Anyone who's been paying attention, knew this violence was coming. Democrats have set out on a mission to incite, unlike anything ever seen before. They're completely out of control. I've been saying along that their rhetoric and behavior has been flat-out dangerous. So this shooting doesn't surprise me at all. I expect more Democrats to act on the incitement. Democrats need to start being held accountable. Period, end of story.

What does this incident have to do with "Democrats"?

Is your tiny little mind actually so tiny that any of the millions opposed to Rump must be a "Democrat"?
Is everybody on the planet either a "Democrat" or "Republican" in that tiny little mind?

Have any clue what a Composition Fallacy is? Yes I think you do indeed. You're just blissfully ignorant that it IS a fallacy.

The asshole was a member of several Democrat Anti-GOP hate groups. He was no doubt inspired to kill Republicans by his Democrat heroes he saw on the Idiot Box.

This awful tragedy is a direct result of round-the-clock hysterical Democrat incitement. This kind of attack was inevitable. I've been saying that for months. It's time to reign Democrats in. If not, more folks are gonna die.

Bullshit. Again -- stop your fucking lying. There is no "round the clock democrat incitement" you liar.

It's out of control. Democrat rhetoric and behavior since Election Day has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. It's been a constant barrage of hysterical incitement. This kind of attack was inevitable. And there will likely be more if Democrats aren't reigned in.
Bullshite! The Democrats have set out on an incitement campaign unlike anything ever seen before. Their rhetoric and behavior is shameful. More Democrat nutters are gonna act on their incitement if something isn't done soon. They are out of control at this point. Time to reign em in.

Post evidence of "the democrats" setting out on an incitement campaign. And when you can't do that -- shut the fuck up. Liar.

If it isn't evident to you, you might be one of those deranged Democrats worth keeping a close eye on. Democrat rhetoric and behavior since Election Day has been dangerously shameful. They need to be reigned in. If not, more Democrat nutters are gonna act on their incitement. More folks are gonna die.

Just as I thought. You've got nothing. Now, kindly shut the fuck up -- liar.

Like i said, if the ugly incitement isn't evident to you, you may be a deranged Democrat worth keeping an eye on.

TRANSLATION: I'm a worthless mealy mouthed far right liar and I've been caught in a lie, and to try to weasel my way out of it I'm going to deflect the attention to the guy calling me on my lie.

Yeah, you do sound like one of those extremist Democrat nutters worth keeping an eye on. You're probably a member of some of the same Democrat Anti-GOP hate groups this asshole was a member of.
Post evidence of "the democrats" setting out on an incitement campaign. And when you can't do that -- shut the fuck up. Liar.

If it isn't evident to you, you might be one of those deranged Democrats worth keeping a close eye on. Democrat rhetoric and behavior since Election Day has been dangerously shameful. They need to be reigned in. If not, more Democrat nutters are gonna act on their incitement. More folks are gonna die.

Just as I thought. You've got nothing. Now, kindly shut the fuck up -- liar.

Like i said, if the ugly incitement isn't evident to you, you may be a deranged Democrat worth keeping an eye on.

TRANSLATION: I'm a worthless mealy mouthed far right liar and I've been caught in a lie, and to try to weasel my way out of it I'm going to deflect the attention to the guy calling me on my lie.

Yeah, you do sound like one of those extremist Democrat nutters worth keeping an eye on. You probably belong to some of the same Democrat Anti-GOP hate groups this asshole belonged to.

The only one worth keeping an eye on is you. So far, you've managed to spew nothing but far right hate speech. You're blaming the act of one shooter on the entire Democrat party. What sort of cretin does that? You really are a piece of shit -- and I hope your account is being closely monitored. Who knows what you're capable of doing?
We need to use this as an opportunity for healing. We can't turn this into a left vs right thing. One man did this. Let's stop it before thousands are doing it


Exactly this is (yet another) opportunity to self-reflect and analyze why polarization exists to this degree.

But unfortunately that's not what the OP and others from his shallow end of the gene puddle are here for. He's here to go "me too" on that polarization and to do everything he can do prolong it.
I have no doubt the hacks were disappointed when they rushed to the internet and found the shooter isn't a Muslim.

No doubt at all.
I doubt anyone thought a Muslim did this.

I knew the minute that it was reported that was either a BLM thug or a white liberal looney tune.
Didn't Tim Kaine say the snowflakes needed to "take the fight to the streets"?

