DC Protests Draw 2 Million

The truth will win out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as in the thousands, a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying “It is a record…. We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever.”
Ha hA.

Another lying report from the Con Cons.

sure he's quoted as saying that. IN JANUARY. lol.

And it's Mr. Barna, not Bana (they even got the name wrong).

"Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record

January 22, 2009

WASHINGTON - The National Park Service says it will rely on a media report that says 1.8 million people attended President Obama's inauguration.

David Barna, a Park Service spokesman, said the agency did not conduct its own count. Instead, it will use a Washington Post account that said 1.8 million people gathered on the US Capitol grounds, National Mall, and parade route.

"It is a record," Barna said. "We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever."

Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record - The Boston Globe

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The truth will win out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as in the thousands, a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying “It is a record…. We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever
Ha hA.

Another lying report from the Con Cons.

sure he's quoted as saying that. IN JANUARY. lol.

And it's Mr. Barna, not Bana (they even got the name wrong).

"Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record

January 22, 2009

WASHINGTON - The National Park Service says it will rely on a media report that says 1.8 million people attended President Obama's inauguration.

David Barna, a Park Service spokesman, said the agency did not conduct its own count. Instead, it will use a Washington Post account that said 1.8 million people gathered on the US Capitol grounds, National Mall, and parade route.

"It is a record," Barna said. "We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever."

Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record - The Boston Globe

It doesn't matter...they want to believe, so they do. :lol:
I'd say that's more appropriate for your side Ravi. You want to believe it's a fringe movement, so you do. Despite the evidence of your own eyes.
The truth will win out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as in the thousands, a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying “It is a record…. We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever
Ha hA.

Another lying report from the Con Cons.

sure he's quoted as saying that. IN JANUARY. lol.

And it's Mr. Barna, not Bana (they even got the name wrong).

"Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record

January 22, 2009

WASHINGTON - The National Park Service says it will rely on a media report that says 1.8 million people attended President Obama's inauguration.

David Barna, a Park Service spokesman, said the agency did not conduct its own count. Instead, it will use a Washington Post account that said 1.8 million people gathered on the US Capitol grounds, National Mall, and parade route.

"It is a record," Barna said. "We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever."

Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record - The Boston Globe

It doesn't matter...they want to believe, so they do. :lol:
Even if it means lying to do so.

That quote takes "out of context" to a whoooole different level.
I'd say that's more appropriate for your side Ravi. You want to believe it's a fringe movement, so you do. Despite the evidence of your own eyes.
That would explain why Right wing rags like The American Thinker need to lie about a Park Service quote just to, er...what's the phrase "make up shit?"
I talk to real liberals everyday, not radicals, many of who agree with us so called righties, that our government is totally out of control, and they are mad as hell

You liberals who are online blogging and otherwise lying, are not speaking for those Americans. You are making excuses and are obamatrons on the highest order. You do not speak for them. I guarandamntee you!

The liars and the liars who lie the lies are not the majority. The majority are just now waking up, and it is making your job a little tougher, but the media is your ally not the majority of Americans. The media is in the obama, acorn, and anti American tank

It really is that simple
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The truth will win out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as in the thousands, a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying “It is a record…. We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever
Ha hA.

Another lying report from the Con Cons.

sure he's quoted as saying that. IN JANUARY. lol.

And it's Mr. Barna, not Bana (they even got the name wrong).

"Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record

January 22, 2009

WASHINGTON - The National Park Service says it will rely on a media report that says 1.8 million people attended President Obama's inauguration.

David Barna, a Park Service spokesman, said the agency did not conduct its own count. Instead, it will use a Washington Post account that said 1.8 million people gathered on the US Capitol grounds, National Mall, and parade route.

"It is a record," Barna said. "We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever."

Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record - The Boston Globe


No wonder the only hits I could get on Bana were a couple hundred rightwing propaganda sites.

lol, they can't even bother to try to make their lies undetectable anymore.
The truth will win out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as in the thousands, a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying “It is a record…. We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever
Ha hA.

Another lying report from the Con Cons.

sure he's quoted as saying that. IN JANUARY. lol.

And it's Mr. Barna, not Bana (they even got the name wrong).

"Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record

January 22, 2009

WASHINGTON - The National Park Service says it will rely on a media report that says 1.8 million people attended President Obama's inauguration.

David Barna, a Park Service spokesman, said the agency did not conduct its own count. Instead, it will use a Washington Post account that said 1.8 million people gathered on the US Capitol grounds, National Mall, and parade route.

"It is a record," Barna said. "We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever."

Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record - The Boston Globe


No wonder the only hits I could get on Bana were a couple hundred rightwing propaganda sites.

lol, they can't even bother to try to make their lies undetectable anymore.

I love this one from fivethirtyeight:

Size Matters; So Do Lies

"...But yesterday, someone told a real whopper. ABC News, citing the DC fire department, reported that between 60,000 and 70,000 people had attended the tea party rally at the Capitol. By the time this figure reached Michelle Malkin, however, it had been blown up to 2,000,000. There is a big difference, obviously, between 70,000 and 2,000,000. That's not a twofold or threefold exaggeration -- it's roughly a thirtyfold exaggeration.

