The Southern Poverty Law Center is a left wing hate group

And those other stories are crap........left wingers creating lies about Trump and his supporters.......

an Occupy Wall St., bernie brown shirt, democrat socialist tried to murder republicans........keep lying about where the violence is coming from...the left will keep proving you are a liar....

You can take however you want.
In reality hate groups are on the rise because of Trump. That's a fact.

Yeah, you're apparently an extremist Democrat nutter who will have to be kept an eye on. You could definitely be the next deranged Democrat assassin.

You are a good example of a hypocrite Trump supporter.
There are other poster here from you nut group that incite guns and violence. Right in this thread. Did you denounce them?

Yeah....except so far...

--left winger tried to use gun to assassinate Trump

--left wing, black lies matter sympathizers murdered police in Dallas and in other states across the country...

--left wing, Occupy Wall Streeter, democrat socialist, bernie sanders brown shirt tried to murder republicans today...

you are losing this debate.....

You took over my rebuttal to Desch------ Why don't you answer my questions instead of giving me your usual crap?

This is not even a debate. This is all about Trump unfit running this country.
Yes it's time to held supporters of such groups accountable.
1. Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks.
2. Jeremy Christian in Portland, Oregon white supremacist stabbed 2 to death.
3. Adam Purington in Oathe, Kansas City killing 2 Indians Feb. 22/17.

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.

Really? I mean REALLY?

Commission report: Hate crime in OC has spiked since Trump election

Trump’s election has created “safe spaces” for racists: Southern Poverty Law Center’s Heidi Beirich on the wave of hate crimes

Hate groups increase for second consecutive year as Trump electrifies radical right

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game before. So why is this year's game so different? The answer is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented hate propaganda campaign since Election Day. They should be ashamed of themselves. But somehow i doubt they are. They should be held accountable for their violent incitement.

Why this year so different? The rise of Trump and the rise of hatred and racism goes together.
The rise of hatred groups all over the country supported by Trump and people like you are accelerating at alarming rate. Are scary.

So you will expect a reversal hatred will grow until Trump a leader who don't give a shit start giving a shit about the rest of Americans.

Yeah, you do sound just like this asshole who carried out this attack. I hope they're watching you. You're not a balanced individual.

Did you watch your window in last 5 months how many anti Trump rallies going on around this country? Plus other countries?
Have you seen anything like it? Never in my life seen so much hatred against a president.
That's the reality.

We are trying to stand on our grounds against hatred and racism promoted by you and Trump------ I'm an asshole?
If we just lay down and fold and let NAZIs and hatred run this country then this is not America.
Guilt by association. Your asshole thread is over before it begins.
The rhetoric you spew on here is on par with the same rhetoric the shooter spewed on his Facebook. Are you a member of the same anti-Trump Facebook groups the shooter was a member of?

Says the guy who spews anti-Obama, anti-democrat, anti-liberal, anti-black and antisemitic hate rhetoric on a daily basis on this forum. Do we have to keep an eye on you too?
How does ANYONE not have that jackass on ignore? He brings nothing to this forum.
I only post the truth. As an American patriot non-criminal, it is my God given duty to. People don't have me on ignore because they know I expose the lies of the left.

You are a racist, misogynist, anti-Semetic, POS, who posts hate and lies on a daily basis.
Guilt by association. Your asshole thread is over before it begins.
The rhetoric you spew on here is on par with the same rhetoric the shooter spewed on his Facebook. Are you a member of the same anti-Trump Facebook groups the shooter was a member of?

Says the guy who spews anti-Obama, anti-democrat, anti-liberal, anti-black and antisemitic hate rhetoric on a daily basis on this forum. Do we have to keep an eye on you too?
How does ANYONE not have that jackass on ignore? He brings nothing to this forum.
I only post the truth. As an American patriot non-criminal, it is my God given duty to. People don't have me on ignore because they know I expose the lies of the left.

You are a racist, misogynist, anti-Semetic, POS, who posts hate and lies on a daily basis.
Don't forget....trump supporter.
Yes it's time to held supporters of such groups accountable.
1. Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks.
2. Jeremy Christian in Portland, Oregon white supremacist stabbed 2 to death.
3. Adam Purington in Oathe, Kansas City killing 2 Indians Feb. 22/17.

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.

Really? I mean REALLY?