Rhetoric like that made this gunman act.
Incitement. Democrats, whether they be Celebrities or Politicians, need to start being held accountable for their incitement. It's time.

Yes it's time to held supporters of such groups accountable.
1. Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks.
2. Jeremy Christian in Portland, Oregon white supremacist stabbed 2 to death.
3. Adam Purington in Oathe, Kansas City killing 2 Indians Feb. 22/17.
Words matter. Maybe the left should tone down their assassination rhetoric so they don't create more snowflake nut jobs that go on shooting sprees.
Anyone who's been paying attention, knew this violence was coming. Democrats have set out on a mission to incite, unlike anything ever seen before. They're completely out of control. I've been saying along that their rhetoric and behavior has been flat-out dangerous. So this shooting doesn't surprise me at all. I expect more Democrats to act on the incitement. Democrats need to start being held accountable. Period, end of story.

What does this incident have to do with "Democrats"?

Is your tiny little mind actually so tiny that any of the millions opposed to Rump must be a "Democrat"?
Is everybody on the planet either a "Democrat" or "Republican" in that tiny little mind?

Have any clue what a Composition Fallacy is? Yes I think you do indeed. You're just blissfully ignorant that it IS a fallacy.

The asshole was a member of several Democrat Anti-GOP hate groups. He was no doubt inspired to kill Republicans by his Democrat heroes he saw on the Idiot Box.

This awful tragedy is a direct result of round-the-clock hysterical Democrat incitement. This kind of attack was inevitable. I've been saying that for months. It's time to reign Democrats in. If not, more folks are gonna die.

Bullshit. Again -- stop your fucking lying. There is no "round the clock democrat incitement" you liar.

It's 24/7....

What you forgot about the 3 stooges of Obama, Hillary and Eric Holders resistance?


Words matter. Maybe the left should tone down their assassination rhetoric so they don't create more snowflake nut jobs that go on shooting sprees.
They're doing the same thing they do after a jihadist atrocity: Deflect, pivot, attack.
Incitement. Democrats, whether they're Celebrities or Politicians, need to start being held accountable for their incitement. It's time.

Yeah, we can start with Trump. Whether he's inciting violence at his rallies and offering to pay legal fees for assault, or his hate speech on twitter, his divisive, hate speech has got to stop.

This shooting is a direct result of round-the-clock Democrat incitement. It's time to step up and start holding them accountable for their violent rhetoric. They're completely out of control. If something isn't done soon, more folks are gonna die.

Nice try. ALL of the hate speech and incitement is coming from the right. Just take a look at this cesspool of a forum and right wing hate blogs.

Bullshite! The Democrats have set out on an incitement campaign unlike anything ever seen before. Their rhetoric and behavior is shameful. More Democrat nutters are gonna act on their incitement if something isn't done soon. They are out of control at this point. Time to reign em in.

You got it backwards dude. These are the results of Trump amateurism, bigotry, racist, bully, hypocrite, liar, pussy grabbing animal. That's a fact.
Trump pathological liar speech are catered only to people like you and continue to divide this country. These are the results of Trump irresponsiblities.
His core supporters like the alt right movement, white supremacist, Infowars etc etc etc only catered to hate groups are on the rise because of Trump. Did he denounced all of them. Hell NO.

BTW----- I denounced any kind of criminality such as this guy Hodgkinson.
Did you denounce when Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks, Jeremy Christian murdered 2 Americans in Portland, Oregon?

MOST ESPECIALLY------ There are several RACIST members in this site and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. Do you denounce them or support them? If you support them then you are part of the problem.
Incitement. Democrats, whether they be Celebrities or Politicians, need to start being held accountable for their incitement. It's time.

Yes it's time to held supporters of such groups accountable.
1. Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks.
2. Jeremy Christian in Portland, Oregon white supremacist stabbed 2 to death.
3. Adam Purington in Oathe, Kansas City killing 2 Indians Feb. 22/17.

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.
Incitement. Democrats, whether they're Celebrities or Politicians, need to start being held accountable for their incitement. It's time.

Yeah, we can start with Trump. Whether he's inciting violence at his rallies and offering to pay legal fees for assault, or his hate speech on twitter, his divisive, hate speech has got to stop.

