USAR, dead wrong on your interpretation. If one of your parents are American, you are American, period. Anyone who states differently does not understand the Founders, the War of Independence and the reasons for it, the failure of the weak Articles of Congress government, the need for a strong national government, the Constitutional process, and its history since 1787.

USAR is a Far Righty Extremist Fascist, for sure, with those kind of statements.

I thought you had to be born in the United States, as Obama clearly was, in order to be President.

No, one has only to be born of an American parent. McCain was born in the Republic of Panama, and is qualified because at least one of his parents was an American citizen. The far righties have come up with this silliness that some how Obama is not constitutionally qualified to be president. No basis in American constitutional jurisprudence supports the nonsense.

USAR's real issue is the Obama is not white, that is all it is.

Spot fucking on.:clap2:
I thought you had to be born in the United States, as Obama clearly was, in order to be President.

No, one has only to be born of an American parent. McCain was born in the Republic of Panama, and is qualified because at least one of his parents was an American citizen. The far righties have come up with this silliness that some how Obama is not constitutionally qualified to be president. No basis in American constitutional jurisprudence supports the nonsense.

USAR's real issue is the Obama is not white, that is all it is.

Spot fucking on.:clap2:

Go ahead make him a victim...because hes black... what a load of bull shit....or should I say typical answer from a negro...."spot fucking on" another intelligent answer from high gravity....or should i say another typical answer from a half wit negro.....yes that will do.
Obama is not the victim, sonny, only those, who have announced elsewhere on the board at various times that America needs racial segregation again, are the victims. The thinking Americans of us have absolutely no intention of going down the stupid ass road of racial denigration. You don't like it? Who cares?
Obama is not the victim, sonny, only those, who have announced elsewhere on the board at various times that America needs racial segregation again, are the victims. The thinking Americans of us have absolutely no intention of going down the stupid ass road of racial denigration. You don't like it? Who cares?
What make you think other races want to be around you?
Tank, that you would think to speak for other races' intentions and desires out of the goodness of your heart is a hoot.

Do that again, please?
Blacks and Hispanics make it very clear they don't want to live around other races, and white liberals like to pretend they do.
Obama is not the victim, sonny, only those, who have announced elsewhere on the board at various times that America needs racial segregation again, are the victims. The thinking Americans of us have absolutely no intention of going down the stupid ass road of racial denigration. You don't like it? Who cares?

No people like you,make him out to be the victim...Sonny....the only ones that I see that want racial segregation are the negroes....and I could careless which road you take....your nothing to me but a few key strokes....and a source of cheap entertainment..
Blacks and Hispanics make it very clear they don't want to live around other races, and white liberals like to pretend they do.

I live in an interracial neighborhood of working and middle class. Our kids and grand kids went to school together, we go to church together, we run this town together, we do business together.

Where are you living? In a barrel?
Obama is not the victim, sonny, only those, who have announced elsewhere on the board at various times that America needs racial segregation again, are the victims. The thinking Americans of us have absolutely no intention of going down the stupid ass road of racial denigration. You don't like it? Who cares?

No people like you,make him out to be the victim...Sonny....the only ones that I see that want racial segregation are the negroes....and I could careless which road you take....your nothing to me but a few key strokes....and a source of cheap entertainment..

So you are one with tank and USAR and the other losers, nothing but stains on the fabric of America. Time is erasing your stains, sonny. :lol:
Blacks and Hispanics make it very clear they don't want to live around other races, and white liberals like to pretend they do.

I live in an interracial neighborhood of working and middle class. Our kids and grand kids went to school together, we go to church together, we run this town together, we do business together.

Where are you living? In a barrel?
I live in Los Angeles, you?
Us Army Retired, You are right on the money. David Duke is an extremely intelligent and well versed man. He has not gotten a fair shake by those who do not know his story. You w/ the middle finger, try to put your resume' up against this man. I am sure you cannot come close. Former House of Rep. LA, University Professor w/ Doctorate in History and European Politics, etc. Oh yeah, 30 yrs ago he was a Clansman w/ most of the same beliefs today.
Blacks and Hispanics make it very clear they don't want to live around other races, and white liberals like to pretend they do.