Commission report: Hate crime in OC has spiked since Trump election

Trump’s election has created “safe spaces” for racists: Southern Poverty Law Center’s Heidi Beirich on the wave of hate crimes

Hate groups increase for second consecutive year as Trump electrifies radical right

U.S. hate crimes up 20 percent in 2016, fueled by election campaign: report

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a left wing hate group

And those other stories are crap........left wingers creating lies about Trump and his supporters.......

an Occupy Wall St., bernie brown shirt, democrat socialist tried to murder republicans........keep lying about where the violence is coming from...the left will keep proving you are a liar....

You can take however you want.
In reality hate groups are on the rise because of Trump. That's a fact.

No...that is not a fact....the hate and violence is all from the left.....including the bernie sanders brown shirt who shot the Republicans today....and then the black lies matter sympathizers shooting police in Dallas and across the country...and the left winger who tried to assassinate Trump.......and the ones shutting down conservative speakers, inciting violence at Trump rallies, those guys were directed and paid by the DNC and the hilary campaign...

And on and on the left wing hate and violence goes....

Left winger tried to assassinate Trump? Who?

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a left wing hate group

And those other stories are crap........left wingers creating lies about Trump and his supporters.......

an Occupy Wall St., bernie brown shirt, democrat socialist tried to murder republicans........keep lying about where the violence is coming from...the left will keep proving you are a liar....

You can take however you want.
In reality hate groups are on the rise because of Trump. That's a fact.

Yeah, you're apparently an extremist Democrat nutter who will have to be kept an eye on. You could definitely be the next deranged Democrat assassin.

You are a good example of a hypocrite Trump supporter.
There are other poster here from you nut group that incite guns and violence. Right in this thread. Did you denounce them?

Yeah....except so far...

--left winger tried to use gun to assassinate Trump

--left wing, black lies matter sympathizers murdered police in Dallas and in other states across the country...

--left wing, Occupy Wall Streeter, democrat socialist, bernie sanders brown shirt tried to murder republicans today...

you are losing this debate.....

Didn't I piss on you once or a couple of times because of your racist behavior?
Incitement. Democrats, whether they be Celebrities or Politicians, need to start being held accountable for their incitement. It's time.

Yes it's time to held supporters of such groups accountable.
1. Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks.
2. Jeremy Christian in Portland, Oregon white supremacist stabbed 2 to death.
3. Adam Purington in Oathe, Kansas City killing 2 Indians Feb. 22/17.

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.

Really? I mean REALLY?

Commission report: Hate crime in OC has spiked since Trump election

Trump’s election has created “safe spaces” for racists: Southern Poverty Law Center’s Heidi Beirich on the wave of hate crimes

Hate groups increase for second consecutive year as Trump electrifies radical right

U.S. hate crimes up 20 percent in 2016, fueled by election campaign: report

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a left wing hate group

And those other stories are crap........left wingers creating lies about Trump and his supporters.......

an Occupy Wall St., bernie brown shirt, democrat socialist tried to murder republicans........keep lying about where the violence is coming from...the left will keep proving you are a liar....
Most of the activity is being supported by FOUNDATIONS SUPPORTED BY THE Rich guy. Examples are the Obama Foundation, Open Boarders org, Move on and George Soros donations. Who list is really to long to post.
Could Putin be the one behind the shooting?

Maybe we should appoint a special investigator.
If it isn't evident to you, you might be one of those deranged Democrats worth keeping a close eye on. Democrat rhetoric and behavior since Election Day has been dangerously shameful. They need to be reigned in. If not, more Democrat nutters are gonna act on their incitement. More folks are gonna die.

Just as I thought. You've got nothing. Now, kindly shut the fuck up -- liar.

Like i said, if the ugly incitement isn't evident to you, you may be a deranged Democrat worth keeping an eye on.

TRANSLATION: I'm a worthless mealy mouthed far right liar and I've been caught in a lie, and to try to weasel my way out of it I'm going to deflect the attention to the guy calling me on my lie.

Yeah, you do sound like one of those extremist Democrat nutters worth keeping an eye on. You probably belong to some of the same Democrat Anti-GOP hate groups this asshole belonged to.

The only one worth keeping an eye on is you. So far, you've managed to spew nothing but far right hate speech. You're blaming the act of one shooter on the entire Democrat party. What sort of cretin does that? You really are a piece of shit -- and I hope your account is being closely monitored. Who knows what you're capable of doing?

So you retort with hate back?

im not sure that's going to persuade anyone
Just as I thought. You've got nothing. Now, kindly shut the fuck up -- liar.

