David Duke On Presidential Bid: "Yes, I Am Considering It"

Zulu, I know what kind of guy Duke is, but this is what things are coming too.

America will soon be a majority Hispanic country and I don't know how you feel but alot of people don't want that.

So if it's going to take someone like Duke to stop this then I'm for it.

What percentage of America is currently Hispanic?
Zulu, I know what kind of guy Duke is, but this is what things are coming too.

America will soon be a majority Hispanic country and I don't know how you feel but alot of people don't want that.

So if it's going to take someone like Duke to stop this then I'm for it.

What about the Jews? Does he embrace them too?
zulu, i know what kind of guy duke is, but this is what things are coming too.

America will soon be a majority hispanic country and i don't know how you feel but alot of people don't want that.

So if it's going to take someone like duke to stop this then i'm for it.

what percentage of america is currently hispanic?
15% - 20%
Zulu, I know what kind of guy Duke is, but this is what things are coming too.

America will soon be a majority Hispanic country and I don't know how you feel but alot of people don't want that.

So if it's going to take someone like Duke to stop this then I'm for it.

What about the Jews? Does he embrace them too?
As much as Obama
USArmy, Poly Chick, Tank, WJ-did you know you can go post with your hero at St***t too?

In 1995, Don Black and Chloê Hardin, former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke's ex-wife, began a small bulletin board system (BBS) called St***t Today, St****t has become a prominent online forum for white nationalism, Neo-Nazism, hate speech, racism, and antisemitism.Duke has an account on St****t which he uses to post articles from his own website, as well as polling forum members for opinions and questions, in particular during his internet broadcasts. Duke has worked with Don Black on numerous projects including Operation Red Dog in 1980.

I think you'll get a more postive replies with your wish to see him as our next president.

Maybe they even sell T-shirts!

*Not that we don't want you all to post here too with the your love for David Duke, but at least there your 'own kind' will welcome you with open arms.

***Name of forum edited out by me because of rules not advertising other sites. But thought it was funny that David Duke is a member of a site like that!

Why would you claim that he's my hero?
Zulu, I know what kind of guy Duke is, but this is what things are coming too.

America will soon be a majority Hispanic country and I don't know how you feel but alot of people don't want that.

So if it's going to take someone like Duke to stop this then I'm for it.

What about the Jews? Does he embrace them too?
As much as Obama

Nice try Hack. This thread isn't about Obama, it's about David Duke. Start another thread about Obama. Now, as for your hero:

KKK's David Duke Tells Iran Holocaust Conference That Gas Chambers Not Used to Kill Jews - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are Jews a Race? | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD
I said I know who Duke is, but what else can be done to stop Hispanics from taking over America?
I said I know who Duke is, but what else can be done to stop Hispanics from taking over America?

The same thing that we could do to stop Italian, Sicilian, English, and Irish immigrants over 100 years ago.

The same thing the native americans did to stop the wave of Dutch and English that came over 100 years prior to that.

Sorry but your wrong. The founders intent was to have a president born with sole allegiance to America. The only way that can happen is if both parents were U.S. citizens.
That's not the only way that can happen - nearly all of the Founders had parents who were not U.S. citizens. You've got serious mental defects.
Obama was born a dual citizen since his father passed to him his British Nationality which means he was born with dual allegiances

He's never claimed any citizenry but U.S.

Again, Obama is usurping the presidency.

OMG, why do conspiracy nutbags like yourself have to WHINE like such pussyboys all the time? If you think he's usurped the Presidency why don't you take a stand for your cuontry and do something to fix that instead of whining like a fucking PUSSY? We're all quite sick of it and in fact are appalled by the apparent fact that if the Presidency really were usurped - you'd do NOTHING about it - yet you claim to be a greater patriot than the rest of us. That's fucked up dude!
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Sorry but your wrong. The founders intent was to have a president born with sole allegiance to America. The only way that can happen is if both parents were U.S. citizens.
That's not the only way that can happen - nearly all of the Founders had parents who were not U.S. citizens. You've got serious mental defects.
Obama was born a dual citizen since his father passed to him his British Nationality which means he was born with dual allegiances

He's never claimed any citizenry but U.S.

Again, Obama is usurping the presidency.
That's why the founders created a grandfather clause for Article 2 Section 1 until a first generation president born to TWO U.S. citizen parents were able to become a natural born citizen president with born sole allegiance to the U.S. Also Obama admitted his birth was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948 on his own campaign website Fight The Smears. In essence he is a dual citizen and not a natural born citizen which Article 2 Section 1 calls for.
Zulu, I know what kind of guy Duke is, but this is what things are coming too.

America will soon be a majority Hispanic country and I don't know how you feel but alot of people don't want that.

So if it's going to take someone like Duke to stop this then I'm for it.

The hell we don't. Latino women are hot.
Zulu, I know what kind of guy Duke is, but this is what things are coming too.

America will soon be a majority Hispanic country and I don't know how you feel but alot of people don't want that.

So if it's going to take someone like Duke to stop this then I'm for it.

The hell we don't. Latino women are hot.
Soon "Latino women" will be all there is.
That's why the founders created a grandfather clause for Article 2 Section 1 until a first generation president born to TWO U.S. citizen parents
were able to become a natural born citizen president with born sole allegiance to the U.S.
Sorry, but where in II.1 does it say both a president's parents have to be citizens? It doesn't. So just shut the fuck up.

