DC Protests Draw 2 Million

Far greater numbers than anyone was expecting, it seems. These protests have tapped a nerve...

Here's another estimate, I think that it is very funny that these estimates are coming in from 75,000 to 2 million, even O'Reily low balled it and said 75,000, I think he needs to look at the pictures.


and onother, I like the post down at the bottom of the link stating that we need a counting czar, we should get a better number about this turnout, there had to be some airial shots taken and from those they will get a more accurate measure. Anyway you look at it, it was huge and not something that our congress and senate can or should ignore. This will only get much bigger should Obama stay to the far left and not move to the center on policy issues.

Jill Stanek - Photos of DC Tea Party: thousands or millions?

Very impressive crowd sizes on the links with PICTURES you provided.

These liberals are trying to subtract numbers to "balance" their theories. I guess they have been taking math lessions from Barack Obama.---:lol:

Now all of these Americans have been called "racists"--by the Obama media networks--which in includes CNN--ABC--NBC--MSNBC--CBS--along with Joe Wilson. It's really an insult to our intelligence. These stations have their LIPS glued to Obama's ass. They no longer report the news--they make it up. Odd that they attacked Joe Wilson--but never mentioned section 1702 of HR3200 that would have included health care coverage to illegals. Maybe Van Jones--is really running the main stream media now-a-days?--

Campbell Brown on CNN, just like Don Lemon, is preparing to paint ALL of the D.C. protesters as racist. I'm watching it now in Guam.
No Democrat ever shouted “liar” at W. when he was hawking a fake case for war in Iraq — Some people just can’t believe a black man is president and will never accept it.

No...they Just applauded interrupting his speech during a SOTU Address to the Nation...

And why did OBAMA make this speech? Simple? To tell the people...

"We don't CARE what you people THINK...WE are gonna do this with or without you..." [/paraphrase of Bammies Speech]

Now? If Obama was so damned sure of his Majority? Why wasn't it passed BEFORE the Congressional break? Republicans don't have the power...but they are daily accused of Obstruction...

Really? They don't have the numbers to OBSTRUCT anything do they?

You have some homework to do sport...

And incidently? I wasn't kidding about the Democrats interrupting Bushs' SOTU speech...and guess who was front Aisle doing it?




And BTW? Encircled? Is your Messiah, Your King Dictator OBAMA. Right up FRONT making trouble with his fellow Statists.


applauded interrupting his speech. Now, applauding is "interrupting."

Here's another estimate, I think that it is very funny that these estimates are coming in from 75,000 to 2 million, even O'Reily low balled it and said 75,000, I think he needs to look at the pictures.


and onother, I like the post down at the bottom of the link stating that we need a counting czar, we should get a better number about this turnout, there had to be some airial shots taken and from those they will get a more accurate measure. Anyway you look at it, it was huge and not something that our congress and senate can or should ignore. This will only get much bigger should Obama stay to the far left and not move to the center on policy issues.

Jill Stanek - Photos of DC Tea Party: thousands or millions?

Very impressive crowd sizes on the links with PICTURES you provided.

These liberals are trying to subtract numbers to "balance" their theories. I guess they have been taking math lessions from Barack Obama.---:lol:

Now all of these Americans have been called "racists"--by the Obama media networks--which in includes CNN--ABC--NBC--MSNBC--CBS--along with Joe Wilson. It's really an insult to our intelligence. These stations have their LIPS glued to Obama's ass. They no longer report the news--they make it up. Odd that they attacked Joe Wilson--but never mentioned section 1702 of HR3200 that would have included health care coverage to illegals. Maybe Van Jones--is really running the main stream media now-a-days?--

Campbell Brown on CNN, just like Don Lemon, is preparing to paint ALL of the D.C. protesters as racist. I'm watching it now in Guam.

Unbelievable isn't it? Yet the only racism we have seen--has come from this administration--by Obama thrashing the Cambridge police department--while he admitted in 1st sentence that he knew nothing of the case--& in the very next sentence supporting his buddy Professor Gates. Needless to mention his most latest appointment Van Jones--who is on record for stating that "white" poluters were dumping crap in black neighborhoods--& we really can't forget about Rev. Wright--Obama's 20 year pastor & what he thought about whites.

Yet, someone "opposes" Obama's policies--or calls him out on a statement like Joe Wilson did--along with tens of thousands of protestors & they're all racists---:eusa_whistle:

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Thinking Americans like us see right through this blatant attempt at garnering sympathy for the "plight of the black man." I for one am sick and tired of the African American community always portraying themselves as the poor victims of whitey while they sell death to America's children in the school yards, murder each other at the drop of a hat, call each other the "n" word, women bitches, sing about embracing the life of a thug and then blaming it all on "the Man" aka White America.
Thinking Americans like us see right through this blatant attempt at garnering sympathy for the "plight of the black man." I for one am sick and tired of the African American community always portraying themselves as the poor victims of whitey while they sell death to America's children in the school yards, murder each other at the drop of a hat, call each other the "n" word, women bitches, sing about embracing the life of a thug and then blaming it all on "the Man" aka White America.