Like i said, if the ugly incitement isn't evident to you, you may be a deranged Democrat worth keeping an eye on.

TRANSLATION: I'm a worthless mealy mouthed far right liar and I've been caught in a lie, and to try to weasel my way out of it I'm going to deflect the attention to the guy calling me on my lie.

Yeah, you do sound like one of those extremist Democrat nutters worth keeping an eye on. You probably belong to some of the same Democrat Anti-GOP hate groups this asshole belonged to.

The only one worth keeping an eye on is you. So far, you've managed to spew nothing but far right hate speech. You're blaming the act of one shooter on the entire Democrat party. What sort of cretin does that? You really are a piece of shit -- and I hope your account is being closely monitored. Who knows what you're capable of doing?

So you retort with hate back?

im not sure that's going to persuade anyone

I am trying not to hate those who hate hate.
Left wing hate crime.

MSM will freak out about this HATE CRIME.....right?

Rep. Mark Walker says gunman targeted congressional baseball practice 'to kill as many Republican members as possible'

Shortly after the shooting Wednesday morning at a congressional baseball practice, Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) told NBC News that it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible." Walker, who was at the practice for the upcoming annual congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, confirmed he was "shaken but okay."

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.

Lying about this tragedy really doesn't help.


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Nice try. ALL of the hate speech and incitement is coming from the right. Just take a look at this cesspool of a forum and right wing hate blogs.

Bullshite! The Democrats have set out on an incitement campaign unlike anything ever seen before. Their rhetoric and behavior is shameful. More Democrat nutters are gonna act on their incitement if something isn't done soon. They are out of control at this point. Time to reign em in.

You got it backwards dude. These are the results of Trump amateurism, bigotry, racist, bully, hypocrite, liar, pussy grabbing animal. That's a fact.
Trump pathological liar speech are catered only to people like you and continue to divide this country. These are the results of Trump irresponsiblities.
His core supporters like the alt right movement, white supremacist, Infowars etc etc etc only catered to hate groups are on the rise because of Trump. Did he denounced all of them. Hell NO.

BTW----- I denounced any kind of criminality such as this guy Hodgkinson.
Did you denounce when Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks, Jeremy Christian murdered 2 Americans in Portland, Oregon?

MOST ESPECIALLY------ There are several RACIST members in this site and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. Do you denounce them or support them? If you support them then you are part of the problem.

Trump supporters aren't committing acts of violence.......and the Democrat National Committee was caught organizing violence at Trump rallies.....

You can lie all you want...but a bernie brown shirt shot those people today......a bernie supporter tried to assassinate Trump....a democrat, black lies matter sympathizer shot police in Dallas.....and black lies matter sympathizers have been shooting police for the last year.....

Whit supremacist, KKK, skin heads supported Trump------ Did not kill blacks?

The kkk are a democrat group.....likely paid by the democrat national committee and the hilary campaign...under the direction of bob craemer and scott foval to declare for Trump.....

Really? You should know better.

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

The Ku Klux Klan says it will hold a Trump victory parade in North Carolina
Yes it's time to held supporters of such groups accountable.
1. Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks.
2. Jeremy Christian in Portland, Oregon white supremacist stabbed 2 to death.
3. Adam Purington in Oathe, Kansas City killing 2 Indians Feb. 22/17.

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.

Hate to tell you this dood but this shooter is one of your guys. Wanna see how? Strap in.

--- Hodgkinson went out to this field shooting "Republicans", right? He first established, through the unimpeachable source of a bystander in a parking lot, that the team holding a practice was Republicans, and that's what he wanted. Didn't matter which Republicans were out there, didn't matter whether this Republican was more or less palatable than that Republian -- he just wanted "Republican" Congressmen, "Repubican" staffers, any available target that could be identified as "Republican". "Republican the label".

Whelp.......... that means he was using a Blanket Generalization Fallacy. He's shooting labels, not discrete individuals.

And that's exactly what you and the other partisan hack yahoos are doing in this thread and others --- Blanket Generalization and Composition Fallacies. So make no mistake -- this guy's on your team. That would be the team of the Dishonest Hacks. Be proud.

He was at Occupy Wall street protesting the 1%.......he was a bernie brown shirt........and he was a democrat socialist...just llike bernie......

The Trifecta of left wing hate and envy....

Like this one?

No...like this one....where bob craemer, and scott foval admit that they worked for the Democrat National Committee and the hilary campaign, with the full knowledge and support of President Obama....to incite actual violence at Trump rallies....both guys were guests of obama at the White House.....