The way this false estimate came into being is relatively simple: Matt Kibbe, the president of FreedomWorks, lied, claiming that ABC News had reported numbers of between 1.0 and 1.5 million when they never did anything of the sort. A few tweets later, the numbers had been exaggerated still further to 2 million. Kibbe wasn't "in error", as Malkin gently puts it. He lied. He did the equivalent of telling people that his penis is 53 inches long."

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Size Matters; So Do Lies
Ha hA.

Another lying report from the Con Cons.

sure he's quoted as saying that. IN JANUARY. lol.

And it's Mr. Barna, not Bana (they even got the name wrong).

"Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record

January 22, 2009

WASHINGTON - The National Park Service says it will rely on a media report that says 1.8 million people attended President Obama's inauguration.

David Barna, a Park Service spokesman, said the agency did not conduct its own count. Instead, it will use a Washington Post account that said 1.8 million people gathered on the US Capitol grounds, National Mall, and parade route.

"It is a record," Barna said. "We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever."

Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record - The Boston Globe


No wonder the only hits I could get on Bana were a couple hundred rightwing propaganda sites.

lol, they can't even bother to try to make their lies undetectable anymore.

And still, the Pixie persists.


Even Malkin, as fivethirtyeight relays, has corrected herself.

The story from the linked article above continues:

"...Malkin, who to her credit later corrected the error, frets that it might be used to by liberals to "discredit the undeniably massive turnout". She's right to be worried -- it absolutely will be used that way. If you don't want to be discredited, then don't, as Kibbe did, tell a ridiculous (and easily disprovable) lie.

Malkin herself did not lie; she merely repeated a lie. It does not particularly call into question her character. It does, however, call into question her judgment. The reason is that if there had in fact been 2 million protesters in Washington yesterday, there would have been no need to lie about it -- the magnitude of the protests would have been self-evident. I was in Washington for the inauguration, an event at which there really were almost 2 million people present -- and let me tell you, it was a Holy Mess. Hotels, charging double or treble their usual rates, were booked weeks in advance. Major stations on the Metro system were shut down for hours at a time. The National Guard was brought in. At least 3,000 people got stuck in a tunnel. Essentially the entirely of the National Mall, from the Capitol to the Washington Monument, was dotted with onlookers. Heaps of trash were left behind. The entire city was basically a warzone for a period of about 20 hours, from midnight through mid-evening.
I'd say that's more appropriate for your side Ravi. You want to believe it's a fringe movement, so you do. Despite the evidence of your own eyes.
That would explain why Right wing rags like The American Thinker need to lie about a Park Service quote just to, er...what's the phrase "make up shit?"

You can easily see there were over 100,000 people there between 8 am and 11:30 and the event didn't even start till the afternoon. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoPud1TeubM&feature=channel_page]YouTube - 1.5 to 2 million march on Washington D.C Tea Party protest rally September 12 2009[/ame]

Its the left and media making up shit about who the Tea Party people truly are, once again for those who have yet to figure us out:

We want smaller not bigger government
We want economic responsibility from our democrats and republicans, no more gigantic deficit spending
We want lower taxes for ALL Americans, from poor to rich
And we want to vote out all the corrupt democrats and republicans from office, which means kicking every single senator and congressperson out of office in 2010 from either side and replacing them with new Democrats and Republicans.

Its not to hard to figure out if your honestly interested in what we are really about, or you can continue to mis-characterize us and misrepresent who we are since you are afraid of the grassroots uprising of average working citizens.
I'd say that's more appropriate for your side Ravi. You want to believe it's a fringe movement, so you do. Despite the evidence of your own eyes.
That would explain why Right wing rags like The American Thinker need to lie about a Park Service quote just to, er...what's the phrase "make up shit?"

You can easily see there were over 100,000 people there between 8 am and 11:30 and the event didn't even start till the afternoon. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoPud1TeubM&feature=channel_page]YouTube - 1.5 to 2 million march on Washington D.C Tea Party protest rally September 12 2009[/ame]

Its the left and media making up shit about who the Tea Party people truly are, once again for those who have yet to figure us out:

We want smaller not bigger government
We want economic responsibility from our democrats and republicans, no more gigantic deficit spending
We want lower taxes for ALL Americans, from poor to rich
And we want to vote out all the corrupt democrats and republicans from office, which means kicking every single senator and congressperson out of office in 2010 from either side and replacing them with new Democrats and Republicans.

Its not to hard to figure out if your honestly interested in what we are really about, or you can continue to mis-characterize us and misrepresent who we are since you are afraid of the grassroots uprising of average working citizens.

i guess you posted this video 2 million times now. i once asked you to explain why you are able to estimate the number of the crowd in this video. maybe i missed your answer, maybe you did not answer.

why do you think you can adequately estimate the number of the crowd in your video?
i guess you posted this video 2 million times now. i once asked you to explain why you are able to estimate the number of the crowd in this video. maybe i missed your answer, maybe you did not answer.

why do you think you can adequately estimate the number of the crowd in your video?

