DavidS Weightloss Problem

I don't eat junk food anymore.
I don't eat many fruits and vegetables.
I do eat a lot of complex carbs and breads.
I do not get nearly enough sleep.
I do eat at odd hours a lot of the time.
I get moderate exercise. I walk a lot. Sometimes a brisk walk. Though as cold as the past 6 months have been, I have not walked nearly enough.
I rarely eat fried foods. Maybe once or twice a month, if that. I don't eat fast food. EVER.
I do eat A LOT of chicken and not nearly as much fish, but the fish part is changing thanks to Jillian.

Part of the weight gain was from last Autumn. I was having horrible, horrible digestive issues and one of the ways I was dealing with my heartburn was eating ice cream.
I sometimes ate 3 full pints of ice cream in one week because my heartburn would be so bad every night. No antacid would even make a dent in the heartburn. I haven't done that in a while, though.

are you in your mid 30s? i recently developed the same or similar condition and no antacid would would so i went to the doctor and was told i have acid reflux....so i now take prilosec, some days i can cut the pill in half and it does the job. over the counter and at costco, though, like the box says, see a doctor if it is continious...you might have acid reflux and that is nothing to ignore it can and will eat away at your esophogous lining (sp?) and cause other problems.

to be honest, i found eating less and not late at night really helps. IMO, i found that ice cream actually did not help me at all, i did the same exact thing you are doing, anything creamy at night....my guess is it is worst at night. all that sugar from the ice cream actually makes it worse. do a google search on it, i have used many of the natural methods and they work, i want to stop taking that pill soon. and please keep me posted, here or in pm, as i am curious what works for you.

I had acid reflux from taking ibuprofen. Why I asked if he had tried Zantac or Pepcid. Prilosec is another. Pepcid is what works for me.

Exactly right on the ice cream. Milk used to be prescribed for stomach ulcers too. I think that's where I heard they discovered it actually made them worse.

Exactly. If you have such bad reflux or stomach pain that Tums (which neutralizes but doesn't decrease acid) doesn't help at all...you need at least an H2-blocker which reduces stomach acid, like Pepcid (famotidine) or Zantac (ranitidine), and you may need to go for a PPI which completely turns off acid production (such as Prilosec (omeprazole) which is OTC, and several others that are prescription only).

If you truly have an ulcer, you will need a PPI to promote healing. Otherwise, it would be like skinning your knee and continuously bathing the abrasion with lemon juice.
step away from the keyboard and go work out

Work out what? It's raining outside.

So? You going to melt?

Simple math: To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. A simple but VERY effective adjustment is to limit your intake of fat and sugars, including sodas. Drink water.

Limit or do away with processed, junk and/or fast foods. If you're a beef guy, limit your intake of red meat to once or twice a week. Replace it with chicken or fish.

Don't fry your food. Broil or grill your meat.

To lose weight, you should be getting all your energy from complex carbohydrates -- stuff like oatmeal, potatoes, rice. You should take in just enough protein to maintain your muscular strength. Limit your intake of fats and sugars as much as possible.

Don't do anything drastic. For one, it is temporary and the rebound effect usually leaves you in worse condition than when you started. Starvation diets don't really work anyway. You will lose weight, yes, but you lose as much muscle as you do fat. Once your body decides it's not being fed, it will protect the fat and burn your muscles up instead.

Don't make excuses. "It's raining" is an excuse. You can run in the rain. You can buy a jump rope and move the furniture long enough to work out. Running and swimming are the two most effective ways to lose weight and get into good cardiovascular shape, IMO.

Whatever you do, it starts with getting off your ass and taking action. Plan on taking the long road and set intermediate goals you can achieve. Don't start out trying to immediately reach your ultimate goal or you will become discouraged and most likely quit.

I'm not the only gym rat on this forum. Ask questions. If you are seriously looking for help and wish to discuss the issue in a serious manner, I can keep the peanut gallery out of it.

