DC Protests Draw 2 Million

Keep lying about who we are and I'll keep posting the truth. Calling me names like racist wont silence me, I don't fear you or your mis-characterizations and outright lies about who we are.

i guess that was a generic you.
he gets the benefit of the doubt, but pilgrim sounds quite unhinged.

Yes it was a generic "you" I edited it back in when i re-read my post and realized it looked like i was calling you out specifically. Sorry about the confusion.

I'm not unhinged just annoyed at all the lies, much like I was annoyed at all the anti-bush/anti-iraq protesters being called unamerican a few years ago. Its the media's complicity in these types of lies about average americans that piss me off.
Tea Party Express Takes Washington By Storm - Political News - FOXNews.com

Fox News is probably the #1 Right Wing outlet today in the U.S. What would be their motivation to downplay such numbers?

Managing Expectations: Crowd Size for D.C. Rally Sparks Fight - Washington Wire - WSJ

Organizers are playing down the likely attendance—publicly, at least—hoping the crowd will be enormous and surprise the public with the magnitude of the movement’s appeal. A spokesman for FreedomWorks, one of the groups organizing the march, said a conservative estimate was that 20,000 to 30,000 protestors would show up.
“Now, based off of news reports and comments from leaders in the Tea Party movement, it looks like Saturday’s event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to two million people,” Doug Thornell, communications director for Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D., Md.), wrote in a short memo to other congressional offices. He provided links to claims of massive turnout made internally by supporters of the rally.

The two million estimate seems unlikely. Officials in Washington, D.C., estimated that 1.8 million people flocked to the city for President Barack Obama’s inauguration.

It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

Does it really matter, if there 2 million or not? There were tons of people marching on the Mall that were pissed about an out of control and unresponsive government.
Tea Party Express Takes Washington By Storm - Political News - FOXNews.com

Fox News is probably the #1 Right Wing outlet today in the U.S. What would be their motivation to downplay such numbers?

Managing Expectations: Crowd Size for D.C. Rally Sparks Fight - Washington Wire - WSJ

Organizers are playing down the likely attendance—publicly, at least—hoping the crowd will be enormous and surprise the public with the magnitude of the movement’s appeal. A spokesman for FreedomWorks, one of the groups organizing the march, said a conservative estimate was that 20,000 to 30,000 protestors would show up.
“Now, based off of news reports and comments from leaders in the Tea Party movement, it looks like Saturday’s event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to two million people,” Doug Thornell, communications director for Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D., Md.), wrote in a short memo to other congressional offices. He provided links to claims of massive turnout made internally by supporters of the rally.

The two million estimate seems unlikely. Officials in Washington, D.C., estimated that 1.8 million people flocked to the city for President Barack Obama’s inauguration.

It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

Does it really matter, if there 2 million or not? There were tons of people marching on the Mall that were pissed about an out of control and unresponsive government.

Yes, it does matter. To me, "tons" of people would have to number in the tens of thousands. What does "tons" mean to you?
I'd say that's more appropriate for your side Ravi. You want to believe it's a fringe movement, so you do. Despite the evidence of your own eyes.
That would explain why Right wing rags like The American Thinker need to lie about a Park Service quote just to, er...what's the phrase "make up shit?"

You can easily see there were over 100,000 people there between 8 am and 11:30 and the event didn't even start till the afternoon. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoPud1TeubM&feature=channel_page]YouTube - 1.5 to 2 million march on Washington D.C Tea Party protest rally September 12 2009[/ame]

Its the left and media making up shit about who the Tea Party people truly are, once again for those who have yet to figure us out:

We want smaller not bigger government
We want economic responsibility from our democrats and republicans, no more gigantic deficit spending
We want lower taxes for ALL Americans, from poor to rich
And we want to vote out all the corrupt democrats and republicans from office, which means kicking every single senator and congressperson out of office in 2010 from either side and replacing them with new Democrats and Republicans.

Its not to hard to figure out if your honestly interested in what we are really about, or you can continue to mis-characterize us and misrepresent who we are since you are afraid of the grassroots uprising of average working citizens.

If you wanted economic responsibility from BOTH Republican AND Democrats you would have been marching EIGHT YEARS AGO!
You forgot the newest strategy: Accuse anyone who challenges Obama as being a racist

I guess you could call it new in a way since it's so blatent on their part these past few months, and in recent weeks...but heck? Thye've been doing that for Decades, and pretending all the while they were the compassionate ones.

Not only that....they still refuse to admit that they founded the Ku Klux Klan and Senator Byrd (D) was a ranking member actively recruiting new members.