Yeah right like the Pizzagate from Infowars a supporter and friend of Trump.

Pizzagate conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
Yes it's time to held supporters of such groups accountable.
1. Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks.
2. Jeremy Christian in Portland, Oregon white supremacist stabbed 2 to death.
3. Adam Purington in Oathe, Kansas City killing 2 Indians Feb. 22/17.

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.

Really? I mean REALLY?

Commission report: Hate crime in OC has spiked since Trump election

Trump’s election has created “safe spaces” for racists: Southern Poverty Law Center’s Heidi Beirich on the wave of hate crimes

Hate groups increase for second consecutive year as Trump electrifies radical right

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game before. So why is this year's game so different? The answer is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented hate propaganda campaign since Election Day. They should be ashamed of themselves. But somehow i doubt they are. They should be held accountable for their violent incitement.

Why this year so different? The rise of Trump and the rise of hatred and racism goes together.
The rise of hatred groups all over the country supported by Trump and people like you are accelerating at alarming rate. Are scary.

So you will expect a reversal hatred will grow until Trump a leader who don't give a shit start giving a shit about the rest of Americans.

No....the left wing expected to control the Supreme Court, Healthcare, to get rid of the 2nd Amendment and Freedom of religion and to flood red states with illegal aliens....then hilary lost and all of that slipped through your fingers...and you went nuts......and started beating people...and now killing people...

That's funny a paranoid like you are so scared someone will pull your dick from your pants.
Trump Healthcare is more like a garbage healthcare just for the sake of repealing Obamacare. No one is flooding this country with illegals that only came from lying Trump. Get rid freedom of religion? Link.
He has not even accomplished 75% of what he promised the first 100'days.

So how is he doing today? The lowest approval ratings ever for a president, anti Trump rally all over the country plus other countries, an embarrassment to the whole world, laughing at us , a puppet, lied who is paying for the wall, coward, lie lie lie and keep lying, sued and paid for fraud, hide his tax returns. I just got started.
Like i said, if the ugly incitement isn't evident to you, you may be a deranged Democrat worth keeping an eye on.

TRANSLATION: I'm a worthless mealy mouthed far right liar and I've been caught in a lie, and to try to weasel my way out of it I'm going to deflect the attention to the guy calling me on my lie.

Yeah, you do sound like one of those extremist Democrat nutters worth keeping an eye on. You probably belong to some of the same Democrat Anti-GOP hate groups this asshole belonged to.

The only one worth keeping an eye on is you. So far, you've managed to spew nothing but far right hate speech. You're blaming the act of one shooter on the entire Democrat party. What sort of cretin does that? You really are a piece of shit -- and I hope your account is being closely monitored. Who knows what you're capable of doing?

So you retort with hate back?

im not sure that's going to persuade anyone

I am trying not to hate those who hate hate.

Then start by looking at yourself in front of a mirror.
TRANSLATION: I'm a worthless mealy mouthed far right liar and I've been caught in a lie, and to try to weasel my way out of it I'm going to deflect the attention to the guy calling me on my lie.

Yeah, you do sound like one of those extremist Democrat nutters worth keeping an eye on. You probably belong to some of the same Democrat Anti-GOP hate groups this asshole belonged to.

The only one worth keeping an eye on is you. So far, you've managed to spew nothing but far right hate speech. You're blaming the act of one shooter on the entire Democrat party. What sort of cretin does that? You really are a piece of shit -- and I hope your account is being closely monitored. Who knows what you're capable of doing?

So you retort with hate back?

im not sure that's going to persuade anyone

I am trying not to hate those who hate hate.

Then start by looking at yourself in front of a mirror.

Don't hate. Hate Hate. Don't be a hate hate haters. I hate those people.
Left wing hate crime.

MSM will freak out about this HATE CRIME.....right?

Rep. Mark Walker says gunman targeted congressional baseball practice 'to kill as many Republican members as possible'

Shortly after the shooting Wednesday morning at a congressional baseball practice, Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) told NBC News that it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible." Walker, who was at the practice for the upcoming annual congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, confirmed he was "shaken but okay."

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.

Now you have my attention.

When Dylan Roof, Jeremy Christian and Purrington massacred or murdered people just for the sake of hatred ---------Is it fair to say then that Trump and his supporters are responsible for these kind carnage?

Before you go all over the place. I want you to answer this question.

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