I'll keep posting the video as many times as nitwits keep posting their whiney lies and bogus characterizations of tea party people. I keep posting it because its actual footage that people can look at and judge for themselves what the number was.

It was an easy 100,000-200,000.....why did people lie I have no explanation other than the people who lied about it are idiots. FOX news even said 70,000.

I myself said 100,000 would be a huge success and it looks like from that time lapse of the AM that there were at least that many.

Keep lying about who we are and I'll keep posting the truth. Calling me names like racist wont silence me, I don't fear you or your mis-characterizations and outright lies about who we are. (This is a general statement not specifically meant for L.K.)
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Here, then, are 10 Lessons for Tea Baggers:

1. President Obama Cut Your Taxes
2. The Stimulus is Working
3. First Ronald Reagan Tripled the National Debt...
4. ...Then George W. Bush Doubled It Again
5. Republican States Have the Worst Health Care
6. Medicare is a Government Program
7. Barack Obama is Not a Muslim
8. Barack Obama was Born in the United States
9. 70,000 Does Not Equal 2,000,000
10. The Economy Almost Always Does Better Under Democrats

1. President Obama Cut Your Taxes
That would explain why Right wing rags like The American Thinker need to lie about a Park Service quote just to, er...what's the phrase "make up shit?"

You can easily see there were over 100,000 people there between 8 am and 11:30 and the event didn't even start till the afternoon. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoPud1TeubM&feature=channel_page]YouTube - 1.5 to 2 million march on Washington D.C Tea Party protest rally September 12 2009[/ame]

Its the left and media making up shit about who the Tea Party people truly are, once again for those who have yet to figure us out:

We want smaller not bigger government
We want economic responsibility from our democrats and republicans, no more gigantic deficit spending
We want lower taxes for ALL Americans, from poor to rich
And we want to vote out all the corrupt democrats and republicans from office, which means kicking every single senator and congressperson out of office in 2010 from either side and replacing them with new Democrats and Republicans.

Its not to hard to figure out if your honestly interested in what we are really about, or you can continue to mis-characterize us and misrepresent who we are since you are afraid of the grassroots uprising of average working citizens.

i guess you posted this video 2 million times now. i once asked you to explain why you are able to estimate the number of the crowd in this video. maybe i missed your answer, maybe you did not answer.

why do you think you can adequately estimate the number of the crowd in your video?

I debunked them once already, here:


You don't have to estimate that crowd, it's a known number - 100,000 (107,000 to be exact) Now if that HUGE a crowd is only 100,000, imagine what 1/2 a million would look like, or a million, or 2 million - as I said - 20 times that stadium photo to get to 2 million.
Here, then, are 10 Lessons for Tea Baggers:

1. President Obama Cut Your Taxes
2. The Stimulus is Working
3. First Ronald Reagan Tripled the National Debt...
4. ...Then George W. Bush Doubled It Again
5. Republican States Have the Worst Health Care
6. Medicare is a Government Program
7. Barack Obama is Not a Muslim
8. Barack Obama was Born in the United States
9. 70,000 Does Not Equal 2,000,000
10. The Economy Almost Always Does Better Under Democrats

1. President Obama Cut Your Taxes

President bush cut my taxes more than obama did. I make 5 figures and bush's tax cuts gave me 24 more dollars a week, the one from obama gave me 6 bucks. When he lets bush's expire obama will have effectively hiked the taxes on my 5 figure salary by $18/week.

I think you have some stuff wrong about us too, we dont like the corrupt republicans as much as we dont like the corrupt democrats.

In case you missed it the tea party people:

Want smaller not bigger government
Want economic responsibility from our democrats and republicans, no more gigantic deficit spending
Want lower taxes for ALL Americans, from poor to rich
Want to vote out all the corrupt democrats and republicans from office, which means kicking every single senator and congressperson out of office in 2010 from either side and replacing them with new Democrats and Republicans.

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i guess you posted this video 2 million times now. i once asked you to explain why you are able to estimate the number of the crowd in this video. maybe i missed your answer, maybe you did not answer.

why do you think you can adequately estimate the number of the crowd in your video?

I'll keep posting the video as many times as nitwits keep posting their whiney lies and bogus characterizations of tea party people. I keep posting it because its actual footage that people can look at and judge for themselves what the number was.

It was an easy 100,000-200,000.....why did people lie I have no explanation other than the people who lied about it are idiots. FOX news even said 70,000.

I myself said 100,000 would be a huge success and it looks like from that time lapse of the AM that there were at least that many.

Keep lying about who we are and I'll keep posting the truth. Calling me names like racist wont silence me, I don't fear you or your mis-characterizations and outright lies about who we are.

one tiny little problem with your video is the title. 1.5 to 2 million.

and you should be mad at those who discredited "your movement" by spreading ridiculous exaggerations.

that invites mockery.

so why do you avoid my question?

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