This horseshit has been going on far too long. Now it seems that's all they have left. The Democrats certainly don't have the best interests of the country in mind otherwise they would be trying to curb spending and rooting out the hundreds of billions of dollars in fraud from Medicare/Medicaid. I think this would demonstrate Obama's "Change" slogan and perhaps he would get some support for his agenda from the majority of Americans instead of the left wing loon fringers.

If you want to go back and hold people in the DNC responsible today for the KKK in the 1800s, then I will suppose you support slave reparations. That is, if you are at all consistant in your stands. :eusa_whistle:
So you wish death, and advocate murdering the people who went to DC? :cuckoo:

It would be a much better country without them. They willfully do harm on all of us...all of the time. They are an infestation of ignorance. They are the pawns of the corporotacracy not true citizens in that they believe in thier idioligy more than the country. Oh and by the way they feel the same way about me. No mercy. Everyone has the right to self defense no more them than I.

Then you wish me dead, or you would like me to be murdered. Because I was there. I do not wish harm on any of my American brothers or sisters, I wish them freedom from tyranny. I will fight to my death for freedom because freedom is in our DNA. Freedom is not some distant illusion that we as Americans have not enjoyed in this country for over 200 years. It must be defended and protected, it is who we are, it is what we are. There have always been battles politically and otherwise to keep our Constitution relevent.

Look...Pixie..if that is your real name....it's nothing personal. I don't wish YOU dead. I wish those that think and act like you dead. You choose to do your harm wether you acknowlege it or not. Some people feel its thier right to drink and drive. If you met one or if I met one it ya might hit it off. Thats not the point. You put yourself in the sights by being destructive and in some cases lethal. You talk about serious issues with no regard for fact or fellow citizen. You are selfish to a felony. You choose this and I refuse to tolorate a clear and present threat to me ..my fellow citizens or my country. ..no matter how cute your name is.

To many americans health care for all is a matter of life and death. You choose they die...I say your kind should be the ones pushing up daiseys.
:clap2: LOL! You guys keep topping yourself for idiocy. I especially love the part where you spin the lack of trash to mean that rightwing nuts are so anal that they actually retain their own waste! :lol::lol::lol:
keep proving yourself a moron ravi

they didnt LITTER in the first place

they didn't LITTER because they stayed at home, figuring why go there, let's just claim there were 2 million protestors later, blame the liberal media for not reporting that fact, and then hop along merrily. that's good for the environment, saves gas too.
If the trash cans are not over taxed, then MOST people will put their trash in them. If there are too many people for the trash cans...as anyone has seen at events without the infrastructure system to keep up with the numbers of people, then trash ends up all over the place.

Once again, the comments about no trash PROVE that the Washington infrastructure was not overtaxed, was not overwhelmed...like it was at the Inauguration.
I dare you communist loving, marxist enabling obamatrons to watch this video

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UULBKgxRGk]YouTube - march on washington dc 9/12 taxpayer march on dc tea party protest[/ame]

Don't choke :tongue:
keep proving yourself a moron ravi

they didnt LITTER in the first place

they didn't LITTER because they stayed at home, figuring why go there, let's just claim there were 2 million protestors later, blame the liberal media for not reporting that fact, and then hop along merrily. that's good for the environment, saves gas too.

But fact remains? Despite the Number? Those REAL citizens cleaned up after themselves versus the MESS left by the Bamster's NEW Subjects...

Checkmate. You lose.

And if they cleaned up after themselves, they put the trash in trashcans...which were not overtaxed.

(BTW, I speak as a person who used to run the Volunteer Program for several San Diego area events which included getting out the trash cans and keeping up on emptying them. If there are TOO MANY people for the system to keep up with, the trash will end up all over the place.)
Tea Party Express Takes Washington By Storm - Political News - FOXNews.com

Fox News is probably the #1 Right Wing outlet today in the U.S. What would be their motivation to downplay such numbers?

Managing Expectations: Crowd Size for D.C. Rally Sparks Fight - Washington Wire - WSJ

It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

Does it really matter, if there 2 million or not? There were tons of people marching on the Mall that were pissed about an out of control and unresponsive government.

Yes, it does matter. To me, "tons" of people would have to number in the tens of thousands. What does "tons" mean to you?

It would seem quite a few people agree with these few 10's of thousands or "tons" of millions people. See...
Poll: Deficit more worrisome than health care - On Politics - USATODAY.com
A Quinnipiac University poll released today suggests the public continues to be wary of health care legislation as members of Congress work through the August recess to sell President Obama's plan to voters. For instance, the poll finds that more people (55%) are worried about the effect a health care overhaul will have on the deficit than people who are concerned the legislation won't be approved (35%). Click here for a summary of the poll.

