David Gregory Under Police Investigation Over Gun Magazine On 'Meet The Press'


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
UPDATE: NBC News had requested and was denied permission to use a high capacity magazine on "Meet the Press." Legal Insurrection's William A. Jacobson looked into an email allegedly from the Metropolitan Police Department which said that the network contacted the police before the segment. The MPD's Aziz Alali confirmed it, telling Jacobson:

"NBC contacted the Metropolitan Police Department inquiring if they could utilize a high capacity magazine for this segment. NBC was informed that that possession of a high capacity magazine is not permissible and the request was denied."

EARLIER: David Gregory is being investigated by police over the gun magazine that he showed on Sunday's "Meet the Press."

Gregory held up what appeared to be a 30-round gun magazine during his contentious interview with the NRA's Wayne LaPierre. He was asking LaPierre whether fewer victims would have died in the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School if the gunman had not had access to so many bullets.

David Gregory Under Police Investigation Over Gun Magazine On 'Meet The Press'
Didn't look like a 30-round clip to me.

Would be par for the NBC course though, after having been told not to display such a clip, for Davey to hold up a legal one and lie to viewers that it was an illegal one.

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