See!!!! That's why ya gotta love the Gunny. No nonsense, right to the point and hits his reply right outta the park. Let me get down off of Gunnies leg for a moment and add a couple of tips. WATER...yes the ol H2O. I am also struggling with a hereditary body style..big boned and a gut that pooches out of nowhere. I started drinking about two gallons of water every day about two months ago and guess what?? I have lost about twenty pounds and about five inches on the waste line. No kidding. Still much work to do. I thought about the swimming but Christ those kids piss and shit in public pools and who knows what dribbles out of the orifices of those old incontinent fucks. Ok I guess it was only one tip. Don't kill me gunny the water thing really works and I ain't no member of no peanut gallery.
So, I just put a brand new lithium ion battery in my scale. Goddamnit. 6'2 and 300 lbs. I've got to do something about this. Something drastic. Any ideas? :tomato:

i know ! take the battery back out :) just kidding !

i am 5'10 @ 230 lbs ... but i can do about 20 chin ups

swimming ( aside from steroids ) is the only thing i tried that actually produces visible results in ONE DAY.

but in the next 2 or 3 days while you're recovering from the workout your appetite is elevated so 3 or 4 days later when you're back in the pool you're already back to the same weight.

however, swimming is still the best cardio. i tried jogging, cycling, elliptical ... but swimming is THE BEST.

After jogging ( the worst ) i feel pain in my muscles and not much more. After cycling ( OK ) i feel a very strong high and my hair stands up on my head. Same after Elliptical ( Elliptical is good if you have quality air indoors ). But swimming gives me a awesome PUMP in my upper body and just can't be beat.

i don't swim continuously though. i do something like sprints. for example i do one lap butterfly then i rest for a minute or two. then i do another lap. you get a better pump this way.

in your case though you just gonna need to STOP EATING.

the two most effective appetite suppressants i tried were NICORETTE GUM and AMPHETAMINES. both kill appetite DEAD. difference is Nicorette works for 30 minutes and Dexedrine works for 2 days.

i don't recommend you take any substances though. i don't take anything. i tried a few things - some of them very effective - but in the end none of them are worth it long-term because they produce temporary results at the expense of permanent damage.

the only thing that can make you healthier long term is a CHANGE IN LIFESTYLE.

the key to success is to be consistent without overtraining. if you train too much you will begin to feel sick and quit. if you don't train enough you will eventually just forget that you're supposed to train at all.

you have to determine exactly how much exercise your body needs to feel best. i train roughly every other day and i alternate between lifting weights and swimming. so on average i go to gym twice a week and go to the pool twice a week. if you do it right your body will be telling you when it wants to train so you won't even have to think about it. in fact listening to your body is the only way to know if you're training right.
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I don't eat junk food anymore.
I don't eat many fruits and vegetables.
I do eat a lot of complex carbs and breads.
I do not get nearly enough sleep.
I do eat at odd hours a lot of the time.
I get moderate exercise. I walk a lot. Sometimes a brisk walk. Though as cold as the past 6 months have been, I have not walked nearly enough.
I rarely eat fried foods. Maybe once or twice a month, if that. I don't eat fast food. EVER.
I do eat A LOT of chicken and not nearly as much fish, but the fish part is changing thanks to Jillian.

Part of the weight gain was from last Autumn. I was having horrible, horrible digestive issues and one of the ways I was dealing with my heartburn was eating ice cream.
I sometimes ate 3 full pints of ice cream in one week because my heartburn would be so bad every night. No antacid would even make a dent in the heartburn. I haven't done that in a while, though.

are you in your mid 30s? i recently developed the same or similar condition and no antacid would would so i went to the doctor and was told i have acid reflux....so i now take prilosec, some days i can cut the pill in half and it does the job. over the counter and at costco, though, like the box says, see a doctor if it is continious...you might have acid reflux and that is nothing to ignore it can and will eat away at your esophogous lining (sp?) and cause other problems.

to be honest, i found eating less and not late at night really helps. IMO, i found that ice cream actually did not help me at all, i did the same exact thing you are doing, anything creamy at night....my guess is it is worst at night. all that sugar from the ice cream actually makes it worse. do a google search on it, i have used many of the natural methods and they work, i want to stop taking that pill soon. and please keep me posted, here or in pm, as i am curious what works for you.

