And then we have the truth. Who is committing the violence?

"Jeremy Joseph Christian, the 35-year-old Portland man who allegedly murdered two men and left another critically wounded while yelling anti-Muslim slurs in a knife attack on Friday, has been painted by the mainstream media as a “right-wing extremist,” but posts on his Facebook page indicate he was a supporter of socialist Senator Bernie Sanders and Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

According to screen captures of his Facebook page obtained by Buzzfeed, Christian was not a Trump supporter, as many media outlets claimed, but was a supporter of the idea of a Sanders/Stein ticket."

Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter
You did not answer my question. WHY?
You can take however you want but in reality Trump has created most of these hatred problems. That's a fact.

Do you want me to remind you all the anti Obama assholes here?

As you know and know well, we had relatively few hate crimes prior to petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Shocking Audio Obama has to Redistribute WHITE Suburbia’s Wealth for both His and Our Salvation

Obama: Police Acted 'stupidly' in Scholar Arrest

Barack Hussein Obama campaign for black votes 2012

Obama Says--White Folk's Greed Runs a World In Need


Barack Obama's mentor Hillary ain’t never been called a ....

GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama

Jeremiah Wright

Obama Appeals Court Nominee - Goodwin Liu - on Reparations for Slavery

Eric Holder Drops Charges on Black Panthers for Voter Intimidation - Bill O'Reilly Reports
FNC's O'Reilly Interviews Liberal Attorney Who Witnessed Black Panther Voter Intimidation

Malik Shabazz Reacts to Barack Obama and Rev Wright!
Malik Shabazz Reacts to Barack Obama and Rev Wright!

VAN JONES RESIGNS Blames Smear Campaign Of True Facts & Tape Recordings Of His Own Words VAN JONES RESIGNS Blames Smear Campaign Of True Facts & Tape Recordings Of His Own Words

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”

Obama to Latinos: "Punish" Your "Enemies" in the Voting Booth
Last edited:
You never answer my questions. Why?
Did you denounce all the crimes committed by hate groups that supports Trump?

I have enough of your Hypocrite bull shit run around. Now answer my fucking question.

Like this?


Or perhaps this?

"Jeremy Joseph Christian, the 35-year-old Portland man who allegedly murdered two men and left another critically wounded while yelling anti-Muslim slurs in a knife attack on Friday, has been painted by the mainstream media as a “right-wing extremist,” but posts on his Facebook page indicate he was a supporter of socialist Senator Bernie Sanders and Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

According to screen captures of his Facebook page obtained by Buzzfeed, Christian was not a Trump supporter, as many media outlets claimed, but was a supporter of the idea of a Sanders/Stein ticket."

Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter

Left wing hate crime.

MSM will freak out about this HATE CRIME.....right?

Rep. Mark Walker says gunman targeted congressional baseball practice 'to kill as many Republican members as possible'

Shortly after the shooting Wednesday morning at a congressional baseball practice, Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) told NBC News that it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible." Walker, who was at the practice for the upcoming annual congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, confirmed he was "shaken but okay."

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.

Lying about this tragedy really doesn't help.


Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

What lie? Everything in the post is factual and reported on numerous, reputable sites.

So please, what lie?

Since there is no lie, please apologize.

And then we have the truth. Who is committing the violence?

"Jeremy Joseph Christian, the 35-year-old Portland man who allegedly murdered two men and left another critically wounded while yelling anti-Muslim slurs in a knife attack on Friday, has been painted by the mainstream media as a “right-wing extremist,” but posts on his Facebook page indicate he was a supporter of socialist Senator Bernie Sanders and Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

According to screen captures of his Facebook page obtained by Buzzfeed, Christian was not a Trump supporter, as many media outlets claimed, but was a supporter of the idea of a Sanders/Stein ticket."

Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter

The Daily Caller??? That lying rag.

The Portland killer is a right wing fascist, by his own admission and an ardent Trump supporter.