Also Obama admitted his birth was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948 on his own campaign website Fight The Smears. In essence he is a dual citizen and not a natural born citizen which Article 2 Section 1 calls for.

You can't "in essence" be a dual citizen shit for brains, you either are or you aren't. Now stop wasting everyone's time and go bitch about the blacks to someone else.
Wouldn't this be something to have David Duke go up and challenge Obama for the presidency? At least we know one thing. Duke is a natural born citizen born to 'Two' U.S. citizen parents which qualifies him for Article 2 Section 1 purposes that Obama doesn't meet.
You're a fucking moron. II.1 requires natural born status, not two citizen parents.

Sorry but your wrong. The founders intent was to have a president born with sole allegiance to America. The only way that can happen is if both parents were U.S. citizens. Obama was born a dual citizen since his father passed to him his British Nationality which means he was born with dual allegiances. He doesn't meet the test of natural born citizenship. Senate Resolution 511 confirmed McCain was a natural born citizen because he was born to Citizen parents (plural). All presidents post grandfather clause have been born to TWO U.S. citizen parents. Again, Obama is usurping the presidency. Duke qualifies as well as Sarah Palin and any other candidate with TWO citizen parents.

You are sorry and wrong both, USAR, dead wrong on your interpretation. If one of your parents are American, you are American, period. Anyone who states differently does not understand the Founders, the War of Independence and the reasons for it, the failure of the weak Articles of Congress government, the need for a strong national government, the Constitutional process, and its history since 1787.

USAR is a Far Righty Extremist Fascist, for sure, with those kind of statements.
You're a fucking moron. II.1 requires natural born status, not two citizen parents.

Sorry but your wrong. The founders intent was to have a president born with sole allegiance to America. The only way that can happen is if both parents were U.S. citizens. Obama was born a dual citizen since his father passed to him his British Nationality which means he was born with dual allegiances. He doesn't meet the test of natural born citizenship. Senate Resolution 511 confirmed McCain was a natural born citizen because he was born to Citizen parents (plural). All presidents post grandfather clause have been born to TWO U.S. citizen parents. Again, Obama is usurping the presidency. Duke qualifies as well as Sarah Palin and any other candidate with TWO citizen parents.

You are sorry and wrong both, USAR, dead wrong on your interpretation. If one of your parents are American, you are American, period. Anyone who states differently does not understand the Founders, the War of Independence and the reasons for it, the failure of the weak Articles of Congress government, the need for a strong national government, the Constitutional process, and its history since 1787.

USAR is a Far Righty Extremist Fascist, for sure, with those kind of statements.

I thought you had to be born in the United States, as Obama clearly was, in order to be President.
Sorry but your wrong. The founders intent was to have a president born with sole allegiance to America. The only way that can happen is if both parents were U.S. citizens. Obama was born a dual citizen since his father passed to him his British Nationality which means he was born with dual allegiances. He doesn't meet the test of natural born citizenship. Senate Resolution 511 confirmed McCain was a natural born citizen because he was born to Citizen parents (plural). All presidents post grandfather clause have been born to TWO U.S. citizen parents. Again, Obama is usurping the presidency. Duke qualifies as well as Sarah Palin and any other candidate with TWO citizen parents.

You are sorry and wrong both, USAR, dead wrong on your interpretation. If one of your parents are American, you are American, period. Anyone who states differently does not understand the Founders, the War of Independence and the reasons for it, the failure of the weak Articles of Congress government, the need for a strong national government, the Constitutional process, and its history since 1787.

USAR is a Far Righty Extremist Fascist, for sure, with those kind of statements.

I thought you had to be born in the United States, as Obama clearly was, in order to be President.
You do, to be POTUS.
You are sorry and wrong both, USAR, dead wrong on your interpretation. If one of your parents are American, you are American, period. Anyone who states differently does not understand the Founders, the War of Independence and the reasons for it, the failure of the weak Articles of Congress government, the need for a strong national government, the Constitutional process, and its history since 1787.

USAR is a Far Righty Extremist Fascist, for sure, with those kind of statements.

I thought you had to be born in the United States, as Obama clearly was, in order to be President.
You do, to be POTUS.

that's what I have always thought.
Sorry but your wrong. The founders intent was to have a president born with sole allegiance to America. The only way that can happen is if both parents were U.S. citizens. Obama was born a dual citizen since his father passed to him his British Nationality which means he was born with dual allegiances. He doesn't meet the test of natural born citizenship. Senate Resolution 511 confirmed McCain was a natural born citizen because he was born to Citizen parents (plural). All presidents post grandfather clause have been born to TWO U.S. citizen parents. Again, Obama is usurping the presidency. Duke qualifies as well as Sarah Palin and any other candidate with TWO citizen parents.

You are sorry and wrong both, USAR, dead wrong on your interpretation. If one of your parents are American, you are American, period. Anyone who states differently does not understand the Founders, the War of Independence and the reasons for it, the failure of the weak Articles of Congress government, the need for a strong national government, the Constitutional process, and its history since 1787.

USAR is a Far Righty Extremist Fascist, for sure, with those kind of statements.

I thought you had to be born in the United States, as Obama clearly was, in order to be President.

No, one has only to be born of an American parent. McCain was born in the Republic of Panama, and is qualified because at least one of his parents was an American citizen. The far righties have come up with this silliness that some how Obama is not constitutionally qualified to be president. No basis in American constitutional jurisprudence supports the nonsense.

USAR's real issue is the Obama is not white, that is all it is.

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