The only reason why I kept going back to the ice cream was because it worked so well. Before the ice cream, the pain was barely tolerable, I couldn't focus, couldn't sit and watch TV, definitely couldn't talk... after the ice cream was through with, I could've gone and had Indian food and been fine. Haagendaz chocolate was my weapon of choice, though sometimes I would switch to Rocky Road. There is no better brand of ice cream... no chemicals, no additivies, just cream, sugar and chocolate. I also sometimes drank milk with the ice cream, giving it a double effect. Whatever I did - it always worked. 100% effectiveness. I went from being in horrible pain to feeling just fine. I tried Pepcid and the pain went away but I was still belching and still felt like I had a lead weight in my stomach/chest. Tums did nothing and tasted terrible. And yes, it was always at night.
Work out what? It's raining outside.

So? You going to melt?

Simple math: To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. A simple but VERY effective adjustment is to limit your intake of fat and sugars, including sodas. Drink water.

Limit or do away with processed, junk and/or fast foods. If you're a beef guy, limit your intake of red meat to once or twice a week. Replace it with chicken or fish.

Don't fry your food. Broil or grill your meat.

To lose weight, you should be getting all your energy from complex carbohydrates -- stuff like oatmeal, potatoes, rice. You should take in just enough protein to maintain your muscular strength. Limit your intake of fats and sugars as much as possible.

Don't do anything drastic. For one, it is temporary and the rebound effect usually leaves you in worse condition than when you started. Starvation diets don't really work anyway. You will lose weight, yes, but you lose as much muscle as you do fat. Once your body decides it's not being fed, it will protect the fat and burn your muscles up instead.

Don't make excuses. "It's raining" is an excuse. You can run in the rain. You can buy a jump rope and move the furniture long enough to work out. Running and swimming are the two most effective ways to lose weight and get into good cardiovascular shape, IMO.

Whatever you do, it starts with getting off your ass and taking action. Plan on taking the long road and set intermediate goals you can achieve. Don't start out trying to immediately reach your ultimate goal or you will become discouraged and most likely quit.

I'm not the only gym rat on this forum. Ask questions. If you are seriously looking for help and wish to discuss the issue in a serious manner, I can keep the peanut gallery out of it.

See!!!! That's why ya gotta love the Gunny. No nonsense, right to the point and hits his reply right outta the park. Let me get down off of Gunnies leg for a moment and add a couple of tips. WATER...yes the ol H2O. I am also struggling with a hereditary body style..big boned and a gut that pooches out of nowhere. I started drinking about two gallons of water every day about two months ago and guess what?? I have lost about twenty pounds and about five inches on the waste line. No kidding. Still much work to do. I thought about the swimming but Christ those kids piss and shit in public pools and who knows what dribbles out of the orifices of those old incontinent fucks. Ok I guess it was only one tip. Don't kill me gunny the water thing really works and I ain't no member of no peanut gallery.

Water actually made it worse or sometimes even caused it. I think I can count on my hands a day where I've drank so much water it's caused the burning. I drink maybe a couple of glasses a water each day only because of this. Water, though, is in everything you eat. So when I eat chicken, there's water in there.

By the way if any of you are ever in Williamsburg, Brooklyn... Peter's Since 1978 - roitisseree chicken. It's not only cheap, but the chicken itself is amazing. It's juicier than an 18 year old hottie on the Lacross team with DD's. They offer two huge side portions of pretty much any comofort food you can think of. Mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potaoes, okra, spinach and garlic... you name it.
David, David David.

Stop turning to antiacids and other patent medicines. Those people peddle poison. They know that taking antiacids actually CAUSES heartburn because you body responds to that by producing MORE acid.

Try drinking some vinegar.

No, I am NOT kidding.

Incidently? The same counterintuitive solution can be allply to acne vulgarus.

the patent medinces you put on your faces because you THINK you're getting acne from OIL are guaranteed to make your acne worse.


Because the surface of your skin is TOOO DRY hence you body respons by putting more oil into your pores.

And since the surface is too dry, that oiul gets trapped in the pores.

Try washing your face with Dove soap for a couple months.

Yeah, that's right your skin is PROBABLY too dry which is why you are getting acne.

Never EVER EVER trust patent medicine.

Usually it aggrevates the problem and if you think about it, you realize that is NOT an accident.
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David, David David.