Every time there is a mass shooting you try to pin a D on him, but this guy is Your and only yours.
Update on the condition of Majority Whip Steve Scalise, courtesy of MedStar Washington Hospital Center:

Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a single rifle shot to the left hip. The bullet travelled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding. He was transported in shock to MedStar Washington Hospital Center, a Level I Trauma Center. He underwent immediate surgery, and an additional procedure to stop bleeding. He has received multiple units of blood transfusion. His condition is critical, and he will require additional operations. We will provide periodic updates.

from his facebook page.....he is in bad shape......one can only hope he makes it thru this
In reality hate groups are on the rise because of Trump. That's a fact.
No, it's the left wing maggots that will resort to violence when they don't get their way. Your puerile attempt at projection is just stupid. The right didn't/doesn't act that way.
There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.

Really? I mean REALLY?

Commission report: Hate crime in OC has spiked since Trump election

Trump’s election has created “safe spaces” for racists: Southern Poverty Law Center’s Heidi Beirich on the wave of hate crimes

Hate groups increase for second consecutive year as Trump electrifies radical right

U.S. hate crimes up 20 percent in 2016, fueled by election campaign: report

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a left wing hate group

And those other stories are crap........left wingers creating lies about Trump and his supporters.......

an Occupy Wall St., bernie brown shirt, democrat socialist tried to murder republicans........keep lying about where the violence is coming from...the left will keep proving you are a liar....

You can take however you want.
In reality hate groups are on the rise because of Trump. That's a fact.

No...that is not a fact....the hate and violence is all from the left.....including the bernie sanders brown shirt who shot the Republicans today....and then the black lies matter sympathizers shooting police in Dallas and across the country...and the left winger who tried to assassinate Trump.......and the ones shutting down conservative speakers, inciting violence at Trump rallies, those guys were directed and paid by the DNC and the hilary campaign...

And on and on the left wing hate and violence goes....

Left winger tried to assassinate Trump? Who?

Here you go...he was a British left winger...

British man gets one year over attempt to kill Trump

A British man was sentenced to a year in prison Tuesday for grabbing a police officer’s gun in an attempt to assassinate Donald Trump, according to Wednesday reports.

Michael Sandford, now 20, reached for the firearm during a rally in Las Vegas in June when Trump was not yet president-elect, The Telegraph said.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a left wing hate group

And those other stories are crap........left wingers creating lies about Trump and his supporters.......

an Occupy Wall St., bernie brown shirt, democrat socialist tried to murder republicans........keep lying about where the violence is coming from...the left will keep proving you are a liar....

You can take however you want.
In reality hate groups are on the rise because of Trump. That's a fact.

Yeah, you're apparently an extremist Democrat nutter who will have to be kept an eye on. You could definitely be the next deranged Democrat assassin.

You are a good example of a hypocrite Trump supporter.
There are other poster here from you nut group that incite guns and violence. Right in this thread. Did you denounce them?

Yeah....except so far...

--left winger tried to use gun to assassinate Trump

--left wing, black lies matter sympathizers murdered police in Dallas and in other states across the country...

--left wing, Occupy Wall Streeter, democrat socialist, bernie sanders brown shirt tried to murder republicans today...

you are losing this debate.....

Didn't I piss on you once or a couple of times because of your racist behavior?

No....I am a Republican, so I am not a racist...if I was a democrat it would be likely I was a racist....and if you tried anything like that.....it wouldn't turn out well for you.........

The democrat party is the party of racism, hate, envy and violence........
There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.

Really? I mean REALLY?

Commission report: Hate crime in OC has spiked since Trump election

Trump’s election has created “safe spaces” for racists: Southern Poverty Law Center’s Heidi Beirich on the wave of hate crimes

Hate groups increase for second consecutive year as Trump electrifies radical right

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game before. So why is this year's game so different? The answer is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented hate propaganda campaign since Election Day. They should be ashamed of themselves. But somehow i doubt they are. They should be held accountable for their violent incitement.

Why this year so different? The rise of Trump and the rise of hatred and racism goes together.
The rise of hatred groups all over the country supported by Trump and people like you are accelerating at alarming rate. Are scary.

