David Perdue OUT


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
So the feckless and weak legacy dweeb, who couldn't even beat a guy who made Beta O'Rourke look like Chuck Norris, has decided not to run against the demagogue grifter with anger issues, Raphael Warnock, for the Senate seat in 2022.

Good riddance to craven milquetoast rubbish.

The GA gop MUST fully embrace the Trump!!!!
The GA gop MUST fully embrace the Trump!!!!

Not sure what that really has to do with Perdue being out.

He should not run again, he lost to Warnock. That says something in and of itself.
Posts 1-3 call Perdue a RINO. And the funny thing is Trump cost the gop GA.

It will be difficult for Warnock to hold the seat for the dems once the GA legislature reverses the laws it passed making mail in, drive in, voting easier.... and closes more polling places in places with large black populations. And the US SC will allow that.
The GA gop MUST fully embrace the Trump!!!!

Not sure what that really has to do with Perdue being out.

He should not run again, he lost to Warnock. That says something in and of itself.
Posts 1-3 call Perdue a RINO. And the funny thing is Trump cost the gop GA.

It will be difficult for Warnock to hold the seat for the dems once the GA legislature reverses the laws it passed making mail in, drive in, voting easier.... and closes more polling places in places with large black populations. And the US SC will allow that.
Calling him a RINO is not necessarily tied to Trumpism - that feeling LONG predates Trump :/
The GA gop MUST fully embrace the Trump!!!!

Not sure what that really has to do with Perdue being out.

He should not run again, he lost to Warnock. That says something in and of itself.
Posts 1-3 call Perdue a RINO. And the funny thing is Trump cost the gop GA.

It will be difficult for Warnock to hold the seat for the dems once the GA legislature reverses the laws it passed making mail in, drive in, voting easier.... and closes more polling places in places with large black populations. And the US SC will allow that.
Calling him a RINO is not necessarily tied to Trumpism - that feeling LONG predates Trump :/
The changes the GA gop made to voting by making mail in voting easier were to BENEFIT Trump. And Trump is the supposed candidate of the non-Rino base. We'll have to wait to see how the embrace of QAnon conspiracists works out for the gop.
Fuck him, but that's a better end than if he were a democrat and were found in Fort Marcy Park. The Purge of the RINOs has begun
The revolution eats its own! This could be an interesting show. I hope it gets renewed for multiple seasons. I especially liked the episode where the Ohio Congressman told his family to f-off. :popcorn:
So the feckless and weak legacy dweeb, who couldn't even beat a guy who made Beta O'Rourke look like Chuck Norris, has decided not to run against the demagogue grifter with anger issues, Raphael Warnock, for the Senate seat in 2022.

Good riddance to craven milquetoast rubbish.

If the Republicans can't win that seat back in a mid term election with a Democrat in the White House, against a scum bag incumbent, in what is still likely a Republican tilting state they need to pack up shop and go home.
So the feckless and weak legacy dweeb, who couldn't even beat a guy who made Beta O'Rourke look like Chuck Norris, has decided not to run against the demagogue grifter with anger issues, Raphael Warnock, for the Senate seat in 2022.

Good riddance to craven milquetoast rubbish.

If the Republicans can't win that seat back in a mid term election with a Democrat in the White House, against a scum bag incumbent, in what is still likely a Republican tilting state they need to pack up shop and go home.
The party label is irrelevant....The standard issue weak, spinless, mealy-mouthed shoe salesman isn't going to cut it anymore in the GOP, and it's about time the rank-and-file came to their senses.

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