The good news is there were blacks in the protestor crowds in D.C. over the weekend. One black woman stated she supported Obama & voted for him--but has turned against him because of what he is doing. She stated this isn't the change she expected or wanted.

At my local tea party protest--we had one great black conservative speaker.
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Over 300 million people chose NOT to demonstrate against Obama while 2 million extremists demonstrated against Obama.
Over 300 million people chose NOT to demonstrate against Obama while 2 million extremists demonstrated against Obama.

We need to give the government more of our paychecks, and build a deficit that we'll never see paid for in our lifetimes so the rich can be rich. Screw the extremists. Who's in? Are you with me Democrats? Follow me! Heyooooooo!!! (off the cliff)
keep proving yourself a moron ravi

they didnt LITTER in the first place

they didn't LITTER because they stayed at home, figuring why go there, let's just claim there were 2 million protestors later, blame the liberal media for not reporting that fact, and then hop along merrily. that's good for the environment, saves gas too.

But fact remains? Despite the Number? Those REAL citizens cleaned up after themselves versus the MESS left by the Bamster's NEW Subjects...

Checkmate. You lose.
:lol: Oh my! These "conservatives" are so divine...as opposed to the smelly, sinky Obama supporters. You people continue to top yourselves, I'm beginning to suspect you are DNC sock puppets.

What a total laugh riot this thread is.
they didn't LITTER because they stayed at home, figuring why go there, let's just claim there were 2 million protestors later, blame the liberal media for not reporting that fact, and then hop along merrily. that's good for the environment, saves gas too.

But fact remains? Despite the Number? Those REAL citizens cleaned up after themselves versus the MESS left by the Bamster's NEW Subjects...

Checkmate. You lose.
:lol: Oh my! These "conservatives" are so divine...as opposed to the smelly, sinky Obama supporters. You people continue to top yourselves, I'm beginning to suspect you are DNC sock puppets.

What a total laugh riot this thread is.

Actually, whether those protesters cleaned up after themselves or not, I don't know. But I do know that the Obama supporters left our local streets a huge mess, beer cans and trash filled the streets in most areas. It cost twice as much to clean up after his election than it normally does after our Pride Parade, only there were no donations for the election disaster.

What a fucking word.


Free people voted President Obama in, and free people protest.


What a fucking word.

Try saying in in North Korea or Iran.

God fucking dam free is good.
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But fact remains? Despite the Number? Those REAL citizens cleaned up after themselves versus the MESS left by the Bamster's NEW Subjects...

Checkmate. You lose.
:lol: Oh my! These "conservatives" are so divine...as opposed to the smelly, sinky Obama supporters. You people continue to top yourselves, I'm beginning to suspect you are DNC sock puppets.

What a total laugh riot this thread is.

Actually, whether those protesters cleaned up after themselves or not, I don't know. But I do know that the Obama supporters left our local streets a huge mess, beer cans and trash filled the streets in most areas. It cost twice as much to clean up after his election than it normally does after our Pride Parade, only there were no donations for the election disaster.

Thats pretty funny kitten. Most of your neighbors are ahlkys pimps ho's homeless and crack dealers. A real "exclusive" neighborhood....:lol::lol::lol: I'm sure those beer cans didn't last long after the shopping cart people swarmed to get the recyclables...and the last drops of beer.
What was accomplished by this march anything? I guess some businesses got a boost. The boost is a good thing for the economy.

The Government was put on NOTICE by the people. That's what was accomplished...and yes your point is good too. Some people got some business boost...but guess where it came from? WE, The People...and isn't that what makes this economy soar in the first place?

It sure as Hell isn't Government intrusion.
Explain please just how is the government made up? people=government
Bet they didn't pay in food stamps either.

Notice the marginalization going on in this thread? It's as I always say of our Liberal Brothers/Sisters?

Blame/Minimize/Deny/Obfuscate. It's how they operate to win any argument, even if they KNOW they're wrong.

plus they never win the arguments because sooner or later their arguments always fail

We won this argument. There is NO credible evidence that 2 million people showed up.
So...2 million conservatives show up, and how many conservative politicians? Like, 5?

And how many of conservatism's great leaders in the media showed up?
What was accomplished by this march anything? I guess some businesses got a boost. The boost is a good thing for the economy.

The Government was put on NOTICE by the people. That's what was accomplished...and yes your point is good too. Some people got some business boost...but guess where it came from? WE, The People...and isn't that what makes this economy soar in the first place?

It sure as Hell isn't Government intrusion.
Explain please just how is the government made up? people=government

People = Government

Equal = More Than Equal

Rule of Law = Exempt and Privileged

Proletarian and Peasant = The Party Class
Regardless of the numbers being what they are, and neither side being credible in the count, the sentiment is profound.
Over 300 million people chose NOT to demonstrate against Obama while 2 million extremists demonstrated against Obama.

It was actually only 60 or 70 thousand.

Only Republicans can start counting at 1 and after 70,000 numbers, end up at 2 million.
The truth will win out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as in the thousands, a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying “It is a record…. We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever
The truth will win out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as in the thousands, a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying “It is a record…. We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever
Kayne West agrees. He put the number in the trillions. I wonder what Micky Mouse has to say on the subject?

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