DC Protests Draw 2 Million

The answer is THERE WERE NO PROTESTS because it was a REPUBLICAN who doubled the national debt? Where were the protests during REAGAN? Where were the protests during Bush Sr?

I too would like links to those tea bagger type protests during the Reagan and Bush(s) administrations.
See, there are these concepts called sets. They can intesect or not. We have two sets of persons in this problem - those who sympathize with the spending protesters on 9/12 and those who were against the war. Believing that there is no intersection or even an insignificant intersection is nonsense.
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Good to see liberals and independents be a major part of these Tea Parties. Many did not want to see GOP there either. Bush left with a two percent approval rating because the entire nation was dissatisfied with his spending and government expansion. Now, Democrats just scrubbing that wound with spending insanity, and it's getting worse. I don't think anyone in government has any inclination of paying off the deficit, the rich will get richer, and we will be weaker to fix it.
The answer is THERE WERE NO PROTESTS because it was a REPUBLICAN who doubled the national debt? Where were the protests during REAGAN? Where were the protests during Bush Sr?
How very illogical of you. If you think that there were no folks who protested the wars because of spending, you haven't really applied an ounce of critical thought.
As far as all these crazy-assed lies aboutu "2 million people" being at the Tea Party Protests are concerned...

As we discussed earlier on this thread, but people just seemed to ignore:

1. The city of Washington DC was PARALYZED by the inauguration crowds, which numbered 1.8 million. Extra police and other civil services had to be called in for crowd control and to take care of other city needs. Traffic within the city was just not happening, and traffic in a 30 mile radius was completely out-of-control. Any crowd over 1 million would have caused the same effects. NONE OF THESE THINGS HAPPENED THIS WEEKEND. Period.

2. The supposed "source" for the 2 million number was a supposed spokesman for the Parks Services named "Dan Bana". There is in fact no spokesman for the Parks Services named Dan Bana, instead there is a chief spokesman named "Dave Barna". As seen here. Who has specifically stated in at least one past interview, concerning the Obama Inauguration, that the Parks department does not make estimates of this type. As seen here.

3. The ONLY reliable report of crowd size was reported by ABC News, who received a crowd size estimate from the DC Fire/EMC Department, and that was "around 60-70 Thousand" at approximately 11:30 AM. As seen here.

4. Even the organizers of the protest, FreedomWorks, admitted that the crowds were nowhere near their original estimates, and apologized for mis-quoting ABC News with a 1.2 Million person quote. As seen here. FreedomWorks later posted a corrected, perhaps still overly-optimistic un-official estimate of "Hundreds of Thousands" on their site.

Doesn't it bother any of you right-wingers that you are continuously lied to about such a large variety of things, of which this is just the latest?

As a side note, I'd like to say that: since right-wing posters are re-posting the same claims over and over again even when proven wrong, I'm just going to copy and paste this post in response to any repeats, rather than wasting my time re-writing the same damn thing.
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The answer is THERE WERE NO PROTESTS because it was a REPUBLICAN who doubled the national debt? Where were the protests during REAGAN? Where were the protests during Bush Sr?

I too would like links to those tea bagger type protests during the Reagan and Bush(s) administrations.
See, there are these concepts called sets. They can intesect or not. We have two sets of persons in this problem - those who sympathize with the spending protesters on 9/12 and those who were against the war. Believing that there is no intersection or even an insignificant intersection is nonsense.

I still would like to see links to those tea bagger type protests during the Reagan and Bush(s) adminstrations.
Many who were against the war were for spending reasons. You didn't listen.

I was personally at many of those rallies, and helped organize one or two of them.

NO-ONE at any of them was "against the war for spending reasons", and not one of them was EVER a libertarian or a Non-Moderate-Republican, which the vast majority of the people at the Tea Party rallies were.

Nice try though.
As far as all these crazy-assed lies aboutu "2 million people" being at the Tea Party Protests are concerned...

As we discussed earlier on this thread, but people just seemed to ignore:

1. The city of Washington DC was PARALYZED by the inauguration crowds, which numbered 1.8 million. Extra police and other civil services had to be called in for crowd control and to take care of other city needs. Traffic within the city was just not happening, and traffic in a 30 mile radius was completely out-of-control. Any crowd over 1 million would have caused the same effects. NONE OF THESE THINGS HAPPENED THIS WEEKEND. Period.

2. The supposed "source" for the 2 million number was a supposed spokesman for the Parks Services named "Dan Bana". There is in fact no spokesman for the Parks Services named Dan Bana, instead there is a chief spokesman named "Dave Barna". As seen here. Who has specifically stated in at least one past interview, concerning the Obama Inauguration, that the Parks department does not make estimates of this type. As seen here.