So you will expect a reversal hatred will grow until Trump a leader who don't give a shit start giving a shit about the rest of Americans.

Yeah, you do sound just like this asshole who carried out this attack. I hope they're watching you. You're not a balanced individual.

Did you watch your window in last 5 months how many anti Trump rallies going on around this country? Plus other countries?
Have you seen anything like it? Never in my life seen so much hatred against a president.
That's the reality.

We are trying to stand on our grounds against hatred and racism promoted by you and Trump------ I'm an asshole?
If we just lay down and fold and let NAZIs and hatred run this country then this is not America.

They are organized and paid for by soros, hilary and other rich democrats.......they are rent a mobs......
amazing how fast republicans forget their hate spewed over the obama years.....




now tell me again how innocent yall are?
So a mentally ill person with a history of Domestic Violence shoots a congressman who spent his career fighting against common sense gun legislation....

I think that's almost irony.
Left wing hate crime.

MSM will freak out about this HATE CRIME.....right?

Rep. Mark Walker says gunman targeted congressional baseball practice 'to kill as many Republican members as possible'

Shortly after the shooting Wednesday morning at a congressional baseball practice, Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) told NBC News that it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible." Walker, who was at the practice for the upcoming annual congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, confirmed he was "shaken but okay."

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.
I'm a liberal. I'm a leftist. And this incident just makes me sick to my stomach. This shit is completely unacceptable. No one should be shooting Republicans, Democrats or any members of government. This is not the way we solve our differences in this country. I don't hate the right. And I don't want any harm to come to people who embrace right wing ideology. Although I think what many on the right says is disgusting, the bottom line is, you are my countrymen and this is our country.
let me ask this...how many of yall reached out to mr scalise family to wish them well and him a recovery or did you just rush on here to shout and rant ....? serious question.....i posted to his facebook.....
let me ask this...how many of yall reached out to mr scalise family to wish them well and him a recovery or did you just rush on here to shout and rant ....? serious question.....i posted to his facebook.....

Why would I do that? Frankly, this guy has spent his entire career doing the bidding of the NRA.
Left wing hate crime.

MSM will freak out about this HATE CRIME.....right?

Rep. Mark Walker says gunman targeted congressional baseball practice 'to kill as many Republican members as possible'

Shortly after the shooting Wednesday morning at a congressional baseball practice, Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) told NBC News that it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible." Walker, who was at the practice for the upcoming annual congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, confirmed he was "shaken but okay."

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.
I'm a liberal. I'm a leftist. And this incident just makes me sick to my stomach. This shit is completely unacceptable. No one should be shooting Republicans, Democrats or any members of government. This is not the way we solve our differences in this country. I don't hate the right. And I don't want any harm to come to people who embrace right wing ideology. Although I think what many on the right says is disgusting, the bottom line is, you are my countrymen and this is our country.

I am glad you feel that way. Many on the left DO NOT.


The Southern Poverty Law Center is a left wing hate group

And those other stories are crap........left wingers creating lies about Trump and his supporters.......

an Occupy Wall St., bernie brown shirt, democrat socialist tried to murder republicans........keep lying about where the violence is coming from...the left will keep proving you are a liar....

You can take however you want.
In reality hate groups are on the rise because of Trump. That's a fact.

No...that is not a fact....the hate and violence is all from the left.....including the bernie sanders brown shirt who shot the Republicans today....and then the black lies matter sympathizers shooting police in Dallas and across the country...and the left winger who tried to assassinate Trump.......and the ones shutting down conservative speakers, inciting violence at Trump rallies, those guys were directed and paid by the DNC and the hilary campaign...

And on and on the left wing hate and violence goes....

Left winger tried to assassinate Trump? Who?

Here you go...he was a British left winger...

British man gets one year over attempt to kill Trump

A British man was sentenced to a year in prison Tuesday for grabbing a police officer’s gun in an attempt to assassinate Donald Trump, according to Wednesday reports.

Michael Sandford, now 20, reached for the firearm during a rally in Las Vegas in June when Trump was not yet president-elect, The Telegraph said.

1 year? WTF?

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