This shooting is a direct result of round-the-clock Democrat incitement. It's time to step up and start holding them accountable for their violent rhetoric. They're completely out of control. If something isn't done soon, more folks are gonna die.

Nice try. ALL of the hate speech and incitement is coming from the right. Just take a look at this cesspool of a forum and right wing hate blogs.

Bullshite! The Democrats have set out on an incitement campaign unlike anything ever seen before. Their rhetoric and behavior is shameful. More Democrat nutters are gonna act on their incitement if something isn't done soon. They are out of control at this point. Time to reign em in.

You got it backwards dude. These are the results of Trump amateurism, bigotry, racist, bully, hypocrite, liar, pussy grabbing animal. That's a fact.
Trump pathological liar speech are catered only to people like you and continue to divide this country. These are the results of Trump irresponsiblities.
His core supporters like the alt right movement, white supremacist, Infowars etc etc etc only catered to hate groups are on the rise because of Trump. Did he denounced all of them. Hell NO.

BTW----- I denounced any kind of criminality such as this guy Hodgkinson.
Did you denounce when Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks, Jeremy Christian murdered 2 Americans in Portland, Oregon?

MOST ESPECIALLY------ There are several RACIST members in this site and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. Do you denounce them or support them? If you support them then you are part of the problem.

Clearly you're an extremist Democrat who will have to be kept an eye on. You're likely a member of some of the same Democrat Anti-GOP hate groups this asshole was a member of. This awful Democrat incitement since Election Day, is unprecedented and very dangerous. It's gonna have to be addressed.
We need to capture the hearts and minds of butthurt snowflakes so their violence does not spread.

it's not their fault...it's our fault for doing mean things to them in the past.

This guy is a freedom fighter in the eyes of the left. We shouldn't criticize the shooter, but instead our own ideology that MADE the shooter commit this act. he had no other choice.

Am saying that right, snowflakes?

What would you guys say if this guy was MUSLIM instead of an "OLD WHITE MALE"?
Incitement. Democrats, whether they be Celebrities or Politicians, need to start being held accountable for their incitement. It's time.

Yes it's time to held supporters of such groups accountable.
1. Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks.
2. Jeremy Christian in Portland, Oregon white supremacist stabbed 2 to death.
3. Adam Purington in Oathe, Kansas City killing 2 Indians Feb. 22/17.

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.

Hate to tell you this dood but this shooter is one of your guys. Wanna see how? Strap in.

--- Hodgkinson went out to this field shooting "Republicans", right? He first established, through the unimpeachable source of a bystander in a parking lot, that the team holding a practice was Republicans, and that's what he wanted. Didn't matter which Republicans were out there, didn't matter whether this Republican was more or less palatable than that Republican -- he just wanted "Republican" Congressmen, "Republican" staffers, any available target that could be identified as "Republican". "Republican the label".

Whelp.......... that means he was using a Blanket Generalization Fallacy. He's shooting labels, not discrete individuals. He's acting on the premise "all Republicans bad". That's the though process of a fucking moron.

And that's exactly what you and the other partisan hack yahoos are doing in this thread and others --- Blanket Generalization and Composition Fallacies. So make no mistake -- this guy's on your team. That would be the team of the Dishonest Hacks working tirelessly to divide people.

Your teammate. Be proud.
Incitement. Democrats, whether they be Celebrities or Politicians, need to start being held accountable for their incitement. It's time.

Yes it's time to held supporters of such groups accountable.
1. Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks.
2. Jeremy Christian in Portland, Oregon white supremacist stabbed 2 to death.
3. Adam Purington in Oathe, Kansas City killing 2 Indians Feb. 22/17.

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.

Hate to tell you this dood but this shooter is one of your guys. Wanna see how? Strap in.

--- Hodgkinson went out to this field shooting "Republicans", right? He first established, through the unimpeachable source of a bystander in a parking lot, that the team holding a practice was Republicans, and that's what he wanted. Didn't matter which Republicans were out there, didn't matter whether this Republican was more or less palatable than that Republian -- he just wanted "Republican" Congressmen, "Repubican" staffers, any available target that could be identified as "Republican". "Republican the label".

Whelp.......... that means he was using a Blanket Generalization Fallacy. He's shooting labels, not discrete individuals.