3. The ONLY reliable report of crowd size was reported by ABC News, who received a crowd size estimate from the DC Fire/EMC Department, and that was "around 60-70 Thousand" at approximately 11:30 AM. As seen here.

4. Even the organizers of the protest, FreedomWorks, admitted that the crowds were nowhere near their original estimates, and apologized for mis-quoting ABC News with a 1.2 Million person quote. As seen here. FreedomWorks later posted a corrected, perhaps still overly-optimistic un-official estimate of "Hundreds of Thousands" on their site.

Doesn't it bother any of you right-wingers that you are continuously lied to about such a large variety of things, of which this is just the latest?

As a side note, I'd like to say that: since right-wing posters are re-posting the same claims over and over again even when proven wrong, I'm just going to copy and paste this post in response to any repeats, rather than wasting my time re-writing the same damn thing.

I would like to piggy back on concerning the "claims" that the Teabaggers are neater people than those at the Inauguration. People are only as neat as they can be while the trash can infrastructure is able to keep up and is not overtaxed. That infrastructure was horribly overwhelmed with the numbers at the Inauguration EVEN WHEN they knew LOTS of people were coming.

That same infrastructure was NOT overtaxed with the teabagger protest. And I would wager a guess, they did no special planning to "beef" up the system for the weekend either.

There simply was NOT ENOUGH CROWDS to overtax the system. Comprende?
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I ask ONCE AGAIN.......Where were the PROTESTS!!!
And your question is a stupid question as it is based on a faulty assumption. No wonder you don't get an answer. Your 'reasoning' is cringeworthy.

Seems like he asked a perfectly reasonable question to me.
Since Bush was spending like a madman, along with his Republican Congress, how come these people weren't out there picketing and protesting in DC during the Bush administration?

Again show a Bush annual deficit at 1.8 trillion dollars?[/QUOTE]

I can show a Bush TOTAL Debt of at least 5.1 Trillion Dollars.

And much of the current deficit is INTEREST ON THAT DEBT.
I too would like links to those tea bagger type protests during the Reagan and Bush(s) administrations.
See, there are these concepts called sets. They can intesect or not. We have two sets of persons in this problem - those who sympathize with the spending protesters on 9/12 and those who were against the war. Believing that there is no intersection or even an insignificant intersection is nonsense.

I still would like to see links to those tea bagger type protests during the Reagan and Bush(s) adminstrations.
I'm really wondering what is so difficult to understand. The innane claim by CF is that no one was concerned about spending during the last administration thus he concludes that this is somehow hypocritical. It's not as there were plenty who protested the war because of spending. Now you ask for links to a group called tea party-likes who existed at that time?

Let's call tea-party-likes as ones who are against idiotic spending (which is what they are). The war was protested for several reasons, one of which was spending. Do you dispute that? Because I really have no idea why you ask for some link to war protesters.
I ask ONCE AGAIN.......Where were the PROTESTS!!!
And your question is a stupid question as it is based on a faulty assumption. No wonder you don't get an answer. Your 'reasoning' is cringeworthy.

Seems like he asked a perfectly reasonable question to me.
Since Bush was spending like a madman, along with his Republican Congress, how come these people weren't out there picketing and protesting in DC during the Bush administration?
Some were. Many were against the war because of spending. Do you dispute this?
We should raise the deficit to 50 million, and have government run everything. Let's start printing money, and hope unemployment goes to 50%. We need more corruption too. Things are looking up.
As far as all these crazy-assed lies aboutu "2 million people" being at the Tea Party Protests are concerned...

As we discussed earlier on this thread, but people just seemed to ignore:

1. The city of Washington DC was PARALYZED by the inauguration crowds, which numbered 1.8 million. Extra police and other civil services had to be called in for crowd control and to take care of other city needs. Traffic within the city was just not happening, and traffic in a 30 mile radius was completely out-of-control. Any crowd over 1 million would have caused the same effects. NONE OF THESE THINGS HAPPENED THIS WEEKEND. Period. ....
*sigh* And, the city was paralyzed because there were road closures before Inauguration day; because there were more road closures during Inauguration day than on Saturday; it was paralyzed because pedestrians were so restricted as to where they could be at any given time; because pedestrian traffic was very restricted; because some Metro stations were closed; it is SOP to call in extra police and emergency services during an Inauguration; and because there were a lot of persons there.

The 30-mile radius claim is nothing I experienced at all. Hell, traffic was fine even in Arlington that afternoon.

Incomplete analysis.
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Awesome, looks like they are debating sending more troops to go fight the drug war against poor people in Afghanistan.

Where are the anti-war protesters today? Did Obama castrate them?

Maybe the Dem neocons will invade Iran and North Korea. Let's see.

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