More than seven in 10 voters said they do not believe Obama will keep his promise to overhaul health care without adding to the deficit and 52% said they disapprove of the way Obama is handling the issue. There are also positive signs for Obama and Democrats who support the bills in Congress. People like many of the ideas included in the House version of the bill. For instance:

• 62% support the government-run, "public" insurance option;

• 61% back higher taxes on the wealthy to pay for the bill;

• 60% are in favor of providing subsidies to help individuals making up to $43,000 pay for insurance;

•54% support requiring businesses to provide insurance or pay a fine.
If you wanted economic responsibility from BOTH Republican AND Democrats you would have been marching EIGHT YEARS AGO!

I was protesting the patriot act and Bush's defecit spending....I also protested him signing in the stupid bailouts.

Just so you're not confused, the TEA party people are about:

smaller not bigger government
economic responsibility from our democrats and republicans, no more gigantic deficit spending
lower taxes for ALL Americans, from poor to rich
We want to vote out all the corrupt democrats and republicans from office, which means kicking every single senator and congressperson out of office in 2010 from either side and replacing them with new Democrats and Republicans.

Oh and the whole racial misconceptions about who we are should stop, for example one of the smaller TEA gathering's keynote speakers was.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msT1W2WCp2Y]YouTube - St. Louis Tea Party Opening Remarks - Kevin Jackson[/ame]
That would explain why Right wing rags like The American Thinker need to lie about a Park Service quote just to, er...what's the phrase "make up shit?"

You can easily see there were over 100,000 people there between 8 am and 11:30 and the event didn't even start till the afternoon. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoPud1TeubM&feature=channel_page]YouTube - 1.5 to 2 million march on Washington D.C Tea Party protest rally September 12 2009[/ame]

Its the left and media making up shit about who the Tea Party people truly are, once again for those who have yet to figure us out:

We want smaller not bigger government
We want economic responsibility from our democrats and republicans, no more gigantic deficit spending
We want lower taxes for ALL Americans, from poor to rich
And we want to vote out all the corrupt democrats and republicans from office, which means kicking every single senator and congressperson out of office in 2010 from either side and replacing them with new Democrats and Republicans.

Its not to hard to figure out if your honestly interested in what we are really about, or you can continue to mis-characterize us and misrepresent who we are since you are afraid of the grassroots uprising of average working citizens.

If you wanted economic responsibility from BOTH Republican AND Democrats you would have been marching EIGHT YEARS AGO!
And how do you know that ones who protested on 9/12 were not protesting spending during the last administration? I know I was. I know others were.
If you wanted economic responsibility from BOTH Republican AND Democrats you would have been marching EIGHT YEARS AGO!

I was protesting the patriot act and Bush's defecit spending....I also protested him signing in the stupid bailouts.

Just so you're not confused, the TEA party people are about:

smaller not bigger government
economic responsibility from our democrats and republicans, no more gigantic deficit spending
lower taxes for ALL Americans, from poor to rich
We want to vote out all the corrupt democrats and republicans from office, which means kicking every single senator and congressperson out of office in 2010 from either side and replacing them with new Democrats and Republicans.

Oh and the whole racial misconceptions about who we are should stop, for example one of the smaller TEA gathering's keynote speakers was.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msT1W2WCp2Y]YouTube - St. Louis Tea Party Opening Remarks - Kevin Jackson[/ame]

I ask AGAIN where were you during the BUSH Presidency?
People claim that the Tea Parties are about taxes.......That is TOTAL BS and all you have to do to know that is to look at the signs. The Tea Parties are about OBAMA and the Democrats. The Tea Parties are a LIE!!!

He is the scapegoat for all our issues as he is the big chief right now...it sucks i know but him pelosi and reid are the big 3 in charge of the legislature and executive branches so Obama will get the heat for the next 3+ years and pelosi and reid will get the heat till they are voted out.

I know it sucks when you like the president and we are all up his butt over this stuff constantly, but thats just the way it is for the next 3+ years.
If you wanted economic responsibility from BOTH Republican AND Democrats you would have been marching EIGHT YEARS AGO!

I was protesting the patriot act and Bush's defecit spending....I also protested him signing in the stupid bailouts.
Just so you're not confused, the TEA party people are about:

smaller not bigger government
economic responsibility from our democrats and republicans, no more gigantic deficit spending
lower taxes for ALL Americans, from poor to rich
We want to vote out all the corrupt democrats and republicans from office, which means kicking every single senator and congressperson out of office in 2010 from either side and replacing them with new Democrats and Republicans.

Oh and the whole racial misconceptions about who we are should stop, for example one of the smaller TEA gathering's keynote speakers was.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msT1W2WCp2Y]YouTube - St. Louis Tea Party Opening Remarks - Kevin Jackson[/ame]

I ask AGAIN where were you during the BUSH Presidency?

There i changed the font in case you missed it the first time.

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