And that's exactly what you and the other partisan hack yahoos are doing in this thread and others --- Blanket Generalization and Composition Fallacies. So make no mistake -- this guy's on your team. That would be the team of the Dishonest Hacks. Be proud.

He was at Occupy Wall street protesting the 1%.......he was a bernie brown shirt........and he was a democrat socialist...just llike bernie......

The Trifecta of left wing hate and envy....
Incitement. Democrats, whether they're Celebrities or Politicians, need to start being held accountable for their incitement. It's time.

Yeah, we can start with Trump. Whether he's inciting violence at his rallies and offering to pay legal fees for assault, or his hate speech on twitter, his divisive, hate speech has got to stop.

This shooting is a direct result of round-the-clock Democrat incitement. It's time to step up and start holding them accountable for their violent rhetoric. They're completely out of control. If something isn't done soon, more folks are gonna die.

Nice try. ALL of the hate speech and incitement is coming from the right. Just take a look at this cesspool of a forum and right wing hate blogs.

Bullshite! The Democrats have set out on an incitement campaign unlike anything ever seen before. Their rhetoric and behavior is shameful. More Democrat nutters are gonna act on their incitement if something isn't done soon. They are out of control at this point. Time to reign em in.

You got it backwards dude. These are the results of Trump amateurism, bigotry, racist, bully, hypocrite, liar, pussy grabbing animal. That's a fact.
Trump pathological liar speech are catered only to people like you and continue to divide this country. These are the results of Trump irresponsiblities.
His core supporters like the alt right movement, white supremacist, Infowars etc etc etc only catered to hate groups are on the rise because of Trump. Did he denounced all of them. Hell NO.

BTW----- I denounced any kind of criminality such as this guy Hodgkinson.
Did you denounce when Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks, Jeremy Christian murdered 2 Americans in Portland, Oregon?

MOST ESPECIALLY------ There are several RACIST members in this site and they are so proud of it since Trump was elected. Do you denounce them or support them? If you support them then you are part of the problem.

Trump supporters aren't committing acts of violence.......and the Democrat National Committee was caught organizing violence at Trump rallies.....

You can lie all you want...but a bernie brown shirt shot those people today......a bernie supporter tried to assassinate Trump....a democrat, black lies matter sympathizer shot police in Dallas.....and black lies matter sympathizers have been shooting police for the last year.....
Incitement. Democrats, whether they be Celebrities or Politicians, need to start being held accountable for their incitement. It's time.

Yes it's time to held supporters of such groups accountable.
1. Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks.
2. Jeremy Christian in Portland, Oregon white supremacist stabbed 2 to death.
3. Adam Purington in Oathe, Kansas City killing 2 Indians Feb. 22/17.

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.

Hate to tell you this dood but this shooter is one of your guys. Wanna see how? Strap in.

--- Hodgkinson went out to this field shooting "Republicans", right? He first established, through the unimpeachable source of a bystander in a parking lot, that the team holding a practice was Republicans, and that's what he wanted. Didn't matter which Republicans were out there, didn't matter whether this Republican was more or less palatable than that Republican -- he just wanted "Republican" Congressmen, "Republican" staffers, any available target that could be identified as "Republican". "Republican the label".

Whelp.......... that means he was using a Blanket Generalization Fallacy. He's shooting labels, not discrete individuals. He's acting on the premise "all Republicans bad". That's the though process of a fucking moron.

And that's exactly what you and the other partisan hack yahoos are doing in this thread and others --- Blanket Generalization and Composition Fallacies. So make no mistake -- this guy's on your team. That would be the team of the Dishonest Hacks. Be proud.

You're living in denial. The Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign since Election Day. They are responsible for this brutal attack. I just hope they begin to be held accountable for their actions.
Incitement. Democrats, whether they be Celebrities or Politicians, need to start being held accountable for their incitement. It's time.

Yes it's time to held supporters of such groups accountable.
1. Dylan Roof massacred 9 blacks.
2. Jeremy Christian in Portland, Oregon white supremacist stabbed 2 to death.
3. Adam Purington in Oathe, Kansas City killing 2 Indians Feb. 22/17.

There's never been an incident at this charity baseball game. So why was this year so different? The difference is, the Democrats have embarked on an unprecedented incitement campaign. Their rhetoric and behavior since Election Day, has been incredibly dangerous and shameful. They need to be held accountable. But will they? I doubt it.

Really? I mean REALLY?

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