Stop turning to antiacids and other patent medicines. Those people peddle poison. They know that taking antiacids actually CAUSES heartburn because you body responds to that by producing MORE acid.

Try drinking some vinegar.

No, I am NOT kidding.

Incidently? The same counterintuitive solution can be allply to acne vulgarus.

the patent medinces you put on your faces because you THINK you're getting acne from OIL are guaranteed to make your acne worse.


Because the surface of your skin is TOOO DRY hence you body respons by putting more oil into your pores.

And since the surface is too dry, that oiul gets trapped in the pores.

Try washing your face with Dove soap for a couple months.

Yeah, that's right your skin is PROBABLY too dry which is why you are getting acne.

Never EVER EVER trust patent medicine.

Usually it aggrevates the problem and if you think about it, you realize that is NOT an accident.

I agree about the vinegar but it has to be apple cider and organic. You can get it at GNC or the organic section at the grocers. ACV with the mother.

I've been drinking it for about 2 years, 2 T in water before meals. It is great stuff for many ailments. I've been adding about 1/8 of a teaspoon of baking soda to balance the acid/alkaline levels. Not too much baking soda though if you have issues with high blood pressure.
If you wish to continue with the off-topic comments insults, the thread remains open in this Flame Zone. This one is going in Health and Lifestyle. A little cooperation would be nice, thanks.
Work out what? It's raining outside.

So? You going to melt?

Simple math: To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. A simple but VERY effective adjustment is to limit your intake of fat and sugars, including sodas. Drink water.

Limit or do away with processed, junk and/or fast foods. If you're a beef guy, limit your intake of red meat to once or twice a week. Replace it with chicken or fish.

Don't fry your food. Broil or grill your meat.

To lose weight, you should be getting all your energy from complex carbohydrates -- stuff like oatmeal, potatoes, rice. You should take in just enough protein to maintain your muscular strength. Limit your intake of fats and sugars as much as possible.

Don't do anything drastic. For one, it is temporary and the rebound effect usually leaves you in worse condition than when you started. Starvation diets don't really work anyway. You will lose weight, yes, but you lose as much muscle as you do fat. Once your body decides it's not being fed, it will protect the fat and burn your muscles up instead.

Don't make excuses. "It's raining" is an excuse. You can run in the rain. You can buy a jump rope and move the furniture long enough to work out. Running and swimming are the two most effective ways to lose weight and get into good cardiovascular shape, IMO.

Whatever you do, it starts with getting off your ass and taking action. Plan on taking the long road and set intermediate goals you can achieve. Don't start out trying to immediately reach your ultimate goal or you will become discouraged and most likely quit.

I'm not the only gym rat on this forum. Ask questions. If you are seriously looking for help and wish to discuss the issue in a serious manner, I can keep the peanut gallery out of it.

See!!!! That's why ya gotta love the Gunny. No nonsense, right to the point and hits his reply right outta the park. Let me get down off of Gunnies leg for a moment and add a couple of tips. WATER...yes the ol H2O. I am also struggling with a hereditary body style..big boned and a gut that pooches out of nowhere. I started drinking about two gallons of water every day about two months ago and guess what?? I have lost about twenty pounds and about five inches on the waste line. No kidding. Still much work to do. I thought about the swimming but Christ those kids piss and shit in public pools and who knows what dribbles out of the orifices of those old incontinent fucks. Ok I guess it was only one tip. Don't kill me gunny the water thing really works and I ain't no member of no peanut gallery.

Get off my leg.:eusa_eh:

Drinking a minimum 120 ounces of water daily is indeed on way to drop some fat and inches. You have to be careful though because you CAN drown yourself that way.

However, the idea behind it, as I understand, is you have to drink enough water to get past your body's water retention mechanism. It makes sense that it would help with weight/fat loss by flushing the body.

At the time I was doing though, it was a matter of rehydration for me. I was playing basketball for 2 hours five days a week in addition to a daily 3 mile run and weightlifting. Needless to say, weight loss was not a concern.
So? You going to melt?

Simple math: To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. A simple but VERY effective adjustment is to limit your intake of fat and sugars, including sodas. Drink water.

Limit or do away with processed, junk and/or fast foods. If you're a beef guy, limit your intake of red meat to once or twice a week. Replace it with chicken or fish.