I live in an interracial neighborhood of working and middle class. Our kids and grand kids went to school together, we go to church together, we run this town together, we do business together.

Where are you living? In a barrel?
I live in Los Angeles, you?

I have a beach house in Carlsbad, but spend most of the time in the South.

So you live in a barrel in LA and are goofy on race.
The Southern Strategy as you identify it never existed, and the concept is firmly embedded in the fantasy-mythology that the left has used with the weak minded.
The same applies to your erroneous belief that ROTC left the Northeastern Liberal universities of their own volition.



RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

"By the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out," Mehlman says in his prepared text. "Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

Political Chic... you so stooopid.

Tell me, oh-wise-one...
If, rather than quoting someone, I were to list, say ten or fifteen specific items that showed that during the so-called "Southern Strategy" the Republians, i.e., the Nixon adminstration 'effectively reached out" and accomplished what the Democrats did not, for the black community in the South, would that pretty much make you appear....

..."so stooopid?"

1. Let’s see what the Nixon adminstration did as examples of their “Republican-racist tilt:”

a. As president of the Senate, Nixon strongly supported civil rights, specifically the 1957 civil rights act, issuing an advisory opinion that a filibuster could be stopped with a simple majority, thereby changing Senate rules. Congressional Record, Volume 157 Issue 12 (Thursday, January 27, 2011)

b. “During the 1966 campaign, Nixon was personally thanked by Dr. King for his help in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1957http://www.nbra.info/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#Nixon_s_Southern_Strategy_Was_Not_A_Racist_Appeal

c. Between 1969 and 1974, Nixon raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent, and

d. doubled the budget for black colleges;

e. appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ;

f. adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions,

g. and for black scholars in colleges and universities;

h. invented "Black Capitalism" (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise),

i. raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million,

j. increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent,

k. increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent;

l. raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent.

m. This was written by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, "It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South."

n. Unlike the empty talk of the prior, Democrat, administration, between Nixon’s election in ’68 and the end of his second year in office, in ’70, black students attending all-black schools in the South declined from 68% to 18.4%, and the percentage of black students attending majority white schools went from 18.4% to 38.1%. Conrad Black, “The Invincible Quest: The Life of Richard Milhous Nixon,” p. 647.

Now, all you have to do is deny the above to prove your argument....
...oh, you can't?

Well, then, "...you so stooopid!"

Well, then,....explain how the dozen or so items above indicate "efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters."

What? They don't "use race to appeal to white southern voters"????

Well, then, "...you so stooopid!"

Now, do you see how the Democrats and their allies in the Old Left Media have manipulated you into believing that there was a racist Southern Strategy?

No- you still don't see it?

Well, then, "...you so stooopid!"

“There are none so blind as those, that will not see”
That would be you....'cause...

....."...you so stooopid!"

the more you post this semi-literate bullshit the funnier you make the punchline of your total disregard for the political history of the Republican Southern Strategy.

Please, continue digging, stooopid.

Minority-white America, political chic, will not be the America you knew, your parents knew, or your grandparents knew. It will be the same soil, but a different place altogether. Already, our currency is devalued. Our debt is distrusted. We slip down, down, down, in so many categories. We will soon slip down to Brazil's level.

The devaluation of our currency has more to do with white politicians and bankers than black hood rats.

Hmmm.... not so sure about your police work there, Lou. There's a lot of blame to go around, but most of the big bankers are Jews, not whites, and the current economy was triggered by the "minority mortgage meltdown", i.e., careless mortgages to blacks and Hispanics -- some illegal. Bush didn't help matters by pushing so hard for all that, and yes, he's a white politician, but no kind white folks need right now.

Duke just might fit the ticket, though!

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