Don't fry your food. Broil or grill your meat.

To lose weight, you should be getting all your energy from complex carbohydrates -- stuff like oatmeal, potatoes, rice. You should take in just enough protein to maintain your muscular strength. Limit your intake of fats and sugars as much as possible.

Don't do anything drastic. For one, it is temporary and the rebound effect usually leaves you in worse condition than when you started. Starvation diets don't really work anyway. You will lose weight, yes, but you lose as much muscle as you do fat. Once your body decides it's not being fed, it will protect the fat and burn your muscles up instead.

Don't make excuses. "It's raining" is an excuse. You can run in the rain. You can buy a jump rope and move the furniture long enough to work out. Running and swimming are the two most effective ways to lose weight and get into good cardiovascular shape, IMO.

Whatever you do, it starts with getting off your ass and taking action. Plan on taking the long road and set intermediate goals you can achieve. Don't start out trying to immediately reach your ultimate goal or you will become discouraged and most likely quit.

I'm not the only gym rat on this forum. Ask questions. If you are seriously looking for help and wish to discuss the issue in a serious manner, I can keep the peanut gallery out of it.

See!!!! That's why ya gotta love the Gunny. No nonsense, right to the point and hits his reply right outta the park. Let me get down off of Gunnies leg for a moment and add a couple of tips. WATER...yes the ol H2O. I am also struggling with a hereditary body style..big boned and a gut that pooches out of nowhere. I started drinking about two gallons of water every day about two months ago and guess what?? I have lost about twenty pounds and about five inches on the waste line. No kidding. Still much work to do. I thought about the swimming but Christ those kids piss and shit in public pools and who knows what dribbles out of the orifices of those old incontinent fucks. Ok I guess it was only one tip. Don't kill me gunny the water thing really works and I ain't no member of no peanut gallery.

Water actually made it worse or sometimes even caused it. I think I can count on my hands a day where I've drank so much water it's caused the burning. I drink maybe a couple of glasses a water each day only because of this. Water, though, is in everything you eat. So when I eat chicken, there's water in there.

By the way if any of you are ever in Williamsburg, Brooklyn... Peter's Since 1978 - roitisseree chicken. It's not only cheap, but the chicken itself is amazing. It's juicier than an 18 year old hottie on the Lacross team with DD's. They offer two huge side portions of pretty much any comofort food you can think of. Mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potaoes, okra, spinach and garlic... you name it.

The water you get in your food is not enough water to flush your system.
davids you need to go to the doctor and find out what is wrong with your digestive system....the weight gain is good news..it is not crohns...you admit to having an untreated acid problem...you need to find out what is going on...

gunny is right about walking it is good to trim...but you must walk 5 miles 3x or more a week...and that will reek havic on the feet...swimming is good...not so hard on the joints and all
David, David David.

Stop turning to antiacids and other patent medicines. Those people peddle poison. They know that taking antiacids actually CAUSES heartburn because you body responds to that by producing MORE acid.

Try drinking some vinegar.

No, I am NOT kidding.

Incidently? The same counterintuitive solution can be allply to acne vulgarus.

the patent medinces you put on your faces because you THINK you're getting acne from OIL are guaranteed to make your acne worse.


Because the surface of your skin is TOOO DRY hence you body respons by putting more oil into your pores.

And since the surface is too dry, that oiul gets trapped in the pores.

Try washing your face with Dove soap for a couple months.

Yeah, that's right your skin is PROBABLY too dry which is why you are getting acne.

Never EVER EVER trust patent medicine.

Usually it aggrevates the problem and if you think about it, you realize that is NOT an accident.

I sort of agree ... kinda'. We as a society rely too much on pills to cure our ills. Some have merit, some don't. I am prone to seeking a natural remedy first. I've never tried the vinegar one because that's one I have never heard. White or red vinegar?

However, if I have a bacterial infection, I'm taking the antibiotics. :lol:
I know a woman's body is different than a mans (thank goodness) but here is what I do, and I can still wear a bikini~

I don't eat meat. I eat healthy foods, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, skim milk and dairy, nuts and soy.

Drink about 2 Gallons of water a day, that is from 6 am to about 11 pm, so it evens out.

I exercise with the elliptical trainer one day, lift weights the next. In the spring and summer I ride my bike, and also swim laps and go on long walks.

It's really easy to do, eat healthy and exercise, if you just put your mind to it.
davids you need to go to the doctor and find out what is wrong with your digestive system....the weight gain is good news..it is not crohns...you admit to having an untreated acid problem...you need to find out what is going on...

gunny is right about walking it is good to trim...but you must walk 5 miles 3x or more a week...and that will reek havic on the feet...swimming is good...not so hard on the joints and all

Shoes with a proper fit, and proper arch support minimize any havoc on your feet.. but you're not going to get said shoes for $20 at some department store. You actually have to pay for them, and if you're committed to that much walking, it's well worth it. Plan on replacing them every 6 months or so, tho...if not more.
davids you need to go to the doctor and find out what is wrong with your digestive system....the weight gain is good news..it is not crohns...you admit to having an untreated acid problem...you need to find out what is going on...

gunny is right about walking it is good to trim...but you must walk 5 miles 3x or more a week...and that will reek havic on the feet...swimming is good...not so hard on the joints and all

Shoes with a proper fit, and proper arch support minimize any havoc on your feet.. but you're not going to get said shoes for $20 at some department store. You actually have to pay for them, and if you're committed to that much walking, it's well worth it. Plan on replacing them every 6 months or so, tho...if not more.

i got no problem with shoes...new balance due to high arches...my problem my toes rub..and cause huge blisters..i have tried taping etc...but i was getting blisters on top of blisters...any time i go above 3 or more miles that would happen...i wear a size 11 so shoes are hard to find and once i find them i stock up
davids you need to go to the doctor and find out what is wrong with your digestive system....the weight gain is good news..it is not crohns...you admit to having an untreated acid problem...you need to find out what is going on...

gunny is right about walking it is good to trim...but you must walk 5 miles 3x or more a week...and that will reek havic on the feet...swimming is good...not so hard on the joints and all

Shoes with a proper fit, and proper arch support minimize any havoc on your feet.. but you're not going to get said shoes for $20 at some department store. You actually have to pay for them, and if you're committed to that much walking, it's well worth it. Plan on replacing them every 6 months or so, tho...if not more.

i got no problem with shoes...new balance due to high arches...my problem my toes rub..and cause huge blisters..i have tried taping etc...but i was getting blisters on top of blisters...any time i go above 3 or more miles that would happen...i wear a size 11 so shoes are hard to find and once i find them i stock up

Try Skechers... Not necessarily the best shoes for guys, maybe.. But for women... I can spend 24 hours straight on my feet in constant movement, and not be anything other than mentally drained. I'd wear New Balance in a pinch because they're one of the few shoes that actually has a decent arch, but Skechers is still way better, IMO.
Drinking a minimum 120 ounces of water daily is indeed on way to drop some fat and inches. You have to be careful though because you CAN drown yourself that way.

That is true...some people don't realize that.

Did you hear of the case where a girl died of water intoxication after she drank a ton of water for a radio station contest?

Luckily, it is difficult to drink lethal doses of water unless you are consciously overriding your thirst mechanism that tells you to stop drinking.
Drinking a minimum 120 ounces of water daily is indeed on way to drop some fat and inches. You have to be careful though because you CAN drown yourself that way.

That is true...some people don't realize that.

Did you hear of the case where a girl died of water intoxication after she drank a ton of water for a radio station contest?

Luckily, it is difficult to drink lethal doses of water unless you are consciously overriding your thirst mechanism that tells you to stop drinking.

And isn't over active thirst a sign of diabetes?
Drinking a minimum 120 ounces of water daily is indeed on way to drop some fat and inches. You have to be careful though because you CAN drown yourself that way.

That is true...some people don't realize that.

Did you hear of the case where a girl died of water intoxication after she drank a ton of water for a radio station contest?

Luckily, it is difficult to drink lethal doses of water unless you are consciously overriding your thirst mechanism that tells you to stop drinking.

Yep. That is exactly the incident I was thinking of. That and some little boy died of water intoxication. Told his mom he had a headache, went upstairs to bed and never got up.

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